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1、复习课,Unit 1,spelling 动词注意时态,名词注意单复数,还须注意词性,心烦意乱的 不理睬,忽视 关心,挂念 完全地 安家,定居,解决 遭受 痊愈 确实如此,正是 一系列 青少年 在户外,在野外adv.,upset ignore be concerned about entirely settle suffer recover exactly a series of teenager outdoors,词形变化-可一空多词(被动,完成时,搭配),concern upset outdoors settle v. Germany德国 power entire,concerned ups

2、et-upset adj. upset adj. outdoor n. settlement German德国的/德国人 powerful entirely,单选知识点,把加起来 让某事被做 be concerned about be concerned with While walking the dog, you were careless.,add up add up to 20总计20 add to 增添 have/get my car repaired 关心 与有关 状语从句与主句主语一致时,从句中的主语和系动词可以省略。 If invited, I will go there.,s

3、hould have done go through 强调句型 故意 in order to/ so as to区别,本应该做(却没有做) 经历,经受 从头到尾读一遍 仔细查找 the pocket It isthat/who/ 做题方法:还原,去掉强调句型,句子仍然成立。 on purpose 反义 by accident so as to 不能放句首 为了不被抓 in order not to be caught,too much/much too区别 句型:某人第几次做某事 考点:句型里的时态 句型:做某事是没有乐趣的 fall in love be in love,too much l

4、ight 名词 much too busy 形容词 This is the first time that I have done That was the first time that I had done Its no pleasure doing sth. Its no use doing sth. Its no good doing sth. 爱上的瞬间 相爱的状态,have trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth. 做某事有麻烦/困难 几个加入的区别 join join in attend 重点短语 对厌倦 不再 装箱,打包 患病 与相处的好,The t

5、rouble that he had _ the experiment upset him. join 加入组织,团体 join in 加入活动 join sb. in sth. attend 出席正式的场合 be/get tired of no longer/ not any longer pack up suffer from illnesses get along well with,doing,写作:建议信,三段式 第一段Im sorry to hear that you are having trouble in ., however, the situation is easy t

6、o change if you could take my advice. 第二段To begin with, why not That way, Secondly/Besides, youd better. If you do this, Finally/Last but not least, it would be a good idea if . By doing this, 第三段I hope you will find these ideas useful/,Unit 2,spelling 动词注意时态,名词注意单复数,还须注意词性,电梯 官方的 航海,航行 公寓 事实上,实际上 逐

7、渐的 词汇 流利的 频繁的 命令 请求,要求 辨认出,公认 直接,挺直,elevator official voyage apartment actually gradual gradually vocabulary fluent frequent command request recognize straight,词形变化-可一空多词(被动,完成时,搭配),gradual fluent frequent actual east northeast Africa straight,+ly adv. eastern northeastern African adv. straight,单选知识

8、点,more than用法 because / because of,More than one kind of English is spoken around the world. more than my teacher more than happy no more than not more than,单选知识点,at the end of by the end of in the end come up come out come about come on come up with,在末期 截止到 完成时 最终 走近,走上来 被提出 出版 发生 加油,快点 想出,单选知识点,以为

9、基础 利用 后者 例如,be based on make use of Natural resources should be made good use _ (develop) economy. the latter such as/ for example,单选知识点,command request,command sb. to do command that sb. should do sth. have a good command of English request sb. to do request that sb. should do sth.,单选知识点,没有这样 扮演重要角

10、色 公认recognize,there is no such thing as play an important part in recognize sb/sth be recognized as被公认为,Unit 3,Spelling 动词注意时态,名词注意单复数,还须注意词性,运送,运输 说服,劝说 毕业 时间表,进度表 顽固的,固执的 组织,成立 决定,确定 旅行,旅程 态度,看法 可信赖的,可依靠的 不利之处,transport persuade graduate schedule stubborn organize determine journey attitude reliab

11、le disadvantage,词形变化-可一空多词(被动,完成时,搭配),prefer flow determine organize bend boil,preferred-preferred flowed-flowed adj. determined determination adj. organized n. organization bent-bent boiling boiled,单选知识点,insist persuade/ try to persuade give in/ give up/ give away/ out care about/care for since时态,i

12、nsist on doing +从句:坚持要求 should do 坚持认为 时态正常 He has worked here since he graduated,prefer 用法,在大学毕业之后 穿着羊毛衣服的孩子们 景色辨析 fun,after graduation after graduating from college children dressed in long wool coats view, sight, scenery, scene 不可数! It was great fun to . What fun it is,prefer sth to sth doing to

13、doing to do rather than do,本单元语法 现在进行时表将来,趋向性动词 come, go , arrive, leave, take, stay, move When are you leaving? Where are you staying? I am taking Jane with me.,Unit 4,Spelling 动词注意时态,名词注意单复数,还须注意词性,废墟 极度的 损害,伤害 破坏,毁坏 营救,援救 掩蔽,避身所 祝贺 真诚的 表达 灾难,ruin extreme injure destroy rescue shelter congratulati

14、on sincere express disaster,词形变化-可一空多词(被动,完成时,搭配),burst suffer 名词 injure shock frighten trap dig bury destroy use shake extreme,burst-burst suffering injured shocking/shocked frightening/frightened trapped-trapped dug-dug buried-buried destroyed-destroyed useless shook-shaken extremely,单选知识点,rise ra

