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1、I get up at seven oclock.一、教材分析: 这一单元单词量大,要求学生听懂会说六个动词词组以及表达时间,对于他们来说难度相当大,并且这一课是用第一人称“I”来表达自己一天的日常活动,可以设计的活动不多,课堂有可能会显得枯燥无味。二、学情分析: 学生已经掌握了数字1-12的英语表达法,他们更有兴趣去学习怎样用英语表达一天所做的日常活动以及表达时间。三、教学内容: 新标准英语(三年级起点)第二册,第5模块,第1单元 I get up at seven o clock.四、教学目标及要求1知识目标:(1)使学生能听、说、认、读六个动词短语:get up, go to schoo

2、l, have lunch ,go home, watch TV, go to bed.(2)使学生掌握Iato clock的句型。2能力目标:(1)能用学过的动词短语来表达自己做的事情。(2)能够初步使用学过的词汇和句型与别人交流自己在一天的某个时间做的事情。3情感目标:鼓励学生发言介绍自己在一天的某个时间做什么事情,通过多种形式的活动激发学生学习英语的兴趣。并教育学生要珍惜时间,养成合理安排作息时间的好习惯。五、教学重点:六个词组和句型 Iato clock.六、教学难点:(1)介词“at”的使用。(2)能够运用所学习的词汇和句型交流。七、教学准备:录音机、课件、单词卡片、教学用时钟、大明

3、等人物头饰、计划表。八、教学过程:一、热身复习 1. Greetings.T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Chen.T: How are you?Ss: Im fine .And how are you? T:Im fine too. Thank you.2. Sing a song.Ten little fingers师生互动,复习数字。 二、导入新课1.老师拿出教学用钟表,让学生观看 T:Look. Whats it?Ss: Its a clock.T: Right.2Whats the time, please

4、?(拨动时钟,学生回答,并板书)seven o clock, eight o clock, twelve o clock.four o clock, six o clock, nine o clock. _ 3T: Read it together. 三、学习新知1(课件:Miss Chen正在吃晚餐)T: Look, this is Miss Chen. Im having dinner.(引导学生说出have dinner) (点击课件:出现钟) T: Whats the time, please?Ss: Its seven oclock.T: I have dinner at seven

5、 oclock.板书: I have dinner at seven oclock.(根据手指的节奏读句子) 2.Read after the teacher. Pay attention to “at”3.T: Today, were going to learn some phrases. (1) get upT: Look and guess. Its seven oclock. I should_ _. read after the teacher up up get up(肢体语言) 大小声 Look and say. (老师做嘴形)I get up at seven oclock.

6、T: Listen, what time does Daming get up? Who can repeat?Ss: I get up at seven oclock. (2) go to schoolT: (播放录音)Who can repeat?Ss: I go to school at eight oclock.(板书:go to school) Read after the teacher. School, school, go to school.(小老师) T: What time do you go to school?让学生自己说自己上学的时间音模仿,发挥学生的主动性让学生听

7、(3) have lunch T: Its twelve oclock. Im hungry. Its time for_.板书:have lunchRead after the teacher (how many fingers how many times) one by oneT: Listen and repeat.I have lunch at twelve oclock.(4)go home 课件:(下课铃声 钟表4点)T: Whats the time, please? Its four oclock. Lets go home.板书:go home.Read after the

8、 teacher (看卡片由小到大)T: listen and repeat. Ss: I go home at four oclock.(5) watch TVT: Listen then repeat. S1: I watch TV at six oclock.板书: watch TVCard: watch TV read after the teacher with actions看嘴形说:I watch TV at six oclock.(6)go to bed. T: Im tired. Its nine oclock. Its time for me to go to bed.板书

9、:go to bed.Read after the teacher 看手势读单词T: listen then repeat S1: I go to bed at nine oclock. 5Read the phrases and sentences together. 四、趣味操练 1Game1T: Lets play a game. Look, Its beautiful. (点击课件,出现海底世界)There are lots of fishes. But the shark wants to eat them. If you can say the phrases. You can h

10、elp the fish. Can you? Lets begin. 2Simon says的游戏。T: Simon says, get up, then do the action. Get up, don t do the action. 3. read the passage. (1) T: Now, Lets have a rest. Listen then repeat. (2)Listen then read after the tape.课文学习,在学习的时候,对学生提出要求,听,指,跟读,齐读,任务难度层层递进。 4The sentence game. (课件现出六朵花,花上有

11、不同的活动和时间,学生必须用Iato clock表达出来)五、完成任务1 给每个学生一张计划表,设计出一张自己周末或上学时间的计划表。T: Take out your tables. Please finish it. Then use the sentence pattern I_ at _oclock/half past_. to report your daily life.Activityget upgo to schoolhave lunchgo homewatch TVgo to bedTime时间六、小结1. How time flies! Please cherish time and work hard.2. Which group is the winner?3. End.附板书设计: Unit1 I get up at seven oclock.get upatseven o clock.go to schooleight o clock.have lunchtwelve o clock.go homefour o clock.watch TVsix o clock.go to bednine o clock.I


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