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1、,项目管理,行政细节,9:00-17:00 课间休息: 10:30-10:45, 15:00-15:15 午餐时间: 12:00-13:00 点心、茶水请到休息室自用 注意事项:上课时务请关闭手机,BP机 谢谢合作!,项目管理的PPT 项目的定义 The Definition of a Project,组织单位 Organization Unit,固定预算 Fix Budget,固定时间 Fix Time,按一定的技术标准 Quality Assurance,资源的利用 Resource Utilization,交付结果 Delivery Result,项目特点 Specifications

2、of a Project,a) 具体的起始时间( The exact starting time) b) 具体的终止日期( The exact finishing date) c) 严格定义的最终目标(The exact definition of the final goal) d) 只发生一次(Only one time) e) 包含有时间(T),质量(Q)和成本(C)的详细计划(Including Time, Quality and Cost) f) 有具体的结果(The exact Result) g) 随时都具有的风险性(Full of the Risk),示例 Case Discu

3、ssion,为中学生设计一种新型的寻呼机,计划于1995年12月推向市场。 Design a new BP for the middle school student, It is planned to be into the market in December, 1995.,示例 Case Discussion,使用计算机编写备忘录 Using the computer to edit the RAM,重要提示:项目必须满足其所有特征 Importance: All the project specifications MUST be 100% satisfied,判断哪些活动属于项目 W

4、hich one is project,Y,N,Y,Y,N,N,计划出国做商务旅行 Plan a business trip to another country,打电话 Make a telephone call,组装一台新型计算机 Assemble a new model computer,盖新楼 Erect a building,面试应聘者 Interview applicants,制作家具 Produce furniture,兴建水库 Establish a reservoir,Y,N,Y,Y,Y,N,Y,修理汽车 Repair a car,设计一门新课程 Design a new c

5、urriculum,组织对计划进行讲评 Organize a program review,与成功企业进行比较并学其优势 Benchmark successful enterprises,使用杀虫剂 Apply pesticide,开发新软件 Develop a new software,判断哪些活动属于项目 Which one is project,什么是“管理”(What is called “Management”),能够按实际情况自行设计从“目标”的选定,到“资源”的利用,通过采用不同的“计划”和“监控”的各种工具,达到满意“结果”的整个系统叫“管理”。操作这个系统的人叫“经理人”。

6、A person, or a group, or a team who is able to set up the confirmation of the“Goal” to the utilization of the “Resource” through the different tools of the “Plan” & “Supervision” in order to achieve the final satisfied “Result”.,交付结果 Deliver the Result,最终目的 Final Goal,什么是“项目管理”(What is called “Proje

7、ct Management”),即 That is,项目定义 Project Definition,管理方法 Management Method,项目管理的平台 Platform of PM,对TQC的管理 Management of TQC,项目管理在PMI中的解释是: The PM Explanation in PMI,将各种知识、技能、工具和技术应用于项 目之中,以达到项目的要求。项目管理是 通过: Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project ac

8、tivities to meet project requirements. Project management is accomplished through the use of the processes such as: 来完成的。,启动 Initiating,计划 Planning,实施 Executing,控制 Controlling,收尾 Closing,超大型项目的管理 Super Large Project Management,宏观 近期微观 宏观 下期微观,工作包 Work Package,时间Time,Rolling Waving Approach(RWA),项目管理

9、的三角关系 The trial Angle Relationship,Time,Cost,Quality,Scope in PMI,项目经理 Project Manager,技术质量 Technical Quality,领导者/决策者 Leader/ Decision Maker,计划者/分析家 Planner/ Analyst,组织者/协调者 Organizer/ Coordinator,管理者/评估人 Manager/ Appraiser,项目管理的三大“层面” Three “layers”in PM,1. 投资人(Investors) _ 项目管理人(Project Managers)

10、_ 职能执行人(Operation Managers) _ 你在哪里?Where are you?,通用管理技能(Key General Management Skills),(1)领导能力(Leading) 区别“领导”与“管理” Deference between the “Leader” & “Manager” “领导”确定方向,动员人员(统一意 志),调动与鼓舞。 “Leader”-Establishing direction, Aligning people, Motivating and Inspiring. “管理”注重结果,只为投资人负责。 “Manager”-Focus on

