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1、指導教授,博士班研究生 呂 新 科,謝 清 佳,Toward An Integrated Theoretical Model of Information System Evaluation,資訊系統評鑑理論模型之研究,Toward An Integrated Theoretical Model of Information System Evaluation,資訊系統評鑑理論模型之研究,研究主題,Outlines,1. Briefing of ISE and Its status quo,Definition,Motivations,Surrogates for IS Success,2.

2、Dimension of IS Evaluation,Scope Dimension,Time / Stage Dimension,Stakeholder / Interest Group Dimension,相關研究背景,相關研究背景,定 義,研究動機,資訊系統成功之代理構念,範疇構面,時間/階段構面,利害關係人構面,3. IS Evaluation Frameworks and Models,資訊系統評鑑理論架構及模型,4. Research Methodology and Design,研究方法與設計,5. Expected Research Results,預期研究成果,Evaluat

3、ion: 系統化程序用以評估特定活動的效率及效能,同時也依比照的基準規範做出價值判斷 (McClure, “Measurement and evaluation.“ In American Library Association Yearbook, vol. 9, 1984.),資訊系統評鑑是一個社會性內含程序,它結合正式程序與非制式評量,進而輔助評鑑者能理解組織的情況;不同強調流程觀點,Serafeimidis and Smithson更強調評鑑過程中社會化建構的特質。 (Serafeimidis and Smithson,2000),1. Briefing of ISE and Its s

4、tatus quo,Definition,相關研究背景,定 義,IS Evaluation: 屬連續性或不同時點發生的程序,用以詳盡地確認資訊科技專案對組織的所有質性或量化性質的影響及其效益,其中包含許多子程序,而這些程序可能同時運作或者在不同時間發生 (Farbey et al, 1999; Willcocks and Lester, 1994),1. Briefing of ISE and Its status quo,Definition,相關研究背景,定 義,解決問題: 針對問題審視評量將有助於問題的修正,資訊科技評鑑扮演重要角色以確保資訊系統的成功(Remenyi et al., 1

5、997) 評鑑協助解決任何已經發生的問題 (Niederman et al.,1991)。 持續改善: Serafeimidis and Smithson(2000)認為善用資訊科技評鑑能有效地將資訊系統採用程序提昇為持續改善的流程,讓適切的分析資料能有效地突顯採用程序中的各種困難,進而提供調整的措施,同時讓採用程序轉化為一種組織調適行為(Organizational Adapted Behavior)。 凝聚認同: 經由評鑑的實作過程,透過組織內外不同的利害關係人持續性溝通,將資訊科技推導成功的結構、驅動因素、及其間的互動關聯具體地呈現,對資訊科技實施成功具有促進的機制(Khalifa et

6、 al., 2003) 。 管理控制: Irani and Love(2001)也將資訊科技評鑑視為組織科技管理機制的關鍵環節,做為偏誤與修正的操作基礎。許多學者也將持續參與性評量措施視為提昇資訊科技價值的重要方法(Remenyi and Sherwood-Smith, 1999; Shah, 2001)。另一個將評量視為資訊科技效益管理的實例,資訊科技管制程序(IT governance processes) (Luftman and Brier 1999; Willcocks et al. 1997)。Vitale (2001)更將資訊科技管制定義的更精簡,視其為一系列資訊科技策略決策之程

7、序,以及監控資訊科技績效。,Functions of ISE,1. Briefing of ISE and Its status quo,相關研究背景,1. Briefing of ISE and Its status quo,相關研究背景,Key Issues in MIS Research,Effectiveness of ISE 許多高層主管對資訊科技預算及支出的急速成長又無法找到適合的工具衡量其效益,感到 憂心與挫折。(Willcocks and Lester, 1999) 。 Limited Budget 組織對資訊科技評鑑極有限的經費(Khalifa, et al, 2000)。

