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1、Passage 1,Words and Expressions,mesmerize v. 对.催眠,迷住,The audience was mesmerized. 听众被吸引住了,leap out of control,huge, wedge-shaped heads,楔形的,symbols of another place and time,roam v.漫游;闲逛,roam from place to place 从一处漫游到另一处,inhabit vt.居住于,栖息于,They inhabit the tropical forests. 他们居住在热带森林中。,词根:hibit, hab

2、it=有,习惯,居住,禁止,exhibit vt.显示;陈列,展览 exhibition n.展览会,陈列品 exhibitioner n. 获得奖学金学生 inhibit vt.禁止 inhibition n. 禁止,禁制,压抑 inhibitor n. 止氧剂 prohibit vt.禁止,阻止 prohibition n.禁止;禁令,禁律 prohibitor n.禁止者; 阻止者 exhibitionist n.喜欢出风头的人 habit n.习惯,习性;僧袍 habitable a. 可居住的,habitant n. 居住者 habitation n. 居住,住所 habitual

3、a.习惯性的,惯常的 habitue n.常客, 有毒瘾之人 habitat n自然环境,栖息地 inhabit vt.居住于,栖息于 inhabitant n.居民,住户 inhabitable adj.适于居住的,可住的 inhabitancy n. 居住; 有人居住的状态 inhabitation n. 居住; 栖息 cohabit vi. 同居 cohabitant n.同居者 cohabitation n.同居,descendant n.子孙,后裔,弟子,We are the descendants of Huangdi. 我们是黄帝的子孙,populate v.居住于,The ne

4、w land was quickly populated by the new settlers. 这块处女地很快被新来的移民开垦出来了。,represent vt.描绘;代表,象征,The dove represents peace. 鸽子象征和平。,词根:sen, sent=存在,absence n.缺席,不在场;缺乏 absent a.不在场的;缺乏的 absentee n. 缺席者,未上班者,不在者 present a.现在的 n.目前 presence n.出席,到场;在 presently adv.一会儿,不久 presentation n.介绍;赠送;呈现 represent v

5、t.描绘;代表;象征 representation n.描写;陈述;代表 representative a.代表性的 n.代表 omnipresent a. 无所不在的,同时遍在的,epic n./a.史诗(的),The Iliad is an epic of ancient Greece. 伊利亚特是古希腊的一首史诗。,restore vt.恢复,归还;修补, 重建,He felt quite restored after a bath. 他洗过澡之后感觉完全恢复了体力。,grandeur n. 壮丽,伟大,the grandeur of the Alps 阿尔卑斯山脉的雄伟,extol 赞

6、美,吹捧,trove of biodiversity 生物多样性的宝藏,species n.物种,种类,The Origin of Species. 物种源始,breed n.品种 vt.使繁殖,Mice breed in all seasons. 老鼠终年繁殖。,mating dance,rancher n.大牧场主,graze vi.喂草,放牧(牲畜),privilege vt.给予特权n.特权,优惠,It was a privilege to attend the ceremony. 出席那项典礼是一种殊荣。,assemble vt.集合,召集,装配,Many celebrities w

7、ere assembled in the garden. 许多知名人士聚集在那花园里。,tract of land,devote vt.将奉献,致力于,She devoted herself to her children. 她把自己全副的心力都倾注到她的孩子身上。,herds of elk 成群的麋鹿,willow n.柳树,Willow twigs are pliable. 柳树枝很柔软。,beaver n. 海狸,勤奋的人,share ones vision,洞察力,视力,overcrowded with tourist,subsidize v.资助,Many universities

8、subsidize research and publications. 许多大学资助研究和出版,a waiting game,woo v. 向(女人)求爱,争取的支持 ,Eventually he wearied of wooing fame and fortune. 他终于对追名逐利感到厌倦了。,donate vt. vi.捐赠,He has donated his library to our school. 他把自己的藏书捐给我们学校了。,Sentences,In its quest to protect whats here and reintroduce long-gone wil

9、dlife, the American Prairie Foundation began purchasing land from local ranchers in 2004.,Its goal over the next 25 years is to assemble three million acres, the largest tract of land devoted to wildlife management in the continental United States.,His strategy for wooing the ranchers is to be neigh

