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1、牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语 (模块十) 高三上学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 4 Law and order板块:Task 1作 者:马艳Thoughts on the design:本节课是以听、读为主的Task教学课。课时为一节。本节课结合生活中常见的场景进行教学。通过表情、语调所传达的不同情绪,帮助学生理解非语言信息对于语义的影响。鼓励学生合理使用这些途径传达语义并且获取有效信息,为下一课报告写作做准备。Teaching aims:1. To listen for emotions expressed by tones of voice.2. learn to as

2、k and answer questions tactfully and politely.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Introduction: read from facesThe teacher starts the lesson with a series of pictures of expressions. A competition is held to guess the meaning of different emotions. The atmosphere is lightened and the topic is introduced.【设计说

3、明】教师通过一系列的表情图片猜测帮助学生进入话题表情和语调的背后是情感传达。通过让学生猜测图像所代表的表情,活跃了课堂气氛,也拉近与本土学生间的情感距离,调动学生的学习热情和兴趣,寓教于乐,在欢快的气氛中导入本课主题。Step 2 Listening: hear from voicesAsk students to hear the same sentence read by four different tones and decide which emotion each sentence renders.【设计说明】通过对一句话四个不同语调的演绎使得学生体会到语调背后传达的不同语义。St

4、ep 3 Listening: fill in the blanksAsk students to read the guidelines and the note sheet to get prepared and fill in the blanks while listening.【设计说明】通过听前的已知信息阅读推测听力内容,帮助学生培养听前预测能力;通过填空形式降低听力难度,使学生对于听力内容有个大致的了解。Step 4 Listening: listen for emotionsLet students listen Part B and pay attention to his

5、tones of voice.【设计说明】通过不同的语调传达不同的情绪和语义,帮助学生理解言语者语调背后的语义情绪。Step 5 listening: sum-upTo sum up, different emotions can be expressed by different tones.【设计说明】引导学生总结不同的语调传达不同情绪。Step 6 ReadingAsk students to read the article and try to further understand the whole story of Xu Jin and answer the questions.

6、【设计说明】通过阅读文章帮助学生更进一步了解听力部分故事的背景。也为下一节Task中对话练习和最终的报告成型做准备。Step 7 SummaryThe teacher make a conclusion about the task class: sometimes we read from faces; sometimes we listen from tones and sometimes we read between lines to get information behind the language.【设计说明】教师通过总结本堂课的内容使得学生理解通过表情、语调、潜台词等多种途径获取语义信息的方式,并为鼓励学生在下节Task课尝试用这些方式传达自己的情感意图做准备。Step 8 HomeworkAsk students to preview the next two steps and get prepared for the report writing.【设计说明】通过家庭作业为下节Task做准备。 2 / 2


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