经贸英语口译实训教程发Unit 7 Business Negotiation.ppt

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1、Business Negotiation,Unit 7,对外经济贸易大学出版社,Contents,Training Objectives,1,Training Steps,2,More Practice,3,Answers and Translation,4,Knowledge Objectives, You will be able to know: The definition of business negotiation The preconditions for negotiation How to prepare for negotiation? Features of inter

2、national business negotiation Tips for a successful business negotiation General procedures for business negotiation,Skill Objectives,You will be able to master: Figures interpreting,Quality Objectives,You will be able to cope with: Business negotiation interpretation,1. Training Objectives,2. Train

3、ing Steps,1. Assessment on Figures Interpreting 2. Self & Peer assessment on interpreting quality 3. Self & Peer assessment on groups performance,1. Phrase Interpreting 2. Sentence Interpreting 3. Field Interpreting 4. Situational Interpreting,. Performing,1. Knowledge Linkage (Preview before the le

4、sson) 2. Interpretation Skill: Figures Interpreting,. Preparing,. Packaging,Interpretation Skill: Figures Interpreting(数字口译),(1) The difficulty in figures interpreting,. Preparing, Figures are isolated, as a result it is difficult to remember them by STM and note them down quickly and accurately. Th

5、ere is a great difference between English and Chinese expression of figures.,(2) Skills of interpreting figures, Cardinal numbers基数 Ordinal numbers序数 Fraction分数 Decimals小数 Percentages百分数 Trends趋势 Rates比例 Ratios比率 Indefinite numbers不定数 Multiple 倍数,(2) Skills of interpreting figures,. Preparing,Interp

6、retation Skill: Figures Interpreting(数字口译),(2) Skills of interpreting figures,. Preparing,Interpretation Skill: Figures Interpreting(数字口译),(2) Skills of interpreting figures,. Preparing,Interpretation Skill: Figures Interpreting(数字口译),(2) Skills of interpreting figures,. Preparing,Interpretation Ski

7、ll: Figures Interpreting(数字口译),(2) Skills of interpreting figures,. Preparing,Interpretation Skill: Figures Interpreting(数字口译),(2) Skills of interpreting figures,. Preparing,Interpretation Skill: Figures Interpreting(数字口译),(2) Skills of interpreting figures,. Preparing,Interpretation Skill: Figures

8、Interpreting(数字口译),(2) Skills of interpreting figures,. Preparing,Interpretation Skill: Figures Interpreting(数字口译),(2) Skills of interpreting figures,. Preparing,Interpretation Skill: Figures Interpreting(数字口译),(2) Skills of interpreting figures,. Preparing,Interpretation Skill: Figures Interpreting

9、(数字口译),(2) Skills of interpreting figures,. Preparing,Interpretation Skill: Figures Interpreting(数字口译),(2) Skills of interpreting figures,. Preparing,Interpretation Skill: Figures Interpreting(数字口译),Phrase Interpreting Study and interpret the following words or phrases into Chinese or English respec

10、tively.,. Performing,1. 短语口译,参考译文,. Performing,2. Sentence Interpreting,. Performing,1)Before we begin, are you sure you are in a position to conduct this negotiation? 2)OK, lets talk about unit price rather than discount. 3)Frankly, we have 2 major suspicions, and we hope you could help us to under

11、stand and clarify. 4)Our principle is any deal should be mutually beneficial. 5)We insist that you effect the shipment before July 8. 6)To clinch / close the deal,shall we both make some concessions / meet each other halfway / bend the rules a little? 7)But no matter how great the difference is, you

12、ll have to move. You cant expect me to make the move alone. 8)Im afraid the gap between us is too great. 9)I think weve settled all the points under dispute. 10)I feel that our points of view are totally in line with each other / that, in fact, we are not contradicted.,2. 句子口译,参考译文,1)这笔大交易的谈判您能做主吗?

