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1、Construction Document施工文件DIVISION 600第600部分INCIDENTAL STRUCTURES附属结构SECTIONS 601 602 :第601 602 节 Not Used未使用SECTION 603第 603 节METAL STRUCTURES金属结构603.1 - DESCRIPTION:说明:This work shall consist of the construction or reconstruction or extension of metal underpasses, arch structures culverts and pipel

2、ines, referred to jointly as metal structures, in accordance with these Specifications and in reasonably close conformity with the lines, grades, dimensions, and locations shown on the Drawings or established by the Engineer.根据技术规范要求及图纸或工程师确定的线、等级、尺寸和位置等规定,本工程包括施工或重建或金属桥下通道延伸、拱形结构涵洞和管道系统,统称为“金属结构”。T

3、he corrugated metal underpasses have been designed generally for minimum cover over the structure. The plate thickness varies with the size of the structure.The Contractor will be required to furnish details for approval by the Engineer波纹金属桥下通道通常经过设计,可极小覆盖该金属结构。金属板厚度因结构尺寸不同而所有不同。 要求承包商提供详情,然后提交工程师批准

4、。The structures required to be designed either based on the conceptual design provided in the Drawings or as alternative designs prepared by the bidder are given in Drawings.图纸中显示了根据图纸中概念设计或投标人准备的其他设计方案等要求进行设计的结构。The corrugated metal underpasses have been designed generally for minimum cover over th

5、e structure. The plate thickness varies with the size of the structure and the fabricator.The bidders will be required to consult with their selected vendor of the product for the plate thickness for the cover circumstances in each case. The Contractor will be required to furnish details for approva

6、l by the Engineer.波纹金属地下通道的设计至少要覆盖在整个结构上板子的厚度随着结构和加工厂的规格不同而不同。投标人按照要求与其选定的产品供应商协商,以确定各种情况下覆盖用金属板的厚度。要求承包商提供详情,然后提交工程师批准。The bidders are advised that at the location of each corrugated metal structure the elevation at the top of the embankment, the vertical height of the corrugated metal structure, a

7、nd the invert/road level within the corrugated metal structure can be extracted from the Drawings.投标人熟悉图纸中所包括的各个波纹金属结构位置上的路堤顶部高程、波纹金属结构垂直高度以及波纹金属结构内部仰拱面高程/路面水平等的信息。From these dimensions the embankment cover over the top of the structure can be determined.根据此类尺寸,可确定结构顶部路堤覆盖情况。With regard to the desig

8、n standards and specifications to which the metals structures shall conform, the bidders are informed that provided that the designs and specifications shall accord with acceptable codes of practice of international repute, which do not conflict with the requirements of the bidding documents, the En

9、gineer is unlikely to reject the design. However, the decision as to the acceptability of the alternative codes of practice shall rest solely with the Engineer.对于金属结构应遵循的设计标准和技术规范而言,投标人应知悉若设计和技术规范符合国际公认且可接受的操作规程要求,且与招标文件要求不冲突,则工程师不得拒绝该设计。但是,是否采纳其他操作规程则应仅取决于工程师的决定。The Contractor shall supply the Engi

10、neer with all supporting calculations prepared by the vendor and/or the Contractor which the Engineer shall deem necessary in order to arrive at such approval or otherwise承包商应向工程师提供由供应商和/或承包商确定的、工程师视为必要的所有辅助计算,以便确定是否予以批准。603.2 - MATERIALS:材料:Materials shall meet the requirement specified in the foll

11、owing Sub-Sections of Division 700:材料应符合下述第 700章中各个子节规定的要求:MATERIAL材料SUB SECTION子节Metallic Coated Corrugated Steel Pipe or Pipe Arch金属覆层波纹钢管或管拱713.2Fibre Bonded Full Bituminous Coated and Paved Invert Corrugated Steel Pipe胶合纤维全沥青涂层和铺面的仰拱波纹钢管713.2Bituminous Coated and Paved Invert Corrugated Steel Pi

12、pe or Pipe arch沥青涂层和铺面的仰拱波纹钢管或管拱713.3Full Bituminous Coated and Full Paved Corrugated Steel Pipe全沥青涂层和全铺面的波纹钢管713.4Fibre Bonded Full Bituminous Coated Corrugated Steel Pipe胶合纤维全沥青涂层的波纹钢管713.5Fibre Bonded Full Bituminous Coated Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch胶合纤维全沥青涂层的波纹钢管管拱713.5Fibre Bonded Full Bitumino

