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1、高一(上),形容词和副词的 比较级&最高级,形容词和副词的级,原级、比较级、最高级 形容词和副词有三个等级: 1.原级:即形容词和副词的原形。 small, good, pretty, big, many hard, happily, slowly, quickly 程度副词very,too,so,quite等修饰形容词和副词的原级。 如:very tall、 too hot、 so cold quite interesting run quickly asas ,(与一样); not as(so)as (与不一样)中间用原级。 The story is as interesting as t

2、hat one. The question is not as / so difficult as that one.,2.比较级:两个人或物之间的比较。表示“较”或“更一些”。标志词:than (比) 单音节词通常是-er结尾;多音节或部分双音节词通常在之前加more. 如:smaller, better, taller, older, more, harder more interesting , more quickly 3.最高级:三个或三个以上的人或物之间 的比较。 标志词:in+大范围, of all, of +the+具体的数字 表示“最”的意思。(两者以上用最高级) 单音节词通

3、常是-est结尾;多音节或部分双音节词通常在之前加most. 在形容词的最高级前必须加the;副词之前可以不加。如 :smallest, tallest, newest, best most interesting, most difficultly,单音节和少数多音节的形容词和副词的比较级和最高级 的构成分规则和不规则。变化如下:,2.不规则变化 well better best bad worse worst many more most little less least Much more most far farther farthest,(2) 数量的比较 1.我的笔比你的多. 2

4、.我喝的茶比他多. 3.他吃的饭比我少. 4.一班的学生比二班多.,I have more pens than you (do).,I drink more tea than he (does).,He has less rice than I (do).,There are more students in Class 1 than in Class 2.,(3). “the +比较级, the +比较级“:表示“越越” eg. 1.The sooner you see a doctor, the better it is. 2.The longer I waited, the less p

5、atient I became.,(4) 比较级 + and + 比较级,表示“越来越” 冬天就要来了,天气变得越来越冷。 e.g. Winter is coming. Its getting colder and colder.,形容词最高级的用法 (in; of) 1、那个短发的女孩是我们班最高的. 2、今天是一年中最热的一天. 3、他的房间是三个中最干净的一个. 4、上海是中国最大的城市.,The girl with red hair is the tallest in our class.,Today is the hottest day of the year.,His room i

6、s the cleanest of the three.,Shanghai is the largest in China.,2.the +序数词+最高级+单数可数名词:表示“第几大的” eg. 1.This is the third most popular song of Michael Jackson。 2. Russia is the first biggest country in era in the world.,1.The new building is higher than the old one.,Those apples are bigger than these on

7、es.,2.His shirt is more expensive than mine.,如果主语是物主代词+名词,那么后面要用 名词性物主代词。,比较级必须在同类中进行,即人与人比, 物与物比,而且比较结构前后的词语要对称, 特别注意在than或 as 之后不要漏掉可能出现 的替代词 that ,those, one ,ones.,Attention,3.Kate is more beautiful than Lily is. She is five years older than I am.,I drink more tea than he (does).,than前后句子的时态相同。通

8、常用be动词 情态动词can, may, must, could, should和助动 词do, does ,did, will,have等来简答。,4.I have more pens than you (do).,many,much,little,few等词必须带名词。,5.The city is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.,one of+ the+最高级+复数名词,Which/Who+ 比较级,A or B? Which/Who+ 最高级,A ,B or C?,6.Who is older, Jim or Tom ? Wh

9、o is the tallest, Jim , Mike or Tom,Which language is _ , English, French or Chinese? A. difficult B. more difficult C. the most difficult,C,7. Mary is the tallest of all the sisters in the family .,在使用形容词最高级时,一定要把自己包括 在比较的范围内。,8.This is the third largest city in China .,当表示“第二,第三”等意思时,经常在最高 级的前面加se

10、cond, third,等词。,9.Its our largest machine in our factory.,当最高级前有物主代词修饰时,其前不加 定冠词the.,双音节或多音节形容词和副词的比较级 和最高级的特殊情况:,1、一般是在原级前加more构成比较级,在原级前加most构成最高级。 beautiful more beautiful most beautiful interesting more interesting most interesting dangerous more dangerous most dangerous 2、某些单音节形容词,加more, most 构

