2019高考英语Unit 1 Period 2 (11).doc

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1、Unit 3Period 2.词汇基础A单词拼写1You should exercise with extreme c_ when driving in fog.2There was a m_ smile on his face.3She began to walk forward very fast, but a couple of seconds later she came to an a_ stop.4The policies are more flexible now, so we should s_ the chance to develop our local economy.5

2、There was strong smell of cheap _ (香水) in the car.6The owner allowed the free use of his _ (专利) for educational purposes.7The child stood in the _ (院子) waiting for his father to come back from the field.8Revolution can only occur at a time when both internal and external conditions of a country are

3、_ (成熟的) enough.9You can be _ (被动的) if it isnt any good but if you are more active, you may be able to improve it.【答案】1.caution2.merry3.abrupt4.seize5.perfume6patent7.courtyard8.ripe9.passiveB短语填空now and then;set about;distinguishfrom;with caution;call up;get rid of; far from; a matter of;in the expe

4、ctation1I used to_ my mother in the countryside every month but now Im too busy.2Id like to go to the opera_.3We _ cleaning up the mess.4It was _ that he had won the match.5Oh,my dear! Could you_ right_ wrong?6Dad always drives_,so he is recognized as one of the best drivers.7Whether people like or

5、dislike what they see is _ opinion.8Its conveniently close to the village centre, and not _ the swimming pool.9The machine hasnt been used for years, so if you want to use it you will need to _ the rust.【答案】1.call up2.now and then3.set about4in the expectation5.distinguish;from6.with caution7a matte

6、r of8.far from9.get rid ofC句型转换1The farmer provided effective evidence for the police station.The farmer _ _ _for the police station.2The little girl was scared to death by the sudden noise.The little girl was scared to death by the _ noise.3We have arranged a suitable time and place for the discuss

7、ion.We have arranged _ _ time and place for the discussion.4Can you distinguish the different musical instruments being played now?Can you _ _ _ _ the different musical instruments being played now?【答案】1.provided valid evidence2.abrupt3.a convenient4tell the difference betweenD根据所给提示将下列句子翻译成英语1我昨晚给你

8、打电话,可是没人接。你出去了吗? (call up)_2你能分清史密斯家的那对双胞胎吗?他俩长得太像了,有时候真的很难区分他们。(distinguish)_3他把信件归档放入抽屉中。(file)_4朋友之间用电子邮件联系非常方便。(convenient)_5苏姗有时来看我,但不是很经常。(now and then)_【答案】1I called you up last night, but no one answered the phone.Were you out?2Can you distinguish between the Smiths twins? They are so simila

9、r that its often difficult to distinguish one from the other.3He filed (away) the letters in a drawer.4Its very convenient for friends to use the email to keep in touch.5Susan comes to see me now and then but not very often.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。On Tuesday, September 16th,

10、Im proud to join fathers across New York State for “Dads Take Your Child To School Day”_1_ giving my son Felix a _2_ at the door before he heads off to school with his mom, Ill take his hand and walk him there myself.Then Ill _3_ for a bit in the classroom to participate in the morning activities.Im

11、 more than _4_ to do this, because its the _5_ thing to do.The US.Department of Education has collected the results of numerous studies pointing to how _6_ it is for dads to be involved in their childrens _7_.Here are just a few:Dads model how grown men behave in life.When talking to my son about hi

12、s _8_, I often point to how I and my male friends conduct ourselves, illustrating how we use our words instead of our hands to _9_, and treat other people with respect and kindness.This has come to make a big impression on him.Its important for kids to see grown men behaving _10_ and carrying themse

13、lves with dignity, because they _11_ our every move.Also, dads encourage kids to take _12_ and explore.Kids with active fathers tend to be highly _13_ about the world.A dads involvement seems to give kids more confidence in exploring the world around them.Besides, kids learn about how men and _14_ i

14、nteract with one another by watching their dads.It makes a great impact on kids when dads _15_ help around the house and treat the childs mother with love and _16_.This helps break down rigid, _17_ gender stereotypes (性别刻板印象)Whether youre a _18_ in New York State or not, any day is a good day to tak

15、e your child to _19_.Beyond that, ask your child about what theyre learning in school.Get involved! Your child will _20_ it, and really, so will you.()1.A.Because ofBIn spite ofCInstead of DIn case of()2.A.hug BgiftClesson Dbag()3.A.stay BlookClive Dhide()4.A.strange BhappyCconfident Dpolite()5.A.sa

16、me BsimpleChard Dright()6.A.interesting BimportantCsurprising Dnormal()7.A.exercise BentertainmentCcareer Deducation()8.A.appearance BhobbyCbehavior Dfuture()9.A.celebrate BcommunicateCcompete Dcompromise()10.A.properly BbravelyCquickly Dperfectly()11.A.imitate BchangeCremember Dinfluence()12.A.cont

17、rol BstepsCcharge Drisks()13.A.confused BcuriousCworried Dcareful()14.A.friends BrelativesCwomen Dchildren()15.A.regularly BhardlyCslowly Dfinally()16.A.pride BhonestyCconfidence Dconsideration()17.A.modern BunnecessaryCfriendly Dunhealthy()18.A.mother BworkerCfather Dboss()19.A.park BschoolClibrary Dmuseum()20.A.think of Bbenefit fromCget used to Dknow about【答案】15 CAABD610 BDCBA1115 ADBCA1620 DDCBB


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