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1、1,新课标理念下的 高中英语课例分析 德清县教育局教研室 陈琛琛,2,一、词汇教学 词汇是语言的三大要素(语音、词汇、语法)之一,是语言的基本材料。语言学家威尔金斯(Wilkins)说: “ Without grammar very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.”英语教学大纲中的词汇量及词汇的选择历来是我国英语教师最为关注的问题之一,词汇量的多少也往往是衡量教学难度的主要指标之一。同时,在历次外语教学改革中,词汇量和词汇教学均为研究的重要课题。,3,词汇教学的偏见:认为强调技能的培养、强调

2、学习过程的教学途径(如任务型语言教学)就不需要教授词了。 任务型教学的倡导者并没有反对语法和词汇教学,而只是倡导在使用中学习,在完成任务中学习。任务型语言教学的一个基本做法是让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,通过完成任务(如填表)等多种形式的活动,在真实和接近真实的情况中学会词汇的意义,掌握词汇的用法。,4,词汇等语言形式的教学与语言实践之间的关系是辩证的,学生通过用语言做事的方式来掌握语言。在活动中,需要教师对于整个活动过程进行有效的引导。即使是第一天学习英语的学习,也可以通过到公共场所、到商店找英文标识的方式学习词汇。学习的过程就是一个完成任务的过程。在“用语言

3、做事”的过程中,学生可以通过亲身体验和感受的方式较为牢固地掌握词汇。让学生自主学习,在学习活动中、在使用语言的过程中形成语言能力,掌握语言知识,在交流中运用所学习的词汇。,5,新课标词汇选择的原则: 、使用频度(Frequency of use) 、使用范围(Coverage) 、适用范围(Range) 、实用性 (Availability) 、易学性 (Learnability) 、使用机会(Opportunity) 、兴趣点 (Centers of interest),6,对于词汇量要求的依据: 、学习者掌握单词才能进行较好的交流。 、根据其他国家和地区的教学大纲对词汇量的规定,基本把高中

4、毕业的词汇量要求定在 词之间。 、按我国历史和现实发展的要求,在我国,由于城乡环境的不同,根据学习年限和课时提供的教学空间,采用取中偏下的做法,将高中八级的单词量定在左右。,7,课堂上词汇教学应遵循的原则: 、尽可能在一定的语境中教授词汇。 、要灵活把握词汇掌握程度;不要期望学生一下子把单词的所有用法都掌握,对单词的音、形、义的掌握也要灵活处理。 、要尽可能给学生创造使用所学词汇的机会 、对词汇的复习和考查要采取灵活多样的方式,尽可能提供相对完整的语境。,8,词汇是第二语言习得的基础,词汇教学的目的在于把词汇变成有意义的刺激,使之与一定的概念联系起来,并帮助学生建立起自己的词汇学习策略。 词汇

5、教学主要解决“教什么词汇、教到什么程度、用什么方法教”这三个问题。,9,词汇教学课例: Body language 教学过程: 1、Pre-task 1)从漫画入手,引出body language的话题。 T:Look at the cartoon, do you know why people dont want to talk to Harry? S1:Because he is ugly-looking. S2:Because he looks angry and doesnt smile. S3:Maybe his clothes are not the type that peopl

6、e like. T:Very good!How about the way he stands? (学生沉默) T:If you come across a person like Harry shown in the picture ,do you feel like talking with him?,10,Ss: No. T: Why not? S4: The way he stands means that he is not ready to talk with anyone and I think he will be rude and cold to others. T: Bri

7、lliant! So we can draw the conclusion that sometimes the way people sit or stand and the expressions on their faces can tell us something about them,even if they do not say anything. They use their body to show their feelings or emotions. We call this “body language” (板书: body language) 老师在黑板上画简笔画,学

8、生用自己的话描绘图中的人开心、悲哀、暴怒等来激发学生的兴趣并调动他们的思维,以此引出有关facial expression的词汇。,11,2、教师请学生到前面来根据要求表演下面的动作。 1)hanging ones head down to look ashamed 2)placing hands in povkets to look causal or indifferent 3)pacing up and down to look restless or worried 4)looking aggressive 5)tapping foot to look impatient 6)plac

9、ing hands on hips to look angry or bossy 通过以上的热身活动引出本课的中心: 1.Body language is either the way you sit, walk, or stand,or the gestures and expressions on ones face or in ones eyes. 2.Communication is more than listening and speaking,12,2、Whiletask 1)老师讲解Skimming部分的意思和要求,给学生3分钟时间小组讨论其后的4个问题,让学生了解文章的概要。

