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1、模块 Unit 2 Fit for life,特殊句式(四) There be 句型 经典背诵 1There are two middle schools in this small town. 2There is a long stool and many old chairs in the meeting room. 3There have been many great changes in my hometown since 1990. 4There used to be many coal mines in that area. 5There is likely to be some

2、thing wrong with my computer.,6There cant be any mistakes in the notice. 7There being not enough time left, we have to hurry,or well be late. 8There is no point to give him so much money. 9There stands the Monument to the Peoples Heroes at the center of the square. 10I expect there to be another hol

3、iday soon., 趁热打铁 1有志者,事竟成。 _ 2没有必要为他担心。 _,3有几个男孩在河里游泳。 _ 4从前那个庙里住着一个老和尚。 _,【答案】 1.Where theres a will,theres a way. 2There is no need to worry about him. 3There are several boys swimming in the river. 4Once upon a time, there lived an old monk in the temple.,【名师点注】 There be句型表示“在什么地方或什么时间存在什么事物”。在这种

4、结构中,be后面的名词是主语,there是引导词,句子结尾是地点(时间)状语。有and连接的两个成分时谓语和就近的一个保持一致。be 可以换成live,stand,lie,grow,go,exist 等动词;be前还可以用seem,happen,used to,be likely等。,.重点词汇 1_vt.阻塞;阻挡;妨碍 2_adj.当代的;同时代的 3_vt.发现;注意到;记录 4_adj.透明的 5_n量;数量 6_adj.普遍的;普及的;广泛的 7_adj.潜在的;可能的,8_adj.基础的;根本的;重要的;至关重要的 9_vt.&vi.劈开;切开;(使)破裂;分裂;分担;分享 10_

5、n询问;咨询 11_adj.每年的;一年一次的 12_n点;位置;尖端;要点;分数 13_n功能;作用 14_n试用;试验;考验_v努力;尝试 15_adj.效力大的;强效的_n力;能力;权力;政权;大国,16_n奇迹;神奇;奇观;惊奇;惊讶_adj.奇妙的;精彩的 17_n(病痛、忧虑、负担等的)减轻;缓解;轻松;宽慰;救济;救助_vt.减轻(病痛、忧虑、负担等);缓解;救济;救助 18_n安排;排列_v安排;排列 19_n愉快;快乐;乐事_v使愉快_adj.愉快的_adj.令人愉快的;宜人的 20_n上瘾;沉溺;入迷_v使上瘾_adj.上瘾的,1block 2.contemporary 3

6、.note 4.transparent 5.quantity 6.widespread 7.potential 8.fundamental9.split 10.enquiry 11.annual 12.point 13.function 14.trial;try15.powerful;power 16.wonder;wonderful 17.relief;relieve 18.arrangement;arrange 19.pleasure;please;pleased;pleasant 20.addiction;addict;addicted,.短语回顾 1focus_集中 2open_打开

7、3carry_完成;执行 4give_放弃 5_large quantities大量地;大批地 6_看穿 7try_试验 8put_推迟,9put up_忍受 10look down_蔑视 11put_接通 12decide_决定 13turn_出现 14fill_填写 15split_分割;分裂 16a handful_少数的;少量的 17take_记下 18let_放出;发出,1on 2.up 3.out 4.up 5.in 6.see through7.out 8.off 9.with 10.upon 11.through 12.on 13.up 14.in 15.up 16.of 17

8、.down 18.out,.佳句回顾 1My brother used to _(对烟有瘾) 2The new medicine has been tried out in many medical experiments before it was_(大量生产) 3He _(由于缺乏经验,他做不了这工作) 4Many consider this kind of medicine _(是当代社会中最重要的药物之一) 5Our success was largely _(由于所有队员的很好合作),1be addicted to cigarettes 2.produced in large qua

9、ntities 3.was unable to do the job for lack of experience 4.to be one of the most important medicines in contemporary society 5.due to the good cooperation of all team members,1block vt.阻塞;阻挡;使不通;妨碍,【经典例句】 . aspirin could prevent a stroke,which is a type of serious illness when blood vessels in the

10、brain burst suddenly or are_blocked.(P18) 阿司匹林可以预防中风,一种脑血管突然破裂或阻塞而造成的严重疾病。 The fallen trees blocked_us_from going into the flooded area. 倒下的树木挡住了我们进入洪水灾区的道路。 The main roads of the city have been blocked_off. 城市的主干道路被封锁了。,【即时应用】 翻译句子 (1)我和我朋友住同一街区。 _ (2)一棵倒下的树把路给堵住了。 _,(3)她很有才能,但我感觉她父母阻碍了她的进步。 _ 【答案】

