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1、,Exercises,Reading Comprehension,Structure of the Text,Unit 9: Exercises,Vocabulary,Cloze,Translation,Unit 9: Reading comprehension,1. What is the issue Akers discusses in the passage?,The issue Akers discusses is the relationship between ethics and competitiveness.,Ex. I, p.172,Reference,Unit 9: Re

2、ading comprehension,2. What is the wide angle of vision with which, as Akers urges, managers ought to look at ethics and competitiveness?,When they think of competitiveness, they should think not just of seeking their own selfish advantage, but of striving to improve living standards for all. When t

3、hey think of ethics, they should think not just as managers focusing on business ethics, but as citizens of a larger society.,Reference,Unit 9: Reading comprehension,3. Why does Akers think that ethics and competitiveness are inseparable?,Ethics and competitiveness are inseparable because we compete

4、 as a society.,Reference,Unit 9: Reading comprehension,4. What fact does Akers acknowledge in the introductory part of his essay?,The greater the measure of mutual trust and confidence in the ethics of a society, the greater its economic strength.,Reference,Unit 9: Reading comprehension,5. What are

5、the three suggestions Akers makes so that we work in an atmosphere characterized by mutual trust and confidence?,First, we should fortify the practical ethical buttresses; second, ethical instruction must include a demanding study of history and literature; and above all we should keep our prioritie

6、s straight.,Reference,Unit 9: Reading comprehension,6. What ethical buttresses does Akers talk about in the first suggestion he makes?,They are role models, the honor system, and codes of conduct.,Reference,Unit 9: Reading comprehension,7. What subject should we consider, according to Akers, in the

7、beginning of our ethical instruction? And why?,We should start with a clear-cut study of the past, because our ethical standards come out of the past.,Reference,Unit 3: Reading comprehension,8. What bothers Akers when he hears reports that American high school students know little or nothing about t

8、heir countrys literature and history?,What bothers Akers is that they have missed the humane lessons in individual ethical conduct, which can be found in the annals of world history, the biographies of great men and women and works of literature.,Reference,Unit 9: Reading comprehension,9. What does

9、Akers respond to the fact that businessmen and women can be unabashedly proud of their companies?,He thinks that the good of an entire society counts more than that of any single corporation.,Reference,Unit 9: Reading comprehension,10. What do we remember Benjamin Franklin for?,We remember him becau

10、se he did not see winning or self-advancement or even life itself as the only thing. He saw his newly born nation greater than himself.,Reference,1. Introduction (Paras. 15),2. Body (Paras. 623),3. Conclusion (Para. 24),Text Outline,Unit 3: Structure of the text,Ex. II, p.173,1. Introduction (Paras.

11、 15),We A central subject in international business competition is _. We are urged to look at _ with a wide angle of vision. Ethics and competitiveness are _, they are important not only in _ but also in _.,Text Outline,Unit 9: Structure of the text,ethics,ethics and competitiveness,running a compan

12、y,inseparable,running and managing a country.,2. Body (Paras. 623),1) _,Text Outline,Unit 9: Structure of the text,Ethical buttresses,2) _,3_keep our sense of order straight.,Ethics teaching,Putting first things first:,2. Body (Paras. 623),Text Outline,Unit 9: Structure of the text,We should _ that

13、help all of us know and understand and_. The simplest and most powerful buttress is _ _. B. There are other ethical buttresses such as the institutional buttresses _ C. _ _.,fortify the practical ethical buttresses,do exactly what is,the role model,honor system.,There are professional standards and

14、business codes of conduct.,required of us,2. Body (Paras. 623),2) _,Text Outline,Unit 9: Structure of the text,A. Ethical instruction is important in a business school or anywhere else in the universities, but to take ethical examination_,Ethics teaching,of workplace safety, consumer protection,envi

15、ronmental safeguards, and the rights of the individual,employee within the organization .,2. Body (Paras. 623),2) _,Text Outline,Unit 9: Structure of the text,B. We should start from kindergarten to twelfth grade with a clear-cut study of the past because _ _ _.,Ethics teaching,our ethical standards

16、,come out of the pastout of our inheritances as a,people: religious, philosophical, historical,2. Body (Paras. 623),2) _,Text Outline,Unit 9: Structure of the text,c. The more we know of the history of us, the more _ _,Ethics teaching,sure-,footedly we can inculcate ethical conduct in the future.,2.

