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1、A Poem:When I wake up each morningBoy: When I wake up each morning and see you next to me每天早晨当我醒来 看到你在我身旁I know that my day will be all right 我知道我这一天将会一切都好Girl: sometimes it is hard to put feelings into words 有时很难用话语来表达感受but I want you to know how you affect me 但是我想让你知道你是怎样影响着我Boy: When I wake up an

2、d see you in the morning 当我早晨醒来看到你I am so happy that we are together 我是那么开心我们在一起I respect you I admire you I love you deeply我尊重你 敬佩你 又深深地爱着你Girl: When I wake up each morning and see you next to me每天早晨当我醒来看到你在我身旁no matter what happens 不管会发生什么I know that my day will be all right 我知道我的一天将会一切都好A Reading

3、 Passage:I Love You Anyway!It was a Friday morning and a young man finally decided to ask his boss for a raise. Before leaving for work, he told his wife what he was about to do. All day long, he felt nervous. Finally, in the late afternoon, he talked to his boss, and to his delight, the boss agreed

4、 to the raise. The husband arrived home happily, and was surprised to see a beautiful table set with their best china and lit candles. The food on the table smelt great. He thought that someone from his office had called his wife and told her about the good news. Finding his wife in the kitchen, he

5、shared his good news with her as soon as he could. They hugged each other and danced around the room before sitting down to have the wonderful meal. Next to his plate, he found a note that read, “Congratulations, darling! I know youd get the raise! This dinner is to show you how much I love you!” La

6、ter, on his way to the kitchen to help his wife serve the dessert, he saw another card that had fallen from her pocket. He picked it up and read, “Dont worry about not getting the raise! You should get it anyway! This dinner is to show how much I love you!” ( ) 1. The husband felt nervous all day un

7、til_. A. he told the wife what he was going to do B. the boss agrees to his raise C. his wife prepared him a good meal D. he found his wifes second card ( ) 2. What does the underlined word “raise” mean? A. 宴请 B. 假期 C. 加薪 D. 职位( ) 3. What is welcoming the young man at home? A. A piece of good news f

8、rom his wife. B. His wifes kiss. C. A lot of kitchen work. D. Two cards with congratulations. ( ) 4. The passage mainly tells us _. A. how much the wife loved her husband B. the husband asked for a raise and got it C. the boss was moved by the young man D. the couple were happy with the raise ( ) 5.

9、 How would you feel at the second card if you were the young man? A. Moved B. Angry C. Sad D. ColdA LetterWords that may help you:support encourage hug help me deal with something really difficult know exactly what I enjoy find time to spend with me never afraid to do impossible thingsuse your life

10、to protect me and love meDear dad/mom, Firstly I want to say: thank you and I love you! Since I was born, you have taken good care of me. When I was a baby, you found as much time as you could to spend with me. When I failed an exam, you Do More Reading:1. Shelley 雪莱 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?If Winter comes, can

11、 Spring be far behind ?2. 暮光之城Twilight 我爱你与日月同辉。I love three things in the world, the sun, the moon and you. The sun for the day, the moon for the night and you forever.3. 追风筝的人 The Kite Runner为你,千千万万遍。For you, a thousand times over. 4. 乔布斯Jobs 保持冷静,继续前进! Keep calm and carry on!5. 佚名 饥渴求知,虚怀若愚 Stay

12、Hungry, Stay Foolish6. 列夫托尔斯泰安娜卡列尼娜Anna Karenina幸福的家庭总是相似的,而不幸的家庭则各有各的不幸。All happy families are happy alike, all unhappy families are unhappy in their own way.7. 查尔斯狄更斯双城记 Charles Dickens: A Tale of Two Cities 这是最美好的时代,这是最糟糕的时代;这是光明的季节,这是黑暗的季节;这是希望之春,这是失望之冬。我们的前途拥有一切,我们的前途一无所有。It was the best of tim

13、es, it was the worst of times. It was the season of light, it was the season of darkness. It was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair. We had everything before us, we had nothing before us。8. 詹姆斯马修巴利彼得潘Peter Pan所有的孩子都长大,只有一个例外。All children, except one, grow up.9. 夏洛特勃朗特简爱CharlotteBronte:

14、 Jane Eyer那天,出去散步是不可能了。There was no possibility of taking a walk that day.10. 阿尔伯特加缪局外人 Camus: The Stranger今天,妈妈死了,也许是昨天,我不知道。Mother died today. Or maybe, yesterday; I cant be sure.11. JD赛林格麦田守望者The Catcher in the Rye你要是真想听我讲,你想要知道的第一件事可能是我在什么地方出生。If you really want to hear about it, the first thing youll probably want to know is where I was born.


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