11、 result, only responsible for Stakeholder.,通用管理技能(Key General Management Skills),(2)交流沟通(Communicating) 原则:(Basic Requirement) a)信息发出者要负责保证信息清晰明确、毫不含混、内容完整,使接收者正确无误地接收到信息。 The sender is responsible for making the information clear, unambiguous, and complete, so that the receiver can receive it corre

12、ctly, and for confirming that it is properly understood. b)信息接收者要负责保证所收到的信息完整无缺,理解正确。 The receiver is responsible for making sure that the information is received in its entirety and understood correctly.,Sender,Receiver,Medium (channel),Medium (channel),Feedback 反馈,Information 信息,沟通渠道等于: Communicat

13、ion Channel Equals: N:为参与该项目管理的人数 Personal Numbers in the PM,N(N-1) 2,沟通渠道 Communication Channel,通用管理技能(Key General Management Skills),(3)谈判能力(Negotiating) 在项目管理中,以下5个方面是经常性、反复性谈判的对象: During the course of a typical project, project staff is likely to negotiate for any or all of the following: 范围、成本和

14、进度目标Scope, cost, and schedule objectives. 范围、成本和进度变更Changes to scope, cost, or schedule. c. 合同条款和条件Contract terms and conditions. d. 任务分工Assignments. e. 资源Resources.,通用管理技能(Key General Management Skills),(4)解决问题的能力(Problem Solving) 问题的定义(Problem Definition):,内在 Internal,表面 Surface,内部 Inside,外部 Outsi

15、de,技术 Technical,管理 Management,人际 Interpersonal,相应对策(Decision Making):,分析 Analyzing,定义 Indentify,确定 Confirm,方法 Method,经验 Experience,通用管理技能(Key General Management Skills),(5)对组织产生影响(Influencing the Organization) “把事情办成”的能力(“Get things Done”) 对所有的利害关系人(Stakeholders)要了 解、掌握、透彻。 To Understand, Support, C

16、larify all the stakeholders.,项目中的三驾马车: Three Horses in Project,职能部门经理 Manager in Dept.,项目成员 Project Members,项目负责人 Project Manager,项目管理的基本平台 Basic Platform of PM,管理“系统”( Manage “System”) 你用什么“系统”(What “System” you use?) 管理“人”( Manage “People”) 你准备怎么用“人”(What kind of “People”are you gonging to use?),项

17、目经理的目标 The Goal of Project Manager,-TQC -团队的全面领导 Team Leader -对团队成员的培训 Training the Team -对项目的组织结构的掌控 Manage the Project Team Structure,职能经理的目标 The Goal of Operation Manager,-对项目执行人员进行分专业的部署 Breakdown the specified job to the specified Operational Team -对工人进行必要的专业培训 Specified Training is needed for

18、the Workers,项目生命周期 Project Life Circulation,识别 需求 Initiating,提出 方案 Plan,执行项目 Executing,结束 项目 Closing,投入力量Work Force,时间Time,项目管理重要性的原因 Reasons of the Importance in PM,-历史原因: (Historical Reason) 对传统组织结构的挑战 (Challenge the traditional managerial structure) 多变性和高风险性(Easy Changeable & High Risk) -事业发展原因:(

19、Career Developmental Reasons) 项目管理技能大于专业经理, 厂长的技能(Skill of PM is much more than the skill from Special Manager & Factory Director 完美的沟通能力(Perfect Communication Ability) 理论加实践的完美体现(Theory+Practice) -学术原因:(Academic Reasons) 是管理学科中的一个最重要的基本要素(It is the basic element in the science of management) 累积成功的经