13、us Coated and Paved Invert Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch胶合纤维全沥青涂层和铺面的仰拱波纹钢管管拱713.5Structural Plate Pipe or Pipe Arch结构板管或管拱713.8Bituminous Coated Structural Plate Pipe or Pipe Arch沥青涂层的结构板管或管拱713.9Structural Plate Arch结构板拱713.8Bituminous Coated Structural Plate Arch沥青涂层的结构板拱713.9End Section for Corruga

14、ted Steel Pipe or Pipe Arch波纹钢管或管拱的末段713.20Bituminous Plastic Cement含沥青塑性胶泥708.9Granular Material for Culvert Bedding涵洞基床所用的粒状材料716.1.1.2Controlled Low Strength Material控制性低强度材料219Crushed Aggregate Backfill碎骨料回填704.6*Fine Aggregate*细骨料702*Fine Aggregate shall consist of crushed or uncrushed mineral

15、aggregate, which has 100 percent passing the 9.5mm sieve.*细骨料应包括碎或未碎的矿物骨料,可完全通过9.5mm 筛网。When the locations of manufacturing plants allow, the plants may be inspected periodically for compliance with specified manufacturing methods, and material samples may be obtained for laboratory testing for comp

16、liance with material quality requirements.This may be the basis for quality acceptance of manufactured lots.制造厂位置适宜时,此类工厂可进行定期检查,以便符合规定的制造方法,而且也可获得材料样本,进行实验室测试以确定是否符合材料质量要求。这可能是已加工批次产品质量验收的依据。 All materials will be subject to inspection for acceptance as to condition at the latest practicable time t

17、he Engineer has the opportunity to check for compliance prior to or during incorporation of materials in the work.工程实施中材料混合前或混合过程中,工程师伺机查验合规性的最近可行时间条件,对所有材料应进行验收检查。All references to corrugated steel pipe are considered applicable to uncoated pipe and the various combinations of coated pipes (bitumin

18、ous coated, fibber bonded, pre-coated, etc.) and paving classes (paved invert, full paved, etc.) for which the base metal conforms to AASHTO M 218 or AASHTO M 274.“波纹钢管”的所有参考值均可适用于未涂层的管材和各种已涂层管材的组合(沥青涂层、胶合纤维、预涂等)以及铺砌等级(铺面仰拱、全铺面等),其中基底金属符合美国公路和运输官员协会 M 218 或 M 274 要求。The sheet thickness for corrugate

19、d steel pipe and corrugated aluminium alloy pipe shall be as designated on the Drawings.波纹钢管和波纹铝合金管的薄板厚度应符合图纸中所述的规格。Corrugated metal pipe of 68mm by 13mm corrugation shall be furnished unless otherwise specified. Corrugated steel pipe and pipe arch with 68mm x 13mm, 75mm x 25mm and 125mm x 25mm corr

20、ugations shall be helically fabricated, except for fibre bonded pipe which may be fabricated with annular corrugations of 68mm x 13mm and 75mm x 25mm. Corrugated aluminium alloy pipe with 68mm x 13mm, 75mm x 25mm, 75mm x 25mm, and 150mm x 25mm corrugations and corrugated aluminium alloy pipe arch wi

21、th 68mm x 13mm corrugations shall be helically fabricated. Where 125mm x 25mm corrugations are specified for corrugated steel pipe and pipe arch, 75mm x 25mm corrugations may be substituted.应提供68mmx13mm 的波纹金属管,除非另有规定。68mm x 13mm、75mm x 25mm 和 125mm x 25mm的波纹钢管和管拱应按照螺旋绕法制造,但68mm x 13mm 和 75mm x 25mm环

22、形波纹制造的胶合纤维管除外。68mm x 13mm、75mm x 25mm、75mm x 25mm和 150mm x 25mm的波纹铝合金管和68mm x 13mm的铝合金管拱应按照螺旋绕法制造。若波纹钢管和管拱的波纹指定为 125mm x 25mm,则可取代75mm x 25mm的波纹。603.2.1 - QUALITY CONTROL TESTING:质量控制测试:Quality control of the fine aggregate, granular material and crushed aggregate backfill is the responsibility of t

23、he Contractor.承包商应负责细骨料、粒状材料和碎骨料回填的质量控制。Acceptance for gradation will be on the basis of the Contractors written certification that all such material used for this conforms to the specified requirements. The certification is to include the results of testing from samples obtained at a minimum freque

