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1、Establishment of the patriotic Health Committee, the implementation of Division of responsibility, school of health management. , Room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the Department of health management. All classrooms, offices and other indoor sanit

2、ation, daily cleaning, keep the floor, table, wall clean table, cupboards, chairs and all the appliances in order and clean. No graffiti, doors and Windows and bright. Lectern, Blackboard in the classroom clean and tidy. School sanitation, according to the Division of school health area of responsib

3、ility, responsibility to do: a small sweep a day a week a big sweep, neat and clean, no paper, no spam, no weeds, no sewage, no bags, no Peel. Personal hygiene: education students to cultivate five, six nots personal hygiene habits. Five: time schedule, to brush your teeth before going to bed, to ch

4、ange clothes, bathe, and frequently washing hands before meals and after nails Barber,. Six not to drink unboiled water, do not eat unclean food, no smoking, no spitting, no snacking, no public towels, cups. Pay attention to eye health, read and write positions lying upright, not reading, not in the

5、 light of local walking and reading, doing eye exercises and timely correction of eye disease, regular rotation zuoci. Gym class, working class, to strengthen students safety education, comprehensive physical examination once a year on students, included in the profile. Improving food hygiene: to im

6、prove sanitation and hygiene, implementation of the food hygiene regulations, to ensure food hygiene, ensure the physical and mental health of teachers and students. Eliminating four pests, preventing disease: promptly clean up the garbage, sewage, preventing mosquito breeding places, cleaned up the

7、 garbage, make sure and clean. Strengthen health publicity poster out in time to publicize health knowledge, use of the health education health education to students. And eye exercises, mental health education during the consultation process, held in common, multiple lectures on epidemic prevention.

8、 Health inspection rating system: head teacher, classroom teacher, Member of the class of health checks, monitor the implementation of environmental health and eye exercises every day. Check rankings of school organizations to inform the inspection results. Check every Monday, one month, one to summ

9、arize, according to the inspection results issued health flow red flags. Six disease prevention to prevent myopia? When sitting up, head tilted, eyes 33 cm from the book. Eat, walk, bus reading, not too strong, too weak to light reading. Write not too small too close, do not write typo, grass hand.

10、Reading time and a half to 1 hour, you should rest for a few minutes. Controlling the number of TV and time, a distance of 2.5 metres. Pay attention to nutrition, food supplements containing vitamin a. How to prevent tooth decay? To develop good hygiene habits, way of brushing our teeth, mouthwash,

11、before going to bed without eating snacks. Improve the ability of anti-caries of the teeth, acid toothpaste with fluoride. Eat less sugar, eat a lot of food to prevent tooth decay, such as milk and dairy products, fish, fruit, beans, liver, etc. How to prevent trachoma? Without common towels, hand r

12、ubbing your eyes, to sand and dust, wash your face to clean the water, promote the use of flowing water to wash, maintain washing equipment clean and wash, cut your nails .采用顶推施工法在弯道及竖曲线上架设预应力钢筋混凝土箱梁桥(日) 1.绪言 佐波川桥邻近山口县德地立交枢纽。全桥长206.35m。其中河中部分的长度为150.35m,由4跨预应力混凝土连续箱梁组成。旱地部分的长度为56m,由3跨钢筋钢筋混凝土空心板梁组成。

13、本文只论述关于该桥河中部分的预应力钢筋混凝土连续梁桥。 1)由于本侨上游佐波用水库的放水,河床支撑不可使用。 2)减少施工工序 等的条件来判断,决定采用施工和安全上优良的、施工时能够确保梁下空间的顶推施工方法。 另外,本桥在平面的布置上,有R580m的圆弧同A300的辐射螺旋线,纵断面上有从-3%到+4%的纵坡,横断面坡度为变化于5%到2%的单向坡度。这些线形要素,特别增加了顶推施工法的难度。 在这里将佐波川桥中,用顶推施工法施工的预应力桥的设计施工计划做一报道。 2.顶推施工法 本桥实施的顶推方式,叫做TL施工法,是西德的莱昂哈特事务所研制的方式,在桥台的后方准备浇筑混凝土的模板设备,所以每