20、验,以传后人(Share the Successful Experience) 累积失败的教训,以敝后人(Realize the Failure),现代项目管理 Modern PM,传统项目管理 Traditional PM,项目管理实践 PM Practice,完成任务 Finishing a Task,满足三重约束 Meet TQC Requirements,从目标上来讲是 让利益相关者满意 Stakeholder Satisfaction,学科Science,方法Method,活动Activity,项目管理科学的发展 The Development of PM,项目的市场化定义 Defi

21、nition of PM Marketing,-由已完成的市场来生成项目 New Project Comes from the Existing Market -由项目本身延伸成另一项目 New Project Comes from its Original One *-特殊需要 *Special Requirement 最终产出 结果明确 Final Result Result Clearance,最终目标和阶段目标 Final Goal & Stage Objective,n P:最终目标(Final Goal) pi=P pi: 阶段目标 (Stage Objective) i=1 P:

22、最终的产出和交付(Goals are General Statements of Out comes) pi: 各阶段的具体工作(Objectives are Specific Statements of Actions),最终目标特征-SMART Specifications of FG,明确性(Specific) 可度量性 (Measurable) 可完成性 (Achievable) 相关性 (Relevant) 可跟踪性 (Track able),最终目标说明 Statement for FG,-专业语言(Specific Terms) -简明扼要 (Simple with Import

23、ance) -符合实际 (Conform to Reality),管理要领 1 Keys of Management No.1,事有“本末”, “轻重”, “缓急”。 关门是“本”,加高笼子是“末“。舍本而逐末, 当然就不得要领了。 管理是什么?管理是抓事情的“本末”,“轻重”,“缓急”。 There are “Important & Not important”, “Urgent & Not urgent” in every Management which is Focus on “Beginning & Ending”, “Important & Not important”, “Urg

24、ent & Not urgent” .,管理要领 2 Keys of Management No.2,事后控制不如事中控制,事中控制不如事前控制。 可惜大多数的经营者和管理者都忽略这一点,等到错误和失控造成重大的损失才寻求弥补之时,有时虽然是亡羊补牢,但已是为时已晚。 Control after the Happening is worse than Controlling in the Middle. Control in the Middle is still worse than Controlling before Happening.,管理要领 3 Keys of Managemen

25、t No.3,管理者工作时最好用简单的语言和易懂的言词来传达信息,特别要掌握说话的对象和时机。有时过分的修饰反而达不到自己的目的。 Managers should use the most Specific, Simple & Understandable Language to Pass the Information to the persons under your Management. Any over Modification will make Misunderstanding from the persons under your Management.,阶段目标特征 Spec

26、ification of Stage Objective,5W+2H When-Where-Why-What-Who How to do? How much?,最终和阶段目标的评估标准 Appraisal Standard of FG & SO,-归属性(Belonging) -量化 (Numeric) -商业价值化 (Commercial Value) -社会影响化 (Socialization) -重点化 (Importance),项目计划 Project Plan,Pf Pi WBS T/wbs C/wbs Pf:最终目标(FG) Pi:阶段目标(SO) WBS:工作分解结构(Work

27、Breakdown Structure) T/wbs: 单项工作包所需时间 C/wbs:单项工作包所需成本,WBS的定义,工作分解结构是以交付成果为导向的项目各组成 部分的一种分解结构。它对项目的总范围进行组 织分解和定义。未列入工作分解结构图中的工作 不属于项目范围内的工作。 A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a deliverable-oriented grouping of project components that organizes and defines the total scope of the project; work not in

28、 the WBS is outside the scope of the project.,WBS表(工作分解表),样机参展 New Machine in Exhibition,1.生产样机 1.Production,2.运输样机 2.Transportation,3.布置展台 3.Booth Decoration,4.资料归类 4.Brochures,6.展机结束 6.Finish,5.人员安排 5.Service Arrangement,11 设计 Design,12 生产 Production,13 调试 Testing,21 联络运输公司 Transportation,22 安全指令

29、Safety Policy,31 设计 Design,32 装修 Decoration,33 效果 Result,41 分送归类 Filing,42 布置 Ordering,51 展台值班名单 Names on duty,52 专题会议 Special meeting,53 访客接待 Visitor greeting,61 运输公司 Transportation,62 安全 Safety,图表式的WBS WBS CHART,写一本间谍小说 Spy Novel,背景材料的搜集 Information Collection,故事大纲 Content,故事写作 Writing,出版商 Publish

