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1、Welcome!,Vocabulary test,1.The lost car of the Lees was found in the woods off the highway. A) vanished B) abandoned C) scattered D) rejected 2.His temperature has been for 3 days, with the highest point reaching 40.5 degrees centigrade. A) uncommon B) disordered C) abnormal D) extraordinary,3.The r

2、oad is full of turns. Be careful when youre driving along it. A)accidental B)urgent C) abrupt D) swift 4.It is that women should be paid less than men for doing the same kind of work. A) abrupt B) absurd C) adverse D)addictive 5.Their political action the fall of the government. A)promoted B)acceler

3、ated C)hastened D)advanced,6.She often wears such as a diamond bracelet, a necklace and earrings. A)decorations B)ornaments C)decorate D)accessories 7.According to the weather forecast, which is usually , it will snow this afternoon. A)accurate B)precise C)exact D)perfect 8.Prime Minister had to res

4、ign as he was of bribery. A)accused B)charged C)indict D)blamed,9.In those day I take a short walk before breakfast. A)was used to B) was accustomed to C)am used to D) was familiar to 10.My camera can be to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions. A)adapted B)adjusted C)adopted D)remedied 11.Thi

5、s question admits several answers. A)for B)with C)of D)to,12.Although most birds have only a negligible sense of smell, they have vision. A)vigorous B)exact C)acute D)vivid 13.The medical experts warned the authorities of the danger of diseases in the of the earthquake. A)consequence B)aftermath C)r

6、esult D)effect 14.The verb must agree the subject person and number. A)ofto B)onwith C)within D)toon,15.The tuition fees are to students coming from low-income families. A) approacheble B) payable C)reachable D)affordable 16.The fact that the management in trying to reach an agreement five separate

7、unions has led to long negotiations. A)over B)upon C)in D)with,1-5: B C C B B 6-10: D A A B B 11-15: C C B C D 16: D,Grammar,代词、名词及数词 形容词、副词、限定词 非谓语动词(考试中语法部分的重中之重) 情态动词(在语法测试方面所占的份额比较大),代词、名词及数词,一、人称代词要点提示 人称代词:在连续使用两个以上人称代词时,其顺序通常为:第二人称+第三人称+第一人称,如:a) you and I/me;b) you, Jim and I/me; c) you and

8、he/him. 1.人称代词的主格作主语,宾格作宾语 2.人称代词作同位语(主语同位语或宾语同位语),二、反身代词要点提示 1.强调主语或句子中的其他成分 2.常见的反身代词短语 a)beside oneself(发狂,情不自禁); b)(all) by oneself (单独地,独自地); c)for oneself(独立地,亲自地) 3.抽象名词+ itself = very+ 形容词的结构 happiness itself = very happy The detective thought the guilty party to be because I had the stronge

9、st motive. A) mine B) I C) me D) myself 侦探认为我是有罪的,因为我有最强的作案动机。,三、物主代词要点提示 1.形容词性物主代词可与own连用,表示身体所有或随身带有的事物。但形容词性物主代词不能单独充当主语补足语(表语)。 2.名词性物主代词可作主语或宾语。 3.名词性物主代词有时可以和of连用,构成双重属格。可以表示“部分”,表示“含有感情色彩”,或表示“所有”的含义。 Tom, Mike, and Mary were classmates of Stephens. 汤姆,迈克和玛丽是史迪文的同学。 在生物的所有格Stephens之后,省略了名词cl

10、assmates, 生物的所有格所代表的同学的数量超过此文提到过的三人。,四、名词所有格要点提示 英语名词有两种属格:s属格和of 属格。前者主要用于表示有生命事物的名词所有格;后者主要用于表示无生命事物的名词所有格。 s属格的用法一般可以用of 属格代替。 但是,a)当被修饰名词后有同位语时,必须用s属格;b)当s属格用来表示类别或属性时,它不能用of属格替代。 比如:childrens stories/ mens shoes,双重所有格(双重属格) 当被修饰名词前有冠词、指示代词、不定代词、数量词或疑问代词which等限定词时,一般用双重属格。 公式为:a, an, this, that,