14、1020m一节,一边浇筑桥体混凝土,一边连接梁体,依靠在一个地方设置的顶推装置,顺次顶推,使连续梁在设置在桥墩的滑动支承上滑行。 本施工法的特点有:临时设备少可以解决;能够缩短工期不受气候的影响,全天开展作业;作业场所在一定范围里集中,而且由于同一作业反复操作,施工管理是容易的;在架设时能够完全确保梁下空间。 3.工程概要 关于日本道路公团在纵贯中国的汽车道的山口县德地镇地区内架设的佐波川桥的工程概要,说明如下: 下部构造采用天然基础方式。墩台身构造,A1桥台是扶壁型,其他桥墩是倒T形,墩高是1013m。 工程名称:中国汽车道路佐波川桥(预应力混凝土上部构造)工程。 路 线 名:中国纵贯汽车道

15、路 桥 长:150.35m 梁 长:150.15m 跨 径:37.1m237.5m37.0m 有效宽度:28.5m(上下线分开方式) 结构型式:预应力4孔连续箱梁桥 架设方法:T.L(莱昂哈特)方式顶推施工法 施 工 者:预应力混凝土公司 4.设计概要 1)设计条件 本桥的设计是根据日本道路协会(道路桥规范III混凝土桥编)及日本道路公团(设计要领)设计的。并且考虑支点的不均匀下沉10mm。动荷载按拖挂荷重(TT43)考虑。在验算桥面板时,是按照活荷重的弯曲力矩增加二成。表1所示为主要材料的强度及容许强度: 关于表1中架设时的容许弯曲拉力强度 15kg/cm2,因考虑顶推中的冲击,滑动支承的不

16、均匀下沉等,对于道路桥规范标准的值,确定要有10kg/cm2的富余。 2)主梁断面的决定 21 梁高用顶推法架设连续梁时的梁高,为了对待在架设中发生的正负交替的弯曲力矩,一般比采用就地浇筑施工方法的连续梁的梁高(跨径1/201/22)要高,通常为跨径的1/161/18左右。本桥的梁高,标准断面的梁高是2.2m,最大计算跨径37.5m的1/17。另外各断面的实际梁高有桥面线形和梁下面顶推用的圆弧滑动面之差。表1 材料强度设计标准强度400kg/cm2插入标准强度325kg/cm2混凝土容许弯曲压应力设计荷重时140kg/cm2架设时180kg/cm2容许弯曲拉应力架设时-15kg/cm2静荷重作

17、用时0kg/cm2设计荷重作用时-15kg/cm2最大剪应力强度容许剪应力强度最终荷重作用时53kg/cm2设计荷重作用时5.5kg/cm2容许主拉应力设计荷重时-10kg/cm2考虑扭矩-13kg/cm2预应力钢筋预应力钢材的种类SEEEF16032A种2号拉力强度165kg/mm2105kg/mm2屈服点应力140kg/mm280kg/mm2容许拉力设计荷重时9960插入时12672插入后115.568 22 面板厚 顶板厚度要根据面板发生的弯矩而定,但因用顶推施工法时,顶板上要配置架设用的预应力钢材,所以确定厚度时,要考虑架设用的预应力钢材固定部分与边缘的距离及与面板横向固紧的预应力钢材

18、的交差等情况。关于底板因为也要进行同样的考虑。本桥顶板厚度为28cm,底板厚度为25cm。 23 腹板厚 腹板厚度的决定要能满足箱梁的刚度,对于剪力要使具有足够的抗剪力。但在顶推时,考虑架设中的剪力是必要的。另外,如本桥这样,采用内部方式,在腹板内配置连续用的预应力钢材,检算连续用预应力钢材、垂直预应力钢筋和普通钢筋的配置是必要的。本格腹板的厚度在跨中为40cm,在支点处为55cm。 其他方面,主梁断面中底板的紧接腹板部分,因在顶推架设时作为滑动面来利用。所以要作成水平,不要使其在滑动支承上产生横方向的分力。 3)顶推施工法对线形要素的处理 顶推施工法架设大梁的轨迹以直线或圆曲线为原则。底板顶

