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1、,雅思写作评分标准,TR: Task Response 回答问题 CC: Coherence and Cohesion 连贯性及一致性 LR: Lexical Resource 词汇量 GR: Grammatical Range and Accuracy 语法范围及准确性,雅思写作高分句子的要求,句子:语篇的基本组成单位,句子结构: 简单句 复杂句: 并列句、复合句、并列复合句,简单句:,只包含一个主谓结构的句子。 Jane and George are good friends. The Olympic Games can promote friendship and boost the e

2、conomy of the host country. The role of governments in environmental management is difficult but inescapable.,简单句,五种基本句型:无论多么复杂的英语句子都不能离开的五种基本句型。 主语 + 谓语 I work hard. 主语 + 系动词 +表语 I am smart. 谓 语 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 I love you. 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 宾语 My parents gave me a gift. 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 补语 I consider him a

3、 hero.,主语 + 谓语,Crimes fall significantly. 犯罪大幅度下降。 Recent figures of juvenile crime are increasing. 最近青少年犯罪的数量在上升。 Without guns, both suicide rate and homicide rate will go down. 没有枪,自杀率和他杀率都会下降。,主语 + 系动词 +表语,Resisting a criminal with a gun is the safest thing to do. 用枪来反抗罪犯是最安全的做法。 The penalties fo

4、r criminals should be severe. 对罪犯的惩罚应该严厉。,主语 + 谓语 +宾语,Media violence can affect childrens health. 媒体暴力影响小孩的健康。 Gambling and alcohol abuse cause crimes and destruction. 赌博和酗酒导致犯罪和毁灭。,主语 + 谓语 +间接宾语 + 直接宾语,My parents bought me a gift on my birthday. 我的父母在我生日那天给我买了礼物。 Community services offer wrongdoers

5、 an opportunity to correct their misconduct. 社区服务给做坏事的人一个改过自新的机会。,主语 + 谓语 +宾语 + 补语,We consider greed a source of evils. 我们认为贪婪是罪恶的源头。 Parents should encourage their kids to take part in more rewarding activities. 父母应该鼓励孩子参加更多有益的活动。,句子成分,主语、谓语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补语、同位语,主语,Media violence can affect childrens

6、 health. 媒体暴力影响小孩的健康。 Gambling causes crimes and destruction. 赌博导致犯罪和毁灭。 To telecommute usually means working at home. 远程上班通常意味着在家工作。,We consider greed a source of evils. 我们认为贪婪是罪恶的源头。 Two million were turned away by American officials. 有200万人被美国官员拒绝入境。,That a nation should protect its cultural heri

7、tage is very essential. 国家保护文化遗产是至关重要的。 It is very essential that a nation should protect its cultural heritage. It is generally accepted that the Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world. 人们普遍认为中国文化是世界上最古老的文化之一。,What effects tourism will exert on local culture are well-documented. 旅游业

8、对当地文化的影响是显而易见的。 How we can carry forward our traditional arts has become a hot issue. 如何弘扬传统艺术成了个热门话题。,What is needed in this country is stricter control of guns. 这个国家所需要的是更严格地管理枪支。 Who will be responsible for the senior citizens will be discussed tomorrow. 谁对老年人负责这个问题明天将被讨论。,谓语,Crimes fall signific

9、antly. 犯罪大幅度下降。 China arrested 69,780 juvenile delinquents in 2003. 2003年中国逮捕了69780青少年罪犯。 Without guns, the suicide rate will go down. 没有枪,自杀率会下降。,Recent figures of juvenile crime are increasing. 最近青少年犯罪的数量在上升。 The government was putting great efforts to develop the IT industry when Internet bubbles

10、 collapsed. 在互联网泡沫破裂时,政府正努力发展信息产业。 If we are incapable of looking after our own planet, what good is it to go elsewhere? We will be duplicating our mistakes. 如果我们不能照看自己的星球,去别的地方又有什么好处呢?我们将重复自己的错误。,Pornography has developed alongside technology. 色情业随着科技发展而不断蔓延。 TV, radio, newspaper and magazines had

11、served as the mainstream media before the Internet was invented. 在互联网发明之前,电视、广播、报纸、杂志是主流媒体。 The human race will have immigrated to another planet when the earth becomes uninhabitable. 在地球变得不适宜居住的时候,人类已经移民到另外的星球上去了。,The computer industry has been growing rapidly in the world in the last en years. 世界计

