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1、,案例分析与小学英语教学研究,Teaching Focus,Teaching Methods,Teaching Objectives,Course,Course description,Specialty of Course,Specialty of Course,It is a required course in English Education major and also central in educational curriculum.,Teaching Objectives,1,2,3,4,Become familiar with the aim of primary Engl

2、ish teaching.,Understand children s physical, psychological and cognitive features.,Know quality demands of a teacher from the point of primary English curriculum.,Comprehend some relative theoretical knowledge.,Teaching Methods,Methods,Case- analysis,Questions,Exercises,Group discussion,Teaching Fo

3、cus,Conclusion,Discussion,Participation,Developing students abilities in analyzing/ dealing with problems and cooperation,Improving reflective learning and learning independence,Students,The teacher,Contents,1.1 How do we learn our first language (L1)?,Lead-in,Case-analysis and discussion,Discussion

4、 points,Language items,Homework,Lead-in,Whats our L1? Do you have any troubles in expressing your ideas or communicating with others? Do you think learning L1 is difficult? Why?,Qs:,Case-analysis and discussion,Topic: How do we learn our first language ?,Case-analysis and discussion,By imitations,By

5、 repetition,By playing games,By listening to stories,By acting and performing,By songs and rhymes,By watching cartoons,Discussion points,Interaction and experimenting with the language in communication are very important factors for language development.,Factors that may influence childrens L1 devel

6、opment:,Discussion points,1. Simplify,Language features when parents or teachers teach children Chinese:,Few grammatical Be shorter Avoid pronouns,Discussion points,2. Repeat 3. Rough tune: Adjust input to childrens language level 4. Message-focused not form-focused,Language items,Natural process or

7、 pick up No conscious focusing on linguistic forms Participation in natural communication situations,Conscious process Usually take place in the language classroom Error correction Rule isolation,Acquisition,Learning,Task,Think about how to apply what we learnt with our future primary English teachi

8、ng.,1.2 How do we learn English?,Lead-in,Case-analysis and discussion,Discussion points,Language items,Homework,English teaching methods,Lead-in,How many years have you learned English? Do you think your English is very well? Why? Do you have any troubles in learning English? What are they? How do w

9、e learn English?,Qs:,Case-analysis and discussion,Topic: Make a list of the differences that exist between children learning their mother tongue and children learning a foreign language.,Exposure to language,Time,Learning context,Types of input,Strategies for learning,Motivation for learning,Natural

10、 and adequate,Not natural, native input is limited,All day long,Much shorter, usually in classroom,Supportive, friendly, tolerant,Passive, formal, error correction, strange,Natural and in context,TV, radio, textbooks, selected from Ts, limited,Listening before speaking,Remain high for communicative

11、needs,Instrumental motivation for passing exams,4 skills begin at the same time,Discussion points,Value of error correction,Support and guidance,Opportunities for experiments,Feedback forms,Not very much value,Pay great attention,Very patient and constant,Impatient, off-and-on,A lot of opportunities

12、,Not too much, no need,Encouragement,Not much encouragement, sometimes criticize,Discussion points,Discussion points,1. try to create a supportive situation. 2. be tolerant to our learners errors. 3. provide more opportunities to hear the language. 4. give more chances to experiment. 5. design inter

13、esting activities.,Things we can draw from L1 acquisition for L2 learning:,Language items,斯金纳发现儿童母语习得是一个习惯的形成过程, 一般经历模仿-强化-形成三个阶段。 儿童的语言环境对其母语习得起决定性作用, 其模仿能力和外界的强化作用决定了最终习得母语的水平。,1957年乔姆斯基提出这一理论,认为人脑中具有一种 适于学习语言的习得机制(LAD), 包含着一套适用于所有人类语言的语法(UG)。,行为主义理论 (Behaviorism Theory),认知理论 (Cognitive Theory),En

14、glish teaching methods,Homework,What can we draw from L1 acquisition for L2 learning?,1.3 The characteristics of children,Lead-in,Case-analysis and discussion,Discussion points,Homework,Lead-in,What are characteristics of children ?,Q:,Lead-in,Lead-in,Curious Active Creative Imaginative Full of enth

15、usiasm/energy Like imitation Like to show Like to be praised/encouraged Attention span is short Like competition,Case-analysis and discussion,Topic: The major differences between children and adults in learning L2.,Attention span,Purpose,Focus on,Attitude towards errors making or speaking in public,

16、Regulating/ self-study,Understanding content,short,Long,Not clear,Very clear,Meaning,Form,Brave,Self-conscious,Need develop,Simple, concrete,Abstract,Be good at,Discussion points,Discussion points,Teaching children requires more energy and care into the understanding of how children think and learn.

