[其它考试]上海2011导游员考试 英语 上海概况课件.ppt

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1、上海概况 An Overview of Shanghai 要点提示,赵宝国,结构与考试要点,地理位置 名称来历 历史沿革 政府与市花 城市特点(经济) 文化人口 生活条件 旅游资源,位置、地形、气候、河流 上海、沪、申 建城、开埠、解放、开放 白玉兰、区县、面积 经济、国际化、四大中心 多元、2220万 住房、医疗、交通 五大区,So this is Shanghai! Excitement, imagination, hopes,城市地位 Summarize the features of Shanghai.,Cosmopolitan city特质 One of the four munic

2、ipalities政治 The biggest city 规模 Capital of commerce and finance功能 Fascinating city 印象 Colonial past特点,The Paris of the East The Pearl of the Orient The Paradise for the Adventurers,Location, Pacific coast Midway Estuary,Geographical features,Islands Yangtze Valley Peninsula Surrounded by waters Wate

3、r courses Alluvial flat land,全市面积7,037.50平方公里(2007年末,中国省级行政区第32名)。其中土地面积6,340.5平方公里,水域面积697平方公里,市区面积2,648.6平方公里,建成区面积860.2平方公里,Climate, Subtropical monsoon Rainy season,Name,春申,Name,沪,历史evolutionary stages1 History?,Early days: a fishing village Hu 沪(渎)-short name Shen 申-nickname In 1267: a market t

4、own with port Shanghai (上海浦) In 1291: a county was set up (as a port) In 16th century: center of textile Late 17th & 18th centuries: coastal trade and international commerce Mid-19th -mid-20th century: a Treaty Port with concessions Mixed life & expanding urban area,Watershed分水岭 Deposit沉积 Seat治所 Mac

5、ro-region 地区 Tonnage 吨位 Pluck out挑选 Migrant移民 Refinement优雅 Decadence颓废 Gaiety狂欢 Stylishness时尚 Renounce 放弃 Claim权利(宣称的),历史evolutionary stages2,Mid-20th century: Transformation 1950s-1980s : center of national economy Since 1990: April 18 new transformation Three changes Trafficreconstruction environm

6、ent Pudong,Mecca圣地 Made in Shanghai Embark开始 Frenzy狂乱 Glittering引人注目的 Radically 根本上 Elevated高架 Shanty棚屋 Raze拆毁 Peripheral外围的 Earmark专门拨款 Marshland滩涂,沼泽,City flower,White magnolia Spring Upright Pioneering,Government,Municipality 17 divisions,Economic history,Fishing Port Textiles Trade Shipping Fina

7、nce Industrial base,Economic sectors,Three industries Agriculture 1 Industry 42 Service 57 Pillar sectors Manufacturing of electronic and info-tech products Auto making Petrochemical and fine chemical processing Fine steel products manufacturing Production of complete equipment biomedicine,Economic

8、power,GDP per-capita over $10,000 a quarter of national export earnings One-eighth of national revenue,Prospect,Four centers Economic Financial Trading Shipping,Economy,Bund Lujiazui,国际航运中心 Yangshan Airport,洋山保税港区,2020建成,人口文化-People and culture?,A city of immigrants 80% locals -immigrants Migrant wo

9、rkers Foreign expatriates A city of mixed culture North, south, west, east Eastern and Western Inclusiveness character Receptive Modern technological feats Initiative Fashion pursuit Its modernity and popularity Modern facilities Worldwide reputation,Inhabitants居民 Influx涌入 Surge奔涌 Endurance忍耐力 Darin

10、g spirit无畏 Streetcar有轨电车 Edifice大建筑物 The longest bar Movie studios Pepper with布满 Eclectic兼收并蓄的 Aerobics有氧操 Shanghai Circuit Tenor男高音 Musicals音乐剧 Sophistication精致,,上海市常住人口突破2300万 外来常住人口897.7万,占近4成 平均每户家庭2.49人 家庭户825.12万户, 家庭户总人口为2058.14万人 人口向郊区扩散 外来人口主要从事经济活动, 主要是15到44岁的青壮年 主要职业制造业、建筑业和商业服务业,Composit

11、ion of population,“十里洋场”,expatriate 上层侨民(主要来自英美两国,共有1万多人)主要居住在2个租界的西部以及越界筑路地段(今徐汇、长宁、静安区 中下层侨民日本人、澳葡、部分白俄难民、二战期间的犹太人难民、以及在公共租界担任巡捕的印度锡克人,都主要聚居在苏州河以北的虹口区 白俄难民在上海成功立足后,纷纷迁居法租界中部的霞飞路 广东籍买办、宁波籍商人 1860年,太平天国进攻苏州 江苏北部难民躲避家乡水灾 战争移民 虹口区四川北路 (广东) 闸北区、普陀区 (苏北) 杨浦区、虹口区(宁波 ) 上山下乡 台湾人、香港人 日本、韩国人很多都聚集在“古北 西方人陆续在上

12、海市长宁区和徐汇区集中,城市生活-Urban life?,Urbanization ratio85% Engle Coefficient 36.6% Housing condition Shikumen New apartments Low-rent policy Transportation Bikes Cars Metro&buses Medical service Hospitals of international standards Community-based medical centers Medical insurance coverage,81.28 Education s

13、ystem Compulsory education Academic and vocational Enrollment at college over 80% Cultural life Facilities Events,Ratio比率 HDI人类发展指数 Disposable income可支配收入 Engle coefficient恩格尔指数 Batch批 Life expectancy期望寿命 Infant mortality新生婴儿死亡率 Compulsory education义务教育 Consumption waste生活垃圾 Sewage treated污水处理 Patro

