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1、北大考博英语基础词汇汇编(精华版)Abandon The match was abandoned because of bad weather.cross out wipe out desert/forsake/ leave / depart / discard / relinquish /surrender /withdrawabide We have to abide by the rules of the game. (abide observe discover adapt)Her fame will abide for sure. Last/endure/ continue/pers

2、ist/remain/stay You have to keep _ with the times.Abreast/ fit in withabsorb He was absorbed in a book and didn t hear you call.engage/occupy/bend over/ be busy withabundant/rich The rivers and forests of the New World were abundant in fish and gameaccess In many schools, students don t have suffici

3、ent access to the library.Way/approach/solution/answer/Accessible/available/handy/ready/convenient/obtainable/at handHis words are never in _ with his deeds. (situation accordance according fit)I m in agreement with Mr. Moore. in agreement with/ be compatible with /comply with /conform to/be in prop

4、ortion toaccount He asked no one s advice; he did it on his own account independentlyYou have to take everything into account/consideration. Attention/regard/respect/mindGive us an account of what happened. Story/reason/information/description/tale/statementHe has been asked to account for his absen

5、ce. ( describe tell relate answerfor say explain explicate)acquire to acquire a good knowledge of English. Attain/obtain/gain/earn/secureactive He is very active in politics.Energetic/spirited/lively/dynamic/excited/enthusiasticadapt To our delight, she quickly adapted (herself) to the situation.Adj

6、ust/accommodate/alter/vary/arrange/modify/make fitaccustom She is _to living in comfort. (accustomed/used addict be familiar with)admit It will take you half an hour to get to the station, allowing for traffic delays.(allow/admit/accept/permit/receive/confess/ acknowledge/adopt)adequate Their earnin

7、gs are barely adequate to their needs.enough/sufficient/satisfactory/plenty/ampleadvantage The great advantage we have over them is that they are short of money.Benefit/gain/upper hand interest/profit/harvest/crop/earnings/returnsAim His aim is to win the game.Purpose/intention/goal/end/target/objec

8、tive/motive/destinationAmass He amassed a great fortune in twenty years.Accumulate/assemble/gather/increase/collect/compile/heap up/store upMass/bulk/quantity/load/amount/volume/accumulation/pile/heap/crowd/multitude/pack/gangFigure/digit/measureambitious These young men were ambitious for success a

9、nd money.Eager for/longing for/ hopeful for/wish for/crave for/be set on/be bent on/beintent uponamount His debt now amounts to 1,000 pounds.Add up to/approximate/total/sum upThe future of her marriage is supposed to be decided by the amount of money.sum/measure/quantity/price/valueangle Try looking

10、 at this affair from a different angle. aspect/view/point ofview/opinion/belief/attitude/impression/notion/idea/thought/conception/judgment/theory/outlookannounce He had to announce the death of Johnson before the board.Proclaim/broadcast/report/state/declare/notify/tell/make knownanticipate A good

11、general can anticipate what the enemy will do.expect/ look forward to/await/foresee/hope foranything but The hotel is anything but satisfactory. Not at allThe apparent things might not tell of the truth.apparent obvious seeming evident clear plainapart Apart from his nose, he is quite good-looking.A

12、part from the injuries to his face and hands, he broke both legs.Except for / other than /but / but for / besides/moreover/also/too/as well/inaddition He was appointed member of the committee.Name/elect/nominate/choose/assign/vote forappeal I appeal to him for help. implore/plead/begapply Please app

13、ly to the secretary for further information.The rules of safe driving apply to everyone.approve Many people don t approve of the plan. disapprovelike/prefer/endorse/accept/think well ofarise The company s losses this year arise almost entirely from the new taxes.Rise raise rouse arouse ariseOriginat

14、e/ derive/stem/ flow/come/emerge/appear/show up/turn up fromartificial/artistic Her painting is a great artistic creation.ashamed/shameful embarrassed/embarrassing frustrated/frustrating humiliated/humiliatingAshamed of having acted so rashly, David apologized to Amy for having accusedhim.acquaint I