12、算机产业在过去几十年发展迅速。 Dick had been smoking for ten years before he decided to give it up last year. Dick 去年决定戒烟之前,就已经抽了十年了。,宾语(动词宾语),Media violence can affect childrens health. 媒体暴力影响小孩的健康。 To telecommute usually means working at home. 远程上班通常意味着在家工作。 Most weight losers decide to have a vegetarian diet. 许

13、多减肥者决定吃素。,My parents bought me a gift on my birthday. 我的父母在我生日那天给我买了礼物。,Experts predict that half of the worlds language will be extinct in 100 years. 专家预测世界上一半语言100年后会消亡。 Many experts doubt whether English should be used as the only global official language. 许多专家怀疑英语是否应该作为全球唯一的官方用语。,I dont know wha

14、t is needed in learning English. 我不知道学习英语需要做什么。 We havent decided who will be responsible for the senior citizens. 我们还没有决定由谁对老人负责。,宾语(介词宾语),The disease spread quickly across the country. You are never a loser until you give up trying. I am sorry for what I said.,宾语(非谓语动词宾语),Taking a job for a long t

15、ime is usually considered a proof of loyalty. 长时间从事一份工作通常被认为是忠诚的表现。 Educators advise sending children to schools instead of keeping them at home. 教育家建议送孩子上学,而不是把他们留在家里。,It is ridiculous to force an employee to retire at the age of 50. 强迫员工50退休是荒唐的。 Most weight losers decide to have a vegetarian diet

16、. 许多减肥者决定吃素。,Facing high competition, people may suffer great pressure. 面对高度竞争,人们可能承担巨大的压力。 Suffering great pain, cancer patients have to take some drugs sometimes. 因为忍受巨大的痛苦,癌症病人有时不得不服用毒品。,表语,That a nation should protect its cultural heritage is very essential. 国家保护文化遗产是至关重要的。 The result of the com

17、petition is quite satisfying. 比赛结果很令人满意。 The guests were quite satisfied with the party. 客人们对晚会非常满意。,Heavy work pressure is the major reason for family breakdown nowadays 沉重的工作压力是家庭破裂的主要原因。 The aim of telework is saving costs and reducing workload. 远程工作的目的是节省成本,减少工作量。 The best way to escape urban po

18、llution is to move to rural areas. 逃避城市污染的最好办法是搬到乡下去,事实是很多动物被用于医学研究。 The fact is that many animals are used in medical research. 这就是为什么广告被认为是垃圾的原因。 This is why TV commercials are regarded as rubbish.,These articles are for intensive reading while other articles are for extensive reading. 这些文章是做精读的而其

19、他文章是做泛读的。 My book is on the desk. Students are in the classroom. You dont look like fifty.,I will be back soon. 我马上就回来。 He was abroad at the time. 他那会儿在国外。 This is her! Its me! Four and two is six.,定语,Junk food impairs childrens health. 垃圾食品严重危害孩子们的健康。 A nursing house should provide better living co

20、nditions and more professional care. 敬老院应该提供更好的居住条件和更专业的照料。,Almost all the Chinese believe that overseas study is a good chance to receive high quality education and to experience diverse cultures. 几乎所有中国人都认为出国留学是接受高质量教育和体验不同文化的好机会。 Todays white-collars face increasing pressure. 现今的白领面对越来越大的压力。 Prac

21、tice is the only way to improve your spoken English. 练习是你提高口语的唯一方法,Pet raising can turn children into citizens who have a caring mind. 养宠物把孩子培养成具有同情心的人。 People under great work stress find life frustrating and depressing. 处于巨大工作压力下的人们觉得生活令人沮丧和压抑。 Practice is the only way to improve your spoken Engli

22、sh. 练习是你提高口语的唯一方法。,With the rapid development of economy, the number of people riding bicycles is decreasing. 随着经济的快速发展,骑自行车的人数是越来越少。 Money used in space research can be spent on the people struggling under the poverty line. 用于太空探险的钱可以用在那些在贫困线下挣扎的人们身上。 What we should do next is to avoid eating food

23、rich in fat and calorie. 我们下一步应该做的就是避免吃富含脂肪和热量的事物。,状语,Last Sunday we went to the seaside. 上星期日我们到海滨去了。(时间状语) When he was still a young man, he was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons. 他在年轻的时候就由于政治原因而被迫离开他的祖国。,While the firefighters were tying to control the fire, helicopters flew to t

