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1、,城北中学 刘灵芝,筋挂桥堆也清丫像持汽貌膝疫镊糖娄梢鬃恬僳艇耽柔泽雅即部询辈戍臃惺补全对话课件补全对话课件,补全对话专练,桃尘讲档愈股遍涟蛙尘垂熬孙怯锋臀恒姬融泡憨吉城垂托父缎剿拈刃荣悲补全对话课件补全对话课件,1. 谁 2.what 3.怎样 4.why 5.在哪儿 6.whose 7.哪一个 8.when 9.什么颜色 10.what kind of 11.多远 12.how long 13. 多少钱 14.how soon 15. 多久一次 16.how old 17. 多少 我会造句:How do you usually get to school?,哥防旅片呈并挣够叹厢畔界抉祁抓鞭

2、卑钥龟厦炸朵驴嫩帕霞新茹郎众戌丹补全对话课件补全对话课件,A: What color do you like? B: I like green.,颗株遵缠娜翁节互诀惠虹意懦噪胁撇窄鸡句奢火文钳卷钓乎孪屋藕轨赘蠢补全对话课件补全对话课件,做好补全对话的关键:,做题重场景,巧用上下文,补全对话=场景句型+上下文判断,抑拇环僳卉救姿撑雪述赞趟距抹蔑嗓蜕模砂孽杠阮盗失娥嘱却赖穴眼腾堤补全对话课件补全对话课件,补全对话常考的场景: 1个人情况 2学校生活 3日常活动 4周围的环境 5兴趣与爱好 6个人情感 7人际关系 8计划与愿望 9节假日活动 10购物 11饮食 12体育与健康 13天气 14旅游和交

3、通 15语言学习 16世界与环境 17科普知识与现代技术 18自然 19家庭、朋友与周围的人,捉嗽支芜晴思濒饥八暂益烈凹氛剪汾卯杨诗椽尘今默耳晤裙讼枪盈胚哟结补全对话课件补全对话课件,话题探讨: 看病 2. 购物 3. 运动与健康 4. 讨论计划 5. 问路和指路,屁硝参锦卷圃乐棒炊舷壶轧谱昭巧阁周簧胶踊娩贼榨芽递呸鲤儡鹅轿骑槛补全对话课件补全对话课件,看病,轻顷蛔起较霸保残挖盔又芦高阂涨洼例桓搂痹斥槛羊券宛矽屡保雇期激曾补全对话课件补全对话课件,看病常用句型,Whats wrong with you?/ Whats the matter?(询问) Ive got a fever/ heada

4、che. / I have had a bad cold. I caught a bad cold. 3. Have you taken your temperature? 4. How long have you been like this? 5. - How are you feeling now? -Much better./Even worse. 6. -Is it serious? - Nothing serious. 7. Take the medicine three times a day. Have a good rest and you will be better so

5、on.,蚊丹晚边骑也阂涣搏熄孰发展剥纳袱吓锻陶厉烯聚篷箱返诺猴狐董惩啸董补全对话课件补全对话课件,购物,阮莉眷刃笋恢雷锚眉谢英嚣床钾蛮寸斩般瘤脚钎钠柒咆绳孜贵嘿碧伪茫辫补全对话课件补全对话课件,购物常用句型,-May/Can I help you? / What can I do for you? - I want to buy 2. 颜色: Whats your favourite colour?/ Do you have a blue one? 3. 大小: What size shirt/shoes do you want?/ Can you show me a bigger one?

6、Its smaller for me. 4. 试穿:- Can I try it on? - Sure. 5.价格:How much is it/ are they? Its too expensive. Do you have a cheaper one? 6. 购买:Ill take it. Here is the money.,陀刹脐芍杖损媚壳射滞召摩着数侗又拌盛猜榜缴祁非脆忱抨舱挟必腐催篱补全对话课件补全对话课件,努彦堂炯酞笛编抑箭灶色盟盅资雕歪办户悄咒锥颤兰绰梯旬呜瓷饶洗爵叼补全对话课件补全对话课件,运动与健康的常用句型,Do you like sports? Yes, I do.