11、 one, two +名词+of +名词性物主代词。如:a friend of mine 如果双重所有格中of前面的名词是portrait, picture, printing, statue, photograph等时,是指有关的人所收藏的肖像或照片等,而不是他本人的肖像或照片。,Children who stay away from school do for different reasons. A)them B)/ C)it D)theirs is worth a million dollars now, but he bought it for only two dollars te

12、n years ago. A)The portrait of John B)The Johns portrait C)Johns the portrait D)The portrait of Johns This is . She wrote her name on the first page. A)a Sherrys book B)a book of Sherry C)a book of Sherrys D)Sherrys a book,五、疑问代词(连接代词、关系代词) 这类代词有who/ whom(只能用于指人), what/ which/ whose(可指人或物)。它们可以用于单数或

13、复数概念。 Whose/ which/ what可以单独使用,也可以和名词用在一起,前者为名词性用法,后者为形容词性用法。 疑问词who/ which/ what等后可加ever以加强语气。 疑问代词还可用于引导间接疑问句,从句语序应为陈述语序。,Firms that use computers have found that the number of staff quality control can be substantially reduced. A)whose B)as C)what D)that Above the trees are the hills magnificence

14、 the river faithfully reflects on the surface. A)where B)of whose C)whose D)which,Weve just installed two air-conditioners in our apartment, should make great differences in our life next summer. A)which B)what C)that D)they The government has promised to do lies in its power to ease the hardships o

15、f the victims in the flood-stricken area. A)however B)whichever C)whatever D)wherever,六、指示代词用法提示 指示代词是指this/ that/ these/ those/ such/ same/ it 等用来指出或代指人或事物的代词。可在句中作主语、宾语、主语补足语(表语)、定语。 Such在句中作主语、宾语、表语,Why are you staring? Ive never seen _ tree before. A)kind of B)that kind of C)such kind D)such It

16、is a pity that we should stay at home when we have _ weather. A)so fine B)such a fine C)such fine D)so fine a His kindness was _ that we will never forget him. A)what B)which C)who D)such,七、不定代词要点提示 不定代词有:some/ somebody/ any/ anything/ no/ nobody/ no one/ all/ every/ other等 Everyone 后面不可以跟of短语,而ever

17、y one可以跟of短语:every one of Someone=somebody=a certain person某人 Some one=a certain person or thing某一人或物,Because fuel supplies are finite and many people are wasteful, we will have to install solar heating device in our home. A)some type of B)some types of C)some type of a D)some types of a in the offi

18、ce had a mistake, and the firm regretted causing the customer inconvenience. A)Someone B)Some C)Anyone D)One,No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to . A)the other B)any other C)another D)other We have a party last mouth, and it was a lot of fun, so lets have one

19、this mouth. A)another B)more C)the other D)other,可数名词,The policeman is investigating the about the traffic accident. A)passer-by B)passers-by C)passer-bys D)passers-bys,八、可数名词要点提示 在句中的单数形式前边要加冠词a/ an或 the或表示单数的限定词,否则就要用其复数形式。 有些集体名词形式上是单数,但在句中往往作复数用,谓语动词用复数。如:police/ cattle/ poultry/ people/ mankind

20、/ clergy等。 复合名词的单复数: 1.以“n./动名词+prep/adj/adv/动词不定式”构成的复合名词,将主要部分(n./动名词)变为复数 2.以可数名词结尾的复合词 3.以不可数名词结尾的复合词无复数形式,如homework,九、不可数名词和可数名词的转化 物质名词一般不可数,但用于表示“各种不同品种”时,几乎都能用作可数名词,如:different teas/ various soups等。 当抽象名词前后有修饰语表示“某一种”或“某一方面”的抽象概念时,其前可加a/ an。 有些表示学科或疾病的名词词尾有时是复数的,但实际上是单数,要接单数动词,如:economics/ m