24、ncy of one sample per one-half day of aggregate production or stockpiling.等级验收应依据承包商的书面证明,即使用的所有此类材料符合规定的要求。证明包括按照骨料生产或存料中每半天一个样品的最低频率所获得的样品的试验结果。CONSTRUCTION METHODS施工方法603.3 - GENERAL:概述:Subject to the provisions prescribed, the flow line of a metal structure may be altered from that shown on the

25、Drawings. If a firm metal structure foundation is not encountered at the specified elevation, the unsatisfactory material shall be replaced with suitable material to a depth directed by the Engineer. 根据规定,图纸中所示的金属结构的流线可进行更改。若稳固的金属结构基础未触及到规定的高程,则应按照工程师指示使用适当材料替换不合格材料。Galvanized steel pipe or bands sh

26、all not come in contact with aluminised steel pipe or bands.镀锌钢管或钢带不得接触镀铝钢管或钢带。The diameter of metal structures in this Section, is the largest dimension, horizontal or vertical.本节中金属结构的“直径”在水平或垂直方向上均为最大尺寸。603.4 - TRENCH EXCAVATION:挖沟:603.4.1 - Metal Structures 450mm through 1400mm:金属结构 450mm 至 1400

27、mm:In complete or partial fill sections, before trenching is begun, the fill shall be constructed for a minimum distance of six diameters on each side of the metal structure and to a height of 600mm over the top of the metal structure or to the surface of the completed embankment if less than 600mm

28、above the top of the metal structure. The width of the trench, in either cut of fill sections, shall not be less than the outside diameter of the metal structure or encasement plus 450mm on each side of the metal structure measured to the face of the trench or to the sheeting when used.在整个或部分填方断面上,开

29、始挖沟前需进行填方,金属结构各侧最少保持六个直径长度的距离,且金属结构顶部保持 600mm 的高度,或若金属结构顶部少于600mm时保持完整路堤表面。填方断面切口的沟宽不得少于金属结构或外包外径加上使用时至沟面或护板所测得的金属结构各侧450mm之和。603.4.2 - Metal Structures 1500mm through 2700mm:金属结构 1500mm 至 2700mm:In complete or partial fill sections, before trenching is begun, the fill shall be constructed for a dis

30、tance of six diameters on each side of the metal structure and to a minimum height of 25 percent of the vertical dimension of the metal structure. The width of the trench shall not be less than the outside horizontal diameter of the metal structure plus one diameter on each side of the metal structu

31、re. When using a Controlled low strength material the width of the trench shall not be less than the outside horizontal diameter of the metal structure plus one half diameter on each side of the metal structure.在整个或部分填方断面上,开始挖沟前需进行填方,金属结构各侧最少保持六个直径长度的距离,且保持金属结构垂直尺寸25%的最低高度。沟宽不得低于金属结构水平外径加上金属结构各侧一个直径

32、长度的和。采用控制性低强度材料时,沟宽应不得低于金属结构水平外径加上金属结构各侧一个直径长度的和。In rock or shale cut section, the width of the trench shall not be greater than required to obtain the backfill compaction specified. Soil cut trenches shall be treated as complete or partial fill sections. For rigid pipe, the width of the trench shal

33、l not be less than the outside horizontal diameter of the metal structure plus 600mm on each side of the metal structure.在岩石或页岩的路堑断面上,沟宽不得高于所需的规定回填压实度。削土沟应视为完整或部分填方断面。对于刚性管而言,沟宽不得低于金属结构水平外径加上金属结构各侧600mm的和。603.4.3 - Metal Structure Greater than 2700mm:金属结构 大于 2700mm: In complete or partial fill secti

34、ons, before trenching is begun, the fill shall be constructed for a distance of six diameters on each side of the metal structure and to a minimum height of 25 percent of the vertical dimension of the metal structure. 在整个或部分填方断面上,开始挖沟前需进行填方,金属结构各侧最少保持六个直径长度的距离,且保持金属结构垂直尺寸25%的最低高度。Installation of the

35、 metal structure shall be as detailed in the Drawings, including the type and amount of backfill and bedding. 金属结构应按照图纸详情进行安装,包括回填和基床的类型和数量。For flexible metal structure, the Contractor shall submit shop drawings detailing all erection procedures including anticipated movements during backfilling ope

36、rations. Backfill operations shall also be detailed to show lift thicknesses, sequence of lifts and shape of the metal structure during these operations.对于挠性金属结构而言,承包商应提交施工图,详述所有安装程序,其中包括回填操作过程中的预计位移。也应详述回填操作,说明此类操作过程中提升土方的厚度、提升顺序和金属结构形状。The Contractor shall submit a plan of field control for the in

