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1、Works Programme for Gravel Cement Stabilization Base ProgrammeI. Main construction methodThe base for the section of OGINGA ODINGA Road (KURA Project) shall be 150mm cement treated natural gravel material layer with cement content 2.5%. The natural gravel material shall be hauled to the field with 1

2、5T tippers, spread by the graders, blended by the pulmixer and compacted by the rollers. II. Construction of trial sectionThe 100m full-width trial section is scheduled to construct between km0+800 - km0+900 in advance before the overall commencement of base layer.1. The purpose of construction for

3、trial section The purpose of trial section is to verify the following aspects:a) the proposed construction program and method are feasible or not;b) the deployment and matching of construction equipment and personnel are reasonable or not;c) the relationship between the rolling passes of roller, rol

4、ling methods and compaction density;d) to confirm the loose coefficient and loose depth of material spreading;e) to verify the range of tolerance between construction mix proportion and designed mix proportionThe trial section shall provide construction guidance and data for the overall construction

5、.2. The data required to be collected during construction of trial sectionThe trial section must be undertaken under the direction of Engineer. The following details should be recorded: l the types of equipment and equipment quantity;l mixing time for stabilization layer; l rolling passes and method

6、 for rollerl loose paving thickness, level and moisture content of mixture before compacted;l actual thickness, level, moisture content and density of mixture after compacted;3. Testing items for the trial roadThe natural gravel material and cement shall be tested as per the Technical Specification

7、before the commencement of trial road. The mixture and structural layer shall be carried out tests in laboratory as per the requirements of Technical Specification during the construction process and after construction finished. Only if the above tests data reach the requirements, the trial road can

8、 be approved. After getting the approval from the Engineer, the testing data will be the basis for our overall construction, and the trial section can be one part of the road, otherwise the Contractor shall find out the reasons and undertake the construction again.III. Preparation Works before Const

9、ruction1. Construction setting-outa) Centrelines, the edge of shoulder and the edge of carriageway (total 5 points) of top level of base layer shall be calculated as per the interval of 20m, and then submitting the information to Engineer for approval.b) The centre and side lines shall be set out on

10、 site as per the interval of 20m, and the permanent wood controlling pegs (55cm) shall also be erected 50cm outside of the side pegs. The levels for the stabilization layer shall be controlled with string method.2. TestingThe gravel material and cement shall be tested completely before the commencem

11、ent of trial road. The mix proportion (natural gravel material with cement) shall also be approved by the Engineer. The testing data, such as optimum moisture content, the maximum dry density and cement mixing proportion etc. shall be confirmed.IV. Construction methoda) The natural gravel material s

12、hall be hauled to the field with 15T tippers, and the required quantity for every chainage shall be dumped by the levelers calculation strictly. b) The dumped gravel material shall be spread and dry-mixed once by the grader to enable the labors to select and throw the big coarse size rocks (size ove

13、r 5cm) out. After leveling, the material shall be slightly compacted by the roller and checked by the leveler to calculate if the gravel material satisfies the quantity for the stabilization layer.c) After confirmation for the gravel material, the lime shall be used to mark every one square meter to

14、 guide the site personnel to spread the cement uniformly on the surface of the natural gravel material.d) Pulmixer shall be used to dry-mix the gravel material and cement initially to ensure the two kinds of material are uniformly blended.e) The water tankers shall be used to spray enough water to t

15、he surface of the mixed material, following, the pulmixer shall be used to blend the mixture.f) After properly mixing, the roller shall be used to undertake the initial compaction, and the levels shall be cut with the string method.g) After finishing cutting levels, the mixture shall be compacted tw

16、o passes with roller. Levels shall also be confirmed by the leveler as soon as possible, if any chainages levels need to be corrected slightly, the grader shall be mobilized to shape the surface to the design levels. On the completion of the levels, the steel roller plus tyred-roller shall be used t

17、o finish the compaction for the stabilization layer.IV. Curing1) Within 4 hours after compaction, the water shall be slightly sprinkled to keep the base surface damp, and then the minimum thickness of 0.1 mm polythene film shall be used for covering. Such films shall overlapped 50cm at the joints. T

18、he clean gravel material shall be piled on the joints and the edge of polythene film to keep the covering in place.2) Minimum curing period is 7 days. During the curing period, the workers shall be sent to patrol and prevent children or livestocks damaging the base layer. If any damage happens, repa

