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1、Unit 2 This is my sister. Section B (1a1d),. 单词拼写 1. son (n. ) 2. cousin (n. ) 3. aunt (n. ) 4. uncle (n. ) 答案: 1. 儿子 2. 堂兄, 表兄 (弟、姊、妹) 3. 姑母; 姨母; 伯母 4. 叔父; 舅父,5. daughter (n. ) 6. mom (n. ) 7. dad (n. ) 8. grandpa (n. ) 答案: 5. 女儿 6. 妈妈 7. 爸爸 8. 爷爷,. 短语连线 1. 图一 A. which picture 2. 告诉某人关于的情况 B. a pic

2、ture of 3. 哪幅图 C. Picture One 4. 一副的图画 D. tell sb. about sth. 答案: 14. CDAB,. 句型填词 这 (些) 是我的父母, 这是我的祖母。 my parents and my grandma. 答案: These are; this is,1. Bob is my grandpa and Jane is my grandma. _ _ _ 2. Eric is their grandson and Sally is their granddaughter. _ _ 答案: 1. grandfather; grandmother

3、2. 孙子, 外孙; 孙女, 外孙女,1. mom n. (=mum) 妈妈 【语境领悟】 *Mom, this is my friend, Jane. 妈妈, 这是我的朋友简。 * Is that my Uncle Mike, mum? 妈妈, 那是我的迈克叔叔吗?,【自主归纳】 mom在英式英语中也可以写为mum, 其对应词为dad。,【归纳拓展】 英语中家庭成员的称呼 grandmother/grandma奶奶/外婆 grandfather/grandpa爷爷/外公 mother/mom/mum妈妈 father/dad爸爸 parents父母 aunt姑母; 姨母; 伯母; 婶母; 舅

4、母 uncle舅父; 叔父; 伯父; 姑父; 姨父 son儿子 daughter女儿 sister姐妹 brother兄弟 cousin表兄弟/表姐妹,【学以致用】 My uncles son is my . My is my mothers sister. 答案: cousin aunt,2. uncle n. 舅父; 叔父; 伯父; 姑父; 姨父 【语境领悟】 *Uncle Mike is 35. 迈克叔叔三十五岁。 * She has an uncle and two aunts. 她有一个叔叔和两个姑姑。,【自主归纳】 在英语中, 比自己长一辈的除父亲之外的所有男性亲属, 均可称之为u

5、ncle。当uncle后面接名字时, 其首字母要大写, 如Uncle Tom汤姆叔叔。 【温馨提示】 uncle为元音音素开头的单词, 前面的不定冠词要用an, 而不能用a。,【学以致用】 Liu Mei is my cousin and her father is my . A. cousin B. father C. uncle D. parent,【备选要点】 Picture 1图一 【语境领悟】 * Look at Picture One. 看看图一。 * Book Two is red and Book One is green. 第二册是红色的, 第一册是绿色的。,【自主归纳】 (

6、1) Picture 1 = Picture One, 意为“图一”或“第一幅图”。两个单词的第一个字母要分别大写。Picture One有时也可表达为the first picture。 (2) Book Two意为“第二册”, 表示单数概念; 而two books意为“两本书”, 表示复数概念。,【学以致用】 Which class (哪个班) are you in? Im in . A. Class three B. Class Three C. class three D. class Three,单项选择 1. This isnt my brother and he is my .

7、A. sister B. mother C. cousin D. parent 2. Is that your friend Tom? . A. Yes, that is B. No, hes my brother C. Yes, she is D. No, shes my brother,3. Im Tom and my father is Mike. Oh, youre Mikes . A. brother B. uncle C. cousin D. son 4. Look at . These are my parents and this is my sister. A. picture 1 B. Picture 1 C. Picture two D. picture two 5. Hello! Are these your parents? . A. No, they are B. No, Im C. Yes, theyre D. Yes, they are,


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