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1、社 会 医 学,讲课内容,一、社会医学的定义 二、社会医学的研究内容 三、社会医学的任务 四、社会医学的发展简史 五、社会医学与相关学科,一、社会医学的定义,提问: 你以前接触过社会医学吗? 你认为社会医学可能是研究什么的? 社会医学工作者可能会干哪些工作?,一、社会医学的定义,从社会的角度,应用社会科学的理论和方法研究人类健康和疾病的一门医学和社会学的交叉学科。,What is medicine? 什么是医学,The science related to the diagnosis understanding prevention treatment of illness.,What is

2、social medicine? 什么是社会医学?,Medicine,sociology,社会学 政治学 经济学 伦理学 管理学,基础医学 临床医学 预防医学,举例:肺结核病的流行现状,中国有三分之一的人口曾经感染过肺结核。 每年约有130万新发肺结核病例。 每年因肺结核死亡人数约为13万。 2000年,全国活动性肺结核人数为500万,其中150万为痰涂片阳性。 资料来源:2000年全国结核病流行病学调查,肺结核病:生物医学-个体,病因:肺结核杆菌 疾病表现: 症状、体征:咳嗽、咯痰三周。低热、盗汗、痰中带血、乏力 检查:痰涂片、痰培养阳性;X光阴影 治疗:联合化疗,哪些人容易得肺结核病?,性

3、别? 年龄? 文化程度? 婚姻状况? 收入? 职业? 居住条件?,为什么这些人容易得病?,病因(社会的): 贫困、受教育程度低、职业风险、有病不医(看病贵) 深层次原因:社会保障制度、医疗服务体系 社会后果: 个体支出增加、收入减少,劳动力丧失、社会地位下降 群体经济和社会生产力丧失GDP损失、贫富差距加大增长限制、发展延缓,对付肺结核病,我们怎么办?,社会卫生策略 知识普及 消除贫困 普及社会保障 改善医疗服务体系,二、社会医学的研究内容,1、研究社会卫生状况,主要是人群健康状况。 经济状况和社会卫生条件 人口状况 卫生服务 卫生行为 居民健康状况,二、社会医学的研究内容,2、研究影响人群健

4、康的因素,尤其是社会因素。 您认为影响人群健康的因素有哪些? 1、2社会诊断,Human being is more of the social creature than the animal. its social attribute is the fundamental nature. New concept of Health by WHO 1948: Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmit

5、y.,Why we need to look at the social factors?,人的本质属性:在于其社会属性 WHO: 1948新的健康定义: 健康是: 身体 心理 社会 的完好状态,而不仅是没有疾病或身体虚弱而已。,人类的双重属性 The dual nature of human beings,Aristotle : human beings are, by nature, social animals 社会属性 Social nature 生物属性 Biological nature Does it matter to health?,Whats Relationship be

6、tween social factors and health? WHO put forward: Social determinants for Health,Politics Economy Culture Environment Social security system Life style and behaviors Health care system,政治 经济 文化 环境 社会保障制度 生活方式和行为 卫生保健体制,霍普金斯大学的研究小组通过对伊拉克全国47个区进行调查走访形成的报告认为,美国发动伊拉克战争造成了65.5万伊拉克人死亡,平均每天死亡500人,人口爆炸!,非洲难

7、民,美国哥伦比亚大学教授、联合国前秘书长安南的特别顾问JEFFREY SACHS先生,SACHS教授说:2003年的发展议题被挤出了国际议程,战争与反恐取代了发展。 艾滋病每天夺去数以千计的生命,由于贫困买不起挽救生命的药品而死亡; “911”灾难夺走了3000多人的生命,从而主宰了两年多的世界议程。 世界上每天有20,000多人死于贫困、疾病、灾害 世界军费开支将达9000亿美元,而用于发展援助为500亿美元,用于艾滋病防治仅10亿美元。,Rudolf Virchow: German pathologist,1. Social and economic conditions profound

