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1、In order to solve a burglary that has taken place at the Marshalls house,Detective Johnson has been instructed to search exactly seven locationsthe foyer, the kitchen, the living room, the guest room, the hallway, the musicroom, and the nursery. The foyer, kitchen, and living room are locateddownsta

2、irs, whereas the guest room, hallway, music room, and nursery are locatedupstairs. During the first visit to search for evidence, Detective Johnson hastime to search exactly three locations. This search must be conducted accordingto the following conditions:The three locations searched must be neith

3、er all upstairs nor all downstairs.If the hallway is searched, then the foyer must also be searched.If the music room is not searched, then the guest room cannot be searched.The kitchen and the living room cannot both be searched.The three locations searched must include the living room or the nurse

4、ry, or both.Which of the following is a selection of locations that conforms to theconditions for Detective Johnsons first visit?Foyer, guest room, hallwayFoyer, hallway, living roomFoyer, kitchen, living roomGuest room, hallway, kitchenGuest room, music room, nursery答案:(B)During the first visit, if

5、 the kitchen is searched, which of the followingmust also be searched?The foyerThe guest roomThe hallwayThe music roomThe nursery答案:(E)During the first visit, if the music room is searched, which of the followingis a pair of locations that can both also be searched?The foyer and the hallwayThe guest

6、 room and the kitchenThe hallway and the living roomThe kitchen and the living roomThe kitchen and the nursery答案:(E)During the first visit, if the guest room is searched, which of the followingmust also be searched? The foyer The hallway The kitchen The living room The nursery答案:(D)During the first

7、visit, if the kitchen is the only downstairs locationsearched, which of the following must also be searched?The music room and the nurseryThe hallway and the nurseryThe hallway and the music roomThe guest room and the nurseryThe guest room and the music room答案:(A)During the first visit, if the livin

8、g room is not searched, which of thefollowing is a pair of locations that can both be searched?The foyer and the guest roomThe hallway and the kitchenThe foyer and the music roomThe hallway and the music roomThe guest room and the kitchen答案:(C)The presence of microorganisms that produce a toxin caus

9、es seawater to turnbrownish red, a phenomenon known as a red tide. Sea otters do not feed in areaswhere clams, their main source of food, have become contaminated with thistoxin. According to a proposed explanation of the otters behavior, the otterssample the clams in a potential feeding area and ca

10、n taste any toxin in them.Which of the following, if true, would most strongly indicate that thehypothesis described in the last sentence of the passage is not correct?In some of the areas where red tides occur, neither clams nor sea otters areindigenous species.The presence of sea otters in a given

11、 area has a significant effect on whichother marine organisms are to be found in that area.When seawater in an area unaffected by red tide is artificially dyed brownishred, sea otters do not feed on the clams in that area.If the clams in a given area are contaminated with toxins, sea otters move too

12、ther areas in search of food.Although very small amounts of the toxin produced during a red tide are notharmful, large doses can be fatal to animals the size of sea otters.答案:(C)问题:下面哪一个,if true,最强烈地指出上文最后一句话所描述的假设是不正确的读题:产生一种毒质的微生物的存在引起海水变为褐红色,我们称之为红潮的现象。海濑不吃被毒素污染的clam, clam是它们的主要事物来源。按照海濑行为的某种解释,

13、海濑抽样检查clam ,并且能够尝出任何有毒物质分析:原文是一个现象:海濑不吃被毒素污染的clam一个解释:海濑抽样检查clam ,并且能够尝出任何有毒物质问题是要反对,答案形式一般为:1、有其他的原因来解释上面这个现象C. 在没有被红潮污染的海水人为地染成褐红色, 海濑不吃那个区域的clam(恰恰说明海濑根据颜色来判断,而并不是抽样检查,尝出毒素,反对了原来的解释)D. 如果某一区域中的clam 被毒素污染了, sea otter移动到其它地方寻求食物(clam被污染,就不吃,与原文解释观点相同,作为SUPPORT)An acre of average farmland produces o

14、nly about 400 pounds of grain amaranth,as against 2,400 pounds per acre, or six times as much, for wheat. It followsthat whenever the grain-amaranth price is projected to be more than six timesthe projected price of wheat, farmers wishing to maximize profits will growgrain amaranth rather than wheat

15、.The argument above is based on which of the following assumptions?An acres worth of grain amaranth is no more expensive to grow and bring tomarket than an acres worth of wheat.There is no crop that produces a higher yield in terms of pounds harvestedper acre than wheat.By choosing which crops to gr

