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1、继续教育学院,School of Continuing Education, Jilin University,大学英语(二),授课教师:张绪忠,New Practical EnglishComprehensive, Book 2,Network Education College Jilin University,Unit 7: Farewell,Focal points Expressions and patterns related to farewell 2. Ways to say goodbye 3. Farewell letter and farewell speech 4. T

2、ext study: The Most Unforgettable Character Ive Met 5. Grammar: Emphasis , Ellipsis and Inversion,1. Expressions and patterns related of farewell (知识点1:告别常用语),Ive come to say goodbye, as Im leaving for Canada tomorrow 明天我要去加拿大,来向您辞行。 Really? Couldnt I persuade you to stay a couple of days more? 真的吗?

3、能否请您再多留些日子? Much as I wish to, I really cant. 我也很想再多住些日子,但确实不行。 Could you stay a little longer? 您能再多留几天吗? By the way, what time are you setting off? 顺便问一下,您什么时候动身? Im catching the 9:30 plane. 我乘9:30 的飞机。 Then please have your luggage ready. 请把行李准备好。 Our car will take you to the airport at 7:30. 我们7:

4、30 开车送您去机场。 Thank you very much for coming to see me off. 十分感谢您来送我。 Not at all, its the least we could do. 别客气,这是我们应该做的。,continued,Have you checked in yet? 您检票了吗? Please convey our best regards to our old friends there. 请转达我们对老朋友的问候。 Sure. I hope we may welcome you in our country some day in the fut

5、ure. 一定。希望将来有一天在我们国家迎接您。 Thank you for all the trouble youve taken. 谢谢您费心了。 Goodbye and good luck! 再见了,祝您好运! Hope youll have a pleasant trip! 祝您旅途愉快! Have a nice trip. 旅途愉快! Take care! 一路保重!,Short conversation of farewell,Conversation 1 A:Ive come to say good-bye. B:When are you off ? A:Im flying ho

6、me on Sunday afternoon . B:Well , good-bye . See you soon . A:Please dont forget to say good-bye to the rest of the family for me . Conversation 2 A:Id like to say good-bye to everyone . B:What time are you going ? A:My plane leaves at 7:25. B:Well , good-bye and have a good trip! A:Good-bye . Remem

7、ber to look me up if youre ever in Washington .,Continued,Conversation 3 A:Im calling to say good-bye . B:When do you leave? A: Im catching the 11:00 train . B: Take care of yourself and dont forget to keep in touch . A: Goodbye .Thanks again for everything . Conversation 4 A : I just dropped in to

8、say good-bye. B : What time are you leaving ? A : Im going to try to leave by 10:00. B : Take care and give my best to your parents . A : Good-bye . Hope to see you soon again next year . B : Dont forget to call us if youre in Tokyo.,A long dialogue of farewell,A: Here we are at the airport B: Its v

9、ery kind of you to come and see me off, Mr. Zhang. A: Its my pleasure. Its a pity that you have to go now. B: Well, Ive certainly had an excellent time here. My trip to China has been both enjoyable and productive. And you have been most kind. A: Its been a great pleasure to have you with us. We hop

10、e youll come here more often in the future. B: Im sure I will. Now that weve got to know each other better, Im certain we can do more business to our mutual benefit. A: I hope so. B: I do hope youll visit us someday soon so that we may return your kindness and warm hospitality. Id really like to sho

11、w you a bit of our country. A: Thank you very much. Well be very glad to if we get the chance. B: Please give my best regards to your General Manager Mr. Wang and tell him I appreciate his warm reception very much. A: Ill do that. I hope you have a good journey. B: Thank you. Good-bye. A: Good bye a

12、nd take care.,2. 15 ways to say goodbye(知识点2:“再见”的15种表达),English speakers like a lot of variety in their everyday language. We have lots of different expressions for saying simple things. The following are some different ways to say “goodbye“.,Formal goodbyes,Goodbye. “Goodbye“ itself is actually on

13、e of the most formal ways to say goodbye to someone. Here are some situations in which “Goodbye“ is appropriate: -Youve broken up with your partner. Youre sad about it. You think that you may never see this person again. -Youre angry with a family member. You say this as you slam the door or hang up

14、 the phone. Farewell. This phrase is quite formal and very emotional-sounding. It also seems very final. Its the type of thing that two lovers in a movie might say if theyre never going to see each other again. You probably wont use it often in daily life. Have a good day. Say “Have a good day“ (or

15、“Have a nice day,“ “Have a good evening,“ or “Have a good night“) to someone that youre not very close with, like a coworker that you dont know well, an employee, a customer, or a friend of a friend. Take care. This phrase is still a little bit formal, but not quite as formal as “Have a good day.“ U