15、ise区别 tooto 句式 部分否定 burst 用法,不及物,及物 can never be too careful to do only too happy to see you not + all/ both/ every burst into tears =burst out crying burst into laughter =burst out laughing,the poor the rich the young the old the dead 祝贺你! 在某一天的介词 express,the + adj. 代表一类人 are Congratulations! congr

16、atulations to sb on sth. congratulate sb on sth on that day express your thanks to oneself well,本单元语法 : 定语从句,务必看笔记!看错题!,Unit 5,Spelling 动词注意时态,名词注意单复数,还须注意词性,质量,品质 慷慨大方的 献身,专注于 和平的 进攻,攻击 暴力 相等的 教育 报酬,奖金 意见,看法,主张 逃离,quality generous devote peaceful attack violence equal educate reward opinion escape,

17、词形变化-可一空多词(被动,完成时,搭配),selfish devote found beg cruel peace educate,selfless selflessly devoted founded begged cruelty peaceful educated education,单选,devote用法 only修饰状语,句子部分倒装 turn/go to sb for help与定语从句合并考点,devote ones life to doing be devoted to doing Only when we made mistakes, did we realize that

18、our idea was wrong Mandela was the black lawyer, to whom I turned for advice.,单选,stage, position the first time for the first time come to power be in power reward award prize区别,We have reached a stage where we either accept 连词 / 状语 I fell in love with her the frist time I saw her. 动作/状态 报酬,回报(动词) 奖

19、项,奖励(动词,授予) 奖品,奖金win first prize,单选,lose heart do对动词进行强调 be sentenced to 5 years in prison escape+doing from spl be generous with sth to sb,失去信心,别乱加 They did pass their exams.,Unit 1,spelling 动词注意时态,名词注意单复数,还须注意词性,贵重的 幸免;幸存;生还 使吃惊 挑选,选择 设计,图案 奇特的;异样的 装饰;装修 移动;搬开 怀疑;疑惑 值得的 证据 爆炸 入口 争论,辩论,valuable sur

20、vive amaze select design fancy decorate remove doubt worth evidence explode entrance debate,词形变化-可一空多词(被动,完成时,搭配),survive amaze decorate valuable sink formal反义,survival survivor amazing / amazed decorated value sank-sunk informal,单选知识点,冠词 search 名词 动词 表对过去推测,the Ming Dynasty 不可数名词 evidence furniture

21、 information in search of search spl. for sth might have done could have done(否,疑) must have done should have done need have done,单选知识点,后置定语 decorate fancy 形容词 动词 句型 花某人时间去做 belong to没有被动语态,没有进行时态,It is also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels. in the fancy style fancy meeting you here It took

22、 sb 3 years to do I wish for a pure love belonging to me.,单选知识点,in return(for sth) light lit-lit miss丢 毫无疑问的是 我怀疑/我不怀疑 worth/worthy,作定语 a lighted cigarette The key is missing无被动语态 There is no doubt that I doubt whether/if I dont doubt that The book is worth reading. The book is worthy of being read

23、The book is worthy to be read.,单选知识点,remain 重中之重 prove,系动词 a mystery standing here unfinished open to be seen拭目以待 不及物动词=stay 形容词 the remaining money 名词 remains 动词 证明 系动词 证明是+adj/n,单选知识点,rather than 大楼的入口 do with deal with,而不是(连词) would rather do than do the entrance to the building What How,Unit 2,S

24、pelling 动词注意时态,名词注意单复数,还须注意词性,比赛,竞争 规则的,定期的 容许;承认;接纳 体育场 责任 代替;取代 收费,控诉 物理的,身体的 做广告,登广告 讨价还价 应受,compete regular admit stadium responsibility replace charge physical advertise bargain deserve,词形变化-可一空多词(被动,完成时,搭配),compete regular admit responsibility Greece,competition competitor regularly admitted a

25、dmission responsible Greek,单选知识点,take part in /join in join join sb in I lived in what you call ancient Greece. admit,the place which be admitted as be admitted to admit two adults admit doing sth,单选知识点,as well as together with和;也 as well放在句尾 not onlybut also 主谓一致 就近 部分倒装,连接两个名词作主语 谓语动词和前一致 =too Not

26、 only the teacher but also the students are fond of the music Not only was he devoted to his work, but also he was devoted to family,单选知识点,部分倒装 也是如此 否定意义副词句首 hardly, rarely, scarcely, little,few, never, seldom asas同级比较 I have as ugly a bike as yours.,So do/does/did/am/was/were I nor/neither do.I Lit

27、tle did I know about him 这既是你的过错,也是你妻子的过错。 It is as much your fault as your wifes. 他让尽可能多的人来帮他。 She asked as many people as she could to help her.,单选知识点,replace while然而,表对比 in charge of in the charge of allow,has been replaced take ones place take the place of sb 人作主语 物作主语 allow doing sb to do be al

28、lowed to do,单选知识点,marry用法及物动词 make a bargain with sb over/on/about sth pick up,marry sb be/get married to They have been married for 5 years. pick up a coin pick me up pick up some Japanese Things will pick up soon.,单选知识点,deserve 三个需要,一个应受 apart from doing,deserve doing =deserve to be done need, want, require =besides doing sth,三个单元涉及的语法,定语从句 介词+关系代词 关系代词关系副词区别 非限制性定语从句 被动语态be done 关注时态,一致,作文,见题篇,


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