10、 2)在幻灯片中展示下列各组单词和短语,A Look up Pick up Holdup Get down to Go away Glance at,B Senior employee Customer Middle-aged lady Colleague Fax machine Part-time job Travel company,13,C Givea good impression Without hesitation Whats up Get a chance to do sth. Feel welcome 3)教授词汇: 步骤一:教授A栏中的短语动时可采用一方面让学生在课文的上下文

11、中猜词义,一方面复习以前学过的其他不同的搭配,或者通过补充一些近义的词组辩异的处理方法,如: look up-look at, look for, look through, look down Glance at-stare at, glare at,D Communicate Improve Sigh,14,步骤二:B栏中的词用英语解释和图片展示的方式,如: What is a colleague / middle-aged lady? A colleague is someone you work with. A middle-aged lady is a lady who is no

12、longer young but not yet old. 步骤三:C栏中的词组主要通过学生理解后自己用这些词组来造句,如: My new colleague gives me a good impression by greeting me cheerfully. Debbie got a chance to work in a travel company during the summer holidays. 步骤四:D栏中Improve 和 communicate都是常用动词,要讲解他们的用法、其它词性和搭配。,15,4)“单词故事” 以小组为单位任意挑选前面学的练习中出现的4-6个词

13、或词组,组成一段对话或一个小故事,尽量使对话或故事生动有意义如: I am a university student.I wanted to find a part-time job last summer holidays. As I was looking up the advertisements in newspapers, I noticed that a travel company was looking for a secretary, who can use computers and the fax machine. I thought I would be the rig

14、ht person for this job, so I wrote a letter to the company without hesitation. In order to give them a good impression, I typed the letter instead of writing it by hand. Three days later, I was asked to go and talk with a senior employee of the company. In the end, they didnt take me. “Bad luck!” I

15、sighed.,16,3、Post-task 1、趣味游戏:给出解释及首字母,让学生填上相应的单词。 H -You may feel this at midday P -No one wants to feel this S -You may feel this at 11 p.m. I -You feel this when you read a good book F -You may feel this alone at night B -You may feel this if you have nothing to do L -You may feel this for your f

16、amily 等等 2、即兴发言 用12个句子来解释你将用什么来表述以上所列的情绪和感觉 用以下结构 If / When I am , I will. In time of , I will.,17,Assignment: 1、准备一个口头表达:举例表述为什么Body language 在我们日常生活中是重要的。 2、课外的小组活动:以小组的形式准备一个哑剧小品,并用英语进行表述。 End,18,课例分析: 1、导入部分-以活动激发兴趣,引出主题 通过创设情景激发学生的思考,从而引出他们已有的与本单元有密切关联的词汇。 2、展开部分-以课文为载体,分类学习词汇 切入课文后,教师通过对新词有目的的

17、分类,降低了学生在学习过程中的难度。 3、巩固部分-以“单词故事”的兴趣点,巩固新知,用编故事和对话的形式对内化了的语言素材进行输出,既检查了学生对词汇的掌握程度,又培养了学生的语言组织能力和想像力。,19,该部分体现的是课堂上的预设与生成,预设的越多,课堂生成的也越多,这对于教师是一个很好的学习机会,众多的学生思维是任何一个个体的教师难以匹配的。 4、拓展部分-以活动促发展,总结提炼主题 活动通过趣味游戏为学生提供更多的与主题相关的语言素材,为下一个活动做铺垫。游戏中有些生词,这给学有余力的学生拓展了语言的素材,谈论的话题紧密相连的,起到了首尾呼应的效果。,20,二、阅读教学 新课标中关于阅

18、读技能的教学建议: 教学目的:培养阅读策略;培养语感;特别强 调培养学生在阅读过程中获取信息、 1 处理信息的能力。 基本技能:1、略读 (skimming) 2、找读 (scanning) 3、预测下文 4、理解大意 5、分清文章中的事实和观点,21,6、猜测词义 7、推理判断 8、了解重点细节 9、理解文章结构 10、理解图表信息 11、理解指代关系 12、理解逻辑关系 13、理解作者意图 14、评价阅读内容,22,主要教学活动举例:,23,材料选择: 贴近学生生活和语言水平;题材广泛,体裁多样; 具有思想性、趣味性、知识性、挑战性和时代性。 教师角色:鼓励、启发、引导、帮助、监控、参与、

