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1、刘磊 先生 MR.MAKO,排面陈列休闲食品,Consumer Goods Implementation Guideline (Leisure Foods) 快速消费品处排面陈列指导原则 (休闲食品部门),2,OBJECTIVE: 目的: The implementation of the dry grocery dept must be respect according to the direction give it by Merchandise. 食品杂货部门的排面陈列须遵守商品部陈列的指导原则 HOW?: 方式?: - Apply to all your department the

2、 families sequences define by Merchandise. 适用于部门中陈列原则所定义的系列分类 - Optimize your linear repartition regarding your sales & profits. 优化排面,以推动销售量和利润,3,1.The configuration of the group family 1.大分类的结构 customer flow 消费者流向 family allocation 中分类分配 average linear meter 平均地面线,2.The configuration of the family

3、2.中分类的结构 customer flow 消费者流向 subfamily allocation 小分类分配 average linear meter 平均地面线,3.Plan-o-gram of subfamily 3.小分类的设计图 Seasonality of the subfamily 小分类的季节性 Min. & Max. linear requirement 最小和最大地面线要求 Assets(name, type, qty) 资产(名字,型号,数量) Plan-o-gram by element 货架平面图,4.Display rules & Photo 4。陈列原则和照片 D

4、isplay rules 陈列原则 1st priority 2nd priority 3rd priority . The description of the implementation rules and remarks of the photos are correspondingly by color 排面原则描述的颜色和照片注释的颜色是相对应的,How to read the Book ?怎样阅读本书,4,第一优先,第二优先,第三优先,Index目录,Family Code,Family Name,Page,7,9,11,16,19,22,25,30,33,36,39,42,45

5、,48,5,Famliy Code Famliy Name Number of Elements 货架数 中分类码 中分类名称 Large size store Middle size store Small size store 大 店 中 店 小 店 130 饼干极点心(咸味) 17 14 13 131 饼干及点心 (甜味) 24 20.5 17 132 蜜饯糖果零食类 38 33.5 29 138 宠物食品 2 2 2,130- Snack点心,1300 Salty Crackers咸味饼干,1301 Snack点心,1302 Chips洋芋片,7,130 Snack 点心 Averag

6、e Linear: 21 elements货架,- Snack is implement in the same area with candies and chocolate. 点心类产品可以和糖果, 巧克力等休闲食品陈列在一个区域.,8,Plan-o-gram(Average 4 elements),The gondola can be 2.8 m high or 1.4 m high,1.2M,1.2M,2.8m,The family is divided by Soda crackers and Crackers. 按分类可分成苏打饼干和咸饼干. For the Soda cracke

7、rs and Crackers is divided by nature and with flavor. 在苏打饼干和咸饼干中再分原味和加味. From up to down is small to big capacity. 从上到下按小包装到大包装陈列.,Implementation Rules陈列原则,Reference Photos参考照片,Big capacity 大包装,Crackers 咸饼干,Soda crackers 苏打饼干,Nature 原味,With flavor 加味,Nature 原味,With flavor 加味,Small capacity 小包装,10,Pl

8、an-o-gram(average 9 elements),The gondola can be 2.8 m high or 1.4 m high,11,1.2M,1.2M,2.8m,Snack is divided by ingredient: Corn based, rice based and others. 点心类产品先按品种的不同分为:玉米类, 大米类(米果), 及其它. Inside corn based , it is displayed by flavour: plain, Hot&spicy, tomato, cheese, BBQ, cream&onion, seafood

9、, and others. 玉米类再按口味分为: 原味, 辣味,蕃茄味, 芝士味,烧烤味,洋葱味,海鲜味及其它. In the others,it is divided by category:Seaweed,Wheat based & Pop. 其它类按品种分为:海苔,小麦类,爆米花. From up to down is big to small capacity. 从上到下按大规格到小规格陈列.,Implementation Rules陈列原则,Reference Photos参考照片,Others 其它类,Pop 爆米花,Wheat based 小麦类,Seaweed 海苔,Plain

10、 原味,Seafood 海鲜味,Hot&Spicy 辣味,Others 其它口味,Corn based 玉米类,Rice based 大米类,Small capacity 小规格,Big capacity 大规格,Pop is next to the corn based products. 爆米花放在玉米类产品旁边.,12,Plan-o-gram(average 4 elements),The gondola can be 2.8 m high or 1.4 m high,13,1.2M,1.2M,2.8m,Follow Shopper Decision Tree 根据购买者的决定顺序: B

