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1、Unit 4Unit 4 SectionSection Learning about Language Learning about Language & & Using LanguageUsing Language .单句语法填空 1There is now clear evidence that vitamin C gives protection (protect) against cancer. 2I think that a good story does not necessarily have to have a happy ending (end) 3He told me no

2、t to_inspect (inspect) the machine without turning off the power. 4I think his advice is of great importance (important) to your success. 5With a lot of difficult problems to_settle (settle), the manager felt worried all the time. 6John thinks it wont be long before he is ready for his new job. 7It

3、would be hard for me to get employed (employ) by such a large company. 8He admitted the mistake and promised to make up for the loss (lose) 9As you can see in the first picture, many students are riding bikes to school. 10More attention should be paid to improving (improve) the safety of school buse

4、s, which has become a big concern of the whole society. .阅读理解 A A The great success of Finding Dory is being met with mixed feelings by experts. Thats because though the movie can draw attention to our weak coral reefs (珊瑚礁) that need protection, it may lead to further damage to life at sea. After t

5、he movieFinding Nemo came out in 2003, the clownfish(小丑鱼) became popular with every kid in America. As a result,the number of clownfish in the wild greatly dropped. Blue tangs (蓝吊鱼) also became popular pets because of the movie. Sadly, most blue tangs are caught with the help of cyanide (氰化物) Cyanid

6、e works on the fish,allowing them to be easily caught and sold to pet stores. Cyanide is harmful to humans. It also harms coral and other life at sea. Even the fish that are caught by using cyanide are harmed. Many end up dying within months of being brought to the store. It is not allowed to sell f

7、ish that have been caught using cyanide in the US. However, a 2008 study discovered that up to 90% of the 11 million pet fish brought into the country each year have been caught using this harmful fishing method. More recently, two researchers Craig Downs and Rene Umberger did a study to test if the

8、 fish sold in US pet stores had been harmed by cyanide. They found that of the 100 fish bought from stores in California, Hawaii, Maryland, North Carolina, and Virginia, over half, including the blue tangs, had cyanide in their body. To help people make better decisions when looking for fish for the

9、ir kids, the researchers made a free mobile app. Called Tank Watch, the app helps people to know whether a fish has been caught using illegal fishing methods. The World Wildlife Foundation is asking fans of the movie not to “Find” Dory, but to “Protect” the beautiful fish! This means not rushing out

10、 and buying a blue tang after watching the film. As Ellen Degeneres, voice actress for Dory, says, the movie is not about “Finding” Dory, but about “putting it back to the ocean” 【文章大意】 很多人喜欢把海里的鱼当宠物养,这使得一些人用化学药物来捕鱼,给海 洋生态系统造成了威胁。 1What makes experts worried after the movie Finding Dory came out? A.

11、 That people may not like it. B. That the clownfish will disappear. C. That people may rush out to buy a “Dory” D. That coral reefs may not draw any attention. 1 解 析:C 推理判断题。根据文章内容可推断,Finding Dory 这部电影使得 Dory这种鱼很 受欢迎,专家们担心人们会大量购买这种鱼,从而对海洋生态系统构成危害。 2What do the two studies mentioned in Paragraph 4 te

12、ll us? A. Its very hard to catch pet fish at sea. B. Blue tangs are very popular in the US. C. Cyanide is not allowed to use in the US. D. Many pet fish in the US are caught by using cyanide. 解析:D 细节理解题。根据第四段的 up to 90% of the 11 million pet fish . have been caught using this harmful fishing method以

13、及 of the 100 fish bought from stores . over half . had cyanide in their body.可知,这两个研究表明美国的很多宠物 鱼都 是用氰化物捕捉到的。 3Tank Watch would most probably be used by people who want to _. A. buy a pet fish online B. catch fish more easily C. talk about movies with others D. avoid buying illegallycaught fish 解析:D

14、推理判断题。根据第五段的 Called Tank Watch, the app helps people to know whether a fish has been caught using illegal fishing methods.可知,那些想要避免买 到使用非法途径捕捉到宠物鱼的人会使用这个软件。 4What Ellen Degeneres says mainly shows that people should _. A. avoid keeping a blue tang B. go to watch Finding Dory C. help experts find blu

15、e tangs D. return their pet fish to the sea 解析:A 细节理解题。根据末段的 . says, the movie is not about “Finding” Dory, but about “putting them back to the ocean”可知,这个人说的话表明我们应该让蓝吊鱼回 归海洋,所以不应该养蓝吊鱼。 B B Asda Living, a superstore in Cheetham Hill, Manchester is introducing a “quiet hour” to help autistic (孤独症的) a

16、nd other disabled shoppers. It will turn off the instore music and TVs to make the shop perfect for anyone who is troubled by loud noises. Manager Simon Lea says “youll be able to hear a pin (大头针) drop” when he starts his first quiet hour at 8 am on Saturday May 7. He decided to introduce it after s