19、推用的滑动面必须是将球斜着切断的截面,也就是说必须是斜的圆板的一部分。图3所示系本桥的线形要素。如图所示,本桥线形在平面上是由R580m的圆曲线同A300的螺旋曲线组成。纵断面线形是从-3%到4%的竖曲线。其他桥面横向坡度有由5%到2%的单向坡度的变化。现把本桥在顶推施工法中处理线形的方法述之于下: 31 平面线形 对于由圆曲线R580m变到螺旋曲线A300m的平面线菜,要选择与平曲线形位移量最小的近似圆。在道路中心线处用R750m的圆曲线,使各腹板的平面线形与道路中心线成为同心圆。桥面线形同近似圆弧的位移量约有30cm,以变化左右悬臂板的悬出量处理。 32 纵断面坡度 在本桥区间,纵断面坡度

20、插入了由-3%变化到4%的竖曲线(R5400m)A1同P4墩顶的计划高度约差50cm。对于这种纵断面线形,为了用顶推法施工,以使梁高的增量最小和避免混凝土体积增加为目的,确定了底板的顶推滑动面。 具体如图5所示,把与P1桥墩腹梁下缘高程相等的A0点设在A1桥台后面。然后用由平面线形所确定的近似圆弧R绘成圆板,以A0P4直线为轴进行旋转,决定与桥面线形最近似的纵断线形。在本桥的场合,A1P4的中点之下高差量约80cm,回转角度8。3-3 横断面坡度横断坡度系变化于5%到2%的单向坡度。因为顶推施工法利用大梁下面作为滑动面,所以组成同心圆是必要的。如以同一圆板的两个不同半径的圆孔的一部分作为左右梁

21、下面顶推用的滑动面,则圆板的倾斜方向同桥面的倾斜方向相反,左右腹板的高底差,形成很大的不稳定的箱形断面(图6a)。本桥为使腹板高度尽可能相等,将底板的横断坡度做成与桥面平均横坡相等的3.5%,使底板形成同一圆锥面的一部分(图6b)。 34节段座标在大梁制作场上的复设将桥面线形和按顶推施工法架设算出的桥梁各点的三次元座标,变换座标,复设在制作场上。 4.施工节段长度 主梁施工节段的长度,依施工缝的位置,模板周转次数,工期,一个节段混凝土的浇筑量,大梁制作场的空间等而定。另外,施工缝的位置,以避开设计荷重作用时发生最大断面力的支点及跨径的中央为好。由于这样的理由,本桥以16.6m为一个节段的长度,

22、共分9个节段。 5.导梁 导梁是为在架设中发生的断面力减少,另外,在初期顶推状态下使主梁不转倒的目的和要求,安装在主梁的端部。一般导梁的长度,为顶推跨径的60-70%,刚度约为主梁的1/10为好。本桥考虑了这些条件,导梁长度用26m,刚度与主梁比较,安装部位为1/5,标准部位为1/4。并且用32的预应力钢筋与主梁固紧。 6.临时支柱 用推顶法架设连续梁时,为了各种的目的而利用临时支柱。本桥A桥台与制作场之间,有2个处所,在P3桥墩与PR桥墩之间有一个处所设置着A1桥台与制作场之间的临时支柱是为了顶推施工中的大梁不发生过大的应力;节段制作基础之傍,不要发生过大的挠曲及偏角,施工缝不要使不连续。顶

23、推时进行横方向的调节等以上的目的而设置的。其他P3及P4桥墩间的临时支柱,是为了导梁酸达P4墩时解体导梁而设置的(参照图7)。 7.架设时应力的研究产生于架设中的断面力随着顶推架设中的结构系的变化而顺次变化。累计各顶推阶段的断面力,得到各断面的最大及最小断面力。关于弯矩,图8及图9所示的系在顶推架设中的最大和最小力矩。对于这种断面力配里架设用预应力钢筋(32),引入预加应力。架设用预应力钢筋基本上是连续两根进行张拉和连结,因此,从主梁制作场,推顶一个节段后,半数张拉时要进行应力强度的检验。图10所示是第一节段架设用预应力钢筋的配置。图8表2所示是各节段配置预应力钢材的根数。表2 架设用予应力钢