16、se this when youre not going to see someone again for at least a week.,Casual goodbyes,Most of the time, we use one of these casual phrases when saying goodbye to someone in English. Bye! “Bye“ is the most common way to say goodbye in English. You can say “Bye“ to anyone you know, from friends to co

17、workers to clients. Its common to say “Bye“ at the very end of a conversation, even after youve said some of the other phrases in this list. For example: A: See you later. B: OK, have a good one. A: You too. Bye. B: Bye. Bye bye! Little children say “Bye bye“, and adults say it when speaking to chil

18、dren. When adults use “Bye bye“ with each other, it can either sound childish or sometimes flirtatious. Later! “Later!“ is a cool, casual way to say goodbye. Men often use “Later!“ when speaking with each other. You often follow “Later!“ with something like “man“, “bro“, “dude“, or “dear“. Ex: Later

19、, man.,Continued,See you later. / Talk to you later. “See you later is not quite as casual as “Later!“. You can use it with almost anyone. You say “See you later“ when youre saying goodbye to someone in person. When youre talking to someone on the phone, you can say “Talk to you later“ instead. Have

20、 a good one. “Have a good one“ means “Have a good day“ or “Have a good week.“ You sound relaxed and friendly when you use it. However, there are people who get annoyed by it because they think that “Have a good day“ is better. So long. “So long“ isnt very common for actually saying “goodbye“ to some

21、one, but you may find it sometimes in news headlines and other places. All right then. This isnt a very common phrase, but some people in the Southern part of the U.S. use it. Its very casual, relaxed, and colloquial.,3. Farewell letter and farewell speech(知识点3:告别信与告别演讲),Farewell letters are often w

22、ritten to express thanks to somebody for the hospitality and kindness youve received from him or her. Farewell letters consist of several essential components, e.g.: Express your thanks for your association with the people you are leaving and for their kindness, love, support, friendship, etc. Repea

23、t how much you value this friendship. Recall one or more of the good times youve had together. Offer your best wishes for the future.,Sample of farewell letter,July 30, 2007 Dear Mr. White, Excuse my being unable to see you and your wife off. Every time I recollect our close friendship over the last

24、 few years, I am personally very sad to see you leave China. I hope we shall keep in touch as you resume your work at your new post. With very good wishes for the future and thanks for what you have done for us. Yours sincerely, Li Li,A farewell speech,Dear all, Today is my last day of service in *

25、Office. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my gratitude to you. It is my great pleasure to know you all, and it is my honor to work with the experienced team. I appreciated very much your support, help, understanding, and tolerance during the working. These days, I am recalling the even

26、ts in the past one year. All the memories replay like a movie before my eyes: how we support the IES exhibition, how we made arrangement for the Budget Meetings and CMC, how we worked in the night to meet the deadline, how we host the party with China-base, how we sang and danced in the KTV room, ho

27、w we climbed the hill in Long Qing Xiatoo many happy memories. Anyway, I will surely cherish the memories with you in the heart, forever.,Continued,Above words cannot fully express my gratitude to you, my colleges. I am unwilling to leave you all, but at the time I occasionally get an opportunity wh

28、ich is closer to my career aim. To leave RGM was a hard decision. Although I am no longer a member of RGM, I hope that we can still be friends. My mobile phone number. is 139*, and it will not change in a short time. My personal email address is * , and it is also my MSN address. Lets keep in touch!

29、 Thanks again for all you have done for me and thanks for hosting the Farewell Dinner. Wish you all great success in your career, and happiness in your family! Sincerely yours,4. text study:The Most Unforgettable Character Ive Met(知识点4:课文学习) I remember vividly that first English class in the last te

30、rm of high school. We boys (there were no girls in the school) were waiting expectantly for the new teacher to appear. Before long, through the door came in a tall, unimpressive-looking man of about 40. He said shyly, “Good afternoon, gentlemen.” 1. (Para.1) Before long, through the door came in a t

31、all, unimpressive-looking man of about 40. 完全倒装句 Examples: Inside the parcel was a letter addressed to my father. (完全倒装) Seldom had I seen Sasha so upset. (部分倒装) 2. appear: come into sight; be seen; seem, look 出现; 看起来,似乎 He appears well this morning.,1,Continued,His voice had a surprising tone of re

32、spect, almost as if he were addressing the Supreme Court instead of a group of youngsters. He wrote his name on the blackboard Wilmer T. Stone-then sat on the front of his desk, drew one long leg up and grasped his bony knee. 1. His voice had a surprising tone of respect, almost as if he were addres

33、sing the Supreme Court instead of a group of youngsters. 方式状语从句中用虚拟语气(他的声音里带有一种令人惊讶的尊敬口吻,仿佛是在高等法院发表演说,而不是面对一帮青年在讲话。) He ran off as fast as possible as if his life were in danger. 2. grasp: hold firmly, take hold of; succeed in understanding sth. often complex 抓住,抓紧; 领会 As she fell, she grasped at th

