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1、Unit Six Dreams,Whats is your dream? - Write them down and share with us . How should you do to realize your dream?,Unit Six Section A,情系小提琴,Words & expressions,duty 职责;责任;义务 A policemans first duty is the protection of the people. 保护人民是警察的首要责任。 seek 寻找(某物);寻求;追求 She moved to a big city, seeking fam

2、e. 为了成名,她搬到了一座大城市。 practically 几乎,差不多 The room was practically full. 房间差不多满了。,Words & expressions,abroad He spent 10 months studying abroad. 他在国外学习了10个月。 provide for 供养;抚养 Parents are expected to provide for their children. 父母应抚养孩子。 run into 遇到(困难); The company ran into lots of trouble soon after it

3、 started. 公司开张不久就陷入了困境。 little by little 一点点地 Little by little, the patients condition was getting worse and worse. 病人的状况逐渐地恶化。,Phrases,Bring up Turning point Give up Disapprove of In view of Provide for Keep the wolves at bay As a consequence of,提出 转折点 放弃 不同意 考虑到 供养 抚养 勉强维持生计 作为-的结果,Phrases -2,Inst

4、ead of Run into It is ones duty to do Not for a moment Speak poorly of Go into Aside from Get out of Pass by,而不是 遇到困难 做是某人的职责 一点也不 贬低 从事-职业 除之外(包括) 从-得到 无视,忽视,Phrases -3,at dawn Leave for Seek out Little by little Go abroad Walk on air Mean to do sth. Make a success Make money Break away from Pay a

5、price for,黎明,天一亮 出发去 找出 逐渐的 出国 高兴极了 打算做某事 成功 赚钱 脱离 为付出代价,Page 10,Background Information: This I Believe,本文译自美国畅销书This I Believe。 This I Believe起初是一个广播节目,策划于1949年, 旨在帮助美国人克服看重物质享受而轻视精神情操的社会倾向。 该节目每日播出,每位嘉宾讲叙五分钟,其讲稿为一篇六百字的短文, 每周在报纸上刊登。 这些嘉宾或是社会名流,或是无名小卒, 他们的肤色、职业、种族均不相同, 但他们必须有一点共同之处事业成功,应对生活成功。,该节目获得

6、巨大的成功 每天约有三千九百万美国人围在收音机旁聆听罗斯福总统夫人、海伦凯勒、公司老板、商人或出租车司机讲述他们的信仰。 该广播节目最后成为一种文化现象,共有用六种语言播出、八十五家主要报纸开辟专栏每周刊登此节目的文章。 1952年经仔细挑选,选中一百人的一百篇短文汇集出版。 书名是This I Believe,畅销三十万册, 是当年销售量仅次于圣经的畅销书。 该书的阿拉伯译本创下了三天内售出三万册的记录。 This I Believe至今仍然是美国全国性的媒体节目。它邀请各行各业的美国人撰文讨论指导他们生活的哲学。 听众每周可在两个广播节目中听到这些人的自述,还可以在网上阅读他们的短文。,P

7、age 12,Background Information: about the author,Alexander Bloch亚历山大布洛奇: 是佛罗里达西海岸交响乐团指挥。 从事指挥生涯之前,他曾涉足音乐的许多领域, 他赴俄国师从奥坡尔德奥尔并留下来成为一个俄国交响乐团的音乐总监或许,他是唯一担任该职的美国人。 他是个腼腆的人, 音乐是他唯一的嗜好。,Para 1,bring up: Who brought up the subject of money? 谁提到钱的事了? 为了让你了解我的信念,我必须简单地说一说我的个人历史。,Para.2,disapprove disapprove of

8、 我不赞同在公共场所吸烟。 I disapprove of moking in public places. in view of: considering; take into consideration鉴于;考虑到,由于 In view of our research, we conclude that we can introduce our new product to the market. 虽然父母也能理解我,但他们不同意我把音乐当作一种职业。 从我的家庭背景来看,我想这是可以理解的。,Par.3,Economical 节俭的;节约的 I find it economical to

9、 shop in the large supermarkets keep the wolves/wolf at bay: 勉强维持生计 He took on two jobs at the same time, but could only just keep the wolves at bay. 我父亲经常说,多亏了我祖母勤俭持家,他们才得以勉强维持生计。,Par.4,consequence 结果;后果 as aconsequence of: 作为的结果 E.g. I was late for work as a consequence of the trains delay. insist

10、 upon/on: 坚决要求 家里有了这个先例,后来只要一提到以音乐为生,我们就 到朝不保夕的生活。 父母坚持要我上大学而不是音乐学校,所以我就上了大学。,Par.6,go into 从事(某种职业); As a young man he went into politics. 他年轻时就进入政界。 aside from Aside from Mary, all were here at the party. 除了玛丽,其他人都出席了晚会。 Aside from her beauty, she is warm-hearted. 她不仅人长得漂亮,而且还很热心。 get. out of 从得到;

11、获得 The old man got lots of money out of his investment. 当然,我丝毫没有贬低经商的意思;我的意思只是说经商不适合我。 我是为了钱才去经商的,而且,除了因为能够帮助家庭而得到的满足感之外,钱 就是我经商所得到的一切。,Par.7,我那时常常一大清早起来练琴,然后去“市中心”工作。,Para 9,walk on air: be extremely happy 非正式 极其高兴 I walked on air when I learnt that Id won the prize. 得知自己获了奖,我高兴极了 说真的,“开心”这个词还不足以表达

12、我的心情;我简直是陶醉了,Para 10,如果一直经商的话,我今天可能已经是一个真正的有钱人了。 然而,我并不认为那样的生活会是成功的。 我可能放弃掉了金钱所无法买到的幸福当一个人的主要目标是赚钱时,这种幸福往往就被放弃掉了。,Par.11,so much so that: 到这种程度,以至于 We are very busyso much so that we cant manage to take a holiday this year. 我们很忙,忙得今年都没办法度假了。 我们大多数人习惯性地认为金钱等于成功这种想法如此根深蒂固,以致于在大多数人看来,为了幸福而放弃高薪的想法似乎是愚蠢的

13、。,Par.12,pay a/the price for 付出代价 He finally got the job, but paid a heavy price for it. 钱是样好东西,但是现在我知道,为了它人们可能会付出太大的代价。,Reading Comprehension (True or False),1. My parents disapproved of music as an occupation because my grandfather taught music and earned barely enough to provide for his family.,2

14、. By saying “The wolves were kept at bay“, the author means that they were protected from being attacked by wolves.,3. I left college before graduation and went into business in order to save enough money to study music in Europe.,4. I think poorly of business.,5. Money is the only thing I got out o

15、f my job in business.,6. I would eat a mean meal at some cheap caf instead of lunching with my coworkers in order to save enough money to study music in Europe.,7. I dont believe being wealthy is being successful in living.,8. I think giving up a good salary for happiness is foolish.,excercise,p111.

16、,1. We didnt have enough time, so we did not carry out the plan.,2. I didnt attend the meeting, so I dont know the decision now.,3. The ticket was so expensive that I couldnt afford it.,If we had had enough time, we would have carried out the plan.,If I had attended the meeting, I would know the dec

17、ision now.,If the ticket had not been so expensive, I could have afforded it.,Rewrite “not for a moment“.,Model: I do not mean to speak poorly of business at all. Key: I do not for a moment mean to speak poorly of business.,1. I cant agree with you on this point at all.,I cant for a moment agree with you on this point.,2. He did not want to help you solve the problem at all.,He did not for a moment want to help you solve the problem.,3. To my surprise, they were not at all excited about the news.,To my surprise, they were not for a moment excited about the news.,


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