30、er,图书馆 Library,采访 Collections,初步构思 Primary Frame,精练构思 Refined Frame,第一章 Chart 1,。,出版商的了解 Publisher Introduction,样稿送审 Final Approve,美国-苏联 关系 其他间谍 故事 刊登有当 前事件的期 刊 华盛顿和莫 斯科地图,访问情报 机构 访问军事 部门 访问民事 机构 联邦 调查局 采访当地 警察,Us-Russia Relation Other Spy Stories Resent magazine Washington-Masco,Visit Information O

31、ffice Visit Military Visit FBI Visit Local Police,WBS的一些经验数据 Experienced Data of WBS,(1)一般不超过5层,如超过即外包。 Do not over the 5th layer, subcontracting is needed if it is over. (2)以80小时为界线,或80小时/周为界线。 Based on 80 hours as a Work package, or 80 hours/week as the same. (3)也可用交付(Deliverable)、产品零件(Component)、

32、阶段(Phase)、地区(Area)、主要任务(Major Task)、功能(Function)来划分。 Also can be divided into deliverable, component, phase, area, major task & function. (4)不可分割部分称为工作包(Work package) Non-dividable part is named Work Package.,确定WBS是否已分解到足够详细的一层 Whether the WBS is divided into the bottom layer,是否需要改善WBS元素的成本估算和时间进度估算

33、的精确度? Whether the estimation of T & C for the basic element of WBS are needed to be improved? 2. WBS要素的负责人是否超过一人? Whether the responsible people of the WBS element is over 1 person? 3. WBS的要素是否包含了多个交付成果或实施过程? Whether there are more than 1 deliverable or process in WBS element. 4. 是否需要分别定义工作过程的成本或WBS

34、内的交付成果? Whether each definition is needed in process cost or deliverable. 5. 是否需要更精确地了解WBS内的工作过程的时间进度? Whether the time of the WBS is needed to be more accuracy. 6. 不同WBS的要素内的交付成果是否相互依赖? Whether the different element in WBS is reliable each other. 7. WBS内过程中的工作实施是否有明显的时间间隔? Whether the executing in

35、WBS has the clear time difference. 8. 某一要素对资源的需求一段时间内会变化吗? Whether the requirement of an element against resource will be changeable within a period of time.,确定WBS是否已分解到足够详细的一层 Whether the WBS is divided into the bottom layer,9. 衡量WBS某一元素进度的明确的目标标准存在吗? Whether there is an objective standard for meas

36、uring the process of an element of WBS. 10. 这些验收标准在WBS的要素全部完成前还适用吗? Whether these quality standards are still suitable before all elements completion. 11. WBS中的一些要素是否存在一些风险需要特别的注意? Whether should pay more attention to those risks in some elements of WBS. 12. WBS要素中的某一部分是否可作为单独的单元来做时间进度计划? Whether a

37、part of the element of WBS can be considered as time plan independently. 13. 项目经理,项目团队,以及其他利害关系者包括客户对WBS的要素有清晰和完全的理解吗? Whether PM, Project Team & Stakeholder including customer are very clear to the element of WBS. 14. 是否有利害关系者有兴趣WBS某一要素的现状和业绩? Is any stakeholder interested in the KPI of an element

38、of WBS?,估算各项工作(阶段目标)运作周期 Estimation of Time on Every WBS,-已完成的类似项目(Already Completed Similar Project) -历史数据(可从其他项目中) Data from other Projects in History -专家意见(Suggestions from Experts &Specialists),估算各项工作(阶段目标)运作周期 Estimation of Time on Every WBS,1.标杆类比法(Benchmark) 2.专家判断(Delphi Technique) 是一种专家咨询方式