8、ly impact health, disease and the practice of medicine. 2. The health of the population is a matter of social concern. 3. Society should promote health through both individual and social means.,1. 社会经济条件对健康、疾病和医学实践具有深刻的影响; 2. 群体的健康应该成为社会关注的内容; 3. 社会应该通过个人和社会的手段来改善人群健康。,二、社会医学的研究内容,3、社会卫生对策及措施 社会处方,三

9、、社会医学的任务 The tasks of social medicine,倡导积极的健康观 弘扬正确的医学模式 发现社会卫生问题 制定卫生政策和策略 常见病的社会防治 促进人群健康 加强社会医学教育,四、社会医学发展史 The history of social medicine,Embryonic stage of social medicine Establishment & development of social medicine Development of social medicine in China,社会医学的萌芽 社会医学的创立和发展 我国社会医学的发展,Embryon

10、ic stage of social medicine 萌芽时期,“Air, Water and Places” stress on the impacts of environment, wind direction, sunlight, water quality and citizens life style on peoples health. - “It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has.”,Hippocr

11、ates, born in 460 bc , father of modern medicine.,Pathogenesis of disease and the role of doctors,The external influences of food and drink and climatic factors of excessive heat and cold influence internal mechanisms. The role of the physician was to restore the equilibrium of health. The Humoural

12、theory was a holistic view.,饮食和气候等外部因素可以通过影响人类的内在机制而起左右。 医生的职责是恢复健康平衡; 四体液学说体现了整体医学观,Embryonic stage of social medicine 萌芽时期,1. Galen: focus on psychological factors upon health; 2.Peter Frank: miserable life is the hotbed of diseases; “the National Supervision System”supervision plangovernment meas

13、ures to protect public health First person put forward: adopt social health measures to control disease,古罗马医师盖伦:重视心理因素对健康的影响; 德国社会卫生学家:弗兰克: 悲惨的生活是疾病的温床; : 用医学监督计划使政府采取措施保护公众的健康; 第一个提出社会卫生措施,社会医学的建立和发展 Establishment and development of Social Medicine,Frenchman Jules Guerin: first person Social medici

14、ne Scattered medical supervision; public health and forensic medicine should be integrated into Social medicine: divided into 4 parts: Social physiology Social pathology Social hygiene Social therapeutics,法国医生儒勒.盖林第一次提出社会医学; 建议将分散的医学监督、公共卫生、法医学构成一个整体:社会医学分为四个部分; 社会生理学; 社会病理学; 社会卫生学; 社会治疗学。,德国病理学家 魏尔

15、啸 German Pathologist: Rudolf Virchow,The kernel of medical science is social science “Medicine is a social science Politics is nothing more than medicine in broad sense Best method of medicine is to combine medicine with social life and political activities,医学科学的核心是社会科学 医学是一门社会科学;任何社会都应对居民的健康负责 政治学是

16、广义上的医学 实现医学目标的最好的办法是将医学和社会生活和政治活动结合起来,德国:格罗蒂杨 German A.Grotjahn,Put forward theory of social pathology Write : “ social Pathology” suggests that disease should be studied from the standpoint of social view; Is a first person given lecture on social hygiene,提出社会病理学的理论和概念; 用社会观点研究人类疾病的原则 首次在柏林大学开设社会卫生

17、学讲座,Germany: Birthplace of social medicine,Before WWII Social hygiene Social medicine Laterbecome social medicine,德国是社会医学的发源地 二战前:使用社会卫生学和社会医学 后改为社会医学,社会医学在各国的发展 Development of Social Medicine in different countries,In UK, course of social medicine is offered, social medicine research institute was

18、established in Oxford University Professor John Ryle: all public health, industrial health, social health and medical care belong to social medicine In 1960s, social medicine was changed into community medicine,英国: 40s 开设社会医学, 在牛津大学成立社会医学研究院; 牛津大学赖尔教授:公共卫生、工业卫生、社会卫生服务、公共医疗事业都属于社会医学的范畴; 60s社会医学改成社区医学

19、。,社会医学在美国的发展 In United States,Medical sociology and family medicine developed Emphasis on sociology, management and economics Social medicine was included in the course of health management and health policy,医学社会学和家庭医学得到了发展 强调社会学、管理学和经济学 社会医学包含在卫生管理学和卫生政策学的讲座内容中,社会医学在中国的发展 Social medicine in China,I