17、 Body (Paras. 315),3) _: keep our sense of order straight,Text Outline,Unit 9: Structure of the text,Putting first things first,Text Outline,Unit 9: Structure of the text,3. Conclusion (Para. 24),By taking advice of the three suggestions, _,we shall go far toward discharging our responsibilities as,

18、managers and as human beings.,Part A, Ex. V, p.175 Complete the following sentences with words given below, making sure that each word is used in the right form.,Unit 9: Vocabulary,1. To our great surprise, Mary put forward a _ suggestion after her long-time thought.,ludicrous,2. John is very happy

19、these days for he will soon be married to Diana, whose beauty has made her the envy of many less lavishly _.,Unit 9: Vocabulary,endowed,3. Though he was removed from office a year ago, the company now suffers the _ of his mismanagement.,Unit 9: Vocabulary,consequences,Unit 9: Vocabulary,4. I dont kn

20、ow what proper action we should take, for they gave _ accounts of what has happened.,conflicting,Unit 9: Vocabulary,5. The captain of a big liner has the _ of thousands of lives in his keeping.,safety,Unit 9: Vocabulary,6. Proper clothes _ for much in business. Thats why you see most business people

21、 dress formally.,count,Unit 9: Vocabulary,7. When she was stopped by the police for speeding, she gave them a certificate which has clearly been _.,falsified,Unit 9: Vocabulary,8. On hearing the news that the enemy troops would come soon, all the families hurriedly _ the village with barricades of c

22、arts, tree trunks and whatever came to hand.,fortified,Unit 9: Vocabulary,9. Our football coach has worked hard to _ a team spirit into the players.,inculcate,Unit 9: Vocabulary,10. This settlement will resolve one of the most _ problems in the field of industrial relations.,Part B,vexing,Part B, Ex

23、. V, pp.175176 Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined part of the sentence.,Unit 9: Vocabulary,1. We are a moral, high-principled people and therefore we do not approve of their activities. A. noble B. upright C. conscientious D. ethical,1. We are a moral, high-princi

24、pled people and therefore we do not approve of their activities. A. noble B. upright C. conscientious D. ethical,2. Unemployment and inner city decay are undividable issues which must be tackled together. A. indwelling B. innate C. inseparable D. unchanged,Unit 9: Vocabulary,2. Unemployment and inne

25、r city decay are undividable issues which must be tackled together. A. indwelling B. innate C. inseparable D. unchanged,Unit 9: Vocabulary,3. The airline requires children traveling alone to have a(n) official letter of consent from one or both parents. A. attestation B. notarized C. oath D. deposit

26、ion,3. The airline requires children traveling alone to have a(n) official letter of consent from one or both parents. A. attestation B. notarized C. oath D. deposition,Unit 9: Vocabulary,4. Polly and Susie were having a(n) argument about who was going to hold the dogs lead A. controversy B. claim C

27、. dissatisfaction D. squabble,4. Polly and Susie were having a(n) argument about who was going to hold the dogs lead A. controversy B. claim C. dissatisfaction D. squabble,Unit 9: Vocabulary,5. If you compare the two books side by side, it is clear that the author of the second has cribbed from the

28、first. A. plagiarized B. developed C. originated D. appropriated,5. If you compare the two books side by side, it is clear that the author of the second has cribbed from the first. A. plagiarized B. developed C. originated D. appropriated,Unit 9: Vocabulary,6. A few workers have disregarded the majo

29、rity decision and gone into work despite the strike. A. deserted B. disproved C. defied D. distributed,6. A few workers have disregarded the majority decision and gone into work despite the strike. A. deserted B. disproved C. defied D. distributed,Unit 9: Vocabulary,7. If the authority is to accompl

30、ish its legal duty to house the homeless, it needs government support. A. achieve B. accuse C. acclaim D. discharge,7. If the authority is to accomplish its legal duty to house the homeless, it needs government support. A. achieve B. accuse C. acclaim D. discharge,Unit 9: Vocabulary,The new Presiden