11、 (1)My friend and I live on the same block. (2)A fallen tree is blocking the road. (3)She was very talented and I felt her parents were blocking her progress.,2note vt.发现;注意到;记录n.短笺;便条;记录;注释;笔记;纸币,【经典例句】 He noted_that mould had grown on a special transparent jelly that had bacteria on it.(P19) 他注意到霉

12、长在了原来有细菌的透明果酱上。 Mary and I have been comparing_notes about our trip to Mexico. 玛丽和我一直在就去墨西哥旅行交换意见。 He sat there noting_down everything that was said. 他坐在那儿记下了所说的每一句话。,【即时应用】 写出note的含义 (4)We should also read the notes on the text at the back of the book._ (5)He took another look and found it was a 10

13、pound note._ (6)We always take notes in class._ (7)At first I was going to write Kathy a note,but then I decided to call her instead._,(8)Lily has a nice voice but she had trouble hitting the high notes._ (9)Please note that this shop will be closed on Sundays._ (10)He keeps a diary to note what hap

14、pens to him._ 【答案】 (4)注释,注解 (5)票据,纸币 (6)笔记 (7)便条,短笺 (8)语调,旋律 (9)注意,留心 (10)记下,写下,3mass adj.批量的;大量的n.团;主体部分;体积;人群,【经典例句】 The new drug was needed immediately because of the war,so mass_production started quickly.(P19) 因战争的原因急需这种新药,因此,很快大量生产。 We still have masses_of time to spare. 我们仍然可以抽出很多时间。 There wa

15、s a_mass_of people around the club entrance. 俱乐部门口聚集着一大群人。,【即时应用】 用mass的相关短语完成下列句子 (11)There were _(大量)dark clouds in the sky. (12)_(一堆)snow and rock broke away and fell on the climbers. (13)She elbowed her way through _(人群) (14)She says she doesnt like children _(总体上) (15)_(大部分)students in our clas

16、s dont agree to change our classroom. 【答案】 (11)masses of (12)A mass of (13)the masses (14)in the mass (15)The mass of,4quantity n量;数量 in quantity/quantities大量地,有关“许多”的词语:,【经典例句】,They were able to produce it in_large_quantities.,他们能够大量生产它(这种药)。 There are only a_small_quantity_of_flowers left in the g

17、arden.,花园里只剩下少量的花了。 Goods are cheaper when you buy in_quantity.货物大量购买较便宜。,【即时应用】 (16)_information _stored in this computer. A.Large quantities of;have been B.A great many;has been C.A large quantity of;were D.Quite a lot;is 【答案】 A,5.addiction n上瘾;沉溺;入迷,【经典例句】 Some people have also used acupuncture t

18、o treat addictions to cigarettes,drugs,alcohol and food (overeating)(P31) 有人还用针灸来治疗烟瘾,毒瘾,酒瘾和暴食。 Doctors managed to break him of his addiction_to_drugs. 医生们尽力使他戒了毒瘾。 【温馨提示】 be addicted to 中的to 为介词,后接名词、代词、动名词。,【即时应用】 完成句子 (17)Her _ alcohol ruined her life. 她的酒瘾毁了她的一生。 (18)Some women _Korean TV soap o

19、peras. 许多女士沉迷于韩国肥皂剧。,(19)His being _has made his parents worried. 他沉溺于玩电脑游戏,令他父母忧心忡忡。 【答案】 (17)addiction to (18)are addicted to (19)addicted to playing computer games,6relief n减轻;缓解;救济,【经典例句】 Aspirin has saved and brought_relief_to millions of peoples lives.(P21) 阿司匹林已经抢救成千上万人的生命或缓解其痛苦。 The patients

20、 experienced no relief from their symptoms. 病人的症状并未减轻。,【即时应用】 根据汉语提示完成下面小片段 (20)_(使我们欣慰的是),the doctor told us that Bruces operation was a great success.We all (21)_(松了口气)And the medicine also (22)_(缓解了疼痛)and he felt much better, which (23)_(减轻了我们的担忧) 【答案】 (20)To our relief (21)breathed a sign of rel