8、Interweave with Business Process 資訊科技越來越整合進組織總體的營運流程,與組織營流程更多構面的結合, 廣度及深度的 增強造成系統成效的衡量不易,同時也越難評量實質效益; (Khalifa, et al, 2000)。 Deferred Effect 影響效益的因果關聯(Causal Chain)及其遞延效應(Deferred Effect)都會讓資訊系統評鑑品質受到影響 (Brynjolfsson ,1993) 。 Tangible and Intangible Benefits 質性指標評量不易,潛在效益及成本也經常被忽略,造成評鑑的周延及完整性受質疑。,B


10、ATE USE,How IT Creates Business Value : A Process Theory (Soh and Markus, 1995),Value Framework of IS,價值架構,2. Dimension of IS Evaluation,相關研究背景,ISSM,System Quality,Use,Information Quality,User Satisfaction,Individual Impact,Organizational Impact,DeLone and McLean IS Success Model DeLone and McLean,

11、1992,Success Model,資訊系統成功架構,2. Dimension of IS Evaluation,相關研究背景,Focus,Stakeholders,Time,Value of IS,2. Dimension of IS Evaluation,相關研究背景,Value of IS,Dimension of IS Evaluation,相關研究背景,Dimension Matrix of ISE,External socio-economic environment,External technology environment,Structure,Strategy,Indiv

12、iduals,Technology,Management,A conceptual model of technology impact Scott Morton 1984,Focus Dimension in ISE Technology Impact Model,Focus Dimension in ISE SMOT,Structurational Model of Technology包含三個組成成分: 人(human agent)、科技(technology)、組織的制度屬性(Institutional)。,Institutional Properties,Technology,Hum

13、an Agents,d,a,b,c,Orlikowski,IT System,Documentation,Evaluator,User Perceptions,Observations Of Interaction,Four Possible data source for IT-System in Use,IT System,Documentation,Evaluator,Two Possible data source for IT-System in Use,2. Dimension of IS Evaluation,Scope Dimension,相關研究背景,範疇構面,Data So

14、urces of ISE,OUTCOMES,Measuring the Realistic Value and Perceived Value of Information Adapted From Niv Ahituv, 1989,Decisions Actions,Decision Maker,Information System,DATA,Real World,Point of Measure,Point of Measure,Perceived,Realistic,2. Dimension of IS Evaluation,相關研究背景,Point of Measure,Time /

15、Stage Dimension,時間/階段構面,Mohamed Khalifa, and ,Vanessa Liu, “SATISFACTION WITH INTERNET-BASED SERVICES: A LONGITUDINAL STUDY,“ 2001 Twenty-Second International Conference on Information Systems,Satisfaction At Adoption,Perceived Performance At Adoption,Satisfaction After Usage,Perceived Performance A

16、fter Usage,Post-Adoption Expectation,Post-Adoption Expectation Disconfirmation,Post-Adoption Desires,Post-Adoption Desire Disconfirmation,Pre-Adoption Desires,Pre-Adoption Desire Disconfirmation,Pre-Adoption Expectations,Pre-Adoption Expectation Disconfirmation,At Adoption,After Usage,2. Dimension o

17、f IS Evaluation,相關研究背景,At / After Adoption,Time / Stage Dimension,時間/階段構面,Limayem, et al(2003),Attitude,Behavioral Intention,Initial Use,Subjective Norm,Perceived Behavioral Control,Perceived Usefulness,Habit,IS Continuance,Satisfaction,Continuance Intention,Confirmation,Adoption and Post-adoption M

18、odel,Adoption,Post - Adoption,Directed Effects Moderated Effects,2. Dimension of IS Evaluation,相關研究背景,At / After Adoption,Time / Stage Dimension,時間/階段構面,Liu and Arnett(1998),Attractiveness,Trustfulness,Satisfaction,Information Quality,Learning Capability,Playfulness,System Quality,System Use,Service

19、 Quality,Behavioral Intention,Design Quality Of Website,Item I : Item n,Item I : Item n,Item I : Item n,Item I : Item n,Item I : Item n,Item I : Item n,Pre-Sales,Online-Sales,After-Sales,Say Good things,Recommend Sites,Spend more Money,Remain Loyal,Evaluation : Design Quality of The Web Sites,2. Dim