21、athematics/ statistics/ linguistics/ politics等。 如果上述名词不表示学科,那么它们就可能是复数形式,The statistics that living standards in the area have improved drastically in recent times. A)proves B)is proving C)are proving D)prove,十、名词、数词的某些用法要点提示 数词+名词构成的复合词,有连字符时,名词用单数,如: three-year old; 没有连字符时,名词用复数,如:three years old。

22、 如果dozen/ score/ hundred/ thousand/ million前有基数表示明确数目时,用单数;表示很多而又不确切的数字时,用复数,且后面加of. 分数的分子为基数词,分母为序数词并有复数(分子为1除外),如:one half/ two-thirds/ three and four-sevenths/ one-fourth(one quarter)等后接名词时加of。,They will have it finished in . A)three quarter of an hour time B)three quarters of an hour time C)thre

23、e quarter of an hours time D)three quarters of an hours time Despite the wonderful acting and well-developed plot, the movie could not hold our attention. A)three-hours B)three-hour C)three-hourss D)three-hours,形容词、副词、限定词,一、限定词要点提示 No做限定词相当于not a/ not any Other既可用于不可数名词,也可用于可数名词 None other than(不是别人

24、,正是)=no other than; other than(除以外;与不同的) Any/ some/ every与other连用时,其后若用可数名词,一般为单数, of the twins was arrested, because I saw both at a party last night. A)None B)Both C)Neither D)All Land belongs to the city; there is thing as private ownership of land. A)no such a B)not such C)not such a D)no such,二

25、、形容词 有些形容词不能放在名词前面作定语,只能作表语。这类形容词有两类: 1.表示健康状况的词,如:well, ill 2.由前缀a-构成的词,如:afraid/ alert/ alike/ alive/ alone/ ashamed/ asleep/ awake/ aware等 有些形容词本身就含有“比年长”、“比优等”等的意思,所以没有比较级和最高级。如:anterior(前面的), posterior, superior(较优的), inferior, junior(年少的),senior,prior(优先的)等。这些形容词后面习惯上要用介词to,而不用than。,The less t

26、he surface of the ground yields to the weight of a fully-loaded truck, to the truck. A)the greater stress is B)greater is the stress C)the stress is greater D)the greater the stress Susan is very hardworking, bur her pay is not for her work. A)enough good B)good enough C)as good enough D)good as eno

27、ugh,All the Presidents Men one of the important books for historians who study the Watergate Scandal. A)remain B)remains C)remained D)is remaining Fond of singing as she is, she is a good singer but profession. A)everything but B)anything but C)nothing but D)something but,This tape recorder is far t

28、hat one both in quality and in design. A)superior than B)superior to C)more superior than D)more superior to She brought herself dress. A)a cotton, purple, expensive B)a expensive, purple cotton, C)a purple, expensive cotton D)a cotton, expensive, purple,Times up!,1-6: A B B B B B,三、副词 有时不带ly的副词往往用在

29、直接和具体的场合,带ly的副词往往用在抽象的场合。 如:climb high攀到高处(具体), highly developed高度发展的(抽象); leave the door wide open把门大敞着(具体), widely known名气很大(抽象) 频度副词、程度副词 As well(as)=in addition(to),“除之外,同,和,也” Much too作为副词短语修饰adj或adv,不修饰n. More/ less+adj原级+than,“与其说不如说” No+ adj或adv比较级 +than,意思是“与同样不”,如: no richer than= as poor

30、as,Far与性质形容词和副词连用,far修饰比较级时,相当于much Cant+谓语+比较级,表示肯定的含义 与n.连用的more of a意为“更像,堪称”,as much of a意为“称得上”,less of a意为“算不上” More的固定表达法,如: More than不止; no/ nothing more than不过,仅仅; more than a little十分,非常; more or less大体上,或多或少; more often than not经常,多半,That trumpet player was certainly loud. But I wasnt bot