19、iring activities shall be undertaken immediately. The compacted base shall be kept damp and the traffic shall be controlled. The vehicles shall be forbidden to pass. 3) After seven days of curing, the prime coat shall be spread as early as possible. The AC course construction should be undertaken as

20、 soon as possible after the curing period of prime coat and the heavy vehicle shall be forbidden to pass through.IV. Construction staff, machinery and equipment 1. Staff: 12 unskilled workers, 1 foreman, 2 levelers, 8 operators2. Equipment: 1 shovels, 1 pulmixer, 3 water truck, 8 tippers, 1 grader,

21、1 steel roller and one tyred roller. 下面是经典歌词100句,朋友们可以享受下,不需要的朋友可以下载后编辑删除!谢谢!林夕经典歌词1、若只是喜欢,何必夸张成爱。林2、擦光所有火柴难令气氛像从前闪耀,至少感激当日陪着我开甜蜜的玩笑。失恋太少3、你是千堆雪我是长街,怕日出一到彼此瓦解。邮差4、谁能告诉我,要有多坚强,才敢念念不忘。当时的月亮王菲5、我愿意做你的老师,示范着执子之手如何解释,不愿为深奥的感情变白痴。诗人的情人方大同6、有一梦便造多一梦,直到死别都不觉任何阵痛,趁冲动能换到感动,这愉快黑洞苏醒以后谁亦会扑空。梦死醉生张国荣7、谁能改变人生的长度,谁知






27、不捱。如果你是李白1.但凡未得到,但凡是过去,总是最登对。似是故人来所以和你生活的那一个,永远是second best 。2.无论热恋中失恋中,都永远记住第一戒,别要张开双眼。相爱很难爱情就是盲目的。能使爱情长久的方法,便是找片树叶来遮住眼睛。3.得到,你的爱情,还要再得到你任性。一切,原是注定,因我跟你都任性。明知故犯难怪李宗盛要说爱情是精神鸦片 。4.悲哀是真的,泪是假的,本来没因果,一百年后没有你也没有我。百年孤寂既是如此,何必执着?5.感情寻找它的模特儿,衣服挂在橱窗,有太多人适合,没有独一无二。香奈儿这年头,哪有不二臣?(亦舒语)所以,没什么放不下的。6.有生之年狭路相逢终不能幸免,


29、.就像蝴蝶飞不过沧海,没有谁忍心责怪。蝴蝶只要蝴蝶曾在沧海上飞过,就已足够,结果,永远没有过程重要。13.不要迷信情变等于灯灭,不要含泪直到与他肯定再不相见,爱恨无须壮烈,不随便狂热。情戒感情,只是人生中的一小部分,不要为它死去活来,让人看低。14.害怕悲剧重演,我的命中越美丽的东西我越不可碰。暗涌爱情虽然美丽,却是易碎玻璃。15 不要虔诚直到懂得怎样去爱魔鬼,纪念留给下世,不对别人发誓 。情戒要学会自己保护自己,也不要轻易对一段感情做出承诺,否则害人害己。16.每个人都是单行道上的跳蚤,每个人皈依自己的宗教,每个人都在单行道上寻找,没有人相信其实不用找。单行道缘分可遇不可求。17.有一梦便造

30、多一梦,直到死别都不觉任何阵痛,趁冲动能换到感动,这愉快黑洞苏醒以后谁亦会扑空。 梦死醉生人生得意需尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。感情是一个道理,愉快那么快,何必等到互相伤害?18.你这样恨我好不好过,温馨被单都变成负荷,当牧童害了绵羊难道觉得庆贺。你这样恨我本是相爱的人到最后却只能互相伤害,这是爱情最可悲的地方。19.你欣赏我因我本性不会改,别太认真认真怎可放开自在。寂寞有害爱一个人不见得是要在他的名前冠上“我的”二字,换言之,爱不是占有,所以给他多一点空间,不要老想他按着自己的意愿改变 。20.相亲相爱倒不如想入非非真真假假也无所谓。想入非非有时候,性比爱重要。但要小心像蓝宇那样由性进入爱,那可就