17、eeing a boy with autism crying on the shop floor two weeks ago. “This boy was kicking and shouting. His mum just didnt know what to do. She told me he has autism”, said Simon, a 39yearold father of two. “Then I gave him a 1 football. This boy looked at me and he started playing with the football.” B

18、ecause of the event, the manager decided to talk to a member of staff (员工) with an autistic child and disabled shoppers to see if he could do anything for them. The result is the “quiet hour”, which will mean staff coming in an hour early at 6 am to prepare the shop for the May 7 event. “Its all abo

19、ut helping people really. Six months ago I would have saidcontrol your child even though Ive got children. But learning about autistic and other disabled people has helped me think about how I can make it a better place to shop”, 2 said Simon. “I myself suffered for many years with anxiety (焦虑). I u

20、sed to hate going into busy stores. There are a lot of people who have mental illness and we want to make the shop better for them.” 【文章大意】 本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了英国一家超市每周六为有特殊需要的顾客 保持安静一小时的故事。 5What is the purpose of the “quiet hour”? ATo save energy in the superstore. BTo increase the superstores sales. CT

21、o give people a new experience. DTo help shoppers with special needs. 解析:D 细节理解题。根据第一段中的 a “quiet hour” to help autistic and other disabled shoppers和 make the shop perfect for anyone who is troubled by loud noises 可知, “”安静一小时 的目的是帮助那些有特殊需要的顾客。 6Why did Simon give the boy a football? AHe was a friend

22、 of the boys mother. BHe wanted to calm the boy down. CThe boy disliked shopping. DThe boy was very poor. 解析:B 推理判断题。根据第四段中的 This boy was kicking and shouting 和 he has autism 以及 he started playing with the football可知,那个患自闭症的孩子在商店里失控 地哭闹,Simon 送给他一个足球是为了让他安静下来。 7What did Simon do first after the boys

23、 event? AHe started his quiet hour on May 7. BHe decided to visit autistic children. CHe opened the shop at 6 am every day. DHe began to ask people for suggestions. 解析:D 细节理解题。根据第五段中的 Because of the event, the manager decided to talk to a member of staff with an autistic child and disabled shoppers

24、to see if he could do anything for them 可知,在经历了那个自闭症男孩的事件之后,Simon 开始向人们征 求建议,想办法帮助那些有特殊需要的顾客。 8Which of the following can be used to describe Simon? ACaring. BPolite. CBrave. DHonest. 解析:A 推理判断题。通读全文可知,Simon积极想办法帮助他人,很有爱心。 .七选五 Writing Writing a a Short StoryShort Story Writing a short story is a po

25、pular hobby for a lot of people. _1_ Writing a good story is not easy, but it is certainly worth the effort. Here are some steps you should take to write a good story. Step Step 1 1 Every story starts with an idea. Start by thinking about the things that you enjoy. _2_Other ideas can come from think

26、ing about subjects that youd like to know more about. Step Step 2 2 Once you have an idea, you can then decide who your main characters are going to be. Consider having both a hero and a villain (恶棍) in your story. This will help to keep your readers interested. Step Step 3 3 _3_ Most writers plan t

27、heir stories by creating an outline. It should describe the main events that happen. This will help anyone who reads the story to follow its events. 3 Step Step 4 4 Now that you have your outline, it is time to start writing. Follow your outline and write your story. At this point, your story does n

28、ot have to be perfect. _4_ Step Step 5 5 The story you have written is your first draft (草稿). The next step is to read through it and revise (修改) it. After your selfrevision, its time to get some advice about your story. _5_ Finally, you should now have a wellwritten story. AYou will go back and imp

29、rove it later. BBefore you start, you need to plan your story. CIt is also an excellent way to express creative thoughts. DYour story should have a beginning, a middle, and an end. EThese activities are excellent subjects to base your stories on. FKeep working on your story until it is the best you

30、can make it. GHave others read your story so they can make suggestions for improvements. 【文章大意】 本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了如何创作短篇小说。 解析: 1C 根据上一句 Writing a short story is a popular hobby for a lot of people 可 知,C 项承接此句接着说明写短篇小说也是表达创新思维的绝佳方式。 2E 根据前两句 Every story starts with an idea. Start by thinking about the t

31、hings that you enjoy 可知,E 项“这些活动是你创作故事的好话题”符合语境。E 项中的 These activities 指代上一句中的 the things that you enjoy;base your stories on也 与该段 首句 Every story starts with an idea 相呼应。 3B 根据下一句 Most writers plan their stories by creating an outline 可知,该段 介绍写作之前你需要为所写的故事做准备和计划。B 项中的 plan your story和下一句中的 plan their stories 相呼应。 4A 根据上一句中的 your story does not have to be perfect 可知,由于故事还不是很 理想,因此随后会做些修改,进行完善。 5G 根据上一句 its time to get some advice about your story 可知,G 项内容是 获取建议的方法之一。 4


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