34、e window to try to stop her fall.,Continued,“Gentlemen,” he began, “we are here this semester your last to continue your study of English. I know we shall enjoy learning with and from one another. We are going to learn something about journalism and how to get out your weekly school paper. Most impo

35、rtant, we are going to try to really get interested in reading and writing. Those who do, I venture to say, will lead far richer, fuller lives than they would otherwise.” venture: risk going somewhere or doing something (dangerous); take the risk of saying (something that may be opposed or considere

36、d foolish) 冒险;大胆地说;冒昧地说 ex: 1 venture that you are behaving foolishly. 2. otherwise: adv. differently; in every other way, except for 别样, 以另一种方式 conj. if not, or else 否则, 不然 ex: I cant say otherwise or I would be lying. Their plane was late, but otherwise they had a good trip. Seize the chance, othe

37、rwise you will regret it. You must pay your taxes on time; otherwise you will be fined.,Continued,He went on like that, voicing a welcome message of friendliness and understanding. An unexpected feeling of excitement stirred in me. During the term that followed, his enthusiasm spread through us like

38、 a contagion. “Dont be afraid to disagree with me,” he used to say. “It shows you are thinking for yourselves, and thats what you are here for.” Warming to such confidence, we felt we had to justify it by giving more than our best. And we did. 1. Warming to such confidence, we felt we had to justify

39、 it by giving more than our best. 分词短语作状语,意思是“become fond of or be stimulated by”. 译:在他的感召下,我们是如此有信心,感到必须表现优异才对。 2. justify: give a good reason for; be a good reason for 提供正当理由;论证 ex: How can you justify your rude behavior? Nothing can justify such rude behavior. He justified buying a car by showing

40、 how useful it would be.,Continued,Mr. Stone gave us the greatest gift a teacher can bestow an awakening of a passion for learning. He had a way of dangling before us part of a story, a literary character or idea, until we were curious and eager for more; then he would cut himself short and say, “Bu

41、t I suppose you have read so-and-so.” When we shook our heads, he would write the title of a book on the blackboard, then turn to us. “There are some books like this one I almost wish I had never read. Many doors to pleasure are closed to me now, but they are all open for you!” bestow : give or pres

42、ent sth to some 给予 The girl is lucky to be bestowed with both beauty and wisdom dangle: try to attract someone by promising or describing; offer as an attraction 吊胃口; 招引;虚幌 She likes to keep her lovers dangling.,Continued,The end of the term came much too soon. The morning before graduation day the

43、class suddenly and spontaneously decided to give Mr. Stone a literary send-off that afternoon a good-bye party with poems and songs for the occasion. 1. spontaneously: produced from natural feelings or causes without outside force, esp. quickly and unplanned 自然地, 自发地 All at once the crowd spontaneou

44、sly broke into applause. The decision they had spontaneously made to work for an extra half-hour turned out to be a bad idea. He made an offer to help spontaneously.,Continued,That afternoon when Mr. Stone walked slowly into Room 318 we made him take a seat in the first row. One of the boys, sitting

45、 in the teachers chair, started off with a poem called “Farewell”; the rest of us were grouped around him. Mr. Stone sat tight-lipped, until toward the end when he slowly turned to the right and then to the left, looking at each of us in turn as if he wanted to register the picture on his mind. regi

46、ster: put into an official list or record; enter ones name on a list; show; have an effect 注册;记录;显现;发生效力 Is the car registered? He told me he was married but Im afraid they didnt register. Her face registered anxiety.,Continued,When we got to the last chorus of the parody, we saw tears rolling down

47、Mr. Stones high cheekbones. He got up and pulled out a handkerchief and blew his nose and wiped his face. “Boys,” he began, and no one even noticed that he wasnt calling us “men” any more, “were not very good, we Americans, at expressing sentiment. But I want to tell you that you have given me somet

48、hing I shall never forget.” chorus: A chorus is a piece of music written to be sung by a large group of people 合唱(歌曲) parody: A parody is a humorous piece of writing, drama, or music which imitates the style of a well-known person or represents a familiar situation in an exaggerated way. 滑稽的模仿诗文 3.

49、sentiment: attitude which is based on their thoughts and feelings 态度,情绪 Public sentiment rapidly turned anti-American. 公众情绪迅速转变,开始反对美国,5. Grammar: Emphasis , Ellipsis and Inversion (知识点5:强调、省略、倒装),Emphasis: Emphasis强调句是一种修辞,是人们为了表达自己的意愿或情感而使用的一种形式,主要有如下几种形式: 1用助动词“do(doesdid)动词原形”来表示强调: I do love eating Chinese food. 2用形容词 very,only,single,such, last 等修饰名词或形容词来加强语气 He is the only one to get married. 3用in the world,on earth,a


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