31、hered by his loudness by his lack of talent. A)so much as B)rather than C)as D)than So much as/ rather than都表示“与其说不如说”,但前者用于否定句,后者用于肯定句。 John is hardworking than his sister, but he failed in the exam. A)no less B)no more C)not less D)no so No less than,前后两者都肯定 No more than,前后两者都肯定 Not less than,表示“至

32、少”,He was to tell the truth even to his closest friend. A)too much of a coward B)too much the coward C)a coward enough D)enough of a coward The patients progress was very encouraging as he could get out of bed without help. A)nearly B)hardly C)merely D)barely,My daughter has walked eight miles today

33、. We never guessed that she could walk far. A)/ B)such C)that D)as There are as good fish in the sea ever came out of it. A)than B)like C)as D)so It is notmuch the language as the background that makes the book difficult to understand. A)that B)as C)so D)very,A A C C C,非谓语动词,一、非谓语动词作主语的要点提示 非谓语动词的三种

34、形式中,不定式和动名词在句中可作主语,而分词则不可以。不定式着重结果,而动名词着重进程。 在含有no,-less等否定词的句子里,一般不用不定式作主语,而常用动名词作主语。在“It is+n./adj.+动名词”结构中,常用的名词有:no good/ no use等;常用的形容词有:good/ better/ foolish/ useful/ useless等。 动名词通常可以在there be句型中作主语,而不定式却不能。, he can now only watch it on TV at home. A)Obtaining not a ticket for the match B)Not

35、 obtaining a ticket for the match C)Not having obtained a ticket for the match D)Not obtained a ticket for the match Its no use with her. You might as well with a stone wall. She is incapable of seeing anyone elses point of view. A)arguing; arguing B)argue; argue C)to argue; arguing D)arguing; argue

36、,The three men tried many times to sneak across the border into the neighbouring country, by the police each time. A)had been captured B)being always captured C)only to be captured D)unfortunately captured , they got down to map out a plan for the construction of a new express way. A)Got everything

37、ready B)Having everything got ready C)Getting everything ready D)Having got everything ready, is not a serious disadvantage in life. A)To be not tall B)Not to be tall C)Being not tall D)Not being tall,二、非谓语作宾语的要点提示 不定式和动名词可以在句中作宾语,但分词不可以。不定式作宾语表示“未完成的”或“未发生的”动作,动名词作宾语表示“已完成的”或“已发生的”动作。 Like/ hate/ p

38、refer等词后,若表示一般倾向,多用动名词,若表示特定的具体的行为,多用不定式 Forget/ go on/ propose/ regret/ remember/ stop/ try等词后面接动名词或不定式时,意义差别明显。 不定式同疑问词一起作宾语(v.+疑问词+to do)时常用的动词包括:consider/ decide/ know/ explain/ learn/ tell/ wonder等。,The Clarks havent decided yet which hotel. A)to stay B)is to stay C)to stay at D)is for staying

39、Peter, who had been driving all day, suggested at the next town. A)to stop B)stopping C)stop D)having stopped The mother didnt know who for the broken glass. A)blamed B)would blame C)to blame D)be blamed,三、非谓语动词作补语的要点提示 用现在分词表示动作正在进行,用不定式表示动作已完成或已结束,而过去分词则表示被动。 The Minister of Finance is believed of

40、 imposing new taxes to raise extra revenue. A)that he is thinking B)to be thinking C)to think D)that he is to think Professor Johnson is said some significant advance in his research in the past year. A)having made B)making C)to have made D)to make,四、非谓语动词作状语的要点提示 不定式和分词在句中都可用来作状语,表示原因、时间、方式、伴随、让步、结

