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1、初中英语语法教学与案例分析 北京教育学院石景山分院 陈芳,一、语法教学流派简介 二、语法教学方法有哪些 三、英语课程标准对语法教学的要求 四、语法课堂教学的程序 五、语法教学的原则,一、语法教学流派简介 显性语法教学和隐性语法教学,(一)显性语法教学:学生听教师讲授语法规则,再通过做练习来学习语法。,(二)隐性语法教学:通过输入含有某语法项目的语言材料,来感知、体会该语法项目的意义、规则和用法,再通过各种练习,最后达到实际运用。,Tony:So whats your pen friends name, Lingling? Lingling:Sally Maxwell, and shes fro

2、m Park School in London. Tony:Has she visited China before? Lingling:No, she hasnt. But I sent her a DVD about China and shes watched it. And she has enjoyed my messages about my life here in Beijing. So I think shell like it here. Tony:What about you, Lingling? Have you ever wanted to travel around

3、 the world? Lingling:Yes, I have. Ive always wanted to go to the USA and Europe. And Sally has invited me to stay with her in England one day. The problem is the price of the ticket.,Activity 4: Check the things Lingling and Sally have done.,Activity 5: Work in pairs. Ask and say what Lingling and S

4、ally have or havent done. -Has Sally visited China? - No, she hasnt.,小结:教学研究发现,语法教学应采用以隐性教学为主,显形教学为辅的教学方式。在起始阶段,在初中英语语法教学中,应多采用隐性的教学方式,在高级中学和大学的英语语法教学中,可适当增加显形教学的成分。,二、语法教学方法有哪些 (一)演绎法 (二)归纳法 (三)指导发现法,(一) 演绎法 演绎语法教学法指教师展示语法规则并举例说明,然后由学生将所展示的语法规则运用于新的语言环境。,演绎教学方式中语法规则讲解清楚准确,便于学生理解,比较适合成人学习者。 但这种教学方式使

5、学生对教师的依赖性增强,通过这种方式学到的语言知识也比较容易遗忘。这种方式注重的是形式而不是使用,其中教师讲得多,学生的积极参与性比较少,处于被动的学习状态。,(二)归纳法 学生首先接触的是包含语法规则的真实上下文情景,然后根据上下文的信息归纳出使用规则。 e.g. This is a book. These are books.,归纳式语法教学可增加学生和语言的接触,有助于培养学生的语言感觉。通过分析归纳总结语言使用规律可深化学生对用法的理解。归纳教学比较注重语言的运用而不是语言的形式。但这种教学方式对教师的要求比较高,学生对语言的理解未必准确,需要教师更多的帮助。,小结:归纳和演绎各有优缺

6、点,策略性教学应该是二者的结合,况且,归纳和演绎是最基本的两大逻辑思维能力,也是教学中应该发展的最基本的能力。只有恰当地使用归纳和演绎的教学方式,才能使这两种能力得到应有的培养和发展。,(三)指导发现法 指导发现法与归纳法类似,需要学生去自我发现语法规则,不同的是,发现的过程老师介入得更多,很多程度上需要老师来引导和帮助,得出规则后再由明确地教给学生。,教师通常会提供给学生一个语境,通过语境来展示特定的结构。学生被引导着去发现基本的结构,并在语境中理解其含义。,e.g. too to,教师出示图片(一个重200kg的盒子),教师引导学生观看图片: T: What can you see in

7、the picture, class? Ss: We can see a box, a big box. T: Is it heavy? Ss: Yes, its heavy. It is 200kg. T: Can I carry it? Ss: No, you cant. T: You are right. I cant carry it. Why? Because it is too heavy to carry.,指导发现法:板书句型 引导学生观察提供更多类似的语境 板书更多的句型 引导学生发现结构及其意义 根据提示进行练习。,Pennington (2002:92-93) propo

8、ses a synthesis approach to grammatical pedagogy. She emphasized that grammar teaching should be collocational, constructive, contextual and contrastive which can serve as useful guidelines for teaching grammar.,三、从英语课程标准看语法教学的要求 了解常用语言形式的基本结构和常用表意功能 在实际运用中体会和领悟语言形式的表意功能 理解和掌握描述人和物的表达方式 理解和掌握描述具体事件和

9、具体行为的发生、发展过程的表达方式 初步掌握描述时间、地点、方位的表达方式 理解、掌握比较人、物体及事物的表达方式,强调在语言实践中运用语言知识。 强调语法的功能,而不是语法形式本身,比如:以往的大纲要求学生掌握形容词的比较级、最高级,而现在要求学生掌握比较人、物体和事物的表达方式。,四、语法课堂教学的程序 展示、解释、练习、测评,(二)解释(explanation):将语法结构从所在的上下文中剥离出来进行专门处理(结构、含义、作用、规则等)。,(一)展示(presentation):展示包含语法项目的文本材料,组织学生观察、归纳其在文中的结构及含义。,Hospital,supermarket