21、ief (22)gave him some relief from pain (23)relieved us of worry,7detail n细节 in detail 详细地 go into detail(s) about 详细叙述;逐一说明 for further details 欲知更详细情况,【经典例句】 Ill put you through to the receptionist and she can take down your details. 我把你的电话转到咨询处接待员,她可以记下你的详细情况。 For further details,please contact Sa

22、m Davis. 欲知更详细情况,请联系萨姆戴维斯。,【即时应用】 根据汉语提示完成下面小片段 We want him to explain his plan (24)_(详尽地)But he refused to (25)_(详细叙述)his plans. 【答案】 (24)in detail (25)go into details about,8enquire/inquire v打听;询问,【经典例句】 I can either get her to call you back or maybe I can deal with your enquiry.(P25) 我可以让她给你回电话或也

23、许我能给你提供咨询。 We must enquire further into the matter. 我们必须进一步调查此事。 The waitress enquired Mr.Browns name. 服务员询问了布朗先生的名字。,【即时应用】 完成句子 (26)I called the station _(打听)the train time. (27)Our central government is now _(调查)the extent of the corruption. (28)The lady _(问候)your health. 【答案】 (26)to enquire abou

24、t (27)enquiring into (28)enquired after,1put off 推迟;拖延 【经典例句】 Id like to put your visit off until then as the annual Cancer Conference is coming up next week.(P25) 我想把你的来访安排推迟至那时,因为下周要开每年一度的癌症年会。 Dont put_off till tomorrow what you can do today. 今日事今日毕。 She put_off writing her essay until the last m

25、inute. 她拖到最后一刻才开始写文章。,put aside 储蓄 put away 收起来 put down 写下;记下;镇压 put on 穿;戴;增加;上演 put out 熄灭;扑火 put forward 提出 put through 完成;接通电话 put up 建造;张贴;为某人提供食宿,【对接高考】 (29)(2010全国卷)My mother opened the drawer to _ the knives and spoons. Aput away Bput up Cput on Dput together 【答案】 A,【即时应用】 用put 的相关短语的适当形式完成

26、句子 (30)He _ work _and made some coffee. (31)He never _ dishes after meals. (32)The plan she _ at the meeting was agreed to by most people present. (33)I cant _ these insults (侮辱)any more. 【答案】 (30)put;aside (31)put away (32)put forward (33)put up with,2let out 发生;泄露;出租 【经典例句】 .,a needle that is not

27、sharp for knocking or pressing and a swordlike needle for letting liquid out of swollen parts.(P30) 有一种不锋利的针用来敲击和挤压肿处,还有一种提针用来放浓的。 She let_out a scream of terror. 她发出恐怖的叫喊。,let alone 不打扰;不惊动;更别提 let sb./sth.be听任;不打扰 let down 放下;使失望;辜负;不支持;拆台 let go (of) 放开;释放;忽略;不予理会/考虑 let me see 让我想想,【即时应用】 用let o

28、ut翻译句子 (34)有人泄漏了消息。 _ (35)他们买了一套更大的公寓,所以把原来的那套租出去了。 _ 【答案】 (34)Someone had let the news out. (35)They bought a larger apartment,so they let out the former one.,3split up分裂(分离,分解);分割;分手 【经典例句】 We could split_up_into groups,and come at different times.(P25) 我们可以分成小组分别在不同时间来。 The teacher split_up the c

29、lass into groups for different experiments. 老师将班上同学分成几个小组,进行不同的实验。 They split_up after two years of marriage. 他们结婚两年之后分手了。,split away分裂出去 split off 脱落开来 split hairs 吹毛求疵;为小事争论 split on (sb.)告密 split ones sides 笑折了腰 split headaches头痛得要命,完成句子 (36)After the meeting we _(分手)and went home. (37)Jone is al

30、ways _(为小事而争论) (38)The audience _(笑弯了腰)at the joke. 【答案】 (36)split up (37)splitting hairs (38)split their sides,1Medicines are important to keep_us_healthy. 医药对人们健康很重要。,【句式分析】 keep宾语(sb./sth.)宾语补足语(adj./adv./v.ing/v.ed/介词短语)“使保持某种(状态、位置或动作等)” We should keep our classroom clean and tidy.(形容词) 我们应保持教室

31、整洁干净。 Youd better keep the child away from the fire.(副词) 你最好让孩子离火远一点。 The bad weather keeps us inside the house.(介词短语) 坏天气使我们不能出门。,Dont keep me waiting for long.(现在分词) 别让我等太久。 The other students in the class keep their eyes closed.(过去分词) 班上其他同学都闭着眼睛。,keep away (from)(使)不接近;避开 keep back 使离开;扣留 keep d