11、y Package (Aluminum Pack, Canister) 先按包装(锡袋装,筒装) By Flavor (Plain, Hot & Spicy, Tomato, Cheese, BBQ, Sour Cream & Onion, Shrimp, Chicken, Seafood, Mix, Others) 再按口味(原味, 辣味, 奶油洋葱味, 虾味, 鸡味, 海鲜味, 混合味, 其它),Implementation Rules陈列原则,Reference Photos参考图片,14,Vertical By Flavor 根据口味垂直排列,Canister 筒装,Aluminum

12、Pack 锡袋装,131-Biscuit饼干,1310 Cookies(Dry)甜味饼干,1311 Wafer/Sandwich/Roll威化/夹心饼干/卷心酥,1312 Pies/Soft Filling Cake派/夹心蛋糕,1313 Assortment/Gift Box礼盒,1313 Chinese Cake中式蛋糕,15,131 Biscuits 饼干 Average Linear: 21 elements货架,- Biscuits is implement in the same area with candies and chocolate. 甜饼干可以和糖果, 巧克力等休闲食品

13、陈列在一个区域.,16,1410 Cookies(Dry)甜味饼干 Average Linear: 5 elements货架,Display in the snacking area. Due to the place allocated to the cookies, the category are put in order as: Dry biscuits natural, chocolate biscuits, butter cookies, biscuits fruit flavors, nutritious & other flavors. 陈列在休闲食品区域, 甜饼干的陈列顺序依

14、此为:原味, 巧克力味, 奶油味, 水果味, 营养饼, 其它口味甜饼干.,17,Plan-o-gram(average 5 elements),The gondola can be 2.8 m high or 1.4 m high,18,1.2M,1.2M,2.8m,Biscuits is separated vertically by cookies and Sweet plain, then it displayed by flavor: Plain, Chocolate, Milk, Butter, Nutritious and others. 饼干先分成曲奇和一般甜饼干, 然后再按 口

15、味纵向陈列: 原味, 巧克力味,牛奶味, 奶油味, 营养饼干及其它. The family display should follow: from up to down is small to big capacity. 分类的陈列原则必须遵循:小包装放在上 面, 大包装放在下面.,Implementation Rules陈列原则,Reference Photos参考照片,Cookies-Nature 曲奇-原味,Small capacity 小规格,Big capacity 大规格,Cookies-Chocolate 曲奇 -巧克力味,Sweet plain-Chocolate 甜饼干-巧克

16、力味,Kids biscuits is displayed in one element. 儿童休闲类饼干放在一节货架内.,Sweet plain-Butter 甜饼干-奶油味,19,Others 其它,Nutritious 营养饼干,1311 Wafer/Sandwich/Roll威化/夹心饼干/卷心酥 Average Linear: 8 货架elements,1 element,1 element,1 element,Wafer Cream奶油威化,1 element,Wafer Other Flavors其他威化,Wafer Chocolate巧克力威化,1 element,1 elem

17、ent,1 element,1 element,Sandwich Chocolate巧克力夹心饼,Sandwich Other Flavors其他夹心饼,Sandwich Strawberry草莓夹心饼,Egg Roll鸡蛋卷,Egg Roll with Flavors加味鸡蛋卷,Display in the snacking area. The category are put in order as: Wafer chocolate, Wafer cream, Wafer other flavors, Sandwich chocolate,Sandwich strawberry, Sand

18、wich other flavors, Egg roll, Egg roll with flavors. 陈列在休闲食品区域, 排列顺序依此为巧克力威化, 奶油威化, 其它口味威化, 巧克力 夹心饼, 草莓夹心饼, 其它口味夹心饼, 原味蛋卷, 加味蛋卷.,20,Plan-o-gram(average 8 elements),The gondola can be 2.8 m high or 1.4 m high,21,1.2M,1.2M,2.8m,The family is divided by category: Wafer,Sandwich,Egg roll. 产品按品种不同分为:威化,夹

19、心饼干,蛋卷. Wafer is separated vertically by flavor: Chocolate, Cream, Others. 威化根据口味垂直陈列: 巧克力味, 奶油味, 其他口味. Sandwich is also divided by flavor: Chocolate, Strawberry and others. 夹心饼干也是按口味纵向陈列: 巧克力味, 草莓味和其它口味. Egg roll is displayed by 2 main flavors: Plain & flavor. 蛋卷主要有两中口味: 原味和其它口味.,Implementation Rul