37、stallation insuring the metal structure is erected in accordance with the shop and erection drawings.承包商应提交安装的现场控制计划,确保金属结构按照施工图和装配图进行安装。603.4.4 - Structural Plate Arches:结构板拱:Excavation for the foundations of structural plate arches shall be as for metal structures and in accordance with 212.3.结构板拱

38、的基础开挖应考虑金属结构并符合第 212.3 节的要求。603.5 BEDDING基床603.5.1 - General:概述:The metal structure bedding shall conform to one of the classes described below as specified. When no bedding class is specified, the requirements for Class B bedding shall apply. When a firm foundation is not found at grade due to the

39、presence of foreign material or trash, or due to the presence of moisture eight percent in excess of optimum, the unsatisfactory material shall be removed for the width of the conduit plus 450mm on each side and replaced with granular material.The Engineer will determine at the Site which class of b

40、edding shall be adopted for each metal pipe structure.金属结构基床应符合下述规定的任一等级。未指定基床等级时,应适用于B级基床的要求。因杂质或废料或因超过适宜湿度8%而导致稳固的基础未在同一平面上时,应移除各侧管道宽度与450mm之和的不合格材料,并使用粒状材料替代。工程师现场确定每种金属管结构应采用何种等级基床。603.5.2 - Class A Bedding:A级基床:Class A bedding shall consist of a continuous concrete cradle conforming to the plan

41、 details.A 级基床应包括符合方案详情的连续浇筑混凝土承座。603.5.3 - Class B Bedding:B级基床:Class B bedding shall consist of bedding the metal structure in an earth foundation of uniform density, carefully shaped by means of a template to fit the lower metal structure exterior for at least 15 percent of the overall height of

42、the metal structure. Exception is made in the case of structural plate pipe where the length of the bedding arc need not exceed the width of the bottom plate. However, if the structural plate pipe is first assembled and then placed in the trench, the 15 percent embedment specified above shall apply.

43、 Recesses shall be made in the trench bottom to accommodate the bell when bell and spigot type metal structure is used. Fine aggregate shall be used to level the foundation. When rock is encountered, it shall be removed and replaced with specified material having a thickness under the metal structur

44、e of 150mm per metre height of fill over the top of the metal structure, with a min. thickness of 300mm and a max. thickness of 600mm.B 级基床应包括均匀密度土基础中的金属结构基床,此类基床按照模板尺寸塑形,以符合最低金属结构外部的最低金属结构全高15%的要求。结构板管为例外情况,其中基床拱长度无需超过底板宽度。但是,若首先装配结构板管,然后置于沟渠,则适用上述指定的15%的埋入情况。沟渠底部应设置凹槽,以便采用承插连接型金属结构时可适用承口。应采用细骨料平整基

45、础。遇到岩石时,应移除岩石并采用指定材料替换,在金属结构顶部填方高度每米150mm的金属结构下,此类材料的最小厚度为 300mm,最大厚度为 600mm。603.5.4 - Class C Bedding:C级基床:Class C bedding shall be in accordance with the details shown on the Drawings. Recesses shall be made in the trench bottom to accommodate pipe joints.C 级基床应符合图纸中的规格。沟渠底部应设置凹槽,以便适于管道连接。603.6 -

46、LAYING AND JOINING:敷设与连接:603.6.1 - Rigid and Flexible Metal Structures:刚性和挠性金属结构:The metal structure placing, unless the Contractor is otherwise directed, shall begin at the downstream end of the metal structure. The lower segment of the metal structure shall be in contact with the shaped bedding th

47、roughout its full length. Bell or groove ends of rigid metal structures and outside circumferential laps of corrugated steel pipe and corrugated aluminium alloy pipe metal structures shall be placed facing upstream.除非承包商另有说明,否则应从金属结构下游端开始进行金属结构浇注。金属结构下段应全长接触成形基床。刚性金属结构的承口或槽口以及波纹钢管和波纹铝合金管金属结构的外部圆周搭接应

48、采用上游浇注。Paved or partially lined metal structure shall be laid so that the longitudinal centreline of the paved segment coincides with the flow line.敷设铺面或部分线纹设计的金属结构,这样铺面段的纵向中心线可与流线重合。Rigid metal structures may be of either bell and spigot or tongue and groove design, unless one type is specified. The method of joining metal structure sections shall be such that the ends are fully entered and the inner surfaces are


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