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1、第七课时 如何写好状语 一、单词作状语 1形容词作状语 形容词作状语时表示谓语动词发生时主语所处的状态或者表示谓语动词发生的原因。 He stood there, still, except that his lips moved slightly.(表示状况) 他静静地站在那里,只有嘴唇在轻微地抖动。 Hungry, they walked into the restaurant.(表示原因) 由于饥饿,他们走进了一家餐馆。,第二讲 第七课时 如何写好状语,第二讲 第七课时 如何写好状语,句式升级 形容词短语作状语可以让句子由复合句变成高级的简单句。 I was tired and got

2、out of breath when I reached the top of the mountain. Tired and out of breath, I reached the top of the mountain. 2副词作状语 副词作状语时,通常是表示时间、地点、频度、程度、方式等。多个状语连用时,一般先单词、后短语,先地点、后时间,先小概念、后大概念。,第二讲 第七课时 如何写好状语,He went out of the room at a quarter to 23:00 last night and then disappeared into the dark. 他昨夜22

3、点45分从房间里出来,然后消失在黑夜之中。 句式升级 评注性状语更简练。 It is important that many people in our city have come to realize the importance of helping the disabled. More importantly, many people in our city have come to realize the importance of helping the disabled.,第二讲 第七课时 如何写好状语,二、短语作状语 1不定式短语作状语 在句中只充当目的、原因、结果状语,它的逻

4、辑主语一般是句子的主语。 In face of the disaster, people united to fight against the floods, making every effort together to rescue the trapped people. 在灾难面前,人们团结起来,与洪水斗争,齐心协力营救被困群众。 练一练 听到枪声,他迅速跑到楼下,结果发现她躺在地板上,失去了知觉。 On hearing the shot, he rushed downstairs, _ _,only to find her lying unconscious on the floor

5、.,第二讲 第七课时 如何写好状语,2现在分词和过去分词短语作状语 在句中一般作原因、时间、方式、伴随、结果、让步或条件等状语,相当于相应的状语从句。 Located in the west of the city, it gives a vivid picture of the process of how paper is made during Song and Ming dynasties. 它在城西,生动描绘了宋明时期的造纸流程。 练一练 她学习很努力,在下面的考试中一定会名列前茅。 _,Working hard, she is bound to rank first in the

6、coming exam.,第二讲 第七课时 如何写好状语,点睛 现在分词作状语时,其逻辑主语必须是句子的主语。 听了这个消息,她的眼泪都流出来了。 Hearing the news, tears came to her eyes. ( ) Hearing the news, she burst into tears. ( ) When she heard the news, tears came to her eyes. ( ) 3介词短语作状语 By speaking more, writing more, and reading more, you can improve your Eng

7、lish before you know them. 通过多读、多写、多说,你会在不知不觉中提高英语。,第二讲 第七课时 如何写好状语,三、从句作状语状语从句 在复合句中起状语作用的从句叫状语从句。状语从句按其 意义可分为时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、条件、比 较、方式、让步等种类。,I hope you will make efforts to overcome all kinds of difficulties, no matter how hard it is. 我希望你能努力克服各种困难别管它们多么艰难。,第二讲 第七课时 如何写好状语,Young as he is, he knows

8、 a lot. 虽然他很小,但他知道得很多。,Once I get him a job, hell be fine. 一旦我帮他找到了工作,他就会好的。,第二讲 第七课时 如何写好状语,I will go with you on condition that you give me a sum of money. 我和你一起去的条件是你给我一些钱。 句式升级 恰当地运用高级连词可以提高句子的档次。 You can use my car if you return on time. You can use my car on condition that/as long as you retur

9、n on time.,By the time you came back, I had finished reading this book. 到你回来时,我已经读完了这本书。,第二讲 第七课时 如何写好状语,练一练 我正在欣赏周围的美景时,某种不愉快的事吸引了我的眼球。(2012浙江书面表达) _ _ 尽管对简陋的校园和配备不好的教室感到失望,但我发现老师们都很耐心和体贴。(2012湖北短文写作) _ _ _,When I was enjoying the fantastic scenery around, something unpleasant caught my eyes.,Disap

10、pointed as I felt at the shabby campus and the poorly equipped classroom, I found the teachers patient and considerate.,第二讲 第七课时 如何写好状语,.基础巩固(根据汉语意思完成句子) 1在你的工作完成以前你不能离开。 You cannot leave . 2他没有努力学习,以至于考试不及格。 He didnt study hard, . 3如果你快点,就能按时参加聚会。 , you will arrive at the party on time.,until your

11、work is finished,so that he failed in the exam,If you hurry up,第二讲 第七课时 如何写好状语,4尽管他很年轻,但是他能做好。 , he can do it well. 5沿着这条街走,直到你到达尽头为止。 Go along this street you reach the end. 6风是如此猛烈,以至于我们寸步难行。 The wind was we could hardly move forward.,Though he is young/Young as (though) he is,until,so strong that

12、,第二讲 第七课时 如何写好状语,.能力提升 1按要求翻译句子 (1)今天我们在课堂上就琥珀屋是否该归还给俄国进行了一次 辩论会。(介词短语作状语) _ (2)有些学生认为它应该立即归还俄国。(副词作状语) _ _,A debate about whether the Amber Room should be returned to Russia was held in our class today.,Some students believe that it should be returned to Russia immediately.,第二讲 第七课时 如何写好状语,(3)因为普鲁士

13、国王把它送给了彼得大帝,因此它属于俄国人。 (because引导原因状语从句) _ (4)作为琥珀屋的故乡,德国有权利拥有它。(现在分词作状语) _ _,Because the King of Prussia gave it to Peter Great, it belongs to the Russian people.,Being the home of the Amber Room,Germany has the right to keep it.,第二讲 第七课时 如何写好状语,(5)在我看来,俄国应该是它的归属地,因为它是被当作礼物 给俄国的。(as far as和because引导

14、状语从句) _ _,As far as Im concerned, Russia is the very place it should go to because Russia got it as a gift from Prussia.,第二讲 第七课时 如何写好状语,2选用以上句子组建短文介绍关于琥珀屋是否应该归还俄国的辩论 参考范文: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,A debate about whether the Amber Room should be returned to Russia was held in our class today. Because the K

15、ing of Prussia gave it to Peter Great, it belongs to the Russian people. So some students believe that it should be returned to Russia immediately. But the other students have the opposite view. They believe that being the home of the Amber Room,Germany has the right to keep it. As far as Im concerned, Russia is the very place it should go to because Russia got it as a gift from Prussia.,


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