19、 反馈与评价,24,阅读理解的层次可分为: 1、Read the lines 字面阅读 2、Read between the lines 推理阅读 3、Read beyond the lines 形象阅读 各教学步骤的侧重点: 1、读前活动,引出话题,唤起阅读兴趣 2、阅读活动,训练阅读技能 3、读后活动,鼓励学生联系生活实际,25,常用的教学方法: 1、阅读与其他教学活动结合,如读写结合、读听结合 2、大量阅读,培养学生通过阅读学会阅读 3、快速阅读,鼓励持久的默读以促进阅读的流畅 关键: 1、帮助学生形成有效阅读策略,克服不良阅读习惯, 提高自主阅读的能力。 2、在阅读材料的讲解过程中,培

20、养学生的跨文化意识。,26,阅读教学课例 模块1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero 教学过程 1通过一段演讲录音、一幅漫画和一段音乐分别引出三个著名人物:马丁路德金,爱因斯坦和迈克杰克逊,并边演示边提出问题,让学生回答。 1)放“I have a dream”演讲录音,提以下问题: Who gave this famous speech? What contribution did he give in history? 2)展示一幅美女和火炉的漫画,让学生说说画的涵义并引出爱因斯坦。 3)由杰克逊的歌引出这名歌手。你觉得他是名人还是伟人?为什么?,27,

21、2让学生说出他们所知道的伟人和名人的错别字以及他们的故事。 在这个过程中,教师可以通过不断展示历史上中外伟人和名人的图片并且播放有关的音乐来调动学生的情绪,带领学生进入特别的氛围从而达到预期目的,曼德拉的图片穿插其中,这时可以提出以下问题: Are these men important in history? Are they all great? Why? 完成问题的讨论,让学生明白真正伟大的人是指那些对于人类历史作出巨大贡献的人,是推动历史向前发展的人。 3引出本文主人公曼德拉,说明他就是这样一个伟人,这样顺利进入课文的阅读。,28,II:While-reading Skim the t

22、ext and answer the following questions. 1)What is the name of the writer? 2)When did he first meet Mandela? 3)When did he go to school? 4) How did he feel when he met and talked to Mandela? 5) Could black people vote at that time? 6) Who decided the place where they lived? 7) Does Elisa like violenc

23、e? 这部分的阅读是浅层次阅读,通过学生的浏览阅读,对课文的故事梗概有个大致的了解,因为设置的问题比较浅显,学生回答起来不会有太大困难。,29,2.Scan the text and tell whether the statements are true or false. 1)Elisa met Nelson Mandela at school. 2)Nelson Mandela was a black lawyer. 3)Elisa was unable to read or write because he was lazy. 4)Nelson Mandela helped him k

24、eep his job. 5)Elisa was happy blowing up government buildings. 6)Nelson Mandela believed that black people were being treated as well as white people in South Africa. 7)Nelson Mandela thought violence was a good way to help black people. 8)The government were happy with Nelson Mandela and the ANC.

25、这部分阅读属于中等层次的阅读,学生对于每个陈述句需做必要的辨别以区分正误。在辨别过程中,学生加深对课文的理解,如第3句,Elisa不识字,不是因为懒,而是因为穷,没有机会上学,从而使学生对于南非黑人当时的生活状况有更深的了解。,30,3.Further understanding of the text. 1)In Elisa eye, what kind of person was Mandela? 2)What would Elisa always keep in mind? 3)How was black peoples situation at that time? 4)Accordi

26、ng to Mandela, what did black people have to do? 5)What did Elisa do in 1963? 6)What was his feeling about his action? Why? 这部分是本课阅读的最高层次:学生通过课文所提供的材料以及自己对于课文的理解,说出自己的看法,如,第一个问题就需要学生在已知的材料中提炼出曼德拉到底是个什么样的人,学生在这一环节中需要运用课文中的素材和已有的语言知识来表述。这部分的内容有一定的难度,教师需给予学生必要的帮助。,31,III.Post-reading Suppose you are a

27、reporter, you will have an interview with Nelson Mandela. Have a discussion about the interview in groups and then give the presentation between a reporter and Nelson Mandela. Your interview may cover the following: Birth ? Education ? Family ? Experience ? Struggle for liberty ? Wish ? Step 1 Group

28、 work ? Step 2 Class Presentation ? 在小组活动过程中,教师要巡视,并给予学生必要的指导和帮助。,32,Assignment: 让学生查阅有关书籍或网上寻找有关的信息,写一篇有关曼德拉的小故事,下节课介绍给全班同学。 End.,33,课例分析: 1导入新颖,激发兴趣。 学生的情绪是需要培养的。本课的题材比较严肃,运用图片、音乐和演讲录音导入,让学生得到视觉和听觉刺激,容易激发学生的兴趣,为下一步骤做铺垫。 2依据规律,合理安排。 本文虽短,但是头绪比较多,笔者在安排过程中,按照课文内容先进行仔细梳理,继而安排了三步阅读。 3适度拓展,开发思维。 阅读后的“采访

