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1、Unit10 SectionB 参考课件,Words & Expressions fool costume embarrassed empty show up exhausted describe April Fools Day,v. 愚弄; 欺骗 n. 愚人 服装 尴尬的;窘迫的 空的;空闲的 出席;露面 极其疲惫的 描述 愚人节,Words & Expressions announce convince panic set off authority reveal hoax fled,宣布;通告 使确信;使信服 恐慌;惊恐 激起;引起 权威机构;行政管理机构 揭示;揭露 恶作剧;玩笑 fl

2、ee 的过去式及过去分词,Words & Expressions spaghetti farmer girlfriend marry thrill ending embarrassing a piece of,意大利式细面条 农夫;农场主 女朋友 与结婚 使非常激动;使非常紧张 结局 令人为难的 一片;一块,Dick,Joe,Dave,2c,What happened to Dick,Joe and Dave on April Fools day? Choose one story to tell us,April Fools Day is a traditional day to play

3、jokes on others. No one knows how this holiday began, but it was thought to begin in France. New Years was celebrated on March 25 in 1582 in France and celebrations lasted until April 1st. When New Years Day was changed from March 25 to January 1st in,the mid-1560s by King Charles IX, there were som

4、e people still celebrating it on April 1st and those people were called April Fools. April Fools Day is for fun only. Nobody is expected to buy gifts or to take to eat in a fancy restaurant. Nobody will have the day off. Its simply a fun little holiday, but a holiday on which everyone must remain fo

5、rever vigilant (警惕的), or he may be the next April Fool!,Each country celebrates April Fools differently. In France, the April Fools is called “April Fish“. The French fool their friends by taping a paper fish to their friends backs and when some discovers this trick, they yell “April Fish!“ In Engla

6、nd, tricks can be played only in the morning. If a trick is played on you, you are a “noodle“. On that day you can play jokes by saying, “Your shoes untied!” And setting a roommates alarm clock back an hour is also a common idea.,Now in China people also play jokes on each other on April Fools Day.

7、So last year what did you or your classmates do for fun that day?,In 1938, a radio program by actor Orson Welles announced that aliens from Mars had landed on the Earth. 在1938年,一个由演员奥森威尔斯主持的广播节目宣布,来自火星的外星人已经登陆地球。 He described where they had landed and told how they were moving across the United Stat

8、es. 他描述了他们在什么地方登陆,并告诉人们他们正在怎样席卷美国。,Welles was so convincing that hundreds of people believed the story, and panic set off across the whole country. By the time the authorities revealed that the story was a hoax, thousands of people had fled from their homes. 威尔斯的话如此有说服力,以至于有数百人相信了这个故事,所以全国到处一片惊慌。待到权

9、威机构揭露这个故事是个骗局时已经有数千人逃离了自己的家园。,One April Fools Day, a person in England announced that there would be no more spaghetti because the spaghetti farmers in Italy had stopped growing spaghetti. 一次愚人节时,一位美国记者宣布,后不会再有意大利式细面条可以吃了, 因为意大利的农民已经停止种植生产细面条的植物。,Many people ran to their local supermarket to buy as

10、much spaghetti as they could. 许多人跑到他们当地的超市去尽可能多的购买意大利式细面条。 By the time people realized that the story was a hoax, all of the spaghetti across the country had been bought. 等到人们意识到那个故事是个骗局时, 全国的意大利式细面条都被买光了。,A famous TV star once invited his girlfriend onto his show on April Fools Day. 一次,一位著名的电视明星邀请他

11、的女友去参加愚人节的演出。 He ask her to marry him. She was thrilled, because she really wanted to get married. 他请求她嫁给他。 她非常激动,因为她真的很想结婚。,However, when she said “Yes”, he replied “April Fool!” That little joke didnt have a very happy ending. 可是,当她说“愿意”时,他回答说:“愚人节的傻瓜!” 那个小玩笑的结局并不令人快乐。 The TV star lost both his gi

12、rlfriend and his show. 那位电视明星既失去了他的女友又搞砸了他的节目。,Language point,1What happened to David on April Fools Day? 愚人节那天,大卫出什么事了吗? (1)happen to sb. 意为“某人怎么了,发生在某人身上”。 What happened to you? 你怎么了? What happened to Jim? 吉姆出什么事了?,(2)英语中表示节日时须注意以下几点: 表示“在节”用介词on; 表示节日的每个词的首字母大写; 用day来表示“节”,且无冠词; 一般用复数名词的所有格,如:Tea