16、ow, farmers can exert a significant influence onthe prices of those crops.Farmers are no less motivated by the desire to maximize profits than areother occupational groups.Prices of grain crops can change faster than farmers can change the acreagedevoted to various grain crops.答案:(A)问题:上文的论述基于下面哪一个A

17、SSUMPTION?读题:一亩地平均只生产400磅的ga, 比较起来每亩生产2400磅小麦. 因此,当ga的价格预测大于小麦价格的六倍时,农民为获取更大的利益将种植ga而不是小麦分析:上文原因是:ga产量是小麦产量的1/6 结论是: 只有价格ga是小麦6倍的时候,才种植ga而不是小麦这是GRE中典型的数字推理,必须基于一个假设:没有其他的因素来影响找具有否定词的选项(A,B,D)A. 种植和运输到市场, 一亩ga不比一亩小麦贵(指出没有种植和运输的因素需要考虑)B. 没有一种作物比小麦有更高的产量Most road repairs require more time and money tha

18、n is budgeted, but lastsummers nighttime repairs of Highway 93 and similar roads required no more timeor money than had been budgeted. Therefore, making summer repairs to majorroads at night would save both time and money.Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the conclusion drawnab

19、ove?The smaller number of cars on the roads at night and more comfortablenighttime temperatures allow road workers to work more quickly.Road repair crews that work at night mark their work sites with brighthashing lights in addition to the orange cones they use during the daytime.The budget for the

20、repairs to Highway 93 was generous enough to make itunlikely that it would be exceeded.Road workers who are willing to work at night have an easier time findingjobs, since most people would rather work in the daytime.Asphalt used in road repair tends to expand in warmer temperatures andcontract in c

21、ooler temperatures.答案:(A)Exactly seven childrenR, S, T, V, W, X, and Yare to be divided into two studygroups, group 1 and group 2. Group 1 must have three members, and group 2 musthave four members. The children are being assigned to groups according to thefollowing conditions:R cannot be in the sam

22、e group as TIf S is in group 1, V must be in group 1.If W is in group 1, T must be in group 2.X must be in group 2.Which of the following is an acceptable assignment of the children to the twogroups? Group 1 Group 2R, S, Y T, V, W, XR, T, V S, W, X, YT, V, X R, S, W, YT, V, Y R, S, W, XT, W, Y R, S,

23、 V, X答案:(D)If R is in group 2, which of the following must also be in group 2 ? S T V W Y答案:(D)If W is in group 1, which of the following must also be in group 1 ? R S T V Y答案:(A)If T and Y are both in group 1, which of the following must be true? S is in the same group as V. S is in the same group

24、as W. V is in the same group as R. W is in the same group as T. Y is in the same group as X.答案:(B)If W is in the same group as T, any of the following is a pair of childrenwho could be in a group together EXCEPT R and S S and Y T and Y V and Y W and X答案:(B)If V is in the same group as Y, which of th

25、e following must be true? R is in group 1. S is in group 1. T is in group 1. W is in group 2. Y is in group 2.答案:(D)If S is in group 1, which of the following must be true?R is in group 1.T is in group 1.T is in group 2.Y is in group 1.Y is in group 2.答案:(E)A schedule is being prepared for a seminar

26、 that will cover exactly seventopicsP, Q, R, S, T, U, and Wone at a time, during a four-day period. Becausesome topics build upon information presented in other topics, the schedule oftopics must comply with the following restrictions:Each topic must be covered exactly once, and on exactly one day.N

27、o more than three topics are to be covered on any one day.S must be covered on the second day.P must be covered on the same day as T.S must be covered at some time before R is covered and at some time after Q is covered.R must be covered at some time before P is covered and at some time after U is c

28、overed.If exactly one topic is covered on the second day, which of the followingtopics must be covered on the first day? P Q R S T答案:(B)Which of the following is a pair of days, either one of which could be theday on which Q is covered?The first and the secondThe first and the thirdThe second and th

29、e thirdThe second and the fourthThe third and the fourth答案:(A)Which of the following is a pair of topics that can be covered on the firstday? P and T R and S S and U U and W W and R答案:(D)If exactly two topics are covered on each of the first three days, which ofthe following is a pair of topics that

30、 must be covered on the third day? P and T Q and R R and U S and W W and T答案:(A)If topics R and T are covered on the fourth day, which of the following is apair of topics that can be covered on the third day? P and S P and W Q and S Q and U U and W答案:(E)If topic P is covered on the third day, and ex