29、曼德拉”活动设计可谓是本课的升华部分,设计的目的是让伟人走进我们的生活。这一环节,是让学生各显其能,大显身手的时候,也是学生思维最为活跃最出彩的地方,特别是小组讨论,集中了集体的智慧。教师在小组活动前,给学生“Birth, Education”等采访的话题作为参考,同时又留给学生思维发散的空间,这样既保证了所要求的内容,同时也让学生的想象力得到充分的展示。,34,三、语法教学 学习一门外语,如不清楚该语言的内部规则,势必影响学习者准确地运用语言来传情达意。这里所说的语言内部规则即语法。自提出语言的交际功能以来,语法教学一度受到强势交际理论的排斥,语法作为语言内部结构规律的总结,是语言交际的基础

30、,也是语言交流准确性的保证。大多数研究结果表明,在适当的学习阶段,以适当的方式学习语法,对于掌握语言是有益的。根据中国学生的实际情况,学语法能增强学生理解、分析能力,使语言输入更易理解,有助于提高语言表达的质和量。对于大多数英语学习者而言,要真正掌握英语,就必须掌握基本英语语法。,35,为了提高语法教学的效果,可根据不同的教学对象和教学内容采用不同的教学方法,如: 、归纳法 、演绎法 、情境交际法 、任务型语法教学法 、图画、表格方式的语法教学 、比较法,36,在进行语法教学时,应帮助学生掌握或形成如下的学习策略: 1)在理解的基础上学习语法结构; 2)在语言材料积累的基础上积极主动地比较归纳

31、总结语法规则; 3)从运用时所犯的错误中进行学习和自我修正; 4)在交际和运用中学习、巩固和掌握语法知识。,37,新课标中语法项目表 说明: (1)标号的项目,七级要求理解,八级要求掌握。 (2)高中阶段的语法教学,应从语言运用的角度出发,把语言的形式、意义和用法有机地结合起来。要引导学生在语境中了解和掌握语法的表意功能。 1名词 ()可数名词及其单复数 ()不可数名词 ()专有名词 ()名词所有格,38,2代词 ()人称代词 ()物主代词 ()反身代词 ()指示代词 ()不定代词 ()疑问代词 3数词 ()基数词 ()序数词,39,4.介词和介词短语 5连词 6形容词(比较级和最高级) 7副

32、词(比较级和最高级) 8冠词 9动词 ()动词的基本形式 ()系动词 ()及物动词和不及物动词 ()助动词 ()情态动词,40,10时态 ()一般现在时 ()一般过去时 ()一般将来时 ()现在进行时 ()过去进行时 ()过去将来时 ()将来进行时 ()现在完成时 ()过去完成时 ()现在完成进行时,41,11被动语态 12非谓语动词 ()动词不定式 ()动词的-ing形式 ()动词的-ed形式 13构词法 ()合成法 ()派生法 ()转化法 ()缩写和简写 14句子种类 ()陈述句 ()疑问句 ()祈使句 ()感叹句,42,15句子成分 主语、谓语、表语、宾语、定语、状语、补语 16简单句的

33、基本句型 17主谓一致 18并列复合句 19主从复合句 宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句、 主语从句、表语从句 20间接引语 21省略 22倒装 23强调 24虚拟语气,43,语法教学课例(一) 模块1 Unit 4 who, which, that引导的定语从句 阅读一篇定语从句的介绍短文,并以配对合作形式完成一系列学习定语从句的任务。让学生完成研究型学习。 The attributive Clause, which is one of the utmost essential sentence structures in the language, is now being taught at

34、 senior high schools. The students who study this grammatical phenomenon must pay close attention to the following: The Attributive Clause that we use in the sentences usually act as a modifier. Its a certain part of the sentence, which describes, explains or reasons another word or phrase like an a

35、djective. The word or the phrase which the clause modifies is called the Precedent(先行词). The attributive clause that is used in the sentence usually begins with a Relative Pronoun(简称R.P.,关系词),namely which, who and that. They have two major functions which are: 1. referring to the precedent and 2. ac

36、ting as essential part in the clause. For example, in the sentence “Those students who understand the structure and the usage of the Attributive Clause will be able to express themselves freely and nicely”, the precedent is “those students” and the relative pronoun is the word “who” which acts as th

37、e “subject” in the clause.,44,阅读完毕,老师问“What is the passage about?” 学生回答:“Attributive Clause!” 要求学生进行第二遍阅读,并布置任务发给每个学生一份问卷,要求阅读后完成这份问卷。问卷内容如下: Tasks for the Attributive Clause: 1.Please find out how many attributive clauses are used in the article and underline them. 2.Fill in the table underneath ac

