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1、problems that cannot be ignored. Some leaders unwilling to do masses work, masses concept weak, on masses feelings not deep, pendulum not are with masses of relationship, think masses work is revolutionary war era of things, now obsolete has, buried business work, ignored masses work of situation co

2、mpared General; some leaders not do masses work, old method regardless of with, new not with, not understand masses psychological, not understand masses wishes, not said masses language, work method simple stiff, caused masses of conflict and antipathy; some leaders cant do masses work, Faced with a

3、 lot of contradictions among the people worry about fear, panic set in encounter group events, and some are even mismanaged, inflame, so work has suffered heavy losses, and so on. These problems we are soberly aware, enhancing the partys ruling capability, the maintenance and development of the part

4、ys advanced nature and purity, and to enhance the ability of party committees and leading cadres are good people. Attach great importance to and is good at doing mass work, has become the new urgent situation strengthening the partys governing capacity-building tasks. Combined practice of maintainin

5、g flesh-and-blood ties with the masses, urged the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially all levels . Processing to improve as a guide to the country. What I did is summed up these new things, be promoted. This is a vivid manifestation of the Deng Xiaopings mass. Deng also put people s

6、upport does not support, agreed not to agree, happy happy, promise not to promise as a starting point and destination of developing guidelines, policies, and as the only standard for measuring compliance with the wishes of the masses of the people. Under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping theory, Central

7、 Government adopted a series of important measures to strengthen links with the masses. In December 1989, the CPC Central Committee made on adhering to and perfecting the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, closely for CPC

8、 and the democratic parties and the relationship between the part of the masses that they contact, effectively carrying out the mass line, played a positive role. In March 1990, the 13 plenary session adopted the decision on strengthening contacts with the masses of the Party noted that created and

9、developed in the long struggle of the partys mass line, is to realize the partys ideological line, the fundamental political and organizational work route, can always maintain flesh-and-blood ties and development of the masses, is directly related to the rise and fall of the rise and fall of the par

10、ty and State. In September 1994, 14 adopted by the plenary session of the Party on strengthening decision on several major issues of party building. The requirements of the decision of the partys leading bodies and leading cadres should develop a democratic style of work, come from the masses, to th

11、e masses, together, stick to the mass line. Party of 13 session four in the plenary yihou, to Jiang comrade for core of party国投晋城热电厂一期2300MW烟气脱硝工程 作业指导书国投晋城热电厂一期2300MW烟气脱硝工程C7022塔式起重机负荷试验施工作业指导书北京国电龙源环保工程有限公司二O一一年八月二十二日目 录1.原则22.编制依据23.试验前准备工作24.主要技术数据25.一般检查26.试验27.安全措施48.环境管理要求4C7022塔式起重机负荷试验方案1 原

12、则C7022塔式起重机转场重新安装,必须进行负荷试验,以检验其技术性能是否符合要求,试验合格后方可投入使用。C7022塔式起重机由四川建设机械(集团)股份有限公司制造,该机安装为水平臂架、小车变幅、上回转自升形式,标准臂架长55m,最大起重量16t。2 编制依据塔式起重机 GB/T5031-2008塔式起重机安全规程 GB5144-2006 C7022塔式起重机安装使用说明书 3 试验前准备工作3.1试验场地,施工现场划分好试验区域;3.2准备好试验用的试重:16T、4.4T;3.3准备好试验用锁具钢丝绳等。4 主要技术数据4.1 C7022塔式起重机臂架长55m;4.2 负荷试验作业幅度18

13、.855m;4.3 负荷试验最大吊重100%;4.4 最大起吊重量16T。5 一般检查5.1各机构制动器的摩擦面上不得有油污铁锈等;5.2各机构减速器箱、外啮合齿轮、轴承等润滑点润滑状况必须良好;5.3检查钢丝绳,不得有断丝、松股、波浪等情况;5.4检查塔身连接部分螺栓、回转、梯子、平台及其连接件是否紧固等;5.5对结构、机构进行检查完毕后,确认起重机处于完好状态;5.6试验环境温度-10-35,风速小于三级;5.7试验载荷的重量与其标注值误差不大于1%。6试验6.1空载试验一般技术检查验收合格后,方可进行空负荷试验,以检验电气控制线路动作的正确性,并调整各安全限位装置准确动作。6.1.1在大



16、连接松动等现象,试验合格后方可投入使用。7 安全措施7.1试验时设专人负责指挥,指挥人应站在明显位置,指挥信号必须明确;7.2负荷试验时,无关人员不得进入试验区域;7.3试验时,安排专人监护各部位,发现情况及时汇报,确定安全后才可继续作业;7.4试验时选用经验丰富的司机进行操作,必须持证上岗;7.5参加负荷试验人员要服从指挥、密切配合。8 环境管理要求8.1环境因素识别环境因素环境污染类别状态时态受控状态控制手段机械噪声噪声污染正常现在有效控制机械油泄露土壤污染正常现在有效控制容器回收,加强检修8.2负荷试验安全风险控制表工序危险点危险源控制措施责任人负荷试验前司机、有关人员上下主机攀登滑落有

17、次序上下,穿防滑鞋安全员静载试验钢丝绳选择(锁具)钢丝绳断裂,试重脱落对钢丝绳进行认真检查,计算其承受力。严格执行报废标准起重工起重机整机起重机倾覆监护人员要加强起重机各部位的监护,发现情况及时通报试验监护人动载试验钢丝绳捆绑重物重物脱落伤人试重无吊点时,要找试重重心,捆绑扎实。吊钩下严禁站人,禁止从试验区域通过起重工吊物回转过程中吊物碰撞周围建筑物司机注意周围建筑物情况,确保在安全区域回转司机安全措施交底交 底 时 间 年 月 日地 点工 程 名 称C7022塔式起重机负荷试验施工地点主 持 人施工班组交底内容:1、进入试验现场人员必须戴好安全帽,坚守工作岗位,听从指挥,发现问题及时报告;2