15、 m sure Betsy is the girl whom you will be glad to get acquainted with.associate/link / touch / join / unite / combine / connect /go with / run with/mingle with / relateI assume that success is a sum of mistakes.Assume think suppose presume suspect understand take for grantedassure I can assure you

16、of my support.confirm assure ensure insure convince guarantee pledge promiseYouve got to attain the mastery of at least on foreign language.Attain gain accomplish finish fulfill realize completeattribute Jim attributes his success to hard work. owe ascribeavoid You should avoid driving in the center

17、 of the town during the rush hour.Avoid shun escape evade keep away fromThe government has banned the used of chemical weapons.Bar prohibit exclude forbid shut out block obstructbargain The dress is quite a bargain. bargain salebasis On the basis of our sales forecasts we may begin to make a profit

18、nextyear.China has been following the foreign policy to develop relations with other countries on the basis of the five principles of peaceful co-existence.ground foundationScientists say it may be five or ten years before it is possible to test thismedicine on human patients.As soon as before the s

19、econd the minute the momentYou cant blame all this on me.He is the last one to blame for the accident.Charge/accuse/indict/censure/criticize/condemnboard He paid 40 pounds for board and lodging. food /mealsboard/ committee/ staff/ faculty/ crew/ teamboast You should not boast of your success. Brag /

20、show offboom Production boomed.Progress/increase/advance/thrive/gain/speed up/grow/swell/flourish/develop/prosperbrief It is a long letter, but in brief, he says No. shortWe are bound for London. Head makeThe weather is bound to get better tomorrow. Likely going toThere are no bounds to his ambition

21、. Limit confine restrictioncall This situation¬¬¬¬_ for prompt action. (calls in calls at calls on calls for)They have called off their engagement.She was calm when I told her of the terrible news.Quiet/still/tranquil/serene/peacefulWe should not doubt his capability.Capability/abili

22、ty/skill/power/talent/capacity/competency/efficiencyBefore you decide on a vocation, it might be a good idea to consult a few goodfriends.Career job vocation trade calling work profession occupation There is no reason why we should not carry on with it.Carry on go on keep on continue work on be unde

23、r way be in processcase In any case I shall return in a day or two. If even if for fear on conditioncenter She centered her attention on the problem.Focus concentrate fixcharge The charge against him was severe. nSentence/ accusation/ persecution/ guilty/trial/ condemnation/indict /judgmentSince the

24、 situation is changing, lets take some _ measures to deal withit.flexible changeable changingIf I had the choice, I would retire at thirty.Selection/preference/option/alternativeNo one came to claim for the horse, so the farmer decided to sell it.cling She clung to the hope that he was still alive.S

25、tick adhere hold grasp keepclose The ceremony was brought to a close by the singing of the national anthem(国歌).Listen and look closely, youll find it out.A good employer gives hints to his or her employees without interfering with their creativity.Tip information news wind message clue evidence sign

26、 proof keycombine Hydrogen combines with Oxygen to form water.blend mix mingle fuse unite couple joincomment I m afraid I can t comment on your work just yet. Remarkcriticism judgment decision evaluation criterion standard remarkcommit I cannot commit myself to any further expense; my means are stre

27、tchedto the utmost as it is. Devote dedicateCompare this with that, and you will see which is the better. ContrastPoets have compared sleep to death.She is lovely beyond parison This one costs more but is really cheaper by comparison.I have done little this year in comparison with what I did last ye

28、ar.Comparable/comparativecompel We cannot compel you to do it, but we think you should.Force oblige urge require drive press work hard on push promptHe has formed a good habit.Form/create/shape/develop/mold/compose/construct/design/devise/frame/arrange/buildAssemble/manufacture/produceNext year, Sus

29、an has to take three compulsory courses. Requiredcompose The committee was composed mainly of teachers and parents.Consist of/ be made up of / contain / include/hold/cover/comprisecomprehensive /ComprehensibleShe has a comprehensive grasp of the subject.conscious She was not conscious of his presenc

30、e in the room. AwareConsiderate/considerable It was very considerate of you to send me a Christmas card.Difference between them:Considerate/thoughtful/kind/sympatheticConsiderable/much/important/great/significant/powerfulcontend I would contend that unemployment is our most serious social evil.Argue

