2018--2019学年人教版必修四Unit 2 Working the land Using language课时作业(2).docx

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1、Unit 2 Working the land Using language课时作业阅读理解 A Spanish for Health-care Workers Instructor: Dr. Lucia Mendez Class schedule The class is held in Room 203 every Monday and Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 8:15 p.m. You are expected to attend every class and to arrive on time. Please speak with the ins

2、tructor about any unavoidable absences. Assignments We will use the text Spanish for Health-care workers. Students are required to read one or more chapters before each class (see reading schedule). In addition, each student will prepare an oral (口述的) presentation to give to the class before the end

3、 of the term. The Language Laboratory, Room 302 is open MondayFriday from 9;30 a.m. until 8:30 p.m. In addition to attending class, each student must complete a weekly exercise in the lab. Grading There will be four to five tests throughout the term in addition to a midterm and a final exam. Missed

4、tests or exams will count against your grade; there will be no make-ups. The breakdown for calculating each students final mark is as follows: tests and exams-50 percent; oral presentation-30 percent; class participation-20 percent. A grade of B or higher is required to pass this class. Assistance o

5、utside class If you need extra help or would like to discuss anything with the instructor, my office hours (Room 302) are 5:00-6:30 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays. The Language Lab staff is also ready to help you with your assignments in addition to individual Spanish instructors. Please talk to the

6、 staff in the Language Lab for more information about instructors.1. What can we learn about the class by Dr. Lucia Mendez? A. It has no homework.B. It meets twice weekly. C. It is a one-to-one class.D. It allows make-up exams.2. Whats the standard of passing Dr. Lucia Mendezs class? A. Getting full

7、 marks for the oral presentation. B. Completing a daily exercise in the lab. C. Attending 50 percent of his classes. D. Receiving a grade of B or higher. BMinutes after the last movie ended yesterday at the Plaza Theater, employees were busy sweeping up popcorns and gathering coke cups. It was a sce

8、ne that had been repeated many times in the theaters 75-year history. This time, however, the cleanup was a little different. As one group of workers carried out the rubbish, another group began removing seats and other theater equipment in preparation for the buildings end. The film classicThe Last

9、 Picture Showwas the last movie shown in the old theater. Though the movie is 30 years old, most of the 250 seats were filled with teary-eyed audience wanting to say good-be to the old building. Theater owner Ed Bradford said he chose the movie because it seemed appropriate. The movie is set in a sm

10、all town where the only movie theater is preparing to close down. Bradford said that large modern theaters in the city made it impossible for the Plaza to compete. He added that the theaters location(位置) was also a reason.“This used to be the center of town,”he said.“Now the area is mostly office bu

11、ildings and warehouses.”Last week some city officials suggested the city might be interested in turning the old theater into a museum and public meeting place. However, these plans were abandoned because of financial problems. Bradford sold the building and land to a local development firm, which pl

12、ans to build a shopping complex on the land where the theater is located.The theater audience said good-by as Bradford locked the doors for the last time. After 75 years the Plaza Theater has shown its last movie. The theater will be missed. 3. In what way was yesterdays cleanup at the Plaza special

13、? A. It made room for new equipment. B. It marked the 75th anniversary of the theater C. It was done with the help of the audience. D. It signaled the closedown of the theater.4. Why wasThe Last Picture Showput on? A. It was an all-time classic. B. It was about the history of the town.来源:Z|xx|k.Com

14、C. The audience requested it. D. The theater owner found it suitable.5. What will probably happen to the building? A. It will be knocked down. B. It will be turned into a museum. C. It will be repaired. D. It will be sold to the city government.6. What can we infer about the audience?来源:学+科+网A. They

15、 are disappointed with BradfordB. They are sad to part with the old theater.C. They are supportive of the city officials.D. They are eager to have a shoppingcenter. CAfter years of heated debate, gray wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park. Fourteen wolves were caught in Canada and tr

16、ansported to the park. By last year, the Yellowstone wolf population had grown to more than 115 wolves. Gray wolves once were seen here and there in the Yellowstone area and much of the continental United States, but they were graduallydisplacedby human development. By the 1920s , wolves had practic

17、ally disappeared from the Yellowstone area. They went farther north into the deep forests of Canada, where there were fewer humans around.The disappearance of the wolves had many unexpected results. Deer and elk populations -major food sources (来源) for the wolf grew rapidly. These animals consumed l