10、borly, shop locally and offer a fair price for the land, using money donated by individuals and foundations with an interest in conservation.,speculate vi.思索,沉思;投机,She often speculated as to what sort of man she would marry. 她常常在想将来自己会跟什么样的人结婚。,trendy adj. (口语)走在流行尖端的,最时髦的; 醉心于流行的,futuristic a. 未来派的

11、,relay n.接力赛vt.转播,Will you relay a message to him when you see him? 你见到他时,给他带个口信好吗? by relay 以实况转播的方式,sleeky adj. 1 光滑的; 柔滑的,recipe n.菜谱;处方,He thinks hard work is a recipe for success. 他认为成功的诀窍在于勤奋。,词根:cip, cup=拿,recipe n.烹饪法;处方;菜谱 recipient n.收件人 emancipate v. 解放,解除 anticipate v. 预期,期待 incipient ad

12、j初期的,刚出现的 participate v.参加,分享 participant n.参加者 a.有份的 occupy vi.占领,占据 occupation n.职业,工作 preoccupation n.先入之见 preoccupy vt. 先占领,先取,迷住 recuperate v. 恢复(健康),复原 recuperation n. 恢复 cupidity n.贪婪,贪心,贪欲,ingredient n.配料,成分,The chief ingredient in the making of a criminal is avarice. 造成犯罪的主要因素是贪婪。,pantry n.

13、 食品室,toll plaza 公路收费站广场,touch-screen computer,tack up 发送, 附加,encode vt.编码,seamless a. 无缝合线的,无伤痕的,seamless stockings 无接缝的长统袜,underlie most future-home thinking,成为基础,位于之下,envision v. 想象,预想,The mother envisioned her little girl as a prima ballerina. 那母亲想象她的小女儿是一个芭蕾舞团的首席明星。,词根:vis,vid,vic=看,visible a.看得

14、见的 invisible a. 不可见的 visit vt.常去 visitor n.访问者;参观者 revisit vt. 再访,重游,重临 advise vt.劝告,建议 advisor n. 顾问,指导教授,劝告者 advisory adj劝告的 revise vt.n.修订 revision n. 校订,修正,修订本,previse vt. 预知,预先警告 prevision n. 先见,预感 supervisory a. 管理的,监督的,管理人的 visual a.视觉的 visage n. 脸,面貌 vision n.视力 television n.电视;电视机 televise

15、vt.vi. 广播,播映 televisual adj.电视 (播送) 的,visionary a.梦幻的,想象的,不实际的 visionphone n.电视电话 vista n. 远景 visualize vt.设想 supervise vt.&vi.监督,监视 provisional a.临时的 proviso n.附带条款,条件 improvise v. 即席而作 envisage v. 正视,想象 envision vt.预想 advisable adj适当的,可行的 advice n.忠告,建议,be transformed into,electronic a.电子的,fabric

16、n.织物,纺织品,结构,pre-fab 预制的,insulate vt.使绝缘,使绝热,Her family insulates her from contacting the world. 她的家人使她与世隔绝。,wrap vt.裹,包n.披肩,The mountains are wrapped in mist. 群山笼罩在雾中。,foam 泡沫,水沫,stud n. 图钉,装饰钮扣,种马,领扣,大头钉,hefty adj. 强壮的,笨重的,crane n.起重机,鹤,furnace n.炉子,ventilation n. 通风孔;出口,specifics n细微问题,细节,sentence

17、s,This notion of seamless computing, in which technology is everywhere yet nowhere (except when we want it ), underlies most future-home thinking.,Like cars, houses will come with tools to monitor and adjust everything from furnace efficiency to ventilation. And todays computer-aided design programs

18、 make it easier to match the design to the specifics of the site and the homeowners lifestyle.,Passage 3,Words and expressions,silver fog blanketed the bay,surf n.浪,go surfing 去冲浪,lanky a. 瘦长的,aquarium n.水族馆;养鱼池,词根:aqu=水,aquarium n. 水族馆,养鱼池,玻璃缸 aquatic a.水的,有水的,与水有关的 aqueduct n. 高架渠,渡槽 aqueous a. 水的

19、,水成的 aquiferous adj. 含水的; 导水的 aquiform adj. 水状的; 液状的 subaqueous adj. 水下的,水中用的 aqualung n. 水中呼吸器,wade v.费力行走,Children like to wade in (muddy) puddles. 小孩子们喜欢在 (泥泞的) 水坑中走,a pod of dolphins 一小群海豚,dedicated surfers 冲浪爱好者,paddle strenuously 费力的划桨,strenuously 全力以赴的,catch a wave in 穿过一个浪头,glide under the c