13、chers Day 教师节,Childrens Day 儿童节,Womens Day 妇女节等;但也有用单数名词所有格的,如:Mothers Day 母亲节,Fathers Day 父亲节等。例如:,Do you often go to parks on Childrens Day? 你们儿童节经常去公园吗? What do you usually do on New Years Day? 新年你们通常干什么? Do your friends play jokes on you on April Fools Day? 你的朋友愚人节跟你开玩笑吗?,2Welles was so convinci

14、ng that hundreds of people believed the story, and panic set off across the whole country Welles 是如此地让人信任,以致于成百上千的人都相信了这个故事,进而激起了全国性的恐慌。 (1)So that句型中,so后面应加一个形容词或副词,意为“如此以至于”,This book is so interesting that everyone in our class wants to read it 这本书是如此的有趣以至于全班同学都想看看。(so形容词) He ran so fast that I c

15、ouldnt catch up with him 他跑得那么快,以致于我跟不上他。(so副词),Sothat引导的是表示结果的状语从句,但不一定要死套 “如此以至于”的模式来译成汉语。 It was so dark that he couldnt see the faces of his companions 天太黑了,他不能看见同伴的脸。,(2)so that 主要用来引导目的状语从句。其从句中的谓语动词通常和can,may,should等情态动词连用,而且主句和从句之间不使用逗号,意为“以便,使能够”。,They set out early so that they might arriv

16、e in time. 他们早早地出发以便按时到达。 Lets take the front seats so that we may see more clearly 我们坐在前排吧,以便可以看得更清楚。,(3)set off 意为“出发,开始;引爆;衬托”。例如: Theyll set off on a journey around the world 他们将要出发环球旅行。 Use blue eyeshadow to set off your green eyes 用蓝色眼影衬托你的绿眼睛。,与set有关的其他词组: set about sth“开始,着手”。例如: I must set

17、about my packing 我必须开始收拾行装了。 set sbagainst sb“使某人和某人竞争、对抗”。例如: Set yourself against her跟她竞争。 set in”开始”。例如: The rainy season has set in 雨季已开始了。,set out”出发,启程”。set sth out”展示,陈列”。例如: They set out at dawn 他们在拂晓出发。 He sets out his ideas clearly in his essay 他在这篇文章中明确地列出了他的观点。 set up”建立,设立”。例如: The memo

18、rial will be set up 纪念碑即将建成。,3because the spaghetti farmers in Italy had stopped growing spaghetti 辨析:stop doing 与stop to do stop doing 指的是“停止做”,即不做了;而stop to do 则是指“停下来去做”,即停下来的目的是去做,也就是开始做。例如: Stop talking, lets begin our class 不要讲话了,我们开始上课。,You are too fat and you must stop eating too much 你太胖了,你

19、不能吃那么多了。 Please stop to listen to me. 请停下来听我说。 The mother stopped to look after her baby 那位母亲停下来去照顾她的小宝宝。,4She was thrilled, because she really wanted to get married 她震惊了,因为她的确想结婚。 (1)thrill为动词“震颤,使激动”,多用于被动语态be thrilled,表示“很感动,受到震颤的”。例如: We were thrilled with joy我们高兴极了。 She was thrilled at the good

20、 news 她听到那个好消息很兴奋。,(2)want在此为动词“想,想要”,其后可跟名词、代词或动词不定式 to do。例如: Do you want an ice-cream? 你想要个冰激凌吗? I want some bread and milk 我想要些面包和牛奶。 Tom wants to learn to play Chinese chess 汤姆想学下中国象棋。 Does Lucy wants to learn to dance? 露茜想学跳舞吗?,(3)marry为动词“嫁,娶,结婚”。表示“嫁给某人”或“娶了某人”都可以用marry sb。 另外,词组get married

21、意为“结婚”,但这是一个非延续性动词,即它不能跟表示一段时间的词连用。be married 也可以用来表示“结婚”,它是一个延续性词组,可以与表示一段时间的词连用。例如: John is going to marry Jane 约翰要和简结婚了。,Henry didnt marry until he was over fifty 亨利直到过了50岁才结婚。 When are you going to get married? 你准备什么时候结婚? We have been married for ten years 我们已经结婚十年了。 His uncle will get married next month 他叔叔下个月结婚。,Write down what happened in your class on April Fools Day.,Homework,


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