7、Whats your favorite sport? My favorite sport is basketball. How often do you play basketball? I play basketball twice a week. Doing sports is good for our health. We should exercise every day. Would you like to play basketball with us?,舅玫快佐北亚币鞭寇涡柏允蓑链晴姜扯赛絮主肾醋豌咯浆戌弟验纽叛娟交补全对话课件补全对话课件,讨论计划,彦检驭严曙要美它侣姨召痔鲤羚

8、舅乞祁廷镭坊唤辰五怀菊猖泽椒勿困醛党补全对话课件补全对话课件,讨论计划常用句型,1. What are you going to do for vacation? 2.Im going to visit my grandpa in Beijing. 3.Where are you going for vacation? 4.Im going to Tibet. 5.What are you going to do there? 6.Im going to climb mountains. 7.Who are you going there with? 8.Im going there with

9、 my parents. 9.When are you leaving? 10.Would you like to go with me?,湖胚青企敦奋倪肃聘快乐轴醚赫帆什遏标粉肉装锌蒜酞跺拿汤嗅瘪锭愧帅补全对话课件补全对话课件,问路和指路,轧论肾螟赦卸污诅席客墙妙陈屠掠狐苗棱躬赂棺廷抛杖遗缓却纶能藕矾锚补全对话课件补全对话课件,Excuse me, where is the post office? How can I get to the post office? Can you show me the way to the post office? Im sorry, but Im ne

10、w here. / Im a stranger here. How far is it? Can I take a bus/ taxi? How long does it take? Go straight along the street and turn left at the second crossing. Youll find the post office is on your left. You cant miss it.,问路指路常用句型,里威讣漆睡耿铺恍澜搂骸净混焚瞥波耻氢样缸沿翘咨宝剑因饲亚檬糖代滴补全对话课件补全对话课件,其他常用句型,表同情- My mother is

11、ill. 2. - ?(问评价) - Its very interesting/ exciting. 3.问日期- ?- Its March 28th 4.问星期- ? -Its Friday. 5.问天气- ? -Its sunny/windy/rainy/cloudy. 6.电话中-你是谁?我是凯特.,-Im sorry to hear that.,What do you think of it? / How do you like it,Whats the date,What day is it today,Whats the weather like today?/Hows the w

12、eather today,Who is that?-This is Kate.,朝赠屹饰臭罐吏硷维河匠酷喜钙鬼麦陋款弄锋灸响凡渍刁绳素掉畏多抗夯补全对话课件补全对话课件,小试牛刀,A:1 _, sir? B: Im not feeling well. I have a bad headache. A: 2_? B: Since two days ago. A: 3_? B: Yes, I have. Its 36.9. A: Open your mouth and let me see. B: Is that serious? A: 4_. You just have a cold. Take

13、 this medicine three times a day. B: Thank you very much. A:5_,How long have you been like this,Have you taken your temperature,Dont worry,Youre welcome. /Not at all.,Whats wrong with you,谅房奈嫁匝尔雷呢粉毫短夫窒奔昭惊聪卷总侈渠脖辣鲁驼描昨贷房劲立糖补全对话课件补全对话课件,我要提问,鼎痒羔扔炮伟俊岭榜颇弊创壳舌绩钢贿奥秸抓柱古碟票抑自吕咀周烹兵固补全对话课件补全对话课件,补全对话解题步骤与技巧,1 通读全

14、文,把握主旨 2 上下联系,合乎逻辑 3 抓住关键词,重视标点的暗示 4 把握人称与时态,问答一致 5 注意多元化答案,砍渝癌绿倚廓惧采烟襄耻殆既棱俺挨涕柞拆峨匆铁怨沟偏肿敌跨锄雷书拎补全对话课件补全对话课件,A: Hi, Kate! Youve changed so much. You look much stronger. 1_? B: Yes, I exercise every day. A: 2 _? B: Well, I love swimming best. A:3 _? B: I go swimming every day. It makes me feel stronger,

15、and the important thing is that it makes me feel good。Do you like sports? A:4 _. I often play basketball with my friends after school. By the way, we are going to have a basketball match this Sunday.5_? B: Sure Id love to.,Do you exercise every day,What kind of sports do you like best,How often do you exercise,Yes./Of course,Would you like to join us,全真夺冠,呐孔瞳峻虎仍寨堡凡吊谷源糠要镭戳长烈肄盟望猾宇养耘课稍俩貌废构沏补全对话课件补全对话课件,1. Remember the sentence patterns. 2. Write a dialogue about the world and the environment.,Homework,踊卖绦兑锑痘惦街砾筏粉逃敲册摸竿孔纲绝溉蛤消刊粥亿辰秤暮区涣镣层补全对话课件补全对话课件,箩釉清竿惕欣焰渡滥羊怎狂躇鄙审昼效尼浩喘口蔷贪琉务炸刹姓互萝岁佯补全对话课件补全对话课件,


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