24、材使用根数表 节段分割 32(SBPR 80/105)987654321 A1 P1 P2 P3 P4顶板283044363836444646底板262624202420242626合计545668566256687272图9图10 8.设计荷重时的研讨 设计荷重时的断面力是在以下条件下分析,算出的:为了考虑曲线对梁的影响,把箱梁断面作成为一条折线的平面格形结构式样;另外,为了对于宽度方向荷重量的处理,在各径间10等分点处设置刚度假定为的横梁。图11所示为设计荷重时的最大及最小的弯矩。 预加应力,对于在架设时所发生的弯矩,可配置32的预应力钢筋,所以在设计荷重作用时不足的预应力,作为偏心预应力

25、,配置预应力钢绞线F160线。 5.施工概要 本桥的顶推施工法由于同时插入平曲线及凹形竖曲线,具有很大的特长,可以叫做立体顶推施工法。单车线主梁由以16.6m作为基本节段的9个节段组成。在A1桥台的后方,设置主梁制作场,在每一个节段制成后,向P4方向顺序进行顶推架设。顶推施工时,悬臂板不要交叉,施工顺序,从A1线进行。第9节段顶推完成之后,移动所有的机械和材料,进行B线施工。第9节段最后顶推时,因P4墩侧RC空心板桥是先架设,须建钢制临时支柱,一面拆除导梁一面顶推(图7)。 2)主梁制作场 主梁制作场,在桥台的后方,要确保在延长80m宽25m的2000m2的用地面积。在制作场内设制主梁制作台,

26、门吊,主钢索用的卷筒台,钢筋加工场,模板加工场,器材堆置场,仓库等。在制作台上,设置防雨棚设备,使雨天能够操作,使能提高工程管理及质量管理。 3)模板 模板必须正确地设置在桥台后方的顶推位置上,模板的长度要满足最大节段长度19.5m,要能适应平曲线R5400m,横断坡度5%2%。成为底模的一部分的滑动架台,先进行滚筒的加工,以使双H梁与平面曲线一致。侧模在滑动座上采用销子固定,为能用花兰螺丝进行开关的构造。脱模时,为能在垂直方向、水平方向使销子移动50mm的构造。底模作成3.5%的横断坡度,用配置间距为3.5m的油压千斤顶支承。油压系统与顶推千斤顶的油压泵作为同一系统合并使用。内模为用两根主梁

27、(H-900300)支承钢制模板的构造。对于腹板厚度及高度的变化,以内装横方向的伸缩装置,并且在面板及腹板部分使用一部分木制模板进行处治。内模板的移动采用运输滚筒进行。 4.混凝土工作及养生混凝土配合比说明示于表3。混凝土用泵车按腹板底板顶板的秩序浇筑。每个节段的浇筑量为100110m3,浇筑时间用56个小时完成。横梁基本上是后浇筑,支承处的横梁在架设完成之后浇筑,中间横梁在浇筑下一节段混凝土时,同时浇筑。混凝土的养生,夏天用薄膜养生之后,用盖席覆盖混凝土表面,进行湿润养生。冬天用罩布覆盖梁的全体,配置喷热器和养生线路进行养生。类别粗骨料最大尺寸(cn)塌落度(cm)空气量(%)水灰配W/C(

28、%)含沙率S/a(%)单位骨料用量S(kg)单位水泥用量C(kg)单位骨材量25mm5mm单位混和剂量(g)用水量(kg)适用P2-325813141.23968140011311000165主梁B1-1251014.5.5155427573001112750165高栏 5)张拉工作 预应力钢材的张拉,要在混凝土的压缩强度 325kg/cm2以上时进行。架设钢筋配置在顶板和底板,每制作1个节段,配置的钢筋张拉约半数进行连接。主钢索在支座安设和支点横梁混凝土浇筑之后,进行两次拉伸。 6)顶推装置 顶推装置,由在桥台A1处设置的顶推千斤顶,油泵,反力台,在梁内插入的锚杆及向梁身传递推力的牵引钢筋等