20、urve of a near-perfect wave,在一个近似完美的弧线海浪下 滑行,catapult n. 发射机,弹弓,投石器,be catapulted from ones seat 从座位上被抛了出去,pulse n.脉搏;脉冲,The nurse felt the pulse in his wrist. 护士在他的手腕上号脉。,slam vt.使劲关,砰地放下,He slammed his books on the desk. 他把书砰然掷于书桌上。,yank vt. vi.n. 猛拉,He yanked her out of the car. 他从车上把她拖出来。,leash

21、n. 拴狗颈之皮带,dug 挖,掘土,探究,Ditches were dug to drain water from the swamp. 挖渠排掉沼泽的水。,aquatic a.水产的;(运行)水上的,aquatic sports 水上运动,sanctuary n.避难所,a bird an animal sanctuary 鸟类保护区,stretch vt.伸展n.一段时间(路程);拉长,延伸,He got up with a stretch and a yawn. 他起来后伸伸懒腰,打个呵欠。,encompass v.包围;包括,The city was encompassed with

22、 by a thick fog. 那座城市被浓雾笼罩着,seal n.海豹;封条;图章vt.封, 密封,She licked the envelope and sealed it. 她舔了一下信封便把它封住了。,spit out 吐出,triangle n.三角形,shark-human encounters make headlines,prey n.猎物;受害者vi.捕获;折磨,The lion was hunting for its prey. 狮子在觅食。,prevalent a.流行的,盛行的,That superstition was prevalent among them. 那

23、种迷信在他们之间广为流传。,ask for trouble v. 自找麻烦,a herd of antelope 一群羚羊,Landing headfirst in the water, he felt his pulse quicken. He knew only one thing could slam him with such force. Frantically paddling to the surface, he yanked at the surfboard, attached to his ankle by a leash, climbed on, and pointed i

24、t toward shore.,The vast aquatic wilderness known as the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary stretches from Marin county, north of San Francisco, to the rugged Cambria coastline south of Big Sur, encompassing 5322 square miles of ocean.,Passage 4,ubiquitous adj.无所不在的,The struggle between opposite

25、s is ubiquitous. 对立面的斗争无所不在,quaint a.古怪的,稀奇的,consume vt.消耗,消费,consume ones energy 耗尽精力 consume a bottle of whiskey 喝完一瓶威士忌,refreshing a.使精力恢复的;使耳目一新的,I had a refreshing drink. 我喝了一杯清爽的饮料。,calorie-free,tap water n. 自来水, 非蒸馏水,a heck of a lot,evocative adj. 唤起的,激起的,Those old toys are evocative of my bo

26、yhood. 这些旧玩具唤起我对童年的回忆。,词根:voc,vok=声音,叫喊,vocal a.有声的;口述的;畅言无忌的 vocalist n流行歌手,声乐家 vocalize vt. 使发声,使发成元音 vocative a. 呼格的,呼唤的 convoke v. 召集会议 convocation n. 召集,会议 evoke v. 引起,唤起 evocation n. 唤出,招魂,唤起 provoke v. 激怒,挑逗 provocation n激怒 provocative adj激怒的、挑战的,revoke v.废除,取消,撤回 revocation n废弃,取消 revocable

27、adj可废除的 vocable n. 词,语,单字 vocabulary n.词汇表,词汇汇编 vocation n.职业,行业 avocation n.副业,嗜好 vociferous adj. 喧哗的,大叫大嚷的 evocative adj.唤起的 激起的 advocate vt. 提倡,n. 提倡者,拥护者 advocacy n. 拥护,支持,鼓吹,if the convenience is worth the environmental impact,depict vt.描述,描写,This is a novel depicting Japanese customs. 这是一部记述日本

28、民风的小说。,词根:pict=画,描绘,picture n.图画,照片 picturesque adj.风景如画的 picturize vt. 描成图画,电影化 pictorial n.画报 pictorialize vt. 使成为图书; 以图画表示 pictograph n. 象形字 pictographic a. 象形文字的 depict vt.描绘 depicture n. 绘画; 描摹; 描写,pastoral scene 田园风景/美景,sparkling springs 闪闪发光/优质的泉水,pristine adj. 太古的,纯洁的,新鲜的 ,municipal supply 市

