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1、foundation. Stakeholder coexistence of China at present, the voting behaviour of each representative expects to achieve maximum benefits. But on the whole, representatives of the people speak for the people, especially public authority to ensure normal, legitimate interests of voters, political trus

2、t with the voters, voters at the request of a number of gaps. How to improve the quality of Chinas Central and local peoples Congress elections, redistricting, voter and candidate qualifications, election system and electoral theory research and practice of quality assurance will still need to be ex

3、plored. (2) improve democratic management, the whole chapter formed, perfect organization. Management access to the important subject of economic and socio-political affairs operation. The effectiveness of management, management of productivity. The same production elements, different management wil

4、l have a great deal of difference. The institutionalization of democratic management and standardization to achieve democratic management, and democratic management of standardization is to maximize the benefit of priority. Socialist China, realize maximum benefits of management is to maximize the i

5、nterests of the people. Therefore, we must further improve grassroots self-governing organizations and democratic management system, constantly improve the villagers autonomy, self-governance and democratic management system of enterprises and institutions of the community residents, and gradually e

6、xpand the peoples democratic rights in the management of local affairs, ensure the people at the grass-roots economic, political, cultural and other social services in the masters in order to give full play to the enthusiasm and creativity of the people as masters. From the grass-roots level, to str

7、engthen the party to enterprises, communities and the building of rural grass-roots democracy leader, expanding democracy at the grass-roots level, summary of workers participation in democratic management in enterprises and the public to participate in community self-management, villagers in villag

8、e affairs management experience, establishing long-term mechanism of promoting grass-roots democracy. (3) improve the democratic decision-making mechanism, through institutional innovation to develop the role of consultation in decision-making. Democratization, social development of the consultative

9、 function of the decision, the partys power for the people doing a double . Questions highlighted; unbalanced regional development, regional disparities have a tendency to expand; the rapid growth of the economy, increasing pressure on resources and the environment. These problems make us more aware

10、 and comprehensive construction of well-off society goal continuously push forward the Socialist cause with Chinese characteristics, must establish and implement the scientific concept of development, coordinating urban and rural development, development among regions, economic and social developmen

11、t, harmonious development between man and nature, and domestic循环冷却水系统处理技术方案development and opening up. For some time, a number of cadres in the development generated a great deal of misunderstanding, development is the absolute principle one-sidedly interpreted as economic growth is the hard truth,

12、simplistic economic development GDP is everything. In such a one-sided view of development under the guidance of, and appears in varying degrees in many places biased Outlook. In many places, of superior to subordinate index, mainly dominated by GDP, even become the sole criterion for promotion of l

13、eading cadres to stay. Development must persist in taking economic construction as the central task, liberating and developing the productive forces. Benefit a population of a billion of higher levels of society, we must speed up economic development. Not to develop not a speed too. Economic growth

14、is the basis of development, no economic growth without the accumulation of material wealth, is not progress. But growth does not equal development, if only increase the number, simply the pursuit of speed, without due attention to quality and efficiency, ignore the construction of political civiliz

15、ation and spiritual civilization, ignoring the overall progress of the society and peoples all-round development, this is one-sided, it is difficult to achieve a comprehensive well-off society. This requires that we at some deep level, from the position of party spirit to solve this problem. Second,

16、 establish deeds, getting the actual effect and pursuing the actual achievement. Record is created in the process of leading cadres in performing their duties and contributions of leading cadres moral quality is combination in practice. It is an official term, benefit of one party. Our party has alw

17、ays encouraged and supported at all levels of cadres for the party and for the country and for the people to create real achievements. Over the years, the vast majority of leaders to live up to the expectations of the party and the people, in the reform and opening up and the modernization drive in

18、the great practice of creating extraordinary performance, the heartfelt love and support of the masses. But there are also a few cadres is not focused on private facts, and on the conspiracy to gain, and is often considered personal gain, unsettled, engage in science like, fraud, formalism, and toke

19、nism. In economic data, economic indicators, hero of the one-sided view of political achievement Guide and drive, some places from local reality, in pursuit of growth rate on the blind project, Enterprise, investment, promoting image projects or bright project, the landscape project, a long-term bur

20、den to the local development and the risks. Regardless of public opposition in some places, massive enclosure of land, through various means of crowding out the interests of the people, has caused many social conflicts. Any of these problems, an important reason is to record these comrades lack a co

21、rrect understanding and grasp. Therefore, the new stage in the new century, emphasizes the correct Outlook towards . Worry and enjoy, enjoy, the spirit, not pleased, not by your own sad, indifferent, reins aside neatly7一、前言循环冷却水化学处理技术是通过采用低剂量投加水质稳定剂的方法,使金属表面形成一层致密的保护膜,同时改变结垢性粒子之间或金属间的作用力,从而达到防腐、防垢、保

22、护设备安全运行的目的。除此之外,还需投加杀菌灭藻剂,抑制和杀灭水中的细菌、藻类及各种微生物,以防止生物粘泥和垢类物质的产生,从而可以提高传热效率,节约能源,减少设备维修,延长使用周期。本方案是根据贵方补充水水质及给定的工况条件,结合以往循环水处理的经验,在进行大量充分实验的基础上提出的,最终选定了适合贵方实际使用的性能优越、稳定性好的水处理药剂配方。水处理配方和技术有很强的针对性,尚需根据现场实际运行的复杂变化的条件进行合理的调整。二、循环水系统工况条件及水质条件2.1 循环水系统工况条件(见表1)表1:循环水系统工况条件系统名称冷却自循环系统(敞开式)封闭式水循环系统循环水量(m3/h)保有