38、cording to the requirements:,45,三个问题: Conclusion: 1.What is the Attributive Clause? 2.What are the Relative Pronouns used in it? Is there any difference between them? 3.What functions do the Relative Pronouns have? )布置给学生一些以定语从句为句子结构的翻译题作为思考和训练,请学生们独立思考并完成。可以考虑选自历年高考题。 )以小组为单位制作一张有关“定语从句”的介绍海报,如下图,并

39、且张贴出来,激发学生的兴趣,培养独立思考、动手操作的能力。,46,The Attributive Clause DEFINITION: A clause which describes, explains or reasons another word or phrase known as the precedent. FUNCTIONS OF RELATIVE PRONOUNS: They stand for the precedents; They are used as subjects as well as objects in the clause. DIFFERENCES BETW

40、EEN RELATIVE PRONOUNS. Whichthings and matters That Whopersons,47,课例分析: 本课例的特色之处就在于改变了由教师一言堂解释语法规则的课堂教学模式,通过师生对一篇有关定语从句文章的阅读、讨论,帮助学生在不知不觉中发现归纳定语从句这一语法结构的句法作用、意义和关系代词的基本用法,培养了学生自主学习的能力。 教学建议: 学生有差异性,不同层次的学生对研究型学习模式有不同的反应,在教学中,应注意到教学过程的分层原则,可在学习了定语从句和关系代词的基本用法后,增加一些机械性或半机械性的语言操练,如:用定语从句连接两个句子、补全句子等,为学

41、习能力较弱的学生搭建台阶。,48,语法教学课例(二) 内容:动词不定式作主语; 学习运用 It isadjfor sb.to do sth 结构 I导入(Lead-in) Step 1: Look at the pictures and talk about the one you like.(由于这一单元课文涉及的是头发护理和发型的选择,所以先请学生看一些照片,是David Beckham各个时期的发型照片,要求他们选择自己喜欢的发型。) T:These are the pictures of David Beckham in different hair styles. Please se

42、lect the style you prefer. 当学生看着这些图片时,班级中发出一片议论声。很明显,学生的兴趣被调动起来了。,49,Step 2 通过师生对话,来引出不定式作主语的句子结构。 T:Which hairstyle do you prefer? S:long hair. T:Why? S:Because it is quite cool. T:Then you mean:To wear long hair is quite cool. Do you understand what I said? S:Yes. (同时老师板书以上的句子,引出动词不定式作主语的课题。),50,S

43、tep 3 提出问题,启发学生找出句中在结构上的区别。 T:Whats the subject of this sentence, can you tell me? S:To wear long hair. T:Well done. Infinitive, or to do sth. can serve as a subject in a sentence. (展示这一结构To do +v. or It + v. + to do ) T:So how to rewrite the sentence “To wear long hair is cool?” S:It is cool to wea

44、r long hair. T:Yes. The pattern is “It is + adj. + to do sth.”(教师板书这一结构。,51,II通过比较发现it is + adj.+ for sb. to do sth. T:Will you choose to wear your hair long? S:Absolutely not. T:Why? S:As a student, it is not suitable for a boy to wear long hair. T:I agree. So, in his opinion, to wear long hair is

45、not suitable. Lets compare the two sentences on the board, and we may find we have to put them into different context so as to make them more specific in meaning. Who can do me the favor? S:To wear long hair is quite cool for Beckham. T:Good. She put “for Beckham”behind the sentence, which helps to

46、make the meaning specific. Try to put the sentence in a better order. Who will have a try? S:It is cool for Beckham to wear long hair. T:Yes, perfect. (板书It is cool for Beckham to wear long hair.),52,Then, how to deal with the other sentence? S:It is not suitable for a student to wear long hair. T:G

47、reat! Now what new structure can you find from the two sentences? S:It is + adj. + for sb. to do sth. T:Yes, thats it. Thank you. (展出这一结构:It is +adj. + for sb. to do sth.) 在老师与学生的对话中,很自然地帮助学生理解了今天要学的语法结构。,53,IIIPractice Have the students make sentences with the following information, using the sente

48、nce structure“To do sth. is adj.”, “It is +adj. + to do sth.”and “It is +adj. + for sb. + to do sth.” Remind the students to make sure that their sentence makes sense.,54,Example:To watch fish swimming is interesting. It is interesting to watch fish swimming. It is interesting for a kid to watch fish swimming. 1. Have the students talk with their partner for one or two minutes. 2. Ask students to give their sentences one by one. S1:To learn English well is difficult. It is diff


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