29、政供水,thousandfold a. 千倍的,glorified tap water 被美化了/加工过的的自来水,Labels can be misleading at best, deceptive at worst.,notorious a.臭名昭著的,He was notorious as a liar. 他以撒谎出名。,词根:not, gno=知道,了解,认识,agnostic adj不可知论的 annotate v. 注解 cognition n. 认识,认识力,知觉 connoisseur n. 鉴赏家,行家 connote 意味,暗示 denote vt.指示,意味着 diag

30、nose vt.诊断(疾病),gnosis 灵知 ignore vt. 忽视;不理 noble n.贵族 notable a.值得注意的,著名的 notation 记数法 note n.钞票,纸币;笔记 notice vt.注意 n.通知;注意 notify v.通知,宣报 notion n. 概念;想法 notorious adj臭名昭著的,著名的 prognosis n. 预知,预测,预后,hazardous adj.冒险的,Smoking is hazardous to your health. 吸烟有害健康。,filter vt.过滤 n.滤纸,These new ideas were

31、 filtering into their minds. 这些新思想正渗入他们的心里,Its refreshing ,calorie-free, convenient to carry around, healthier than most tap water and a heck of a lot healthier than sugary sodas.,Passage 5,trick n.诡计;窍门vt.哄骗,He knows all the tricks of the trade. 他懂得商界的一切花招。,figure out 计算出;估计;理解,devote vt.将奉献,致力于,de

32、vious adj. 不正直的,弯曲的,Lets take the devious route home. 我们绕道回去吧。,Take the scrub jays,raid n.突袭;搜查,The night club was raided by the police. 那夜总会受到警方的搜查。,It takes a thief to know a thief.,treat vt.对待,处理n.款待,Neurobiologist 神经生物学家,upend vt.vi. 颠倒,倒放,He upended his opponent. 他把对手打倒。,whittle away 削减,削弱,mimi

33、cs 模仿,toy with sb 玩弄;不很认真地考虑,relentless a.残忍的,He was relentless in asking for compensation. 他冷酷无情地要求赔偿。,an apparent grasp of the notion,概念;见解;打算,tray n.托盘,碟,shorthand n.速写,He took notes in shorthand. 他用速记法记笔记。,In study after study over the past decade, theyve shown abilities previously thought to ex

34、ist only in humans.,Passage 6,Words and expressions,cradle n.摇篮,发源地,Greece was the cradle of western civilization. 希腊是西方文明的发源地。,toddler n.学步的小孩子,stitch n.一针,缝线vt.缝,A stitch in time saves nine. (谚)及时一针省掉将来九针(或小洞不补,大洞吃苦)。,sew vt.缝制,aura n. 气味,气氛,eccentric n.怪人a.古怪的,词根:center, centr=中心,center n. 中心,中心点

35、,中锋 central a.中心的,中央的 centralize vt. 使集权 centrifugal adj离心的 centripetal adj向心的 concentrate vt.&vi.浓缩,提浓 eccentric adj. 古怪的,反常的,quilter n. 1 缝被子的人; 绗缝的人,woodworker n. 木工艺家,木工机械,muse vi.沉思,strip mall,canoe n.独木舟,conformist n. 遵奉者,英国国教徒,minus a.负的prep.减(去)n.减号,负号,Five minus two is three. 5减去2等于3。,handc

36、raft vt. 用手工做,fake n.假货,膺品 a.假的,balloon n.气球,gross a.总的,严重的,peripatetic adj. 巡游的,the Peripatetic school 逍遥学派,incubator n.恒温箱;孵化器,bona fide adv. adj. 真诚地(的), 真实地(的),His bona fides was questioned. 人家怀疑他的诚意。,Kalins appreciation for the simple and the simply eccentric inspired him to create E, an online

37、 crafts fair that may well be the largest market for handmade goods in the world.,Championing the cause of the solitary artisan comes naturally to Kalin, a boyishly ambitious non-conformist who wouldnt look out of place at the local skate park.,Indeed, in high school, Kalin was so hands-on with phot

38、ography that he cut classes to shoot and develop photos 18 hours a day.,Passage 7,Words and expressions,appointment n.任命,约定,约会,I made an appointment to see the doctor this morning. 我约好早上去看医生,词根:punct,point=点,刺,punctuate vt.不时介入 punctuation n.准时 punctual adj.准时的,守时的 punctuality n.准时 puncture n. 刺孔,穿孔