28、,因此选择环保型水处理药剂是今后冷却水处理技术的发展方向。正确应用本处理技术,可取得节水、节能和稳定生产的良好效益。但应指出,良好水处理效果的取得,既要有先进的处理技术,更需要将此技术加以正确的实施,并在生产应用中进行严格的日常管理。为本技术应用获得成功提供可靠的保证。四、日常水处理技术方案4.1处理方案基准水质数据水质类型总碱度(mg/l)总碱度(mg/l)Cl-(mg/l)SO42-(mg/l)补充水242153.6431052.5倍循环水6053841082634.2加药量及加药方式药剂类型药 剂名 称使用浓度(mg/l)加药点加药方式加药频率备注缓蚀阻垢剂TS-52318A50回水集水

29、槽由加药装置投加根据补排水量连续投加敞开式系统以补水计缓蚀阻垢剂TS-52318B100回水集水槽由加药装置投加根据补排水量连续投加密闭系统以补水计氧化性杀菌灭藻剂TS-52316100-150循环水塔池根据保有水量投加一次/周敞开式系统以保有水计非氧化性杀菌灭藻剂TS-52317TS-1781100-150循环水塔池根据保有水量投加两次/月(410月份)一次/月(13月份、1112月份)敞开式系统以保有水计pH调节剂工业浓H2SO4控制pH8.28.6靠近补水管线根据补排水连续投加根据补排水量连续投加暂不考虑注: 非氧化性杀菌灭藻剂需考虑两种产品交替使用;4.3水质控制指标控制项目数值pH8

30、.28.6电导率,s/cm1500总硬,mg/l(以CaCO3计)600总磷(以PO43计),mg/l36总碱度(以CaCO3计),mg/l500余氯,mg/l0.30.5(保持2小时)浊度,mg/l20Cl,mg/l100浓缩倍数2.5异养菌,个/ml1105粘泥量, ml/m34铜材腐蚀率0.005 mm/y碳钢腐蚀率0.125 mm/y污垢热阻1.72-3.4410-4 m2.hr./kal.y注:投加氧化性杀菌灭藻剂后确保2小时的余氯值。4.4分析监测项目及频率4.5.1日常运行定期抽查分析项目及频率:序号分析项目补充水循环水1pH一次/天一次/2小时2电导率一次/周一次/天3Cl一次


32、制和监测系统的运行状况,保持循环冷却水系统的稳定运行;了解控制和监测系统的运行状况,冷却水系统潜在的问题,指导现场工程师及时解决;不定期聘请水处理专家与贵公司技术和管理工程师交流,解决系统的疑难问题和优化循环冷却水系统。5.1开车前期服务免费对贵厂水处理相关人员进行技术培训;及时协助厂方人员建立系统运行效果监测方法,建议系统监测方法,以使开车时与日常运行时的系统参数保持一致;协助对水处理加药设备及监测设备的调试;5.2运行期间服务 免费指导循环水系统试运行期间的运行维护操作;及时提供循环水系统的应急服务。5.3冷却水系统日常运行监测 免费提供定期的现场技术服务,提取水样,出具水质分析报告及水质

33、评价报告;了解循环水系统控制和监测系统的运行状况,与车间工程师共同评价冷却水系统的运行稳定性,确保循环水系统的稳定运行;发现循环水系统潜在的问题,协助厂方技术人员及时解决;协助贵厂人员,优化循环冷却水系统的浓缩倍数;通过仪器和挂片监测腐蚀速率和沉积物,如有沉积物,及时取样化验并出具原因分析报告及处理措施;每月对现场监测和加药设备、仪器校验一次;循环水系统出现问题时,在接到厂方通知后,24小时内答复,必要时48小时内派技术人员到现场帮助解决问题。六、水处理药剂用量及处理费用估算6.1循环水报价依据6.1.1 各工段工况条件系统名称冷却自循环系统(敞开式)封闭式水循环系统循环水量(m3/h)保有水

34、量(m3)补充水量(m3/h)系统材质浓缩倍数循环水量(m3/h)保有水量(m3)补充水量(m3/h)系统材质浓缩倍数棒材冷却系统(D区)390.676.04.0钢、铜2-2.5倍151.2680.2钢、铜/挤塑冷却系统(A区)钢、铜2-2.5倍110.58150.15钢、铜/拉丝冷却系统(C区)390.676.04.0钢、铜2-2.5倍177.84200.2钢、铜/6.1.2 密闭系统补水量约为0.15%。6.2水处理药剂用量及处理费用估算水处理药剂年用量及年处理费用具体见下表。序号处理阶段药剂名称数量(kg)单 价(元)总价(万元)备注1清洗、预膜处理费用TS-523

35、0110063000.063/TS-5230210062000.062/TS-523035062000.031/TS-523072580000.020/小计2750.176/2正常运行处理费用TS-52318A800085006.8/TS-52318B50096000.48/TS-5231650090000.450/TS-52317210100000.210/TS-1781120130000.156/小计9330/8.096/3费用总计:8.272万元七、循环水系统污水处理7.1 清洗、预膜阶段污水处理l 主要污染物:磷、锌、有机物、表面活性剂l 排放量:约为60吨l 处理方式:根据业主现场具体情况,采用加药沉淀处理方式或直接稀释排放。7.2 循环水系统浓排水各项指标均符合三级排放标准要求,可直接排放。


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