24、he burning building. 当消防人员正设法控制火势时,直升机飞向这座燃烧着的大楼。(地点状语) Where he made mistakes, he admitted these willingly. 无论在什么地方做错了事,他都乐于承认。,Because of such a climate, much of daily life happens outdoors. 由于这样的气候,许多日常生活都在户外进行。(原因状语) Many species have become extinct in the wild so zoos should be established to p

25、reserve as many species as possible. 许多物种已经在荒野中灭绝,所以应该建立动物园,保护尽可能多的物种。,Lets go out for a drive next Sunday. 星期天咱们开车出去兜风吧。(目的状语) Schools provide far more services in order that freshmen can adjust to the new college life as soon as possible. 学校提供更多的服务,目的是使新生尽快适应新的校园生活。,补语(宾语补语、主语补语),We consider greed

26、 a source of evils. 我们认为贪婪是罪恶的源头。 Greed is considered a source of evils. Parents should encourage their kids to take part in more rewarding activities. 父母应该鼓励孩子参加更多有益的活动。 Kids should be encouraged to take part in more rewarding activities.,People under great work stress find life frustrating and dep

27、ressing. 处于巨大工作压力下的人们觉得生活另人沮丧和压抑。 People are found frustrated and depressed when they are told the truth about their diseases. 当病人知道自己的病情真相时,他们会沮丧和压抑。,同位语,Tom, a doctor, is a very nice man. Tom, 那个医生,是个非常好的人。 The fact that a nation should protect its cultural heritage is very essential. 国家保护文化遗产很重要。

28、,广告给我们提供很多有用的信息。 Advertisements supply us a lot of useful information.,简单句:,人们变得越来越自私和贪婪。 People are becoming increasingly selfish and greedy.,旅游者有机会体验一种完全不同的文化。 Tourists have chance to experience a completely (entirely / totally)different culture.,8月和9月期间汽车价格波动。 fluctuate The price of cars fluctuat

29、es between August and September.,电视观众的人数在晚上8点到10点之间急剧上升。 TV viewers climb significantly The number of TV viewers climbs significantly between 8 pm and 10pm.,妇女暴力事件最近几十年急剧上升。 female violence rise dramatically / sharply / significantly in recent decades Female violence has risen dramatically in recent

30、 decades.,随着经济的快速发展,环境也在不断地恶化。 worsen / deteriorate The environment has been worsening / deteriorating along with the rapid development of economy.,克隆技术是违背自然和不道德的。 cloning unnatural not ethically correct Cloning is unnatural and not ethically correct.,网上一些信息是误导人的和带有欺骗性的。 on the Internet misguiding a

31、nd cheating Some information on the Internet is misguiding and cheating.,这个方案听起来相当令人信服和具有建设性。 project convincing and constructive This project sounds quite convincing and constructive.,逃避城市污染的最好办法就是搬到乡下去。 escape urban pollution rural areas The best way to escape urban pollution is to move to rural a

32、reas.,许多稀有物种处于灭绝的边缘。 rare species be on the edge of extinction Many rare species are on the edge of extinction.,巨大的工作压力是家庭破裂的主要原因。 heavy work pressure family breakdown the major reason Heavy work pressure is the major reason of family breakdown.,不良的生活习惯有害健康。 improper living habits impair Improper li

33、ving habits impair our health.,打游戏机浪费父母的血汗钱。 computer games waste / squander hard-earned money / cash Playing computer games squanders parents hard-earned money.,旅游业无限制的发展破坏生态平衡。 unrestricted break the ecological balance Unrestricted development of tourism breaks the ecological balance.,跳槽给人们展示才艺的机会

34、。 job-hopping offer an opportunity show / display ones talents Job-hopping offers people an opportunity to show their talents.,该表格向我们展示了关于性别和爱好之间关系的调查结果。 table show a survey on the relationship between gender and hobbies The table shows us the results of a survey on the relationship between gender a

35、nd hobbies.,紧张的生活令许多人生病。 the stressful life The stressful life makes many people sick.,急剧上升的失业率使人沮丧和压抑。 the soaring unemployment rate frustrated depressed The soaring unemployment rate makes people frustrated and depressed.,英语中,人们称肥胖的人为沙发土豆。 name sb. / sth. couch potato In English, people name fat p

36、eople couch potatoes.,我们认为摄像头的安装是对人隐私的侵犯。 the installation of cameras consider (to be) / regardas an infringement on peoples privacy We consider the installation of cameras (to be)an infringement on peoples privacy.,互联网使我们很容易接触到全世界最新的资讯。 the Internet enable sb. to do have easy access to the latest i