20、es陈列原则,Reference Photos参考照片,Wafer 威华,Wafer chocolate 巧克力威华,Wafer other flavors 其他口味威华,Sandwich chocolate 巧克力夹心饼干,Wafer cream 奶油威化,Sandwich strawberry 草莓夹心饼干,Sandwich 夹心饼干,Egg roll 蛋卷,Sandwich other flavor 其他口味 夹心饼干,Plain 原味,flavor 加味,22,1412-1413 Pies/Soft Filling Cake-Assortment/Gift 派/夹心蛋糕/礼盒 Aver

21、age Linear: 4 element货架,All these categories are put in the snack area and close to the cookies and wafter, egg roll. the category are put in order as: Pies, Soft filling cake, Assortment & Gift. 派和礼盒陈列休闲食品区域里, 并接近曲奇和威化. 排列顺序依此为: 派, 夹心蛋糕, 组合包装 礼盒.,23,Plan-o-gram(average 4 elements),The gondola can b

22、e 2.8 m high or 1.4 m high,24,1.2M,1.2M,2.8m,The family is divided by ingredient: Pies,Cake,Gift box. 按品种不同分为:派,夹心蛋糕,礼盒. Pies is displayed by flavor: Chocolate, Egg, Fruit and others. Then from up to down is small capacity to big capacity. 派按口味垂直陈列: 巧克力口味, 蛋黄口味, 水果味及其它. 小包装到大包装从上到下 陈列. Soft cake is

23、displayed by flavor: Chocolate & Fruit . 夹心蛋糕按口味垂直陈列: 巧克力口味, 水果味. Gift box is divided by different ingredient, Then from up to down is small capacity to big capacity. 礼盒先区分不同的种类垂直陈列,小听装 到大听装从上到下陈列.,Implementation Rules陈列原则,Reference Photos参考照片,Small pack 小包装,Big pack 大包装,Small pack 小包装,Soft cake 夹心蛋

24、糕,Egg Pie 蛋黄派,Fruit Pie 水果派,Other Pie 其它派,Chocolate Cake 巧克力夹心蛋糕,Gift box 礼盒,Fruit Cake 水果夹心蛋糕,Pie 派,Chocolate Pie 巧克力派,25,Big pack 大包装,1414 Chinese Cake 中式蛋糕 Average Linear: 5 elements货架,2 elements,3 elements,Saquima (Chinese Cake)沙琪玛,Other Chinese Cake其他中式蛋糕,- Chinese Cakes Bulk Should be put insi

25、de bulk area close to the industry bread. 中式糕点应放在散装区域内靠近工业面包. - Moon Cake only displayed on the season. It should be in the seasonal alley. 月饼只在季节到的时候陈列在季节促销区内.,26,Plan-o-gram(average 5 elements),The gondola can be 2.8 m high or 1.4 m high,27,1.2M,1.2M,2.8m,Chinese cake is separated by ingredient: S

26、aqima & Other Chinese cake. 中式糕点按不同的种类分成:萨奇马, 其 它中式糕点. Saqima is separated vertically by flavor: Egg, Sesame, Others. 萨奇马按口味垂直陈列: 鸡蛋口味, 芝麻 口味, 其它口味. From up to down is small capacity to big capacity. 小包装到大包装从上到下陈列.,Implementation Rules陈列原则,Reference Photos参考照片,Saquima 萨奇马,Other Chinese cake 其它中式糕点,S

27、mall pack 小包装,Big pack 大包装,Sesame Saquima 芝麻萨奇马,Egg Saquima 鸡蛋萨奇马,Other Saquima 其它口味萨奇马,28,132-Confectionary零食,1320 Dry Meat肉干,1321 Confection Sweet蜜饯,1322 Nuts and Other核果及其他,1323 Candies糖果,1324 Chocolate巧克力,29,132 Confection零食 Average Linear: 34 elements货架,- Confection is put in the snack area wit

28、h all the biscuits and the chips. There is a special assets to display the bulk candy , chocolate and jelly. 零食和饼干薯片一起陈列在休闲食品区域. 散装糖果, 巧克力和果冻有专门的资产陈列.,30,1320 Dry Meat肉干 Average Linear: 5 elements货架,Dry meat is put in the snack area and close to the confection sweet and nuts. The category are put in

29、 order as:Beef, Pork,Fried shredded pork meat, Fried shredded fish meat, Seafood and Others. 肉干陈列在休闲食品区域里, 靠近蜜饯和核果. 分类按顺序依此为: 牛肉干, 猪肉干, 肉松, 鱼肉松, 海产及其它.,Beef牛肉干,Pork猪肉,0.5 elements,1 elements,0.5 elements,Fried Shredded Pork&Fish Meat /Gift鱼干,Seafood海产,Other其他,2 elements,1 elements,31,Plan-o-gram(ave