20、n 50s, course of Health Care Organization is a compulsory course for medical student,; In 80s, Ministry of Health set up 6 training centre of health administration, social medicine was the main course; 90% of medical college offered course in social medicine.,50年代:保健组织学作为医学生的必修课,成立保健组织教研组 80年代:卫生部成立

21、6所卫生管理干部培训中心,社会医学成为主干课程 90%以上的医学院开设了社会医学课程,Preventive medicine Health management Community medicine Medical sociology Medical psychology Clinical Medicine,社会医学与其他相关学科的关系 The relationship between social medicine and other related subjects,预防医学 卫生管理学 社区医学 医学社会学 医学心理学 临床医学,Preventive Medicine,1、预防医学(Pr

22、eventive Medicine) 传统预防医学 传染病(第一次卫生革命) (生物预防) 传统预防医学 社会医学 社会医学使预防医学注入了生命活力,现代预防医学 (整体预防),慢性病(第二次卫生革命),成功,Health Management,2、卫生管理学(Health Management) 社会卫生状况 发现问题 社会因素与疾病和健康 分析原因 社会卫生措施 制订政策 运作、实施 解决问题 卫生管理学,社会医学,国内两者是姊妹学科或一个学科:社会医学与卫生事业管理(学位点) 国外:health policy and management,Community Medicine,3、社区医

23、学(Community Medicine) 联系与相同点: (1)群体观 (2)内容的一致性:社区是小社会 区别:社区医学更侧重于卫生保健实践,Medical Sociology,4、医学社会学(Medical Sociology) 医学社会学是研究医疗卫生服务中的人际关系(如医护关系、医患关系等)对医疗卫生工作的影响,以提高医疗卫生服务的效率。两者都以社会因素作为重要研究内容。其区别在于: (1)学科性质不同; (2)起源及时代背景不同; (3)研究的对象不同。,Medical Psychology,联系: 基于社会心理因素与健康的关系,两门学科交叉。 区别: 学科归属不同,社会医学与临床医

24、学的比较,社会医学:群体 social medicine: mainly target at population level 发现社会问题社会诊断 Identify social problemsocial diagnosis 社会医学分析了解社会成因 Social medical analysisfind out social causes 社会医学综合处方 Social comprehensive therapy,临床医学:主要针对个体 Clinical medicine: mainly target at individual level 了解个体健康问题医学诊断 Identify i

25、ndividual health problem-medical diagnosis 开展病因学分析: 主要是生物学病因分析 Etiological analysis: biological causes analysis 制定医学处方 Provide medical prescription,社会工作专业与社会医学,在你的专业中,需要社会医学吗?可以应用在哪些方面?,本章学习重点,1、社会医学定义 2、社会医学的研究内容是什么? 3、社会的任务是什么? 4、社会医学发展史上的几个重要人物与事件?,社会医学授课内容、方式等,1、授课内容 2、授课方式:参与式教学 3、纪律要求 4、课程记分,第

26、二章,医学模式与医学模式的转变,讲课内容,一、医学模式概述 二、历史上几种主要的医学模式 三、现代医学模式,一、医学模式概述,1、概念 模式(MODEL):某一领域中科学地指导人们获取知识和解决问题的概念、假设和法则。 医学模式(MEDICAL MODEL):人们关于健康和疾病的基本态度、基本观点和基本看法。,一、医学模式概述,2、医学模式的主要内容 1)对健康和生命的价值判断 2)健康和疾病的确定 3)对健康和疾病归因和解释 4)求医行为和治疗方式的选择 5)对预后的估计,二、 医学模式的演变过程 Evolution of Medical Model:,神灵主义的医学模式 ( Spiritu

27、alism medical model) 自然哲学的医学模式 (Nature philosophical medical model) 机械论的医学模式 (Mechanistic medical model) 生物医学模式 (Biomedical model) 生物心理社会医学模式 (Bio-psycho-social medical model)。,a.神灵主义医学模式 Spiritualism medical model How to look at health and disease?,Life and health is bestowed by the God Disease is