41、果等。动名词一般不作状语。 当不定式和分词有自己的主语,构成不定式和分词独立结构时,不定式独立结构通常在句中作状语,表示伴随情况;分词独立结构在句中作状语,表示伴随、时间、原因和条件等。, at in this way, the present economic situation doesnt seem to gloomy. A)Looking B)Looked C)Having looked D)To look There are only ten apples left in the baskets, the spoilt ones. A)not counting B)not to co

42、unt C)dont count D)having not counted Time,the celebration will be held as scheduled. A)permit B)permitting C)permitted D)permits,五、动词不定式要点提示 Be的过去式was和were+不定式完成时表示没有完成的计划和安排,后面常接转折词but连接分句表示实际发生的情况(本打算,但) 在there is no choice/ alternative but或have no choice/ alternative but两句型中,后接不定式 Soas to,suchas

43、 to/ enough to/ only to/ tooto等结构中的不定式表示结果 动词be+不定式的一般式或进行时也表示计划,Linda was the experiment a month ago, but she changed her mind at the last minute. A)to start B)to have started C)to be starting D)to have been starting,六、动词现在分词要点提示 在表示“致使”意义的动词,如get/ have/ keep/ make等后面,常用过去分词作宾语补足语。宾语和宾语补足语是被动的关系 Ha

44、ve sth done表示sth由别人去做,而不是自己亲自去做;而have sb do sth表示“使某人做某事” Find/ feel/ hear/ notice/ see/ smell/ watch后用现在分词作宾补时表示动作正在进行;后接带to的不定式作宾补时强调全过程的结束,There nothing more for discussion, the meeting care to an end half a hour earlier. A)to be B)to have been C)being D)be If not with the respect he feels due to

45、 him, Jack gets very ill-tempered and grumbles all the time. A)being treated B)treated C)be treated D)having been treated,独立主格结构 独立主格结构的句子中,两个部分各有主语,但用逗号分开,中间无任何连接词。另外,从意义的逻辑关系来判断:首先这不是一个并列句,因为并列句的各句之间,除逗号之外,还应有并列连词来连接;那这两部分之间定有一种从属关系:其中一部分为一个完整的句子,另一部分或许就是一个独立主格结构用作状语。 With+n./代词+动词-ing或-ed形式,情态动词,

46、Can:能力,能,可能,能够;否定句中cannot (help) but表示“只能”。 1.Cannot (help) but do; 2.cant help doing May(might):可以,可能会,或许会 Must:必须,一定要;否定式cant(一定不),而不用mustnt;mustnt表示禁止,千万不要 Should:应当,应该;用来表示义务或推测,与ought to意义相近,但should语气稍轻,Need和dare既可作情态动词,也可作行为动词 Need作情态动词多用于否定句或疑问句,而不用于肯定句; Need作行为动词时后接不定式,否定式在need前加dont( doesnt

47、, didnt) Dare作情态动词时,有过去式dared,后接动词原形,否定式为dare/dared not+do; Dare作行为动词时后接不定式,否定式在dare前加dont( doesnt, didnt),Might have done:可能;表示对过去可能发生事情的推测,其用法与may have done相似;虚拟语气,表示某事过去有可能发生(但实际上没有发生),常用来埋怨 Cant have done:一定没有发生,不可能发生;对过去可能发生事情的推测,与must have done相对 Could have done:可能;表示对过去可能发生事情的推测;虚拟语气,表示过去有可能做

48、某事而没有做,其否定式couldnt have done,意为“本不能”(但实际上做了) couldnt have done:不可能,不会;表示对过去或已经发生事情的否定推测,Should have done/ ought to have done:应当; 表示对过去的推测;虚拟语气,表示过去应该做而没有做,意为“本应该,本应当”,其否定式shouldnt have done/ oughtnt to have done表示过去不应该做却做了 Neednt have done表示过去本不必做的事,但事实上做了。(也可以说didnt have to do),He unwisely, but he was at least trying to do something helpful. A)may have acted B)must have acted C)should act D)would act You Jim anything about


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