31、t said she would devote herself to protecting the rights of the old, the sick and the homeless. A. dedicate B. donate C. entrust D. present,The new President said she would devote herself to protecting the rights of the old, the sick and the homeless. A. dedicate B. donate C. entrust D. present,Unit

32、 9: Vocabulary,9. The pictures on the show were a(n) vivid reminder of the power of the volcano. A. visual B. eloquent C. example D. expressive,9. The pictures on the show were a(n) vivid reminder of the power of the volcano. A. visual B. eloquent C. example D. expressive,Unit 9: Vocabulary,The unde

33、rlying message of the film is that love surpasses everything else. A. exceeds B. transcends C. excels D. outstrips,The underlying message of the film is that love surpasses everything else. A. exceeds B. transcends C. excels D. outstrips,When the public demands “law and order” and when newspapers ed

34、itorials talk about the “rising tide of crime,” they have in mind mostly street crime committed by the poor. Even the massive report of the Presidents Crime Commission, the Challenge of Crime in a free Society, 1)_ only two pages to the entire subject of white-collar offenders and business crimes. T

35、he deep 2) _ with street crimes is understandable. Unlike a swindler who merely takes the victims money, an armed mugger 3) _physical injury and even death.,Unit 9: Cloze,devoted,threatens,concern,To be continued .,concern,respectable,summon,occupation,benefit,perhaps,which,lower,address,perfectly,c

36、ommit,threaten,refer,define,prosecute,being,behind,devote,assess,personal,Ex. VI, pp.176 Choose an appropriate word from the following list to fill in each of the following blanks. Each word can be used only ONCE. Change the word form where necessary.,Unit 9: Cloze,Yet the fact remains that a great

37、deal of crime in American society 4) _ most crime, and certainly the most costly crime is committed by 5) _ middle-class and upper-class citizens. The term “white-collar crime” was first used by Edwin Sutherland in an 6) _ to the American Sociological Association in 1939. “White-collar crime,” he de

38、clared, “may be 7) _ approximately as a crime committed by a person of respectability and high status in the course of his 8)_ .”,perhaps,respectable,address,defined,occupation,To be continued .,Unit 9: Cloze,To be continued .,Sutherland documented the existence of this form of crime with a study of

39、 the careers of 70 large, reputable corporations, 9)_ together had committed 980 violations of the criminal law, or an average of 14 convictions apiece.10) _ the offenses of false advertising, unfair labor practices, restraint of trade, price-fixing agreements, stock manipulation, copyright infringe

40、ment, and outright swindles, were 11)_ respectable middle-class executives.,which,Behind,perfectly,Unit 9: Cloze,To be continued .,Sociologists now use the term “whitecollar crime” to 12)_ not only to crimes committed in the course of business activities for corporate 13)_. but also to crimes, such

41、as embezzlement, typically committed by persons of high status for 14)_ benefits. As Sutherland pointed out, the full extent of white-collar crime is difficult to 15)_ .,refer,benefit,personal,assess,Unit 9: Cloze,To be continued .,Sociologists Many corporate malpractices go undetected, and many wea

42、lthy people are able to 16)_ crimes like expense-account fraud for years without 17)_ found out. More important, white-collar crimes are usually regarded as somehow less serious than the crimes of the 18)_ class, and they attract less attention from police and prosecutors.,commit,being,lower,Unit 9:

43、 Cloze,Even the victims may be unwilling to 19)_ because of the offenders “standing in the community” and would rather out of court. A company that finds its safe has been burgled in the night will immediately 20)_ the police, but it might not do so if it finds that one of its executives has embezzl

44、ed some of its funds. To avoid unwelcome publicity, the company officials may simply allow the offender to resign after making an arrangement to repay the missing money.,prosecute,summon,1. 在一开始我想奉劝我们所有的管理层人员应该以宽阔的视野来看待这两个词,即道德和竞争力。,Let me urge at the outset that all of us in management look at both

45、 these words ethics and competitiveness with a wide angle of vision.,Unit 9: Translation,Part A, Ex. VIII, pp.179180 Translate the following sentences into English.,at the outset,2. 所有人都生来具有道德意识,它不是凭空而来,也不会自动永远存在下去。,All human beings are endowed with a moral sense that does not come out of nowhere or perpetuate itself automatically.,Unit 9: Translation,end


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