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1、,UNIT SIX Logistics and Logistical Management,Objectives,Business language talking about logistics,Business vocabulary logistical management,Business focus Logistics questions,Business writing logistics letters and business reports,1. Background Information,2. Introduction to the Text,3. Business Te

2、rms,4. Words and Expressions,5. Notes to the Text,Text A What is Logistics,The advent of the information age witnesses tremendous changes in all sectors of industry. Although logistics is not a newly born concept, it keeps pace with time, extending its denotative and connotative meanings. Deriving f

3、rom Physical Distribution, logistics nowadays has expanded into an integration concept with the character of being consumer-oriented. However, it is hard to define logistics to show all its attributes because of its comprehensiveness. As indicated in text A, we adopt the definition given by CLM in a

4、n effort to avoid potential misunderstanding. With the help of CLM, we can get a general view of logistics. The essence of logistics also lies in the definition, that is, to meet customers requirements.,1. Background Information,本商务语篇为说明文体。,物流的概念最早是在美国形成的,当初被称为Physical Distribution(即PD),译成汉语是“实物分配”或

5、“货物配送”。 我国是在80年代才接触物流这个概念的,此时的物流已被称为Logistics,已经不是过去PD的概念。,物流是一个不断发展的概念,物流就不单纯是考虑从生产者到消费者的货物配送问题,而且还要考虑从供应商到生产者对原材料的采购,以及生产者本身在产品制造过程中的运输、保管和信息等各个方面,全面地、综合性地提高经济效益和效率的问题。因此,现代物流是以满足消费者的需求为目标,把制造、运输、销售等市场情况统一起来考虑的一种战略措施,这与传统物流把它仅看作是“后勤保障系统”和“销售活动中起桥梁作用”的概念相比,在深度和广度上又有了进一步的含义。,文体特征分析,2. Introduction t

6、o the Text,The Council of Logistics Management(CLM) is a not-for-profit worldwide professional association for people interested in logistics management. CLM provides opportunities for logistics professionals to communicate to develop and improve logistics management skills. CLM adds to the knowledg

7、e base of logistics theory and practice and creates awareness of the significance of logistics to business and to the economy. The Journal of Business Logistics provides a forum for the dissemination of original thoughts, research, and best practices within the logistics and supply chain arenas.,CLM

8、 美国物流管理协会,3. Business Terms, logistics /ludistiks/ n.,ere,Meaning,4. Words and Expressions,Example,practical arrangements that are needed to make a complicated plan successful when a lot of people and equipment is involved,Logistics socialization is the inevitable trend as for the logistics reform i

9、n colleges. 后勤社会化是高校后勤改革的必然趋势。 That is, customer service and some resulting level of satisfaction are what the logistics system ultimately provides the buyers. 也就是说,客户服务及其满意程度应是物流系统最终为消费者提供的产品。, council /kaunsl/ n.,ere,Meaning,4. Words and Expressions,Example,A group of people that are chosen to mak

10、e rules, laws or decisions, or to give advice,Before reaching a decision on an application, the Council shall allow the applicant to testify before it. 对申请作出决定前,理事会应当允许申请人在此之前为此提供证明。,(3) explicitly /iksplisitli/ adv.,ere,Meaning,4. Words and Expressions,Example,Clearly and fully expressed,Moreover,

11、the application scope of the system of criminal default trial should be regulated explicitly and strictly. 刑事缺席审判制度适用的范围,应当由法律作出明确而严格的设定。,(4) implement /implimnt/ v.,Meaning,4. Words and Expressions,Example,to take action or make changes that you have officially decided should happen,The application

12、 of information technique urges people to consider how to use the network to implement the service function of human resources and make the virtual human resource management possible. 信息技术的应用促使人们在思考如何利用组织间的网络履行人力资源服务功能的同时,也使虚拟人力资源管理成为可能。,(5) inventory /invntri/ n.,ere,Meaning,4. Words and Expression