30、rage 5 elements),32,1.2M,1.2M,2.8m,Dry meat is divided by package: box tin&bag. Box and tin put at the first element by shelf. Bag displayed by hooks. 肉干先按照包装分开陈列: 盒装, 听装和 袋装. 盒装和听装用层板陈列在第一节货 架, 袋装用挂钩陈列. The same package, it is displayed vertically by type:beef, pork,seafood, fried shredded meat and

31、 others. 同一包装内再按产品类型纵向陈列: 牛肉, 猪肉, 海产, 肉松及其它. The same type of the dry meat need to be divided by form:Slide, Pellet,.After need to be divided by flavor: plain,spicy, curry 同类型肉干先按形状分为片状 , 粒状 , 再 按口味陈列, 如原味, 辣味,咖喱味. From up to down is small to big capacity. 从上到下按小规格到大规格陈列.,Implementation Rules陈列原则,Re

32、ference Photos参考照片,Bag package 袋装,Slide beef 牛肉片,Pellet beef 牛肉粒,Slide pork 猪肉片,Fried shredded pork 猪肉松,Fried shredded fish 鱼肉松,Seafood 鱼片干,Others 其他,Small capacity 小规格,Big capacity 大规格,Beef 牛肉干,Pork 猪肉干/松,Seafood 海产,Others 其他,Box/Tin package 盒装和听装,33,1421 Confection Sweet 蜜饯 Average Linear: 8 eleme

33、nts货架,- Confection sweet is put inside the snack area . The category are put in order as: Raisin, Pulms,Peach, Jujube,and others. 蜜饯陈列在休闲食品区域内.各分类的排列顺序为:葡萄干, 梅子, 桃, 枣, 及其它.,1 elements,1 elements,JuJube蜜枣,Others其他,34,Plan-o-gram(average 8 elements),35,1.2M,1.2M,1.2M,1.2M,2.8m,Confection sweet is divi

34、ded 2 parts according to the different package: plastic bag & bottle/bowel. 蜜饯先按包装分成两部分: 塑料 袋包装和瓶装/碗装 . The same package, it separated vertically by ingredient:Raisin, Plums, Peach, Jujube and Others. 在同一包装内再按品种分为: 葡萄干, 梅, 桃, 枣和其它.,Implementation Rules陈列原则,Reference Photos参考照片,36,bottle/bowel 瓶装/碗装,

35、plastic bag 塑料袋包装,plastic bag 塑料袋包装,Plums 梅,Plums 梅,Peach 桃,Plums 梅,Raisin 葡萄干,Jujube 枣,Others 其它,1422 Nuts and Others 核果及其他 Average Linear: 8 elements货架,- Nuts and others is put inside the snack area . The category are put in order as: Seeds, Peanuts, Beans, Pistachio, Almond, Pine nuts, Walnuts, C

36、ashew, Mixed and others. 核果陈列在休闲食品区域内,各分类的排列顺序为:瓜子, 花生, 豆, 开心果, 杏仁, 松子, 核桃, 腰果, 综合及其它.,37,Plan-o-gram(average 8 elements),38,1.2M,1.2M,2.8m,Nuts is divided 2 parts according to the different package: plastic bag & bottle/box. 核果先按包装分成两部分: 塑料袋包装和 瓶装/盒装 . The same package, it separated vertically by i

37、ngredient: seeds, peanuts, beans, pistachio, almond, pine nuts, walnuts,cashew, mixed and others. 在同一包装内再按品种分为:瓜子, 花生, 豆类, 开心果, 杏仁, 松子, 核桃, 腰果, 综合及其它. From up to down is small to big capacity. 从上到下按小规格到大规格陈列.,Implementation Rules陈列原则,Reference Photos参考照片,39,bottle/box 瓶装/盒装,plastic bag 塑料袋包装,seeds 瓜

38、子,peanuts 花生,beans 豆类,pistachio 开心果,pistachio 开心果,cashew 腰果,almond 杏仁,pine nuts 松子,walnuts 核桃,Small capacity 小规格,Big capacity 大规格,1423 Candies 糖果 Average Linear: 10 elements货架,- Candies is put inisde the snack area close to the chocolate and jelly . The category are put in order as: Chewing gum, Bub

39、ble gum, Lollipop, Mint candy, Fruit Candy, Milk Candy, Specialty. The bulk candy and jelly put in the middle of the area by using the specific assets. 糖果陈列在休闲食品区域内靠近巧克力和果冻,各分类的排列顺序为:口香糖, 泡泡糖, 棒棒糖, 薄荷糖, 水果糖,奶糖及特殊糖果.散装糖果和果冻有特殊陈列架放在休闲食品区域中间.,Fruits Candies水果糖,3 elements,Chewing Gum口香糖,2 element,1.5 el