28、caused by supernatural powers Once offend the gods, or disfavored by the gods , disease is in the form of the punishment by the gods Possession of evil spirits, demons or monsters etc,生命和健康由神所赐; 疾病是由超自然的力量所引起的; 人触犯神灵时,疾病代表神灵的惩罚; 疾病是妖魔鬼怪附体。,Spiritualism medical model,Treatment: Pray to God and spirit

29、s for bless, forgiveness & their protection Resort to natural plants or minerals for treatment, most is of emetic and cathartic Banish the spirits and ghosts that cause plague,治疗方法: 乞求神灵的祝福、宽恕和保护 服用具有催吐和导泻作用的植物或矿物质 驱逐瘟神疫鬼,1、神灵主义医学模式 spiritualism medical model,讨论:为何神灵主义医学模式至今仍具有重要的影响?,为何神灵主义医学模式至今仍具有

30、重要的影响?,提供疾病标准化的、当事人及社会能接受的解释,提示处理方法及预后。 医学仍存在许多未知的领域 群众医学知识的缺乏 医疗需求与供给的差距(无法购买昂贵的医疗服务) 较强的心理安慰作用 社会整合和社会控制作用 文化继承与侵袭的长时间性,b.自然哲学的医学模式 Naturalistic philosophical medical,THE FIVE elements the physical universe, can be reduced to five elements:wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Physical universe as

31、divisible into two broad categories that were both opposite and complementary. The two poles of material phenomena were labeled, “Yin and Yang.“,中国的阴阳 五行学病理学说建立,世界是由什么组成的? What is the world made of?,Chinese Philosophy Five Elements support and destroy each other,coordinate to each other Metal: cutti

32、ng, hard, conducting Wood: growing, flexible, rooted, strong Water: wet, cool, descending Fire: dry, hot, ascending, moving Earth: productive, fertile, potential for growth,中国哲学 五行相生相克、相关协调 金 木 水 火 土,阴和阳 世界观 相生相克,中医对疾病的看法 TCM view of diseases,Illness as an imbalance of two types of energy yin and ya

33、ng which simultaneously exist in everyone and everything and within each other. Yin represents the cold, slow, or passive principle, yang represents the hot, excited, or active principle. Health is a “balanced state“ and that disease is due to an internal imbalance of yin and yang.,中医理论的发病机制,致病的外因:

34、external causes of diseases,The Causes of disharmony External Causes : Six external evils wind, cold, heat damp, dryness, fire,失调的原因 外因:六淫 风 寒 暑 湿 燥 火,西方疾病学说: Western theory of diseases,all matter could be reduced to the basic elements earth, fire, air and water cold, hot, dry and wet; four humour o

35、f phlegm, blood, black bile and yellow bile. Health-mutual balance Disease-disorder,自然界万物之源: 水、火、土、气 对应冷、热、干、湿 人体内的:粘液、血液、黄胆汁、黑胆汁相对应 健康、疾病、性格与四体液的数量、比例变化有关 引起体液失衡的原因有先天、环境以及营养失调等,Humoural theory by Hippocrates,Four *bodily* fluids: phlegm, blood, yellow bile and black bile. Disease, in essence, beco

36、mes a state in which one of these four bodily fluids (humour) *overpowers* the others.,四体液学说:粘液、血液、黄胆汁、黑胆汁 疾病的本质是:体液之间的失衡状态,The role of Hippocrates on Modern Medicine,Causes of disease could be internal, relating to faulty aspects of diet and exercise External factors: relating to the forces of clim

37、ate, winds, water and the seasons.,致病因素内因:饮食和锻炼方面存在问题 外因:环境因素:气候的变化,风、水、季节等,自然哲学的医学模式西方世界 Naturalistic philosophical medical,Hippocrates: Airs, Waters, and Places , instead of ascribing diseases to divine origin, discusses their environmental causes. A towns weather, drinking water, and site along t

38、he paths of favorable winds can help a physician ascertain the general health of citizens.,希波克拉底:空气、水、地域 探讨环境、天气、水、风向等与健康的关系,The role of Hippocrates on Modern Medicine,Hippocrates reject that: diseases have a supernatural cause. first person to perceive a relationship between cause and effect in a m