13、s,Example,detailed list, eg of goods, furniture, jobs to be done,Inventory includes the binding and circulating control of the issues of a serial. 藏书包括系列出版物各期的装订和流通管理。,(6) deploy /di:pli/ v.,ere,Meaning,4. Words and Expressions,Example,to use sth. effectively,As a result, as companies plan to exploi

14、t mobile application opportunities, they need to choose a software platform that will radically simplify how they develop, deploy and manage mobile applications and portals. 结果,在公司计划要开拓移动应用商机时,就得选择可以极大地简化开发、利用和管理应用程序和门户方式的软件平台。,ere,Meaning,4. Words and Expressions,Example,try ones best to do sth,Var

15、ious measures will be adopted in an effort to solve the problems related to the social security and cultural well-being of the aged population. 采取多种措施,试图解决老龄人口社会保障和精神文化生活问题。,(7) in an effort to,ere,Meaning,4. Words and Expressions,Example,concerning,With respect to your enquiry, I enclose an explana

16、tory leaflet. 关于你的询问,兹附上有关说明资料。,(8) with respect to,ere,Meaning,4. Words and Expressions,Example,to satisfy,We shall always endeavor to meet our customers requirement in regard to delivery . 我们将尽力满足客户的交货期限要求。,(9) to meet ones requirement,Meaning,4. Words and Expressions,Example,plan to do,Customer r

17、equirements and references to its technical specifications shall be included in the planning of product realization as a component of the quality plan. 顾客的要求和标准的引用,应作为质量计划的一部分包含在产品实现的策划中。,(10) in the planning of,释义 The word is quite important. It indicates that logistics should participate in planni

18、ng, implementing, and controlling and it should be involved in all the three activities not just one or two of them.,1. Of particular importance is the word and, which suggests that logistics should be involved in all three activities-planning, implementing, controlling and not just one or two. (Par

19、a. 3),5. Notes to the Text,解析 本句为倒装句。当句子主语部分较长,谓语部分较短,或为了强调句子的表语时,常使用全部倒装。句子的结构为“表语+系动词+主语”。如: Gone are the days when we had nothing to eat. 本句中which引导非限制性定语从句修饰主语 the word 使主语过长,又为了强调表语 of particular importance,所以句子谓语被倒装。,解析 本句中的Which引导非限制性定语从句修饰本句的宾语成分 reverse flows and storage,其中originate意为“have

20、sth/sb as a cause or beginning 始自某事物(某人); 起因; 发端”,例如:The style of architecture originated from the ancient Greeks. 这种建筑风格起源于古希腊.,2. However, the logistics discipline has recognized the importance of reverse flows and storage (reverse logistics), which originate at the point of consumption.(Para.4),5

21、. Notes to the Text,解析 本句使用了as muchas的结构,意为“像一样(的程度)”,例如:I dont pretend to know as much as he does about it. 我不敢说我对此事的了解有他那样多。/ A user who moves these around is configuring his program as much as he is personalizing it. 用户通过移动这些控件来配置其程序,也就是使工具栏个性化的过程。,3. Indeed, in the contemporary business environm

22、ent, logistics is as much about the flow and storage of information as it is about the flow and storage of goods. (Para.5),5. Notes to the Text,解析 本句中的with引导独立主格结构作状语。With引导的独立主格结构可以表示伴随、方式、原因、结果等各种情况。例如:With you helping me whenever Im in trouble, I feel very obliged to you. 无论我什么时候遇到困难你总是帮助我,我真太感激你

23、了。本句中的rather than 意为“instead of 而不是”,例如:Its purpose was to help society rather than to help inventors. 他的目的是为了帮助整个社会,而不是发明者。,4. This is important for several reasons, with one being that logistics strategies and activities should be based upon customers wants and needs rather than the wants, needs,

24、and capabilities of other parties. (Para.6),5. Notes to the Text,1. Background Information,2. Introduction to the Text,3. Business Terms,4. Words and Expressions,5. Notes to the Text,Text B Careers in Logistics,With the increasing importance of logistics being discovered by organizations, profession

25、als in logistics are now in bad need in the prompting field of logistics. Logistics is now widely accepted as a strategic tool for creating customer value and loyalty, while logistics professionals bridge the gap between organizations and consumers, which explains how logistic professionals are cruc

