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1、Unit 1 Success stories,一、一周知识概述 1重难点单词与短语:award,success,strict encourage,support,interest,develop,development,overcome,admire,accident,pride,on television,at the age of,at a price,be strict with sb,fall ill,in place of,be grateful to sb for sth,2句型 He was watching a Tom and Jerry cartoon on televisi

2、on when he first heard western classical music. 当他首次听到西方古典音乐时,他正看Tom and Jerry卡通电视。 LangLang began taking piano lessons at the age of three. LangLang在他三岁时开始上钢琴课。 I think he is successful. 我认为他是成功的。 I admire her because she plays the violin for love, not just to win competitions. 我钦佩她,她是出于热爱而拉小提琴,而不仅

3、为赢得比赛。,3语法:过去进行时。,更多资源,二、单元重难点知识讲解 1Ben was responsible for writing stories about successful people for the school newspaper. 译文Ben负责为校报写关于成功人士经历的稿子。 be responsible for sth意为“负责某事”。 e.g.The pilot of the plane is responsible for the passengers safety. 飞机驾驶员应对旅客的安全负责。,如果主语不是人,则表示造成事实的“原因”。 e.g.The wea

4、ther is responsible for the delay. 由于天气关系才耽搁了。 sb. be responsible to sb. (another one) for sth意为“某人替另一个人负责某事”。 e.g.He is responsible to me for it. 这件事他对我负责。,2LangLang began taking piano lessons at the age of three. 译文LangLang三岁时开始上钢琴课。 这句话相当于:LangLang began taking piano lessons when he was 3./When h

5、e was three years old. begin doing sth.意为“开始做某事”,相当于start doing sth.。另外begin和start均可接to do或doing. e.g.When did you begin to learn/learning German? 你何时开始学德语的?,但在下面3种情况下,后跟to do较好。 主语是物而不是人时。 e.g.Prices began to go up. 物价开始上涨。 本身为-ing形式时。 e.g.He is just beginning/starting to write the letter. 他刚刚开始写那封

6、信。 其后的动词与想法、感情有关时: e.g.She began/started to understand it. 她开始明白这件事。,3He won first prize in the Shengyang Piano competition only two years later. From then on, he won many awards. 译文仅在两年后他在沈阳钢琴比赛中获得一等奖,从那以后,他获得了许多奖。 prize n. 奖赏(品),奖金;奖品 e.g.win a prize 得奖 My sister won first prize for her singing. 我

7、姐姐唱歌获得了第一名。 His poem won the first prize of ten dollars. 他的诗得了10元的头奖。 He received the Nobel Prize for peace. 他获得了诺贝尔和平奖。,prize可作形容词(adj.),意为“得奖的,作为奖品的”。 e.g.a prize cup 奖杯 a prize essay 获奖论文 award作名词,意为“奖品,奖,奖励”,无“奖金”之义。 e.g.the first award/prize 一等奖 另外award还可作动词,意为“授予;判给,颁发”经常构成短语award sb sth/award

8、 sth to sb.意为“奖赏某人某物”。 e.g.The university awarded her a scholarship. 大学给她颁发奖学金。,Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his great achievement in physics. 爱因斯坦因在物理学上的成就而被授予诺贝尔奖。,4However, LangLangs success came at a price. 译文但是,LangLang的成功来之不易。 success是名词,意为“成功”,它的形容词为successful,动词为succeed,另外success

9、作“成功”讲,是不可数名词,作“成功的人或事”讲时,是可数名词。 e.g.Both plans have been tried without success. 两个计划都已试过但未获成功。 I wished him success in his new shop. 我祝愿他经营新商店成功。,He is a great success as a teacher. 作为一名教师,他非常出色。 The operation was quite successful. 手术很成功。 succeed是动词,作“成功”讲,经常构成短语“succeed in+名词/动名词”,注意:通常不译出“成功”二字。

10、e.g.LangLang succeeded on his own. LangLang全凭自己获得成功。,5His father was very strict with him. 译文他的父亲对他要求严格。 be strict with someone意为“对(某人)要求严格”。 e.g.Father is strict with us children. 父亲对我们这些孩子很严格。 然而,对某事要求严格要用be strict in sth.,若同时出现某人某事,结构为be strict with sb. in sth.。,e.g.He is strict in his work. 他对工作

11、很严格。 The teachers are strict with us in our behaviour. 老师们对我们的行为举止要求严格。,6He was practicing the piano while other children his age were playing games and having fun. 译文在他练钢琴时,其他的同龄的孩子却在愉快地玩游戏。 这是while引导的一个时间状语从句,在过去大时间背景下表示两个同时进行的动作,所以都用了过去进行时。 e.g.While Mary was having a bath, her husband was watchi

12、ng TV. 在Mary洗澡时,她丈夫却在看电视。 While I was doing my homework last night, my mum was doing some reading. 昨天晚上当我做作业时,妈妈在看书。,7He was watching a Tom and Jerry cartoon on television when he first heard western classical music. 译文当他第一次听到西方古典乐时,他在欣赏一部名为猫和老鼠的卡通片。 这是when连接的时间状语从句,在过去的大时间背景下常可表达当过去一动作发生时另一动作正在进行,此时主句要用过去进行时表达。 e.g.We were talking about you when you came in. 当你进来时,我们正说到你。,Thank you!Bye!,更多资源,


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