20、ension of IS Evaluation,相關研究背景,Pre / At / After Adoption,Time / Stage Dimension,時間/階段構面,Focus,Stakeholders,Time,Value of IS,2. Dimension of IS Evaluation,相關研究背景,Value of IS,Cotterman and Kumar(1989)為了能更精確地評量端末使用者運算的風險,提出 了更具統合性的端末使用者分類架構(End-user Taxonomy)User Cube,這個 架構以開發(Development)、操作(Operation

21、)、控制(Control)三個維度為界軸, 將使用者以23劃分為8種使用者類型;,Types of End Users,2. Dimension of IS Evaluation,相關研究背景,User Cube,Stakeholder / Interest Group Dimension,利害關係人構面,2. Dimension of IS Evaluation,相關研究背景,Integrated Table of Stakeholders,Stakeholder / Interest Group Dimension,利害關係人構面,MEASURE IS Value,Value Framew

22、ork of IS,價值架構,Value Flow Model,Value Flows Process-Driven & Market-Driven,VALUATION BARRIERS Organizational and Industry,Potential Value,CONVERSION BARRIERS Resources, Knowledge & Usage,Realized Value,Value Flow Model Adapted from Chircus and Kauffman, 2000 ,MEASURE BIOS Quantitative, Qualitative,

23、Combined,Measured Value,Planned,Realized,Measured,2. Dimension of IS Evaluation,相關研究背景,ISSM,System Quality,Use,Information Quality,User Satisfaction,Individual Impact,Organizational Impact,DeLone and McLean IS Success Model DeLone and McLean, 1992,2. Dimension of IS Evaluation,相關研究背景,Performance Flo

24、w and Measure Flow,Surrogates for IS Success,資訊系統成功之代理構念,OUTCOMES,Performance Flow and Measure Flow of IS Value Adapted from : Niv Ahituv, 1989; Chircus and Kaufmann, 2000; DeLone and McLean, 1992,Decisions Actions,Information,Information System,Context,System Developers,Auditors,Realized Value,Perc

25、eived Value,IS,Information,Usage,Performance,Info Quality,System Quality,Service Quality,Service,Attitude,Use,Individual Impact,Org Impact,Performance Drivers,Performance,Performance Flow,Measure Flow,2. Dimension of IS Evaluation,相關研究背景,Focus,Stakeholders,Time,Value of IS,Surrogate,Observers,Surrog

26、ate for Value of IS,2. Dimension of IS Evaluation,相關研究背景,人除了能做為取得或萃取個人觀感、認知、滿意度、心態等資訊外,亦 可經由人取得組織內其它元素的影響狀態,然而此時人將以其所能客觀 感受到的差異結合個人的認知判斷, 而呈現出其它維度的狀態值.,TIM and SMOT in User Evaluation,Surrogates for IS Success,資訊系統成功之代理構念,2. Dimension of IS Evaluation,相關研究背景,Self-Report,Interview,Observation,Strateg

27、y,Technology,Management,Structure,Individual,Business Value of IT,Perceived Value of IT,Evaluated Value of IT,Intervention,Non-Intervention,User Evaluation As Surrogate,Surrogates for IS Success,資訊系統成功之代理構念,User Evaluation As Surrogate to IT Effectiveness,2. Dimension of IS Evaluation,相關研究背景,Perceiv

28、ed Net Benefit As a Surrogate of IS Success Seddon(1995),Perceived Net Benefit,IS Use,Individual, Organizational and Social Impacts,External Opinions,Individual, Organizational, and Social Impacts,Personal Experience,Benefits-From-Use-As-Success,Surrogates for IS Success,資訊系統成功之代理構念,2. Dimension of