18、arge amounts of vegetation(植被), which reduced plant diversity in the park. In the absence of wolves, coyote(郊狼)populations also grew quickly. The coyotes killed a large percentage of the park s red foxes, and completely drove away the park s beavers.来源:Zxxk.ComAs early as 1966, biologists asked the

19、government to consider reintroducing wolves to Yellowstone Park. They hoped that wolves would be able to control the elk(麋鹿) and coyote problems. Many farmers opposed the plan because they feared that wolves would kill their farm animals or pets. The government spent nearly 30 years coming up with a

20、 plan to reintroduce the wolves . The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service carefully monitors and manages the wolf packs in Yellowstone. Today, the debate continues over how well the gray wolf is fitting in at Yellowstone. Elk, deer, and coyote populations are down, while beavers and red forests have made

21、 a comeback. The Yellowstone wolf project has been a valuable experiment to help biologists decide whether to reintroduce wolves to other parts of the country as well.7. What is the text mainly about?A. The reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone Park.B. Plant diversity in the Yellowstone area.C. Th

22、e conflict between farmers and gray wolves.D. Wildlife research in the United States.8. What does the underlined word “displaced” in paragraph 2 mean?A. Tested. B. Separated. C. Forced out. D. Tracked down.9. What did the disappearance of gray wolves bring about?A. Preservation of vegetation. B. A d

23、ecline in the parks income.C. Damage to local ecology. D. An increase in the variety of animals.10.What is the authors attitude towards the Yellowstone wolf project?A. Doubtful. B. Positive. C. Disapproving. D. Uncaring. DFailure is probably the most exhausting experience a person ever has. There is

24、 nothing more tiring than not succeeding.We experience this tiredness in two ways: as start-up fatigue (疲惫)andperformancefatigue. In the former case, we keep putting off a task because it is either too boring or too difficult. And the longer we delay it,themore tired we feel.Such start-up fatigue is

25、 very real, even if not actually physical, not something in our muscles and bones. The solution is obvious though perhaps not easy to apply: always handle the most difficult job first.Years ago, I was asked to write 102 essays on the great ideas of some famous authors. Applying my own rule, I determ

26、ined to write them inalphabeticalorder(按字母顺序), never letting myself leave out a tough idea. And I always started the days work with the difficult task of essay-writing. Experience proved that the rule works.Performance fatigue is more difficult to handle. Though willing to get started, we cannot see

27、m to do the job right. Its difficulties appear so great that, however hard we work, we fail again and again. In such a situation, I work as hard as I can then the unconscious(不清醒) wins.When planning Encyclopaedia Britannica (大英百科全书), I had to create a table of contents based on the topics of its art

28、icles. Nothing like this had ever been done before, and day after day I kept coming up with solutions, but none of them worked. My fatigue became almost unbearable.One day, mentally exhausted, I wrote down all the reasons why this problem could not be solved. I tried to convince myself that the trou

29、ble was with the problem itself, not with me. Relieved, I sat back in an easy chair and fell asleep.An hour later, I woke up suddenly with the solution clearly in mind. In the weeks that followed, the solution which had come up in my unconscious mind proved correct at every step. Though I worked as

30、hard as before, I felt no fatigue. Success was now as exciting as failure had been depressing.Human beings, I believe,must try to succeed. Success, then, means never feeling tired.11. .People with start-up fatigue are most likely to_ .A. accept failureB. work hardC. seek helpD. delay tasks 12. What

31、does the author recommend doing to prevent start-up fatigue?A. Dealing with the hardest task first.B. Leaving out the toughest ideas.C. Building up physical strength.D. Writing essays in strict order.13.On what occasion does a person probably suffer from performance fatigue?A. Before starting a diff

32、icult task. B. After finding a way out.C. If the job is rather boring D. When all the solutions fail.14. According to the author, the unconscious mind may helpus_ .A. ignore mental problemsB. get some nice sleepC. gain complete reliefD. find the right solution15. What could be the best title for the passage?A. Success Is Built upon FailureB. Getting over Fatigue: A Way to Success. C. How to Handle Performance Fatigue.D. Fatigue: An Early Sign of Health Problems阅读 1-15 BD DDAB ACCB DADDB


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