31、actly one topic is covered onthe fourth day, which of the following must be the topic covered on the fourthday ? Q S T U W答案:(E)If oven cleaner is added to household bleach, the mixture emits chlorine gas.A mixture of bathtub cleanser and household bleach also emits chlorine gas. Ifordinary soap is

32、added to household bleach, no gases are emitted. When anunidentified cleaning agent was added to household bleach, no chlorine gas wasemitted.If the statements above are all true, which of the following can be determinedconclusively on the basis of them about the unidentified cleaning agent?It was o

33、rdinary soap.It was either oven cleaner or bathtub cleanser.It was neither oven cleaner nor bathtub cleanser.It contained ordinary soap and either oven cleaner or bathtub cleanser.It contained ordinary soap and neither oven cleaner nor bathtub cleanser.答案:(C)Which of the following, if true, provides

34、 the most logical completion of thepassage below?Cars fueled by methanol have a much lower level of emissions of pollutantssuch as carbon monoxide and environmentally harmful hydrocarbons thangasoline-fueled cars do. Methanol fuel does produce somewhat higherformaldehyde emissions than gasoline does

35、. Nevertheless, a methanol-powered caractually produces less atmospheric formaldehyde pollution than a comparablegasoline-powered car, because compared to carbon monoxide and some hydrocarbons produced bygasoline-powered cars, formaldehyde pollution is not a serious threat to theenvironment the tech

36、nical difficulties involved in mass-producing methanol-powered carswill prevent them from seriously competing with gasoline-powered cars forseveral years gasoline-powered cars are required by United States law to be equipped withcatalytic converters that reduce emissions of many pollutants measuring

37、 a cars emissions is generally an accurate method of assessingthat cars contribution to atmospheric pollution most formaldehyde pollution generated by gasoline-powered cars results fromthe photo-chemical conversion of hydrocarbon emissions into formaldehyde in theatmosphere答案:(E)问题:下面哪一个,if true,最好地


39、污染物, 当然要找这样的选项,使前者污染物减少,或使后者污染物增多。而且要与第一句话相关要达到这样的效果,答案之中一定要带有甲醛污染物(formaldehyde),a,e涉及A. 比起以汽油为燃料的汽车产生的一氧化碳和炭氢化合物,甲醛污染对于环境不是一个严重的威胁C.以汽油为燃料的汽车被美国法律要求装备接触反映的转换器,用来减少许多污染物的释放D.以汽油为燃料的汽车产生的许多甲醛污染来自于光化学反应把炭氢化合物转换为甲醛(涉及到甲醛污染物的增加,并且与第一句话相关)Until recently experts believed that environment, not genetics, l

40、argelydetermines human personality. A new study, however, has shown that there ismore similarity in personality between identical twins raised together thanbetween nonidentical twins raised together. The study concluded that genetics,therefore, does play an important role in determining personality.

41、Which of the following, if found to be true, would cast the most doubt on thestudys conclusion?Identical twins raised separately in different adoptive families are usuallymore in personality than are nonidentical twins raised separately in differentadoptive families.No matter how twins behave, paren

42、ts treat identical twins in ways that tendto elicit similar personality train but do not treat nonidentical twins in suchways.Parents of both identical and nonidentical twins have long claimed that theirchildren, from early infanthood, had definite and well-established personalitytraits.Birth parent

43、s and their identical twin children tend to become more similarto each other in personality over time, but adoptive parents and theiridentical twin children do not.Neither identical nor nonidentical twins are likely to display drasticchanges in their individual personalities as they grow up.答案:(B)问题

44、:下面哪一个,if true,最反对上面的研究结论读题:直到最近专家相信环境而不是基因主要决定人的个性。 然而, 一个新的研究指出,在一起抚养的同卵双生子比在一起抚养的非同卵双生子之间个性更相似。因此,研究得到:基因在决定性格方面起了重要的作用。分析:倒数第三行the study concluded引导的就是结论一个研究: 同卵双生子相似程度比非同卵双生子的相似程度要大一个结论: 就是由于基因决定了个性原文是从一个研究得到一个结论,反对答案形式一般为:有其他的原因来解释相似程度的差别A.分开在不同家庭抚养的同卵双生子通常比在不同家庭抚养的非同卵双生子性格更相似 (大家都分开抚养,但是同卵双生子比非同卵双生子性格更相似,可作为支持)B.不管同卵双生子是怎样的行为,父母对待同卵双生子的方式倾向于导致他们相同的个性 但是对非同卵双生子不是这样 (恰恰说明是他们的父母导致的,反对了是基因导致的) (请注意C和E)C.同卵双生子和非同卵双生子的父母都一直宣称. (我们应该指出他们


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