10、,Flower shop,Where is the? Its ,The Flower shop is between the school and the restaurant.,The Shoe store is between the bank and the post office.,The bus station is next to the book store.,Book store,The supermarket is next to the post office.,The restaurant is on the right of the flower shop.,The f

11、lower shop is on the left of the restaurant.,between and,next to.,on the right of,The shoe store is on the left of the post office. The post office is on the right of the shoe store.,on the left of,(三)练习(practice):学生通过控制、半控制和自由运用不同层次的练习来达到逐步掌握和运用所学语法项目。,Ur(1988:11): Practice may be defined as any ki

12、nd of engaging with the language on the part of the learner, usually under the teacher supervision, whose primary objective is to consolidate learning.,Ur further predicts that the following factors contribute to successful practice: Pre-learning Volume and repetition Success-orientation Heterogenei

13、ty Teacher assistance Interest,I. How can practice be more effective?,Pre-learning. clearly perceived + taken into short term memory,2. Volume and repetition. The more language the learners are exposed to or produce, the more they are likely to learn ( plenty of time and opportunities to listen to,

14、speak, read and write),3. Success-orientation. Generate more confidence.,4. Heterogeneity. Elicit or generate different levels of answers from different learners,5. Teacher assistance. Be available, such as suggestions, hints and prompts.,6. Interest. Learners who are bored find it difficult to conc

15、entrate and their attention wanders.,II. Mechanical practice and meaningful / communicative practice. Aimed at form accuracy. Pay repeated attention to a key element in a structure. Substitution and transformation drills are most frequently used. e.g. Jack has the prettiest garden in town. (clean ho

16、use, lovely dog, nice flowers) Now my uncle lives in China. (last year, America) My mother usually gets up at six. (this morning, eight),meaningful / communicative practice: the focus is on the production, comprehension or exchange of meaning. It usually comes after mechanical practice. A: I think b

17、eer is cheaper than fruit. B: No. I think fruit is cheaper than beer.,(四)测评(evaluation) 对新学的语法项目进行测评和检查,了解所学情况。 1.Mary is _ best friend. She is from England. A. I B. my C. me D. mine 2. We _ a birthday party for Linda tomorrow. A. have B. had C. will have D. have had,五、语法教学的原则 (一)动机原则 (二)效率原则 (三)变化原

18、则 (四)全面原则 (五)交际原则 (六)手段原则,(一)动机原则(6) 1、选择适合学生年龄、认知能力和语言水平的话题;,1)话题是不是与学生的生活经历有联系; 2)通过参与相关活动学生能否了解更多的自己想知道的内容; 3)话题是否能够激发学生的想象力或好奇心; 4)学生是不是对话题已有所了解,并且想与其他同学交换意见。,2、创设情景,尽可能地为学生提供视觉物体,如图画、幻灯等。,3、增加语法练习的开放性。,4、形式与意义相结合。 练习不仅应以意思的传达为重点,还应能制造一种信息沟,激发学生的好奇,从而参与活动获取信息。,5、充分体现个性化。 活动的材料应来自学生的亲身经历、学生的观点、学生

19、的情感、个性化活动有助于学生进行真实的交流,于思想交流中内化语言规则。,6、练习活动应使学生适当紧张。 Please make sentences with present simple tense according to the picture. Please make up 10 sentences about the picture using the present simple tense. Please make up 10 sentences about the picture using the present simple within 3 minutes. Who can

20、 make the most sentences about the picture using the present simple tense within 3 minutes?,(二)效率原则(6) 1、目的明确 A B C D 活动的目的可以是语言层面的,也可以是语言与功能相结合的,如解决问题、计划出游、订购机票、采访等,但尽可能要使学生运用所学语言语法知识完成所接受的任务。,2、尽可能增加学生的参与 两人活动或小组活动的方式,4、增加活动的种类,3、保证练习的有效性 保证练习的效率不只是有错必纠,而是纠错后要有充分的机会让学生感受成功,这种成功可增加学生的自信、提高学习动机。,5、练前做好准备 在语法操练之前必须有展示阶段和解释阶段,当学生清楚所学的语法概念后才可以进入语法练习阶段。,6、课堂及时评价和反馈,(三)变化原则 根据学生的情况设计丰富多彩的教学活动; 多采用发现策略,让学生自己探索和发现语言的使用规则。,(四)全面原则 关注学生全体 显性与隐性结合 归纳和演绎结合 控制性、半控制性和交际性训练结合,(五)交际原则 真正的语言能力是在交际使用中培养的。 (六)手段原则 语言能力是交际能力的基础,但学习语法只是 语言学习的一种手段,而不是学习的目的。 教学不能为教语法而教,学习也不能为学语法而学。,敬请指导!,


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