29、IS Evaluation,相關研究背景,Mohamed Khalifa, and ,Vanessa Liu, “detreminants of satisfaction at different adoption stages of Internet-based services,“Journal of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 4 No. 5, pp. 206-232/October 2003,Satisfaction At Adoption,Perceived Performance At Adoption,Desire D

30、isconfirmation,Expectation Disconfirmation,Satisfaction-From-Use-As-Success,Surrogates for IS Success,資訊系統成功之代理構念,2. Dimension of IS Evaluation,相關研究背景,Goodhue and Klein(2000),User Evaluations of Task-Technology Fit,Task-Technology Fit Task-Technology Technology-Individual Task-Individual,Task,Techno

31、logy,Individual,Performance,Task-Technology-Fit-As-Success,Surrogates for IS Success,資訊系統成功之代理構念,2. Dimension of IS Evaluation,相關研究背景,User Task Interaction Information Need,System Task Interaction Task Technology Fit,User System Interaction System Satisfaction,ORG. Task Interaction Task Value,User O

32、rg. Interaction Job Satisfaction,System ORG. Interaction System Support,Utilization,Utilization Prediction Model Stteheimer and Cleveland, 1998,A,C,F,D,E,G,H,I,B,7. T. Stteheimer and A. Cleveland. Modeling utilization of Planned Information Technology. University of North Texas, 1998.,Usage-of-IS-As

33、-Success,Surrogates for IS Success,資訊系統成功之代理構念,2. Dimension of IS Evaluation,相關研究背景,A Taxonomy of ISE Researches,Research Streams of ISE,US / UIS / EUCS / ET / ECT,User Satisfaction Research Stream,TRA / TAM / TPB / TAM2,Behavioral Intention Research Stream,AST,Structuration Research Stream,IDT,Diff

34、usion Research Stream,TTF,Fit Research Stream,ISSM,IS Success Research Stream,使用者滿意研究流派,行為意向研究流派,結構行動研究流派,創新擴散研究流派,調適互動研究流派,資訊系統成功研究流派,資訊系統評鑑研究分類架構,資訊系統評鑑之研究流派,3. IS Evaluation Frameworks and Models,資訊系統評鑑理論架構及模型,Source : 本研究,3. IS Evaluation Frameworks and Models,資訊系統評鑑理論架構及模型,Summary of ISE Resear

35、ch Streams 1/3,Research Streams of ISE,3. IS Evaluation Frameworks and Models,資訊系統評鑑理論架構及模型,Summary of ISE Research Streams 2/3,Source : 本研究,Research Streams of ISE,3. IS Evaluation Frameworks and Models,資訊系統評鑑理論架構及模型,Summary of ISE Research Streams 3/3,Source : 本研究,Research Streams of ISE,SDT: Sema

36、ntic Differential Tech. J-Satis : Job Satisfaction BPI : Balley &Pearsons Instrument IOBI : Ives, et al. short form EUCS : End-User Computing Satisfaction EDEWS: Expectation-Disconfirmation Effects on Web-Customer Satisfaction,1970,Venkatesh & Davis, 2000,Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975,TRA,TPB,TAM2,DTPB,T

37、HB,MPCU,Ajzen, 1991,DAVIS, 1986,Thompson et al., 1991,Triandis, 1977,Taylor & Todd 1995,MDM,Al-Khaldi & Olusegun, 1999,WA,1968,Goodhue, 1995,Goodhue, 1986,Hermeneutic,SHE,Heidegger, 1976,Jones and Hughes, 2000,SA,Suchman, 1993,IDT,IDT,Moore & Benbasat 1991,Rogers, 1960s,TRA: Theory of Reason Action

38、THB: TAM: Technology Acceptance Model TPB: Theory of Planned Bahavior MPCU: MDM: Multi-Discipline Method,IDT: Innovation Diffusion Theory WA: Work Adjustment ISS : IS Satisfaction TTF: Task Tech. Fit SA : Situated Action SHE: Situated Hermeneutic Evaluation,Al-Khaldi and Olusegun, 1999; Venkatesh, e