26、ial to the further development of an organization. Consumers are composed of all classes of society as long as they are captured by certain products. In attempt to deal with various consumers, organizations should recruit staff of different ranks, regardless of their ethnic background, gender, or ag

27、e. Meanwhile, a workforce that reflects the market place comprehensively contributes to the market strategy. In the following text, we will discuss the topic in depth.,1. Background Information,Theme of the Text Text B shows us a prosperous career opportunity to enter the field of logistics through

28、demonstrating the significant role that logistics plays in current business environment.,2. Introduction to the Text,本商务报道就物流对企业发展的重要性的阐述引出了针对物流人才的探讨。,现代企业最需要的高级物流人才需要既懂得从战略的角度规划企业长远发展,又有一线部门实际工作经验,如果有在国外著名的物流企业、物流上市公司或咨询行业工作过的背景最佳。物流是一个涵盖广泛的领域,能否通晓采购、仓储、运输、包装、国际贸易、计算机等方方面面功能的管理性工作是能否成为高级物流人才的关键。因而,

29、虽然用人单位对高级物流人才“趋之若骛”,但物流高级人才供应依旧“杯水车薪”。然而,物流有需要社会各阶层人士的参与,企业面向的客户群体具有复杂性。所以说,物流人才不仅仅是所谓“高级”的范畴,而是一个自上而下涵盖广泛的群体。文章引用华尔街日报以及美国财富杂志中各企业对物流人才的重视,佐证了物流人才大好的前景。,文体特征分析,2. Introduction to the Text,文章结构逻辑合理,意义连贯,而且遵循了先综合后分析的思维模式。 文章语言清晰准确,趋于专业化。,Global 500 is a ranking of the top 500 corporations worldwide a

30、s measured by revenue. The list is compiled and published annually by Fortune magazine. Until 1989 it listed only non-US industrial corporations under the title “International 500”, while the Fortune 500contained and still contains exclusively US corporations. In 1990, US companies were added to com

31、pile a truly global list of top industrial corporations as ranked by sales. In 2005, more than 450 of them were headquartered in Europe, the United States and Japan .Since 1995, the list has had its current form, listing also top financial corporations and service providers by revenue.,Global 500 世界

32、500强,3. Business Terms,The Fortune 500 is an annual list compiled and published by Fortune magazine that ranks the top 500 U.S. closely held and public coporations as ranked by their gross revenue after adjustments made by Fortune to exclude the impact of excise taxes companies collect. The list inc

33、ludes publicly and privately-held companies for which revenues are publicly available. The first Fortune 500 list was published in 1955.,3. Business Terms,Fortune 500 财富500强, integrate /intireit/ v.,ere,Meaning,4. Words and Expressions,Example,to combine things that work well together in order to ma

34、ke an effective system,The key to deepen quality education in university is to integrate the education of humanities into specialty instruction. 深化大学文化素质教育的关键在于结合专业教学进行人文教育。,(2) pipeline /paiplain / n.,ere,Meaning,4. Words and Expressions,Example,channel of information or supply,Everything in the su

35、pply pipeline was draw forward to the battle. 供应线上的一切物资源源不断地运向前线。,(3) impact /impkt / v,ere,Meaning,4. Words and Expressions,Example,have an effect on something,Imports of stainless products continued to impact profits. 进口的不锈钢产品继续冲击利润。,(4) array /rei/ n. a.,ere,Meaning,4. Words and Expressions,Examp

36、le,impressive display or series,Managers need to set a balanced array of objectives covering more than just profitability and growth. 经理们需要建立一系列平衡的目标,包含比盈利和增长更多的内容。,(5) recruit /rikru:t/ vt.,ere,Meaning,4. Words and Expressions,Example,to find new people to join a company, an organization, the armed

37、 forces,As a last alternative for consumer products, designers can recruit friends and relatives. 作为消费类产品的最后一种可选情况,设计师可以招募自己的朋友和亲戚。,(6)highlight /hailait/ v,ere,Meaning,4. Words and Expressions,Example,to emphasize something, especially so that people give it more attention,The objective of World He