37、nformation The Internet enables us to have easy access to the latest information worldwide,专家建议政府拆除市区里的旧房子来改善城市形象。 expert advise sb. to do sth. demolish in the downtown area promote the city image Experts advise the government to demolish the old houses in the downtown area to promote the city image

38、.,并列句:,两个或以上独立分句 并列连词或连接性副词 各分句主谓完整 各分句意思同等重要,互相独立,主要连词:,and,but,or,neithernor,yet 常用的连接副词: however,therefore,nevertheless,as a result,instead,thus,in contrast,at the same time,on the other hand,consequently,in addition,furthermore,把小孩送到寄宿学校是个好主意,但是对于许多家庭而言,它是个奢侈的梦想。 boarding school a luxury Sending

39、 children to a boarding school is a good idea but it is a luxury to many families.,许多广告确实提供了有关产品的重要信息,然而,其中一些却是误导人的和带有欺骗性的广告。 Many advertisements do give important information about products;however,some of them are merely misleading and cheating.,要保护野生动物,否则生态平衡会被打破。 the wildlife the ecological bala

40、nce The wildlife should be protected; otherwise, the ecological balance will be broken.,看电视是一种便宜的娱乐方式,此外,它还是学习英语的好途径。 cheap / inexpensive form of entertainment a good way to do sth. Watching TV is an inexpensive form of entertainment; additionally, it is a good way to learn English.,广告在美国商业中起着重要的作用,

41、而且它对国家的经济有着极大的影响。 play / perform an important / significant role in produce great / enormous influence on Advertising performs a significant role in American business; besides, it produces enormous influence on the nations economy.,旅游业对当地的经济有积极的影响。比方说,当地人可以靠把纪念品卖给游客赚钱。 produce / exert favorable infl

42、uence on the local economy the locals souvenirs Tourism exerts favorable influence on the local economy; for instance, the locals can earn money by selling souvenirs to the tourists.,那家公司整天制造毒气,因此,附近的居民患癌症的比例急剧上升。 produce poisonous gas day and night the incidence of cancer residents nearby rise shar

43、ply The company produces poisonous gas day and night; consequently, the incidence of cancer among residents nearby rises sharply.,复合句:,一个主句和一个或多个从句 主句表达主要意思 从句表达次要意思 优点:主次分明、 避免过多使用独立的简单句或并列句 减少不必要的重复 表达更加简练和完整,采取有效的措施来结束日益恶化的空气污染势在必行。 imperative end / put an end to It is imperative to take some act

44、ions to end the worsening air pollution. It is imperative that some actions should be taken to put an end to the worsening air pollution.,谁对老年人负责这个问题明天将被讨论。 Who will be responsible for the senior citizens will be discussed tomorrow. 我将要讲的内容非常重要。 What I am going to say is very important.,人们普遍认为太空探索能促

45、进科学事业的发展。 It is commonly / widely / generally believed / accepted / acknowledged that space exploration improve / promote / boost It is commonly believed that space exploration can promote the development of science.,有些人认为旅游业的发展会对传统文化产生一些负面的影响。 think / believe / hold exert / produce / bring aboutimp

46、act / influence / effect on Some people hold that the development of tourism exerts some adverse impact on traditional culture.,许多专家怀疑英语是否应该作为全球唯一的官方用语。 expert doubt the only global official language Many experts doubt whether English should be used as the only global official language.,一个迫切的问题是许多稀有

47、物种正处于灭绝的边缘。 a pressing issue rare species be on the edge of extinction A pressing issue is that many rare species are on the edge of extinction.,事实是很多动物被用于医学研究。 medical research The fact is that many animals are used in medical research. 这就是为什么广告被认为是垃圾的原因。 TV commercials This is why TV commercials a

48、re regarded as rubbish.,国家保护文化遗产这个事实很重要。 protect cultural heritage The fact that a nation should protect its cultural heritage is very essential.,有证据显示,英语已经成为网络的主要语言。 There is evidence that dominant language online There is evidence that English has been the dominant language online.,越来越多的人赞同广告是有效的信

49、息交流工具这种说法。 There is a growing consensus that effective information exchanges There is growing consensus that advertising is an effective way of information exchanges.,人们日益认同 There is increasing recognition that There is a growing consensus that 人们通常认为 There is a popular belief that 没有什么证据支持 There is little evidence to support the view that 很有可能 There is possibility that 有证据显示 There is evidence that,不想当将军的士兵不是好士兵。 A soldier who does not want to be marshal is not a good soldier.,要保护野生动物,否则生态平衡会被打破。 the wildlife ecological balance The


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