18、、负荷试验由专人指挥,除遇紧急情况外,其他人员不得随意指挥;3、司机必须听从指挥人的指挥信号,否则司机应停止吊装作业;4、当对安全有怀疑时,司机必须与指挥人联系,但不管停止信号是谁发出的,司机都必须执行“停车”的信号。交底人签字:年 月 日接底人签字年 月 日施工技术交底交 底 时 间 年 月 日施工单位工 程 名 称C7022塔式起重机负荷试验分部名称主 持 人施工负责人交底内容:1、试验前施工人员必须认真阅读塔式起重机负荷试验作业指导书;2、工程技术科技术人员对试验载荷的重量必须计算精确;3、操作人员要集中精力操作平稳,听从指挥人员做好每一个步骤 ,并随时观察仪表数据;4、起重工要检查并选

19、好吊具。交底人:年 月 日接底人全员签字:年 月 日施工机械、机具试验认可记录机械机具编号机械机具名称规格型号C7022使用单位生产厂家四川建设机械(集团)股份有限公司制造编号工作状态(幅度)2.555m试验天气情况试验依据:塔式起重机安全规程GB5144-2006 C7022塔式起重机安装使用说明书 试验内容:空负荷、静负荷、动负荷试验试验结论总工:安全科:机械管理科:工程技术科:监理单位:试验人员指挥人员试验地点试验日期操作人员C7022塔式起重机负荷试验方案报审卡审核工程技术科 签字: 年 月 日机械管理科 签字: 年 月 日安全科 签字: 年 月 日批准总工 签字: 年 月 日and

20、tamping, clear template prior to placing the debris, and water wet template; control since the height of the concrete shall not exceed 1.5M; dense wall bushing with the same level of fine aggregate concrete for pouring concrete pouring, pouring top layered slopes and adjacent two layers of pouring i

21、nterval must not exceed 1h. Strengthen the maintenance of waterproofing concrete, the baseboard after the concrete has been poured, immediately cover it with plastic sheeting and strengthening conservation. Strengthen the construction quality control of construction joints, horizontal construction j

22、oints for Foundation slab, set plate sealing strip, the construction of water stop steel concrete compacting. In front of the poured concrete walls, the joint surfaces for cutting hair, remove floating particles, and rinse to keep moist. VI reinforcement Engineering (a) steel raw material requiremen

23、ts of the engineering design of main structure of steel primary steel and grade of steel. Steel comes into play, should be accompanied by the manufacturers quality certificate, and Visual inspection by the engineering technology, materials, personnel, including specifications, diameter tolerance, ha

24、ve no cracks, pores, surface corrosion. In all of steel quality certificate complete Shi, by test room by batch sampling do retest, each bulk is unlikely to Yu 60t, each acceptance batch in the take sample a group, including 2 root pull, and 2 root bent try pieces, 5 root size, and weight try pieces

25、, try pieces from any three root (or two disc) steel in the interception, each root steel Shang cutof third generation Central led collective, banner Deng Xiao-pings theory great flag, insisted liberation thought, and facts, and times, in both at home and abroad political storm, and economic risk, s

26、evere test before, relies on party and people, defended China features Socialist, created socialist market new system, created full open new situation, advance party of construction new of great engineering, founded three a representative important thought, Continue to steer the ship of reform and o

27、pening up forward on the right. Comrade Jiang Zemin said: strengthening and improving the partys mass work in the new situation, it is of decisive significance to consolidating the ruling Foundation of the party. Through our party and some of the worlds major lessons learned from the success of the

28、old party of the party, Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out: the biggest political advantage of our party is in close contact with the masses, the most dangerous after the ruling party was divorced from the masses. He said: our reform and construction, only the understanding, support and participation o

29、f the people, peoples enthusiasm and creativity into full play in order to advance; the leadership of the party, only the tie and win the masses embraced, can be consolidated and strengthened. He pointed out that strengthening and improving the partys work style construction, maintaining the partys

30、flesh-and-blood ties with the masses is the core problem, the key is to do solid work, implement, resolutely oppose and overcome formalism. Comrade Jiang Zemin stressed that all the work and policies of the party, are in compliance with the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the p

31、eople to the highest degree, to the majority of people are not satisfied with the fundamental guidelines, strive to make our workers, farmers, intellectuals and other people enjoy . Single, everyone seemed to know. But well known does not mean perfect. Some party members and leading cadres, consider

32、 contacting their small departments, within a small circle of people, or contact individual owners, the entrepreneur, is the masses, this idea is obviously not correct. The Communist Party of China, people should have three characteristics. First, the people should be the most social, is a Departmen

33、t within the scope of the majority. Specific to the party and Government departments, especially the cadres working in the Central and State organs, mass is the 1.3 billion Chinese people, work for the party members and cadres, masses are the land within the jurisdiction of the common people. The se

34、cond characteristic of the masses, is that we have common interests. Masses are manifestations of each specific people, but the crowd is a comprehensive political concept, refers to people with common political and economic interests in the period of social transformation, social differentiation between the interests of the masses is large, if you do not find the interest in doing mass work, the party members and cadres, will be in a passive position. The third characteristic of the masses


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