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1、Unit 4 period 2基础知识A单词拼写1He took a _(扫视)at the newspaper headlines.2We care more about quality than _(数量)3He _(陈述)his views on the question at the meeting.4Most of the students are in the 1720 age _(范围)5We are making slow but _(平稳的)progress.6The kids soon _(吃完)all the food on the table.7In _(结果)of t

2、he fire, many people became homeless.8You shouldnt make a _(任意的)guess on this matter.9Theres been an upward _(趋势) in sales in the last few years.10Early warnings of rising water levels prevented another major _(大灾难)【答案】1.glance2.quantity3.stated4.range5.steady 6.consumed7.consequence8.random9.trend1

3、0.catastropheB选词填空phenomenon,oppose,steady,range,glance,consequence,tend,state,consume,flood1The change has been criticized by _ groups.2Rain and snow are _ of the weather.3There is a growing _ for people to work at home instead of in offices.4We are _ to driving while drunk.5Can you deny the truth

4、of her_?6Prices have risen _ during the past decade.7_, he took a deep breath when he saw his son coming back.8Some businessmen are already adjusting their _ to cater for the grey market.9The _,caused by three days of heavy rain, is the worst in sixty five years.10_at his map,he informed us that the

5、 next village was a mere 20 miles away.【答案】1.consumer2.phenomena3.tendency4.opposed5statement6.steadily7.Consequently8.ranges9flooding10.GlancingC句型转换1It is certain that our team will recover from the failure._ _ no doubt _ our team will recover from the failure.2Not only his friends but also Mr Whi

6、te was invited to the party.Mr White _ _ _ his friends _ invited to the party.3We depend on energy to do many things in our daily lives._ _ energy _ we depend on to do many things in our daily lives.4Theyve tried to cut down on pollution,but theres still a lot of smog in the city.Theyve tried to cut

7、 down on pollution, but theres still _ _ _ _ smog in the city.Theyve tried to cut down on pollution, but theres still smog _ _ in the city.Theyve tried to cut down on pollution, but theres still _ _ smog in the city.Theyve tried to cut down on pollution, but theres still _ smog in the city.5The illn

8、ess mainly resulted from eating too much bad food.Eating too much bad food _ _ the illness.【答案】1.There is;that2.as well as; was3.It is; that4a large quantity of/a great deal of/a great amount of in quantityquantities ofmuch5resulted in/led toD完成句子1这种危险的事态是怎么发生的?How did this dangerous state of affair

9、s_ _?2相比其他的网络游戏,是什么使得魔兽世界如此的成功呢?Why do you think World of Warcraft has been such a success when_ _other MMOs?3如果你订阅报纸,它会直接给你送到家里的。If you_ _the newspaper, itll be delivered to your home.4众多医学家和其他组织都反对克隆人。Many medical experts and other groups are_ _the idea of cloning humans.5看到你的词汇量在逐渐增长,我很高兴。Im very

10、 glad to see that your vocabulary is gradually_ _.【答案】e pared to3.subscribe to4.opposed to5.building up完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。It was an unforgettable experience that happened many years ago.Once, I_1_ a booth (售货摊) across from a wonderful comedian.His name was Moonie.He was

11、absolutely_2_, and his performance was done using nothing but_3_ and actions instead of words.I remember watching his shows and always being entertained.Even when he was having a_4_ day, the audience wasnt cooperating, or his tightrope skills werent as_5_ as he would have liked, he always_6_ to keep

12、 things funny, lively, and fresh.Thats a very_7_ thing to do, considering I watched him just do the same performances and jokes for 5 years several times a day, each weekend.When I heard it would be his last year performing at the fair, I wanted to_8_ him for all the amazing shows he had done on tha

13、t_9_ across from the booth where I worked.He was standing with the_10_ after his last show of that day, and as each person dropped a_11_ into his big basket, he was saying playfully “No, youre the greatest!” to each one.I_12_ him and dropped $20 into his basket, and he turned to me then, smiling ver

14、y brightly, and_13_ with another “No, youre the greatest!” So I looked at him_14_ and stopped him saying.“No, Moonie, you are the greatest.I have been watching your show for 5 years from that booth right over there, and here I_15_ wanted to say thank you for the years of amazing shows that you have

15、given me.”The_16_ on his face said that he was genuinely and truly_17_ by that comment.He gratefully asked me what my name was and_18_ to shake my hand.I accepted and we shared a very deep moment of mutual respect and_19_.I walked away_20_, and I knew he did too.1A.builtBranCrepaired Ddecorated2A.am

16、azing BordinaryCdisappointing Dstrange3A.quotations BsignalsCgestures Dindications4A.busy BfreeCwonderful Dbad5A.ideal BuniqueCnecessary Dvaluable6A.pretended BrefusedCmanaged Dpromised7A.simple BpuzzlingCexciting Dhard8A.visit BthankCsupport Dpraise9A.room BcastleCstage Dborder10A.children BcrowdCb

17、eggars Dpolicemen11A.flower BstoneCletter Dtip12A.approached BcomfortedCpersuaded Dsatisfied13A.covered BendedCdealt Dcontinued14A.nervously BdirectlyCcuriously Dshyly15A.never BevenCjust Dstill16A.look BembarrassmentChonesty Dsadness17A.touched BInspiredCdiscouraged Ddisturbed18A.decided BagreedCoffered Dhesitated19A.friendship BgratitudeCkindness Dsympathy20A.cheerfully BhopefullyCrespectfully Dfaithfully【答案】15BACDA610CDBCB1115DADBC1620AACBA


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