14、n顾客 Venue场馆 Top-notch高档,shikumen,Apartment,Bicycles,Cars & Buses,Metro,Medical centers,Medical Insurance,Education,Compulsory 99.9%,Academic Vocational,60% Gross Enrollment Ratio of Higher Education,Cultural life,旅游资源tourism?,A mixture of attractions Colonial architecture The Bund Chinese tradition

15、The old town Modernity Pudong area Commercial landmark Nanjing Road Old town Distribution of attractions The Bund The old town Peoples Square Xintiandi Pudong Jade Buddha Temple Longhua,Diverse多样的 Cathedral 大教堂 Prevalent普遍的 Quaint古色古香的,少见的 Thronged with挤满 Active temples有香火的 Paramount主要的 Manhattan曼哈顿

16、岛 Pop up出现 Evocative引人联想的 Racetrack跑马场 Scattering零星散布,Main points,the location of Shanghai its geographical features. how Shanghai got its name its short names of Shen and Hu. the climate in Shanghai the historical development of Shanghai city Economic history of Shanghai the economic sectors the pi

17、llar industries,the economic strength the character of the city the population of Shanghai major tourist attractions the city flower of Shanghai the colonial past of Shanghai The prospect of Shanghai the administrative system Urban life in Shanghai,3-minute speech -20-30sentences,Cover main points L

18、ocation (midway+estuary) Geographical features (flat+water) Climate (monsoon) History (town+city+concesion+reform) People (number+variety) Character (inclusive+modern) Government (province-level+17districts) City flower (magnolia+march+symbolism) Economy (sectors+pillars+prospect) Tourism (major) El

19、aborate on one point,翻译练习举例translation,建议全文试着翻译 视译也可,找出其中的难点做一下研究,If one simply counts heads, this is the biggest city in the biggest country on Earth, home to over 18 million citizens. If one simply scans statistics, this is Chinas capital of commerce, industry, and finance. But these do not tell t

20、he whole Shanghai story. For most people the very word “Shanghai” provokes excitement, stimulates the imagination, and raises hopes. “So this is Shanghai!” has been a usual exclamation of newcomers, both foreigners and the Chinese.,从人口来说,上海是世界上最大国家的最大城市,常住人口一千八百多万。从经济统计来看,上海是中国的金融、贸易和工业的中心。但是这些只是上海这

21、座城市的一部分特点。对大多数人来说,上海是一个点燃激情、创造梦想和充满希望的地方。无论是外宾还是外地人,初到上海总会由衷地感叹:“不愧是大上海”。,As a part of the alluvial Yangtze Delta, Shanghai is a low-lying region with an average altitude of 4 meters and features a web of rivers and canals. The city proper is located on the Huangpu River, a short but relatively deep

22、 tributary that joins the Yangtze near its mouth. With access to the sea on one hand and the great rivers on the other, Shanghai has served as the connecting point of communication and transport between southern and northern China as well as the gateway to the Yangtze valley, the richest region in C

23、hina.,上海是长江三角洲冲积带的一部分,地势低平,河网密布,平均海拔约4米。市区位于黄浦江两岸。黄浦江虽然不长,但河道较深,与长江在入海口交汇。上海外通海洋内联江河,既是南北交通运输的枢纽,又是富饶的长江流域的门户。,Over one thousand years ago, Shanghai was only a fishing village on the fresh watershed,beyond which the fishermen caught fish with a kind of device called Hu, from which the short name of

24、Shanghai was derived. As alluvial deposits from the Yangtze built the delta eastward, the estuary and the harbor were created. Commercial traffic began to treat Shanghai as the port of choice. A market town was established in 1267 on the bank of a river from which the name of Shanghai was derived. W

25、ith the ever-increasing importance of the market town, a new county was created in 1292 with Shanghai as its seat.,一千多年前,上海还只是一个小渔村。渔民们在新形成的分水岭外用一种叫做“沪”的工具捕鱼,“沪”后来也就成了上海的简称。随着长江冲积层不断地向东延伸,这里慢慢形成了河口和海港。上海也逐渐成为一个贸易的码头。1267年位于上海浦的村落正式成为上海镇。此后,上海的贸易不断扩大,1292年上海正式设县。,Over the course of the eighteenth cen

26、tury, Shanghai became increasingly engaged not only in Chinese internal and coastal trade but in commerce for international markets as well. Its role as exporter of finished products such as cotton cloth and silk and other handicraft manufactures brought in wealth that contributed to the local econo

27、my and helped stimulate the cities and countryside around it. In the opening decades of the 19th century, Shanghai was numbered among the twenty or so largest cities in China. Shanghais trade was boasting a tonnage comparable to, or even greater than, that of London.,十八世纪,上海的内河贸易、沿海贸易和海外贸易都得到了长足发展。上

28、海作为丝、棉制品和其他手工制品的出口基地刺激了当地经济的发展,也带动了周边城市和乡村经济的发展。在十九世纪初叶,上海跻身中国最大的二十个城市,上海的贸易吞吐量与伦敦相仿,甚至超过伦敦。,Using the cheap labor and their ever-increasing wealth from the opium trade, the foreigners had effectively plucked out prime locations in the suburbs of the Chinese City and established exclusive communitie

29、s, designed after their own countries and desirable to their needs. The establishment of the concessions resulted in the expansion of the urban area to many times of the old town. In the concessions, the local administration, from police and sanitation to roads and building regulations, was in foreign hands.,外国人利用他们在鸦片贸易中获得的巨额财富和当地廉价的劳动力,在中国人的老城外建起了属于自己的社区。这些社区按他们自己国家的风格设计,也为了满足他们自己的需要。租界的建立导致上海城区的面积扩张了许多倍。租界里,从治安、卫生到道路与房屋建设等市政管理权悉数落入外国人之手。,


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