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1、英语:Module1Europe语法教案(1)(外研版必修3) 第三课时Grammar: Direct Speech and Indirect Speech直接引语变间接引语的时态变化:直接引语中所用时态间接引语所用的时态一般现在时一般过去时一般过去时过去完成时一般将来时过去将来时现在完成时过去完成时现在进行时过去进行时过去完成时过去完成时如:a) Linda said, “I am not the girl you are looking for.”Linda said (that) she was not the girl I was looking for.b) He said, “Yo

2、ur younger brother broke it yesterday.”He said that my brother had broken it the day before.指示代词和时间状语、地点状语的变化类型直接引语间接引语指示代词thisthesethatthose时间状语nowtoday this weeklast weektwo days agonext weekthenthat daythat weekthe week beforetwo days beforethe next week地点状语herethere如: i. Mary said to Henry, “Are

3、 you satisfied with the speech contest held five days ago?”Mary asked Henry if he was satisfied with the speech contest held five days before. ii. “What kind of food does this kind animal eat?” Bob asked his teacher.Bob asked his teacher what kind of food that kind of animal ate. iii. “Where do you

4、think Jack is now?” Smith said to Helen anxiously.Smith asked Helen anxiously where she thought Jack was then.注意几个问题:a) 间接引语中时态不变的情况 i. 表示客观真理时He asked, “Which star is the biggest?”He asked which star is the biggest. ii. 过去完成时在间接引语中“Another new hospital had been built when I went back to my hometown

5、 last year. ” he said.He aid that another new hospital had bee built when he came back to his hometown the year before. iii. 有明显的一般过去时的状语.Li Ming said, “I was born in 1946 and joined the army in 1966”.Li Ming said that he was born in1946 and joined the army in 1966.b) 在间接引语中,要保持原来直接引语中情态动词的含义“I must

6、 do it now.” said Tom.Tom said that he had to do it then. c) 把否定问句变为间接引语时,用whether- or not句式。He said, “Dont you know I am one of you.”He asked (us) whether we know he was one of us or not.d) Would you please 虽然是一个问句形式,但是它表示请求,变为间接引语时去掉。“Would you please pass me your dictionary?” she said to me.She a

7、sked me to pass her my dictionary. 补充以下练习1.He said, “I met him in the street yesterday.” He said that he had met him in the street the day before.2.She asked Tom, “What are you going to do tomorrow?”She asked Tom what he was going to do the next day.3.“Were the tickets sold out three days ago?”asked the boyThe boy asked if/whether the tickets had been sold out three days before.4.“Dont play with fire.” Mother said to himMother told Tom not to play with fire.Homework: Do the exercises about the grammar on the book


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