17、 Take the development of “the whole child” into consideration, caring for childrens overall development.,Discussion points,By planning our activities well which will facilitate development. 2. By creating a classroom environment. 3. By helping children learn how to learn.,Teachers should do:,Homewor

18、k,Draw conclusions about how to teach children English according to their characteristics.,1.4 Childrens differences in learning,Lead-in,Case-analysis and discussion,Discussion points,Language items,Homework,Lead-in,Look at the following pictures and guess which smart does each present?,Q:,Lead-in,W

19、ord smart,Nature smart,Music smart,Body smart,Picture smart,Number/reasoning smart,People smart,Self smart,Verbal/ Linguistic,Logical/ Mathematical,Visual/ Spatial,Body/ Kinesthetic,Musical/ Rhythmic,Interpersonal,Intra- personal,Naturalistic- Physical,+ ,Language items,Case-analysis and discussion,

20、Topic: What activities that are suitable for involving childrens different intelligences when teaching them English?,Discussion points,Body smart,喜欢操作和移动物体,以及活跃的活动行为节拍和游戏,通过这些方式学习的人。,Suitable activities,TPR,跳舞,体育活动(打球、跳绳等),歌曲和游戏,剪纸,拼图,捏橡皮泥,做表情(鬼脸等),打手势(做手语),字母操,折纸等等。,Discussion points,People smart,一

21、个善于通过成对或团体活动采访、游戏、调查等进行学习的人。,Suitable activities,成对工作,群体工作,头脑风暴,同学互教活动,对话,采访,调查,做小老师、小领导,拼图学习,快乐传真,交笔友等等。,Discussion points,Self smart,一个善于通过记日记等自我评价活动进行反思的学习者,喜欢设计和陈述类需要独立思考的工作,喜欢创造性的工作。,Suitable activities,日记,反思,创造性写作,设计工 作,个人目标设定,脑筋急转弯,观 察员,记录员,出报刊,写博客,心 理测验等等。,Discussion points,Number/reasoning

22、smart,一个善于或者喜欢使用计算机的学习 者,擅长解决问题,喜欢分类,排序 和划分等级的活动。,Suitable activities,字谜,阅读难题,写作难题,分类,划分等级,排序,配对题,记忆力,列大纲,找规律等等。,Discussion points,Music smart,一个通过旋律、节拍和歌曲学习得很好的人。,Suitable activities,歌曲,行动节拍,旋律,变化背景音乐,配乐朗诵,老歌新唱,升降调读单词,模仿声音,听音摘字母/辨物等等。,Discussion points,Word smart,一个有充足的词汇量的学习者,一个善于从故事中学习,并且喜欢纵横字谜的成

23、功阅读者。,Suitable activities,单词游戏,阅读游戏,写作游戏,故事讲述,表演和叙述,绕口令,纵横字谜,值日报告,单词接龙,造句,辩论,演讲,看图说话等等。,Discussion points,Picture smart,喜欢绘画的学习者,喜欢通过使用图片、图表、地图等很好地学习,喜欢完成单词图或单词网。,Suitable activities,绘画,可视化图表,拾建模型,地图和地标,通过录像或CD学习,色彩搭配,出板报,魔方,拍照,连线题,实物认单词等等。,Discussion points,Nature smart,善于辨认事物中的样式的学习者,能注意到事物之间的相同点和

24、不同点,善于将事情分类和分组。,Suitable activities,样式,分类,资料分类,自然研究项目,做模型,天气介绍,纠错(大家来找碴),寻宝,比较单词异同等等。,Discussion points,Teachers need to be aware of the childrens differences and try to help develop each students potentials and learn how to make good use of the theory of multiple intelligences to motivate students

25、in learning.,Homework,Design an activity that are suitable for involving childrens different intelligences when teaching them English.,1.5 Motivating children to learn English,Lead-in,Case-analysis and discussion,Discussion points,Language items,Homework,Further learning,Lead-in,Which factors may af

26、fect your English learning?,Q:,Attitude and motivation have been regarded as the most important factors affecting learning.,Case-analysis and discussion,Topic: Analyze the comments made by children to find out the factors that may influence childrens attitude and motivation.,I dont like English. Its

27、 difficult.,I really like my English teacher, she is nice.,I can sing English songs for my parents.,Ive got 5 red flowers this week for my English.,I like to speak English.,Case-analysis and discussion,Comments by children,What we do in class is very Interesting.,I feel nervous when I speak English.