39、。它是通过匿名或背对背的 咨询方式达到意见一致,经常用于项目某些要素 的估算,如:风险等。 A process where a consensus view is reached by consultation (often not face-to-face) with experts. Often used as an estimating.,项目因素的评分表 Project element value list,使用Delphi法对各因素的优劣进行打分评价,分值范1-10,1表示最差情况,10表示最好情况。 Using Delphi to check the element,value 1

40、-10, 1=the worse, 10=the best. 根据各种因素的相对重要性,采用Delphi法确定权数,本方法的权数范围1-3,即3表示最重要,1表示最不重要。 According to the relative importance, using Delphi to confirm additional point, value 1-3, 3=most important, 1=most not important 将打分值乘以权数,即为各因素的评份值。显然评份范围在1-30。 Point times additional point equals value,so the va

41、lue is within 1-30 将因素组内的诸因素相加,可得因素组评分值,各因素组评分值之和便是相应因素的评分值。 Plus all elements, that is element group value,add all group value, that is related element value.,评价满意解的标准如下:Satisfaction standard: 1.因素打分值不小于3;Element point not less than 3 2.因素组评分值的实际/最大比不小于50%; Actual element group value/max. rate not

42、less than 50% 3.要素评分值的实际/最大比不小于50%; Actual key element value/max. rate not less than 50% 4.总评分值的实际/最大比不小于60%。 Actual total value/max. rate not less than 60% 同时满足上述四个条件的风险处理方案是最满意的。 The most satisfaction of the risk treatment is to meet the requirement of all above 4 conditions,项目要素的评分表 Project Key E

43、lement Value List,各项工作的安排(网络图有4种方法) Organize Every Pi (4 Methods Network),(1) 前导图法(PDM)有时也称为AON,A,B,C,D,PDM有4种依赖关系 4 Relationship in PDM,1)完成开始 (Finish to Start) 2)完成完成 (Finish to Finish) 3)开始开始 (Start to Start) 4)开始完成 (Start to Finish),A,B,A,B,A,A,B,B,(2)箭线图法(ADM)有时也称为AOA,B A C D 只适用于“完成开始”型 Only S

44、uitable for “Finish to Start”,1,2,4,5,3,(3)条件图法Gert Conditional Method,图表评审技术(Graphical Evaluation & Review Technique) e d a b c g f 特点:允许有回路 Notes: Circulation is Allowed,A,I,T,J,S,R,(4)网络模板(项目含有几个一样或几乎一样的子项目) Network Model (Several Same & Similar Sub-Project),nt Network Model ni=1 适用(Suitable for)

45、: 高层办公楼的楼层(High Office Building ) 药品研究项目的临床试用(Pharmaceutical Research for Clinical Test) 软件项目的程序块(Programming of Software Project),PMBOK工作包的两种表示方式,ES,工期 Duration,EF,编号 Number of Code,LS,浮动时间 Floating,LF,ES,EF,编号 Number of Code,工期 Duration,浮动时间 Floating,LS,LF,A,B,ES: Early Start (最早开始时间) EF: Early Fi

46、nish (最早结束时间) LS: Late Start (最晚开始时间) LF: Late Finish(最晚结束时间),关键路径CPM(Critical Path Method),定义:完成项目各项工作使用的最长时间的路和径,即完成整项目所需的时间。 The longest time of the Path to complete all the Sos, that is the whole required time to complete the whole Project. 准备邮寄标签 识别目标 设计初始 测试 确定 邮寄问卷 输入反馈 分析 准备 消费者 问卷调查表 问卷调查表

47、问卷调查表 打印问卷调查表 并获反馈 数据 结果 报告 设计软件 测试 测试数据 软件 开发数据 分析软件 某市场调研项目的网络图 Network chart of some market survey project,1,2,3,4,5,7,10,11,12,13,6,9,8,Critical Path Method,The longest time of the Path to complete all the Sos, that is the whole required time to complete the whole Project.,Marketing Investigation,关键路径的特点 Characteristics of CPM,关键路径是所有工作(无论是否重要)按计划执行的一个监控表和跟踪图 CPM is a Control List & a Tracking Chart of All the Pack


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