38、alth Day is to raise global awareness of a specific health theme to highlight a priority area of concern for the World Health Organization. 世界卫生日的目的是提高全球对一特定卫生主题的熟悉,以便突出世界卫生组织关注的重点领域。,(7)prosperous /prsprs/ adj.,ere,Meaning,4. Words and Expressions,Example,successful or thriving, esp. financially,As

39、 a rule, the more prosperous a technology appear, the more unpredictable consequences and potential dangers it may entail. 通常,一种技术表现的越为繁荣,由此而来的不可预测的后果和潜在的危险越多。,(8)purchase /p:ts/ v.,ere,Meaning,4. Words and Expressions,Example,(formal or written) to buy something.,Other combinations, organized by pu

40、rchase or as holding companies, were also launched in the late 1800s and the early 1890s. 在19世纪80年代末和90年代初,通过购买或作为控股公司,也可组成其它联合体。,ere,Meaning,4. Words and Expressions,Example,be conducive to,Buildings constructed by this method contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases making them friendly to

41、the environment and increasing their future resale value. 建筑物建造的这种方法有助于减少温室气体使他们环境友好,提高自己的未来转售价值。,(9) contribute to,ere,Meaning,4. Words and Expressions,Example,all professions and trades,He has got to be able to work under pressure and get on with people of all ages in all walks of life. 他不得不学会顶着压力

42、工作,并且同各种不同年龄的各行各业的打交道。,(10) all walks of,ere,Meaning,4. Words and Expressions,Example,move forward or upward in order to touch; also in a metaphorical sense,New communication technologies allow them to reach out to the wider world and share their experiences and viewpoints. 新的通信技术使他们能够接触到更广阔的世界,分享他们

43、的经验和观点。,(11) reach out,ere,Meaning,4. Words and Expressions,Example,be worth doing ,deserve,Public domain is a very important concept in intellectual property law, especially should be worthy of more attention in the copyright law. 公有领域是知识产权法上的十分重要的概念,在著作权法中尤其应该值得重视。,(12) be worthy of,释义 Logistics w

44、as once considered an important activity which is not publicly known in the process of operation. However, it is now recognized as a strategic tool of creating customer value and loyalty 解析 本句为带有独立主格的复合句,由于从句的主语与主句的主语一致即Logistics所以被省略。此从句充当句子的状语表伴随状态。,1. Once considered an important behind-the-scene

45、s operational activity. Logistics is now recognized as a strategic tool of creating customer value and loyalty(Para.1),5. Notes to the Text,解析 本句的主语为they, 谓语为realize, that引导宾语从句。Integrating activities、building strong relationships、以及working with customer-focused logistics分别为动名词短语做宾语从句的主语。,2. They re

46、alize that integrating activities within the organization and across the logistics pipeline, building strong relationships with product suppliers, and working with customer-focused logistics service providers are all critical to building a competitive advantage through logistics. (Para.1),5. Notes t

47、o the Text,解析 本句的主语为anyone,with引导介词短语修饰主语,其中drive为名词意为“energy; ability to get things done 干劲;能力;魄力”,例如,Our sales people need determination and drive. 我们的推销人员需要有决心和干劲。,3. Anyone with the education, skill, and drive to succeed can build a prosperous career in logistics management.(Para.7),5. Notes to

48、the Text,解析 本句中的Fromto.引导介词短语做句子的状语意为“从到”。句子的主语是any company,that引导定语从句修饰主语,谓语为has a need for logistics professionals, to引导目的状语。,4. From the largest automobile manufacturers to the smallest zipper producers, any company that purchases and/or sells products has a need for logistics professionals to ma

49、nage the flow of product and information locally, nationally, and internationally. (Para.8),5. Notes to the Text,1. Background Information,2. Introduction to the Text,3. Business Terms,4. Words and Expressions,5. Notes to the Text,Text C The Mission of Logistics Management,As discussed in Text A, “Logistics is that p


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