31、违背你游戏人间的初衷了。21.没有拥抱你只怕这个游戏代价不菲,没有爱上谁也该知道爱一个人好累。想入非非所以准备爱的时候,一定要看看自己有没有这个能力。22.从前和以后一夜间拥有,难道这不算相恋到白头 ,但愿会相信缠绵时分手,能令我减轻了内疚。红颜白发在爱到极至时分手,是最明智的选择。天长地久,只能让感情生锈。23.夜晚会面白天道别,才没有弱点。侧面真正爱一个人,千万别只看他侧面。更不能不看他的缺点,否则这将成为感情最大的弱点。24.你爱我爱不起,我怪你怪不起。你爱我爱不起感情有时候也要讲究门当户对,这是知心灵和心志上的门当户对,要知道,陈家洛是配不起霍青桐的。25.我不完美,但你未见得很爱美。

32、我想完美,难怪被你太早放弃。你爱我爱不起追求完美,有时反而会让爱情更快破碎。26.爱是一朵从天飘下来的雪花还没结果已经枯萎 ,爱是一滴擦不干烧不完的眼泪还没凝固已经成灰。天下有情人不是每一段情都一定会有结果。27.爱是一段一段一丝一丝的是非,叫有情人再不能够说再会。天下有情人这就是为什么不要随便发誓的原因,越脆弱的东西,变数就越多。28.若是要细水可以变长流,就像等他长出铁锈无法再分手。固定伴侣那又何苦?29.别离原为战胜与光阴的竞赛,每把声音定会嘱咐要早出早回来,只是回头便知时代早不存在, 临别的激动和悲哀却可印证着爱。早去早回当你不能再拥有的时候,你唯一能做的,就是不要忘记。30.彼此相爱


34、心的你偏爱哪一边?情无独钟大部分的男人都喜欢天使的面孔,婴儿的大脑,所以女人永远不可能事业和爱情兼顾。35.感情不必拿来慷慨。因为爱,所以爱不伤害爱你而你不爱的人的最好办法,就是告诉他你不爱他,感情是给你想爱的人的,不像金钱,只要够慷慨,便能救助他人。36.你是我的红药水,他只是杯黑咖啡。你会问我累不累,他却让我不能睡。 女朋友的男朋友所以,千万不要抢女朋友的男朋友。37.不爱就不爱,难捱就不捱。如果你是李白分手要干脆。38.为这为那,谈情为了享受,为你为我,为何为他忍受?情戒如果你对他的感觉有了忍受,那这段情便可以断了。39.原来过得很快乐,原来我并不快乐,只我一人未发觉。再见二丁目难道非要

35、两个人才能发觉?40.不信眼泪,能令失乐的你爱下去。难收的覆水,将感情慢慢荡开去。如果你太累,及时地道别没有罪。牵手来,空手去就去。玻璃之情如果你真爱他,他想走的时候,就让他走,即使,可悲41.如果我换过别的衣裳,你对我会不会一样;如果你换过别的脸庞,我对你有没有新的欲望;如果我换过别的衣裳,你对我就不会遗忘;如果你躺在她的身旁,你对我会不会说个谎? 懒洋洋歌手:齐豫 专辑:骆驼.飞鸟.鱼爱过经年,懒洋洋,还有没有机会,重燃激情的希望。42.十年之后,我们是朋友,还可以问候;只是那种温柔,再也找不到拥抱的理由。十年歌手:陈奕迅 专辑:黑.白.灰情人变成朋友的滋味,不试试,别人说也不对味。43.如是我闻,仰慕比暗恋还苦难道爱比恨更难宽恕。宽恕电视剧天龙八部爱的箴言,比偈还难解。44.多年后想起今天值得不值得打错了王菲2001同名专辑这话简单的要死,可惜多年以前的时候都不肯相信。45.你很爱我,你只爱我,听得不好意思寂寞。感情生活歌手:王菲 专辑:唱游因为爱了而不再寂寞,还是爱过才会懂得何谓寂寞。46.最后一首:彼岸花看见的 熄灭了 消失的 记住了 我站在海角天涯 听见土壤萌芽 等待昙花再开 把芬芳留给年华 彼岸没有灯塔 我依然 张望着 天黑 刷白了头发 紧握着 我火把 他来 我对自己说 我不害怕 我很爱他10/10


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