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1、4.2 意象主義(Imagism)/徘句 - 意象/象徵/現實,第一講 朱耀偉教授,4.2.1意象主義簡介,a. 以休姆(T.E. Hulme)、龐德(Ezra Pound)及杜莉德(Hilda Doolittle)等人為首,4.2.1意象主義簡介,b. 有感於浪漫主義的詩歌傳統已經衰竭,要尋找一種新詩體配合新時代,4.2.1意象主義簡介,c. 於1913年由費林特 (F.S. Flint)與龐德發表了意象主義(“Imagism”)一文,提出三條原則: i. 直接處理事物 - 無論是主觀或客觀也好;,意象主義,c. 費林特 (F.S. Flint)與龐德意象主義(“Imagism”): ii.

2、 絕對不用任何無益於表現的語詞;,意象主義,iii. 關於節奏 - 按音樂性,而不是按節拍器來創作。,4.2.1意象主義簡介,d. 龐德指出意象是要在一瞬間表現思想及心理上的複雜情緒,4.2.1意象主義簡介,e. 龐德後來於1914年脫離了意象主義,提倡他的渦漩主義(Vorticism),4.2.1意象主義簡介,f. 由於意象主義詩體短小,難以發揮重大的主題,許多早期受過意象主義影響的詩人後來都轉向不同的現代主義形式發展,4.2.2 龐德的渦漩主義,a. 詩歌是一種濃縮的藝術,4.2.2 龐德的渦漩主義,b. 意象與象徵主義的分別: i. 象徵主義主張聯想 ii. 象徵主義將象徵降至字詞的位置

3、,將之變為轉喻(metonymy)的形式 iii. 象徵主義的所謂象徵有著固定的值(像1,2,7),意象則有著變動的意味(如代數中的a,b,x),4.2.2 龐德的渦漩主義,c. 四種數學上的層次: i. 算術式(arithmetical): 3x3+4x4+5x532+42=52 ii. 代數式(algebraic): 32+42=52, 62+82=102 a2+b2=c2,渦漩主義,iii. 幾何式(geometrical):只是批評而不是創造它。,4.2.2 龐德的渦漩主義,iv. 分析性幾何式(analytical geometrical):能夠創造形式。 (x-a) 2+ (y-b

4、) 2 =r2,4.2.2 龐德的渦漩主義,d. 藝術與分析性幾何只在題材上有分別。,4.2.2 龐德的渦漩主義,e. 意象是一種渦漩: 1 + 1 2 ;蒙太奇(montage)式的意象並置,4.2.2 龐德的渦漩主義,f. 印象主義是一種浮面的藝術;詩不應是描述性的,Cathay,Japanese Haiku 俳句,Matsuo Basho(芭蕉), “Old pond. a frog leaps in waters sound.”,張繼: 楓橋夜泊,月落烏啼霜滿天,江楓漁火對愁眠。 姑蘇城外寒山寺,夜半鐘聲到客船。,溫庭筠: 商山早行,晨起動征鐸,客行悲故鄉。 雞聲茅店月,人跡板橋霜。

5、槲葉落山路,枳花明驛牆。 因思杜陵夢,鳧雁滿回塘。,馬致遠,葉維廉詩(Chinese Poetry),Translations: Insertion of verbs,“Withered vines cling to the aged trees. The evening crow sighs.” “The old trees stand withered with crows in the evening.” “Evening crow circle the trees covered with withered old vines.” “A broken-hearted man sits

6、at the skys edge.” “At the skys edge stands a man - with a busted gut.” “The broken-hearted man disappears at the edge of the sky.” “The broken-hearted man stares at the edge of the sky.”,Translations: Insertion of relative pronoun/conjunction,“Evening exists when the sun goes down to the west.” “Th

7、e evening droops down in the west, Where a broken-hearted man stands at the skys edge.” “Withered vines, old trees and evening crows” *Use of brackets: “Small bridge (with) flowing waters (by a) mans house. Ancient road (with) west wind (traveled by a ) lean horse.,Translations: Insertion of preposi

8、tion,“A small bridge over flowing water, near mans houses.” “A small bridge with flowing water in front of mans houses.” “Under the small bridge, the waters flowing, and theres a mans house.” “Water flows under the small bridge by his house. “Under the small bridge beside a mans house, the water flo

9、ws.” “Over there across the bridge near the mans house,”,Wai-lim Yips translation,Dried vines, an old tree, evening crows; A small bridge, flowing water, mens homes; An ancient road, west winds, a lean horse; Sun slants west: The heart-torn man at skys end.,e.e.cummings, “1(a.”,白萩流浪者,林亨泰: 車禍,Gary Sn

10、yder, “Mid-August at Sourdough Mountain Lookout”,Charles Olson, “Variaitons done for Gerald Van de Wiele”,4.2.3其他詩人的詩學主張,a. 威廉斯(William Carlos Williams): 我們在模倣自然中擴大了自然,變成了自然;換言之,我們在自己身上發現了自然的積極成分- 事物本身是超越(事物本身)的。,William Carlos Williams, “The Red Wheelbarrow” 紅色手推車,William Carlos Williams, “Spring and All”,Spring and All - Poem by William Carlos Williams,春天和一切,b. 史蒂文斯,我們投射出自己的心緒、情感,影響了自然物- 主觀整理客觀,Wallace Stevens, “Anecdote of the Jar”,c. 麥里殊 (Archibald MacLesih),“A poem should not mean, but be.”,


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