31、/struggle/fight/quarrelOur journey was slow because the train stopped continually at different villages.continuously vs continuallyconvey Words cannot convey how delighted I am. expresscope Poor Mary! She has so much to cope with.deal with live with be put up with tolerate endure bear stand be fedup

32、 withhandle treatcorrespond This word in the English version corresponds to that phrase in theFrench one.count Her opinion counts because of her experience.Matter be of importance significant have the last word 转Dont count on a salary increase this year.believe depended count confide rely depend ban

33、kcritical If you really understood the difficulties facing the government, youwouldn t be so critical of its spending reductions. ExpenditureCrucial urgent pressing decisiveIronic faultfinding picky fastidious sarcasticcure This medicine should cure you of your cold.Remind relieve inform deprive rob

34、 breakIt is not my custom to give in. Custom habit use practice manner way pattern tendency fashion routine natureThe damage to the house caused by the storm took several days to repair.destruction damage harm ruin injury bruise impact spoil wrong pain agony distressgrieve /hurt / impair/ abuse /pla

35、gue/ epidemic/debris/trash/junk/rubbishdecline Steel production has been on the decline in these countries.Diminish decrease fall drop dip sink reducedeep They dived deep into the ocean.She was deeply interested in classical music.degree She has also affected but to a lesser degree. Extentdeem They

36、deemed him innocent but failed to understand why he was lying.think/believe/consider/judge/assume/suppose/regard/ponder/contemplate/study/reflect/think overA good mastery of English demands patience and enthusiasm.Demand/require/call fordeny They denied her the opportunity to see her father.refuse d

37、ecline rejects turn down say no todie She died of an illness; and he died a beggar.The storms are dying down.The noise of the car died away in the distance.The members of the family had all died off.This species has died out.Can you describe what he looks like?Describe/portray/illustrate/picture/cha

38、racterize/represent/define/tellThey were determined that he make a big fortune in his forties.Convinced/firm/sure/certain/resolute/seriousShe was in his eyes a devoted mother.Devoted/earnest/hearty/sincere/serious/zealousThe sewers discharge (their contents) into the sea.Discharge/discard / cast way

39、 / do away with / dispose of / abandon / forsake /desert / give away/throw away/cast off/get rid ofdisplay We were amazed by the rich variety of commodities on display.Her writings display natural talents.Exhibit show indicate specify illustrate demonstrate expose presentdistinct Mice are distinct f

40、orm rats.Different/unlike/varied/opposite/contrary/reverse/dissimilarLong sentences are distinctive of Henry Jamess later style.Characteristic explicit definite candid unmistakable expressive directThe light is so dim that I cannot distinguish one object from another.distinguish tell separate divide

41、He is one of the most distinguished scholars in this field.Distinguished/outstanding/famous/well-known/noted/popular/celebrated/honored/recognized/prominent/important/superiorIn the dark I could only discern the outline of the building.Discern/see/make out/observe/perceive/recognize/know/understand/

42、detect/spot/spy/beholddiverse There are people from diverse cultures at the party. different various comprehensiveHe refused to disclose his name and address.Disclose/uncover/reveal/show/expose/betrayThey drew up the contract and presented it to the management.The train drew in/into the station. pul

43、ldraw pull drag push heave lift hauldraw crawl creep linger on drag near be oncoming/ongoing She drove her car into the forest.Drive/steer/direct/conduct/handle/manage/run/work/operate/rideDont discourage her; she is doing her best. Vs encourageDiscourage/prevent/hinder/disapprove/keep from/try to s

44、topThe shoes are expensive but durable.Durable/long-lasting/enduring/permanent/endless/solid/strongIt is your duty to go.Duty/work/job/chore/assignment/charge/function/obligation/responsibility/office/rolebusiness/job/vocation/occupation/task/assignment/position/labor/industry/employment/effortHe is living an easy life now. comfortableIt is an economy to buy good shoes: they cost more, but they last much longerthan cheap ones.economic/economical/economyHe went to a very good elementary school.elementary/fundamental/basic/primary/essential


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