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1、Unit 8 When is your birthday ?Section A 1 (1a-2c) 富源县古敢水族乡中学:丁世丽一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词:January , February , march ,April ,May , June, July, August , September , October , November , December. 能掌握以下句型: When is your birthday? My birthday is on January fifth. When is her birthday? It is on June s

2、econd. 2) 能了解以下语法:学生需要学会谈论每个月份和日期。3)学会陈述自己的生日和其他同学的生日。2. 情感态度价值观目标: 学会谈论陈述自己的生日和其他同学的生日。 注意引导学生们形成正确的文化观念,大力培养学生们的跨文化意义,形成自己独立的个性。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 学习掌握各类节日以及节日的英文表达。2) 掌握形容词性物主代词的使用;了解容词性物主代词后跟名词。 2. 教学难点:掌握形容词性物主代词的使用;了解容词性物主代词后跟名词。三教学用具:PPT课件,卡片等等四、教学过程. Lead-in 通过给学生播放一首歌曲,来引导学生去思考电视节目。老师在用图片让学生

3、了解各种各样的节日类型。. New words Learn the names of the TV shows老师使用:“When is your birthday?”然后在黑板上写下:anuary , February , march ,April ,May , June, July, August , September , October , November , December. . Presentation 1. 引导学生们看图片,根据提示依次说出每个月的名称。 2. 同时使用不同的节目名称,询问学生的想法,熟悉了解这些单词以后,使用刚才用过的图片来给出问题:When is you

4、r birthday? 3. Check the answers with the Ss. 使用游戏的形式,老师说一个有关的中文节目名称,然后叫学生回答,接着把权力交给学生,让一个学生说汉语,其他学生说英文。通过这个方式来让学生巩固这些名称 。以便于下面的活动的开展。. Pair work 1. Let Ss look at the 5 smile pictures. Then explain the meaning of each picture to the Ss. 老师给出love ,like 等等2. Let Ss look at the PPT then read the short

5、 dialogue after me. Then make their own conversation using the shows and expressions in the box. 3. Let some pairs ask and answer about the shows. 4. Give some suggestions. . Listening Work on 2a: 1. Read the shows in the box of 2a. Tell Ss to remember the information. 2. Play the recording for the

6、Ss to listen and number the months1-5. 3. Play the recording again to check the answers. . Group work 这个部分主要是通过本节课所学句型和单词,让学生把句型用于身边的事和物。1. Tell Ss ask and answer questions about your situation. They can use the information that is true for you. 2.At the same time ss can review the usage of adjectiv

7、e.3. boring , fun , interesting, relaxing, 4. Ss act the conversation in pairs. Ask some pairs to act out their conversations. IX Summary: what have learned today?IX. Homework: 1. 搜集自己喜欢的电视节目的相关资料。 (包括电视栏目名称,主持人以及播出时间)2. Write down your report. 五板书设计:Unit8 When is your birthday ?Section A 1 1a-2dSentences: When is your birthday? My birthday is on January fifth. When is her birthday? It is on June second. 六教学反思: 4 / 4


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