28、,I cant recite the words and often fail in my spelling tests.,I dont like my homework, always copying.,Discussion points,Teaching methods,The teacher,Smile,Praise,Activities,Environment,Feedback,Factors that may influence childrens attitude and motivation:,Lesson design,Discussion points,Build up ch

29、ildrens attitude and motivation,Involve in,Enjoy,Success,Language items,指学习者对目的语社团有特殊兴趣, 期望参与或融入该社团的社会生活。,指学习者为了某一特殊目的, 如通过某一考试,获得某一职位等。,Integrative Motivation(综合型动机),Instrumental Motivation(工具型动机),Further learning,Homework,Design an activity to motivate children to learn English.,1.6 Treating child

30、ren as human beings,Lead-in,Case-analysis and discussion,Discussion points,Reading,Homework,Lead-in,Whats your own opinions about human beings?,Q:,Lead-in,communicate,needs,virtues/ shortcomings,make mistakes,curiosity,feelings,hobbies,characters,thoughts,developing,Case-analysis and discussion,Topi

31、c: Analyze the two teachers stories and write down what teachers should do.,Story 1 老师,用我的笔吧!,课间休息的时候,李老师正在办公室批阅学生的作业。此时,一名女学生来到办公室门口,抬手轻轻地敲了敲门,问道:“李老师,我能不能向您借个杯子倒点水吃药,我感冒了,早上在家来不及吃药了。”坐在椅子上批阅作业的李老师没有挪动身子,抬头看了看学生,用手指了指墙角的书柜,说道:“喏,杯子在抽屉的第二个格,自已拿吧!”这名女生有点喜出望外,满心欢喜地找到了杯子,自已倒了杯水,把药吃了,并对老师说:老师,谢谢您!”然后带着满

32、脸的感激,轻快地走出了办公室。 上课铃响了,李老师来到了教室。这是一堂自修课,学生们都忙着自己手上的学习任务,李老师则接着批阅学生的作业。还没批阅完一本,李老师发现红色笔芯不出油了。于是,他就轻声地问前排学生:“谁有红色圆珠笔,借来用用?”尽管老师的声音压得很低,但是许多学生听到了。于是,坐在前几排的学生都争先恐后地找出笔。转眼间,学生们握着圆珠笔的小手朝李老师伸过来:“李老师,用我的笔吧!”“李老师,用我的!用我的!”大家的眼中都充满了真诚的渴望和期待。还是那个课间借杯子的坐第三排的女生手脚麻利,只见她一路小跑来到讲台,把笔递到老师手中,在递之前,还小心地将笔芯从蓝色旋转到了红色。,Stor

33、y 2 太阳从西边出来了!,徐老师班上的学生White平时从不做家庭作业,教师多次进行家访并没有见到好转。可是在学习了“动物”这个话题后,徐老师布置了一道观察设计题,要求学生根据所了解的动物园的情形,自已设计一个动物园的平面图,第二天,White居然主动地将他完成的作业设计递给老师批改。这可出乎徐老师的意料,紧接着她以一种怀疑的态度审视了这个孩子一番,然后不以为然地说道:“哟,太阳从西边出来了吗?说吧,你找谁为你效劳做家庭作业的?” White一脸茫然地解释道:“老师,我喜欢动物,我经常去动物园的。这个作业设计是我自己独立完成的,不信,你可以打电话问我爸爸妈妈。”,Discussion poi

34、nts,1.respect students. 2.encourage rather than scold. 3.understand and care for children. 4.keep smile and be patient. 5.be fair/equal. 6. set a good example 7. trust students ,Teachers should :,Discussion points,1.Treat children as human beings who have their own thoughts and needs. 2. Never try t

35、o force our ideas into childrens minds but try to think from the childrens point of view. 3. Learn to offer children opportunities to try, to create and allow them to fail.,Reading,Humanistic education is an educational approach.,Humanistic Education,Humanistic education enhances the teaching of the

36、 basics.,Humanistic education supports many goals of parents.,Humanistic education teaches a wide variety of skills.,Homework,Write down your feelings about “Humanistic education” .,1.7 The quality of a good English teacher,Lead-in,Case-analysis and discussion,Discussion points,Further learning,Home

37、work,Lead-in,Introduce the teacher impressed deeply in your minds and give one quality of him/her ?,Q:,Case-analysis and discussion,Topic: Look at the following teaching cases and try to find out qualities that should be required by a good primary English teacher.,Discussion points,Qualities,Be vers

38、atile,Be competent in English,Understand children,Use different teaching techniques,Qualities of a good primary English teacher:,Discussion points,The English language,The understanding of children,The techniques and methods,1. 操作技能(导 入、操练、提 问、板书等) 2. 组织技能(时 间、组织活动、 情境创设等) 3. 艺术技能(唱、 画、演、编导、 制作教具等),

39、1. 示范性 2. 提示性和启发 性 3. 配合教学内容 和情境,1. Care for “the whole child”. 2. Understand how children think and learn.,Discussion points,Knowing the language Knowing how to communicate with the language,Understanding how children think and learn,Techniques and methods for teaching English to children,Essential,Key,Necessary,Further learning,小学英语教师专业学习和专业发展目标,Further learning,小学英语教师专业学习和专业发展目标,Homework,Write down the qualities that a good primary English teacher should possess and that you wish to develop.,Thank You !,


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