32、own 抑制 keep sb./sth.from doing. 阻止 keep off (使)离开 keep on (doing.)继续(做) keep out (使)留在外面 keep up 维持;保持 keep up with跟上,【即时应用】 (39)Your job_open for your return. Thanks. Awill be kept Bwill keep Chad kept Dhad been kept 【解析】 由for your return 可判断此处时态应为一般将来时,keep“保留,保有”与your job是动宾关系,所以要用被动语态。 【答案】 A,2I

33、f you open up any medicine cupboard in the world,there_is_a_high_probability_that you will find aspirin and penicillin. 倘若你打开世界上任何一个药柜,都很可能找到阿司匹林和青霉素。,【句式分析】 There is a probability that.“可能”,that 引导同位语从句。 There is no probability that he will succeed. 他不可能成功。 Is there any probability that a peace agr

34、eement between South Korea and North Korea is reached? 南北朝鲜达成和平协定有可能吗?,There is .possibility/chance/hope that .也表达同样的含义,【即时应用】 单项选择 (40)Is there any probability _ our being permitted to Hong Kong University? Aof Bwith Cin Dfor 【解析】 there is a probability that.可以改为there is a probability of sb./sth. d

35、oing.。 【答案】 A,翻译句子 (41)昨晚他工作到很晚,今天可能迟到。(There is a probability that) _ 【答案】 He worked too late last night.There is a probability that he will be late today.,.单词拼写 1In c_ society,people cant live without electricity. 2The more expensive a mobile phone is,the more f_it has. 3Some girls suffer from o_,

36、which makes them try their best to keep thin. 4The q_of many snacks dont meet the standard so youd better avoid them.,5Please make your own a_ for meals,we only provide accommodation. 6A bar for sport or exercise usually has _(可调节的)weights at each end. 7The boss asked us to _(完成)the design before Na

37、tional Day. 8When he was a child,his parents did their best to_(发展)his interest in reading so that he became a writer after he grew up.,9Egypt is and ever was a place of mystery,so many stories _ (传播)around the pyramids in this ancient country. 10The government takes a lot of measures to _(预防)potent

38、ial fires in order to have a safe and happy Spring Festival. 【答案】 1.contemporary 2.functions 3.overweight 4.qualities 5.arrangements 6.adjustable plete 8.develop 9.spread 10.prevent,.选词填空 try out;focus on;see through;put off;put up with;look down upon;get through;turn up;fill in;let out1.The company

39、 is _ a new way to improve the quality of the product,but they are not sure whether it will work. 2I tried to call him up last night,but couldnt _ . 3When a star appeared,the audience _ a cry of cheer and excitement. 4I cant hear the news,please _ the radio_.,5In the eye of law,migrant workers shoul

40、dnt _. 6Some leaders visits to foreign countries are either called off or _ to save money. 7She is a shy girl and cant _being laughed at. 8The film is not thought highly of,and in fact,it is unlikely _ at the film festival. 9The policeman _ his false witness,and sentenced him to 3 years imprisonment

41、. 10_his lessons,the boy is making great progress.,【答案】 1.trying out 2.get through 3.let out 4.turn;up5.be looked down upon 6.put off 7.put up with 8.to be tried out 9.saw through 10.Focused on,.用所给词的适当形式填空 1The manager received ten _(apply)for the position. 2An _(arrange)between the two couples ens

42、ured there was always someone to look after the children. 3May I ask you for a dance? With _(please) 4Large _(quantity)of polluted water from the factory flowed into the lake.,5The Government acted quickly to _(relief) the widespread distress caused by the earthquake. 6“Look at that!”she said,_(poin

43、t)at the hole in the door. 7What is the average _(annually) rainfall in this region? 8The accident _(block) traffic in the town centre. 【答案】 1.applications 2.arrangement 3.pleasure 4quantities 5.relieve 6.pointing 7.annual 8.blocked,.完成句子 1Acupuncture treatment _(阻止疼痛信号到达)the spinal cord or brain.(block) 2They are building a series of satellite cities_(缓解市中心的压力)(relieve) 3_(任何形式的瘾都是不好的),whether it is cigarette,alcohol,drug or playing online games.(addition) 4Dont bother to look for my umbrella,_(它总有一天会现身的)(turn up),5


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