11、成比较级和最高级。 glad more glad most glad pleased more pleased most pleased tired more tired most tired often-more often- most often,3、表示在两者之间相差的程度用“具体数字+比较级+ than+ 比较对象”。 eg: The road is two metres longer than that one . 这条公路比那条公路长两米。 This pencil is four inches shorter than that one . 这只铅笔比那只铅笔短四英寸。 4、有些双

12、音节和单音节形容词,既可以加er或est构成比较级和最高级,也可以加more 和most构成比较级和最高级。 friendly huge calm free true clever,5、形容词原级的比较。 形容词的原级与asas连用表示肯定意思,是“和一样”的意思;与not as/ so as连用表示否定意义,是“不如”或“不一样”的含义。 She is as pretty as her mother. The book is as new as that one. The story is as interesting as that one. The question is not as

13、/ so difficult as that one. My bike is not as / so good as yours.,6、形容词比较级的修饰。比较级前面可以用even(更加),much(得多),far(得多),a little(一点),a bit(一点),a lot(大量),still(还,还要)等词语表示不定程度或数量。 eg: I am even less lucky. She is far better than me at writing. This pen is much better than that one. Tom is a little shorter tha

14、n his friend Jim.,7. 形容词的比较级 + and + 形容词的比较级 (前后形容词是同一个) 越来越 She is becoming thinner and thinner. Our country is becoming richer and richer. There are more and more students in our school. Living in the world is becoming more and more difficult.,8、the + 形容词的比较级 + + the +形容词的比较级 表示“ 越,就越” The more yo

15、u eat, the fatter you will be. The harder you study, the more you will get. The smaller the house is, the less it will cost. The sooner, the better.,9、the + 形容词比较级 + of 短语 两者中比较的一个 She is the prettier of the two girls. The bike is the older of the two. His is the taller of the two. This one is the m

16、ore beautiful of the the two picture.,10.表示“是的几倍”,用“倍数+as+原级+as”结构,或者“倍数+比较级+than”结构。 eg: This classroom is three times as big as that one. This classroom is twice bigger than that one.,8、the + 形容词的比较级 + + the +形容词的比较级 表示“ 越,就越” The more you eat, the fatter you will be. The harder you study, the mor

17、e you will get. The smaller the house is, the less it will cost. The sooner, the better.,9、the + 形容词比较级 + of 短语 两者中比较的一个 She is the prettier of the two girls. The bike is the older of the two. His is the taller of the two. This one is the more beautiful of the the two picture.,10.表示“是的几倍”,用“倍数+as+原级

18、+as”结构,或者“倍数+比较级+than”结构。 eg: This classroom is three times as big as that one. This classroom is twice bigger than that one.,4.表示倍数 1)数词 + times + as + 形容词原级 + as This room is twice as big as that one.,2)数词+times+形容词比较级+than This room is twice bigger than that one.,3)数词+times+性质名词+of (性质名词主要有:lengt

19、h, size, height, weight, depth等) This room is twice the size of that one.,4) (not) half + as + 形容词原级 + as This room is half as big as that one.,比较级和最高级的修饰语,1.常见的比较级的修饰语有:much, a great deal, far, by far, even, will, still, a bit, a little, rather, any, (far) larger than eg. This movie is far more int

20、eresting than I expected.,2. all the +比较级:愈来愈 eg. I worked all the harder. 我工作愈来愈努力了。,3.常见的最高级的修饰语有:序数词,by far, nearly, almost, by no means, not quite, not really等 eg. He is almost the best player.,4. any修饰比较级只用于疑问句、否定句和条件状语从句 eg. Can you do any better on this job?,1.In recent years travel companies

21、 have succeeded in selling us the idea that the further we go , _ 。 A. our holidays will be better B. our holiday will be the better C. the better our holiday will be D. the better will our holiday be,2. As far as I am concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn, _。 A. the more for

22、 life you are equipped B. the more equipped for life you are C. the more life you are equipped for D. you are equipped the more for life,3.I wish youd do _ talking and some more work. Thus things will become better。 A. a bit less B. any less C. much more D. a little more,4. After two years research, we now have a _ better understanding of the disease。 A. very B. far C. fairly D. quite,5.Youre driving too fast. Can you drive _? A. more slowly a bit B. slowly a bit more C. a bit more slowly D. slowly more bit,


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