39、v. 刺穿,刺破 acupuncture n.针刺(疗法) compunction n. 懊悔,良心不安 compunctious a. 后悔的,惭愧的,内疚的,point n.点,标点,论点 counterpoint n. 对位法,旋律配合,重复旋律 appoint vt.任命 appointment n.任命,约会 appointee n. 被任命者 disappoint vt.使失望,使受挫折 disappointment n.失望;沮丧,pathology n. 病理学,词根:patho,pathy=感情,疾病,疗法,sympathy n.同情 sympathize vi.同情;同感,

40、共鸣 sympathetic a.同情的,合意的 pathetic a.哀婉动人的;可怜的 apathy n. 漠然,冷淡 apathetic adj. 冷漠的,无动于衷的 antipathy n. 憎恶,反感 antipathic a. 不相容的,反对的,有反对倾向的,pathology n. 病理学 pathologist n. 病理学者 pathogeny n. 生病,病原 pathogenic a.医病原的,致病的,发病的 zoopathology n. 动物病理学 phytopathology n. 植物病理学 neuropathy n. 神经病 psychopathy n. 精神病

41、,精神错乱,精神疗法 hydropathy n. 水疗法,therapy n.治疗,reimbursement n偿还(的款项),retroactive a. 反动的,追溯的,有追溯力的,niche n. (放艺术品等的)壁龛,合适的位置 ,He found the right niche for himself. 他为自己找到了一份称心的工作。,coop n. (鸡、)笼、栏,coop up 监禁;将.禁锢在狭小空间,scary a. 容易受惊的,胆小的,提心吊胆,a scary movie 恐怖电影,menageries 笼养时代, 动物展览,But by last year, peopl

42、e werent paying for speech therapy the way they had been. For one thing, the insurance companies were tightening their belts, even denying reimbursement retroactively.,The speech therapy business is still alive, but I put in less than ten hours a week. I dont know what the future holds. I do know th

43、at on the farm, there is life, there is physically satisfying work ,and our family has bonded.,Passage 8,Words and expressions,tattoo n. 纹身,dropout n. 退学生,中途退学,oversee vt.监督,监管;无意中看到,词根:see,sight=观察,看,eyesight n.视力,目力 foresee vt.预见,预知,看穿 insight n. 洞察力,深入了解 longsighted 远视眼,有远见的 nearsighted a. 近视的,浅见

44、的 oversee vt. 向下看,了望,监督 oversight n. 忽略;失察 see vi.&vt.看见 shortsighted 无远见的,近视的 sight n.视域,视觉,见解 sightly a. 看着舒服的,悦目的,眼界好的 sightsee 观光,游览,immigrant n.移民 a.移民的,词根:migr=迁移,migrate v.迁移(海外),移栖 migrant n. 移民,候鸟 migration n.迁移,移居海外 immigrate vt.(使)移居入境 immigrant n.移民 a.移民的 immigration n. 外来的移民,移居入境 interm

45、igration n. 相互移民; 相互迁移 emigrate v.移居国外,移民 emigrant n.移居国外的人 emigration n. 移民,移居 transmigrate vi. 轮回,移居 transmigration n. 轮回 migratory a. 迁移的,流浪的,disposable a. 可任意使用的,agent n. 代理人,代理商,gut n.肠子,内脏,肚子, 勇气,have the guts 有胆量;有勇气,excel v.胜过,kick in 起作用,开始生效,busboy n. (美) (餐馆等) 侍者的帮手,打杂男工,grease n.动物脂,脂肪,d

46、uplicating 复制,right-hand a. 用右手的,得力的,右侧的,ones right-hand man 心腹,倚为左右手的人,tap vt.轻打, 轻敲n.塞子,龙头;轻叩, 轻拍,humble a.谦逊的,地位低下的,Many famous people are surprisingly humble. 许多知名人士都出奇地谦恭。,Like many guys he hung out with in West Los Angels, Meyer was a high school dropout, a kid quick with his fists who seemed

47、to get into fights somewhat regularly.,He grow up in a modest home where there was little disposable income. Meyer knew he was up against considerable odds.,But the ambition and guts that helped him to excel as a boxer in the Marines kicked in.,But once he saw success was possible, he was driven to achieve it. It was important to him, though, that he was trusted and well-thou


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