39、t al., 2003,ISS,AST,ST,SMOT,Giddens 1979,Orlikowski 1992,TAM+TTF,TTF,TAM,Dishaw & Strong 1999,DeSantics & Poole 1994,ST: Structuration Theory SMOT : Structuration Model Of Technology AST : Adaptive Structuration Theory ET: Equity Theory,XEI-M,EI-M,Joshi 1991,Hass & Hightower 2002,BPI,IOBI,Osgood, 19

40、62,Ives, et all, 1983,SDT,Wanous & Lawler, 1972,J-SATIS,Doll and Torkzadeh, 1988,ET,Adams 1963,Walster et al 1978,EUCS,Bailey & Pearson, 1983,EDEWS,ECT,McKinney et al 2002,Oliver, 1980,1980,1990,2000,1980,1990,2000,3. IS Evaluation Frameworks and Models,資訊系統評鑑理論架構及模型,Historical Review of ISE Researc

41、h Streams,Research Methodology and Design,4. Research Methodology and Design,研究方法與設計,Toward An Integrated Theoretical Model of Information System Evaluation,資訊系統評鑑理論模型之研究,4. Research Methodology and Design,研究方法與設計,General Research Framework of ISE,Theoretical Models of IS Evaluation,Fundamental Theo

42、ries (Basic Rationale ),Measure Constructs,Measurement Instrument,Synthesis,Adapted,Operationalized,Theoretical Concepts and Rationale,IS Evaluation Frameworks and Models,Practical Survey and Instruments,Theory Testing,Theory Building,Theory Building for ISE,4. Research Methodology and Design,研究方法與設

43、計,The grounded theory approach was useful because it allows a Focus on contextual and processual elements as well as the Action of key players associated with IS valuation and its evaluation.,Grounded theory,Based on the work of two sociologists: Barney Glaser and Anton Strauss (e.g., Glaser and Str

44、auss, 1967) Theory Building Oriented Methodology and Grounded on the empirical data An approach to an entire research project: In this method, data collection, analysis, and eventual theory stand in close relationship to one another. A researcher does not begin a project with a preconceived theory i

45、n mind (unless his or her purpose is to elaborate and extend existing theory). Rather, the researcher begins with an area of study and allows the theory to emerge from the data (Strauss and Corbin, 1998),4. Research Methodology and Design,研究方法與設計,Grounded theory,Each step of a grounded theory analys

46、is requires careful documentation Line-by-line analysis; constant checking of data against other data; open, axial and selective coding; extensive use of diagrams; theoretical memos The importance of staying close to the data The process is creative Aims to recognize the complexities, contradictions

47、 and ambiguities of human actions,4. Research Methodology and Design,研究方法與設計,Grounded theory,紮根理論被視為質化方法中最科學的一種方法(Hammersley, 1989) 意指它十分遵循科學原則(例如歸納與演繹並用的推理過程)、比較的原則、假設驗證與理論建立。 Strauss進而在及二書中指出,紮根法是一面搜集資料,一面檢驗的連續循環過程,而且在程序裡已蘊含著檢驗手續。,4. Research Methodology and Design,研究方法與設計,The Process of Building

48、Grounded Theory,4. Research Methodology and Design,研究方法與設計,The Interrelated Processes to Build Grounded Theory,Naresh R. Pandit *, “The Creation of Theory: Recent Application of the Grounded Theory Method,” The Qualitative Report, Volume 2, Number 4, December, 1996 (http:/www.nova.edu/ssss/QR/QR2-4/

49、pandit.html),Data Analysis,Data Ordering,Data Collection,Theoretical Sampling,Theory Development,Theory Saturation,Reach Closure,YES,NO,Step 5,Step 3,4,Step 2, 7,Step 6,Step 4-7,Comparative Analysis,Step 9,Step ,Extant Literature,Step 1,Emergent Theories,Extant Theories,本研究,4. Research Methodology and Design,研究方法與設計,主張有其內在限制,因為它斷然地排除其它類理論與其它也可能根據資料


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