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1、,课标人教实验版高三 Module 10 Unit 1,READING,A Successful Failure,Lead-in,Have you ever had a hardest experience or faced a greatest challenge? What is it? How did you go through it? What lessons have you learned from it?,冒险 晕船 苏格兰的 痛苦,艰难 力量 忍受,持久 小屋 火炉,venture seasickness Scottish suffering strengthen endur

2、ance hut stove,blacken rotten blast hoarse bless selfish,变黑 腐烂的 一阵风 嘶哑的 保佑 自私的,unbearable cosy breathless circumstance,不能承受的 舒适的 呼吸困难的 情况,hook aboard web anyhow,钓钩,上钩 到/在船上 网络 不管怎样,steward crush mourn urgent bedding vital cheerful,管事,服务员 破碎,压破 哀悼,惋惜 紧急 被褥 致命的 欢乐的,persevere perseverance framework boo

3、ming swear advocate,v. 坚持 n. 坚持 框架 咆哮的 发誓 提倡,faith rank morale select,信仰 等级 道德 精选,block out give way to give off,封闭 退出;屈服 发生;释放,Try to skim through the passage and get the main plot of the story.,This is the true story of one young man, Perce Blackborow, who hid aboard the ship that took Ernest Shac

4、kletons expedition to the South Pole. He was accepted by him, once he was found, and became a steward and cook for the rest of the expedition.,The main plot of the story,When the ship was crushed by ice, Perce was one of those left behind on Elephant Island to wait for rescue. Shackleton and a few o

5、thers set out through very dangerous seas to South Georgia Island to get help so that they could all be saved.,The conditions for those left on Elephant Island were very bad. They had little food, other than penguin or seal, problems keeping warm, problems melting the ice for water and protecting th

6、eir fingers and toes from frostbite. Perce had to have his toes removed because they bad become affected by the cold.,Nevertheless the small group remained loyal to their captains instructions: to remain cheerful and optimistic despite all difficulties. Above all they worked to stay alive till Shack

7、leton returned to rescue them.,Answer some questions,1. Where is the reading passage set? 2. Why is the title of the passage “A successful failure”? Was the expedition a failure? Was it a success? 3. Who does Perce admire and why?,Words and expressions explained,1 . almost blocking out the memories

8、of happier times. 2 Just as I am about to become self-pitying 3 . must have mourned this unexpected end,. almost blocking out the memories of happier times.,The expression to block out here is used in an idiomatic way. The verb literally means to stop light reaching a place but it is used in this co

9、ntext to mean to stop remembering things.,2 Just as I am about to become self-pitying, the door to our shelter opens and a blast of cold air tears through the hut.,This is a compound word that means to feel sorry for oneself and in the story Perce is about to feel very sorry for himself because of t

10、he desperate situation they are in.,3. I believe Shackleton must have mourned this unexpected end to his expedition, but he did not waste time on regrets.,To mourn for someone or something means that you are very sad that a person has died or a thing has ended.,Understanding ideas,1. Why were Perce

11、and his colleagues left on Elephant Island? 2. Why did Perce not apply for the expedition like everyone else?,3. Why is he unable to think of happier times as he lies inside his sleeping bag? 4. What are his problems? 5. Do you think he has a sensible approach to his situation? Why?,Discussion of id

12、eas,Which is more valuable: a mans life or visiting a previously unvisited spot? 2. What precautions should have been taken before the expedition in case of emergency?,3. Do you think Perce and his companions had any alternative to eating seals and penguins? What would you have done? 4. Are there an

13、y circumstances under which you would eat seals or penguins? Give your reasons.,1. Choose the correct answer to each question.,1). Why did Blackborow think that being “young, fit and energetic” would encourage Shackleton to take him on the trip?,A Shackleton liked young people who were fit and energ

14、etic. B It would be cold and Shackleton would need young, energetic people to do difficult jobs C Shackleton wanted people who were fit but not trained in useful skills. D Blackborow would not have gone unless he was young and energetic.,2). Why did Shackleton accept Perce when he found him hiding i

15、n the ship after the voyage had started?,A He didnt have time to turn round and take him back to England. B He admired his courage and encouraged him to stay. C He felt angry but could not show it so he accepted the boy. D He made the best of the situation.,3). Why did Shackleton not show how disapp

16、ointed he was when the ship sank?,A He thought he could always organize another expedition. B He knew it would be easier to cross Antarctica without the ship.,C He felt the men would need encouraging after this disaster. D He had already taken all necessary supplies from the ship.,2. When the ship s

17、ank, Shackleton encouraged each sailor to collect three personal things (camera, banjo, diary, family album, etc) to take with him. Try to make a dialogue between Shackleton and three of his men about what to leave, what to take and why.,Hints:,.want to take something to read take my “gameboy“ with

18、me to play with. need a battery cannot buy batteries at the South Pole!, choose a pack of cards play with that. take my diary write about how it feels and what happens to us every day taking a bar of soap try and keep clean,S1: OK. This was Shackletons position. The ship is sinking. He has collected

19、 essential supplies and now suggested that each person take three personal things. What sort of things do you think we should choose?,S2: I want to take something to read. I would feel very upset if there was nothing to do while we were waiting to be rescued. S3: Thats a good idea. I would take my “

20、gameboy” with me to play with. S4: Do you think thats a good idea? You need a battery for that and you cannot buy batteries at the South Pole!,S3: Thats true. Perhaps it would be better if I chose a pack of cards. We can all play with that. S1: Thats a good idea. Now what about you, other? S2: Perha

21、ps I would take my diary. Then I can write about how it feels and what happens to us every day. That way we could keep a record.,S3: And I am thinking of taking a bar of soap so I can try and keep clean. It makes me miserable if I feel dirty. So it will help keep me cheerful. S1: Those are good choi

22、ces and good reasons. Now you each have two more to choose,What qualities do you think Shackleton and Perce show? Find some examples to support your ideas.,1Perseverance, unselfishness, calmness 2 concern and responsibility for others,never gave way to disappointment when ship sank and expedition fa

23、iled; was always honest with his men; no differences in rank or in social status; a fair division of food as well as work planned a rescue plan as soon as the ship sank,Shackleton,Blackborrow when he thought he could not go he did aboard the ship; served 28 meals three times a day despite problems with food.,Homework,Review the passage and do some exercises on Workbook. 2. Try to grasp the words and expressions in the passage.,


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