39、echanistic way Providing the foundation for modern scientific notions of disease causation.,疾病的致病因素的研究推进的医学的发展,否认疾病的产生是超自然力量导致的; 以机械的眼光看待疾病的因果关系 为现代医学的疾病因果理论奠定了基础,Significance of Hippocrates,The theory of humour is the first theory which attempts to *integrate* a natural theory of metaphysics with e

40、mpirical first-hand observations of disease. It essentially marks the origin of the *integration* of Western medicine with early Greek naturalistic science . The pathogenesis of disease is no longer mystical and inexplicable unnatural causes (demons, gods, etc.),第一次将纯粹的哲学与对疾病的观察结合起来 标志着西医与希腊自然哲学的结合

41、疾病的发病机理不再是神秘的、无法解释的超自然力量,Significance of Hippocrates,preceded to it: a primarily mystical approach to disease which was characterized by the worship of gods, the fending off of evil demons it successfully separated Western medicine from-a primarily mystical approach to disease . marks the beginning

42、of a rational pathophysiology,希波克拉底之前:疾病是由神秘的超自然力量导致 希波克拉底及其创立的学说将西医与原始的神秘主义分割开来 标志理性病理生理学的真正开端,c.机械论的医学模式 Mechanistic Medical Model,Mechanistic view of the body Ill health is treated as the mechanical failure of some part of one or more of these interdependent systems and the medical task is to rep

43、air the damage.,背景 Background,A Shift in Ideas Growing acceptance of a developing scientific model. Development of research, observation, technology New ways of thinking about disease and the body.,思想观念的转变 对不断发展的科学模式的日益认可 研究、观察、技术等科学和技术的不断发展 从新的角度来看待疾病和健康,机械论的医学模式 Mechanistic Medical Model R. Descar

44、tes 笛卡尔,From the point of view of movement: Human body is a machine with more parts, but not more alive, than any man-made automata, meaning a machine that moves itself.,从运动的角度: 人体是由许多部分组成的机器,是自己发动自己的机器,笛卡尔的二元理论 Dualistic Interaction of Body and Mind,To Descartes, man was a mind united with a body,

45、the two interacting with each other. Mind and body are two separate things which makes the consideration dualistic. These two things or parts interact, and each affects the other. Medicine should pay more attention to body than its mind.,代表人物及其主要观点:,Descartes: Animal is Machine Lamterry: Human is Ma

46、chine, a machine start up itself Regard life activities as machine movement Protect health is just as the same way of protecting a machine Diseases: in a state when machine breakdown and body out of order, therefore need to be repaired,笛卡尔:动物是机器 拉美特利;人是机器 是自己发动自己的机器。 将生命活动比作机器的运动 对健康的保护与保护机器的原理一致 疾病

47、:机器出现故障和失灵 医学:对出现故障的部分和零件的修补,d. Biomedical model,Mind/Body dualism: Medicine should focus on measuring cells biochemical changes by precise technique, explain symptom, interfere changes to recover the health; Reductionism: disintegrates human body to different organ, cells and molecular, the physica

48、l and chemical changes at molecular levels can explain the causality of functional changes of body; Disease is regarded as a static results between its cause and effects,二元论:人的身体和精神应有合理的分工,医学应研究如何通过精密的技术测量细胞生物化学的变化,来解释病人的症状与体征,干预这些变化来恢复健康; 还原论:将人体分解为器官、细胞、分子,复杂的生命现象必须用物理的、化学的方法来解释功能改变的因果关系; 疾病是静止的因果

49、结局。,生物医学模式下生命科学的大发展 Boom of Life science,Germ theory Physiology Anatomy Histology Embryology Pathology Immunology Genetics Molecular Biology,细菌学理论 生理学 解剖学 组织学 胚胎学 病理学 免疫学 遗传学 分子生物学,Achievements under bio-medical model 外科学三大难题被攻破,Three big issues in surgery ache Infection Blood loss,外科手术 三大难题: 疼痛 感染 失血,巴斯德:细菌理论 Pasteur : Germ Theory,diseases were transmitted by micro-organisms


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