40、ement,Specialty特殊种类,2 elements,Milk Candies牛奶糖,Mint Candies薄荷糖,Bubble Gum/lollipop泡泡糖,0.5 element,1 element,40,Plan-o-gram(average 10 elements),The gondola can be 2.8 m high or 1.4 m high,41,1.2M,1.2M,1.2M,1.2M,2.8m,Candies is divided 6 subfamily:Chewing gum, bubble,Mint candy,Fruit candy,Milk candy

41、 & Specialty. 糖果可分为口香糖*, 泡泡糖, 薄荷糖,水果糖,奶糖和特殊 糖果. Chewing gum, bubble gum , mint candy can be displayed together. According to the different package, it displayed by different assets. The candy in pouch can be use hooks, The box or the tin can be use shelf which is under the hooks, From up to down is

42、small pack to big pack. 口香糖, 泡泡糖, 棒棒糖, 薄荷糖可以陈列在一起. 根据产品不同的包装用不同的资产陈列. 条装或袋 装可使用挂钩, 盒装则用层板陈列. 从上到下按小 包装到大包装陈列. Fuit candy, milk candy are divided vertically by soft and hard. Then displayed vertically by flavor.From up to down is small pack(bag) to big pack(Tin). 水果糖和牛奶糖纵向按软糖和硬糖分开.再按口味垂直 陈列.从上到下按小包装(

43、袋装)到大包装(听装)陈列. Specility is divided by type. From up to down is small to big capacity. 特殊糖果按不同品种陈列. 从上到下按小包装到大包 装陈列. Chewing gum can be display by brand. 口香糖可按品牌成列.,Implementation Rules陈列原则,Reference Photos参考照片,Chewing Gum 口香糖,Mint Candy 薄荷糖,Milk 奶糖,bubble 泡泡糖,Use hooks to display the candy in pouch

44、. 用挂钩陈列袋装产品,Specialty 特殊糖果,42,Fruit 水果糖,Use shelf to display the candy in box. 用层板陈列盒装产品,Vertically by flavor,Small capacity 小规格,Big capacity 大规格,1424 Chocolate巧克力 Average Linear: 6 elemen货架ts,- Chocolate is put inisde the snack area close to the jelly and candies . The category are put in order as:

45、 Tablets, Bag, Bar, Box/Gift. The bulk chocolate put in the middle of the area by using the specific assets. 巧克力陈列在休闲食品区域内靠近果冻和糖果,各分类的排列顺序为: 片装, 袋装, 条状, 盒装和礼盒装. 散装巧克力有特殊陈列架放在休闲食品区域中间.,Tablets片装,2 elements,Box/Gift盒装,1.5 elements,Bag袋装,2 elements,0.5 element,Bar条状,43,Plan-o-gram(average 5 elements),T

46、he gondola can be 2.8 m high or 1.4 m high,44,1.2M,1.2M,2.8m,Chocolate is divided vertically by form and package: Tablet, Bag, Bottle, Bowel, Bar, Box and Gift. 巧克力首先按形状和包装纵向陈列: 片状, 袋装, 瓶装, 碗装, 条状, 盒装和礼盒. The same package, it separated by flavor: Pure, Nut Bite, Whole Nut, Toffee, Wafer/Crispy, Frui

47、t/ Liquor Center, Assortment and others. 在同一包装里再按不同口味来陈列: 纯巧 克力, 碎果仁, 全果仁, 拖肥, 威化/松脆夹 心, 干果/提子干, 酒心, 什锦, 及其它. From up to down is small to big package. 从上到下按小包装到大包装陈列.,Implementation Rules陈列原则,Reference Photos参考照片,Small pack 小包装,Big pack 大包装,Tablet 片状,Bag 袋装,Bar/Box 条状/盒状,Gift 礼盒,Bottle 瓶装,Bowel 碗装,B

48、ar 条状,45,1425 Jelly果冻 Average Linear: 5 elements货架,- Jelly is put inisde the snack area close to the chocolate and candies . The category are put in order as: Liquid Jelly, Jelly with Fruit, Normal Jelly. The bulk jelly put in the middle of the area by using the specific assets. 果冻陈列在休闲食品区域内靠近巧克力和糖果,各分类的排列顺序为:吸得冻, 含果肉/蒟蒻果冻, 普通果冻. 散装果冻有特殊陈列架放在休闲食品区域中间.,Liquid jelly吸得冻,2 element,1 ele


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