29、构成。(如图12) 7)滑动台 滑动台作为底模的一部分,对于主梁的平面线形及竖曲线具有重要的作用。另外,为了使顶推时顺利的移动主梁,采用润滑油脂作为减摩剂。图13所示为滑动台的构造。 8)滑动支承滑动支承是作为架设时间的临时支承,顺利的顶推主梁,而且修正顶推方向。顶推时把滑板(聚四氟乙烯板)插入滑动支承与梁之间。在滑动支承的侧面,设置水平方向的导向,使能通过滑板及千斤顶进行水平方向的校正。在下面可使用砂箱千斤顶用于分解。滑动支承的设置,应按各桥墩上主梁在接线方向的纵断坡度安装。9.导梁 导梁对于平面曲线R750m,制作安装用8m的折线。对于横坡与梁同为3.5%,对于左右的主要构件,用水平杆件连


31、用.doc顶推法架设预应力混凝土梁.doc采用顶推法设计施工的两联不同跨的连续梁.docRS顶推施工法.docSSY顶推法及实例.docTL顶推施工法.doc返回顶推施工工艺.doc.混凝土结构施工工艺.doc.施工工艺资料库结构及检索图.docKing shop school car to watch the summary view store is located in the LAN-Xin railway, 215 students, and students to and from school has about 90 people to cross the railway, m

32、ore than half of the students live in the school in the vicinity of the rail line along the railway more than 10 square kilometers. Railway is economy of artery, to makes railway along general people master railway legal regulations and security knowledge, enhanced love road watch consciousness, ens

33、ure railway security smooth, years, I school has been put love road watch work as education students of focus to caught, made has significantly of effect, years no occurred had railway security accident, emerged out a and a love road watch small guard, General teachers and students and masses of lov

34、e road watch consciousness General improve, times by superior recognition, Our practices are reporting on is as follows. And improve the Organization, love the way of protection responsibilities. Set up by the principal of the school is the head security administrator for the Deputy Head of the clas

35、s teacher for members of the railway protection leading group for propaganda and education, consisting of offices, advocacy groups, education groups and steering groups, organizations responsible for railway protection publicity and education of the whole school, command and coordination. To ensure

36、safety of the railway for the overall objectives, major tasks are: 1, arouse the enthusiasm of teachers, school advantages into full play, watch the propaganda and education work of joint railway. 2, railway watch teacher and student awareness, to ensure against road-related casualties. 3, education

37、 in primary and middle school students the courage to fight against the Railway Safety Act and found to have damaged railway safety relevant parts of the report in a timely manner to ensure railway safety. Do Division, responsibility and student teacher assessment, evaluation and love road linked to

38、 the protection and safety, enhance the sense of responsibility. Second, programming, watch love road work routine. School developed has railway watch publicity education work programme, put love road watch work into school education teaching plans, full using class teaching, and theme class, timing

39、, education students learning railway method, about love road security matters, school requirements daily of campus broadcast to has five minutes of railway security knowledge education, all class weekly are to Shang a section love road watch aspects of security class, monthly introduced a period lo

40、ve road watch aspects of window publicity, reached has alarm ringing of effect. Third, explicitly demanded that the love road protection work. Schools to establish and improve a love road watch schedule, enacted the railway safety ten no Protocol, the Convention on the safety and other regulations a

41、nd requirements, so as to enable departments to further their work. Which publicity group is responsible for railway watch legal regulations and about common sense of publicity, annual organization a to two times above railway method, and security management Punishment Ordinance, for main content of

42、 publicity, further strengthened General teachers and students of concept and love road watch consciousness, education students do three not: that not to railway Shang play, without stones, hit train, is not rail Shang stacked roadblocks. Education groups to include railway protection knowledge education in carrying out quality education, class of railway transport in the main channel of textbooks in economic construction in the role and significance of guiding students to take care of the railway, .


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