13、2)让我们不要纠结折扣了,来谈谈单价吧。 3)坦白说,我们有两个疑问,希望能帮忙解释下。 4)我们的原则是任何交易都必须是互利的。 5)我们坚持七月八日前装运。 6)我们双方作点让步来成交吧。 7)感谢您的让步,但离我们的目标还是有距离,您就步子跨大一点儿吧。 8)我觉得差距太大了。 9)我想我们解决了所有争议。 10)我觉得我们的观点一致了/事实上,我们的观点不冲突。,. Performing,Role Play,(1) Situation lead-in,After visiting the factory, Mr. Zhang, the general manager, is negot

14、iating with Mr. Smith on the price of the digital camera. After a series of counter-offers, the two parties finally reach consensus on the order price, amount and discount.,3. Field Interpreting,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,Competition,Evaluation,Evaluation,. Performing,Question 1,If you are Mr. Chen, wh

15、at other aspects should you pay attention to when you note down the figures below?,. Performing 3. Field Interpreting (2) Group discussion,还应该同时记录量词和趋势,这样记录下来的数字才有意义。,How to add zero when interpreting figures?,. Performing 3. Field Interpreting (2) Group discussion,Question 2,根据“点三杠四”断位法,由于英文数字是三位一节

16、,汉语数字是四位一节。因此数字口译时,英文数字以逗号从右至左每三位一点,汉语数字以斜杠从右至左每四位一划,不足的数位应以零补足。,Question 3,. Performing 3. Field Interpreting (2) Group discussion,How to move decimal point when interpreting figures?,根据“点三杠四”断位法,就近找中/英文最近的断位点,移动小数点同时加上对应的数位。,Work in groups and take turns to act as the interpreter, Mr. Chen; and th

17、e other students as Leon. While interpreting, the interpreter shouldnt look at the material. After six-minute preparation for it, you will be invited to act out the dialogue and interpret in the front of the classroom. Your performance will be evaluated by yourself, your teacher and other groups and

18、 recorded as your regular grade.,. Performing 3. Field Interpreting (3) Role play & interpreting,史密斯:非常感谢带我参观工厂。我对贵公司的生产过程和产品质量印象深刻。我希望能够与你们做成实质性的生意。 Zhang: Its my pleasure, Mr. Smith, to have the opportunity of doing business with you. May I know what particular items you are interested in? 史密斯:我对你

19、们的最新产品数码相机J50有兴趣。我研究了你们的商品目录,我看这一产品在美国应该很好销。希望你们报成本加运费保险费到纽约的最低价。 Zhang:Thank you for your inquiry. Would you tell us the quantity you require so as to enable us to work out the offer?,参考译文,. Performing,3. 口译实战,史密斯:好的。同时,你可以给我一个大概的价格吗? Zhang: No problem. Here are our FOB Zhuhai price lists. The pric

20、e in the list is subject to our confirmation. 史密斯:300美元一台?离我想要的价格太远了。 Zhang: How about $290? 史密斯:我出200美元一台。 Zhang: All right, let us meet each other halfway, $260, but not a penny less. Is that acceptable? 史密斯:好吧,我同意。那我们谈谈折扣问题吧。 Zhang:Can you indicate to me the quantity youd like to order first? 史密斯

21、:挺多的。你们给1 000台的订单折扣多少?,. Performing,参考译文,3. 口译实战,Zhang:For an order of that size, I can give you a discount of 10%. 史密斯:2 000台呢? Zhang:Well, if you commit to buy 2,000 sets then I could consider a larger discount. 史密斯:有多低? Zhang:If you order 2,000 sets, I can offer you a 20% discount. 史密斯:我要更低的折扣。我的

22、订货量很大,我的生意利润空间很小的,您明白吗? Zhang:If you want a big discount then you much make the order a large one. 史密斯:难道2 000台数量还不大吗?除非您愿意做出让步,否则我们谈不出什么结果。 Zhang:Well, we can meet each other halfway. You increase you order to 3,000 sets and I increase the discount to 25%. Is that agreeable? 史密斯:我接受。3 000台,7.5折。,.

23、Performing,参考译文,3. 口译实战,口译重难点解析,. Performing,3. 口译实战,. Performing,口译重难点解析,3. 口译实战,4. Situational Interpreting,3 students in a group (refer to P277),3 students in a group (refer to P277),Situation 1,After negotiation on price, Mr. Smith is now bargaining with the general manager Mr. Zhang for the com

24、mission, delivery time and methods. Please do two-way interpretation for them.,Situation 2,Mr. Smith is now reaching consensus on the payment methods. Please do two-way interpretation for them.,. Performing,4.情景口译参考译文,史密斯:那佣金呢?从欧洲进口,我一般得到3%5%的佣金。这是惯例。 Zhang: As a rule we do not allow any commission.

25、 But if the order is large enough, well consider it. 史密斯:哦,我是靠佣金做生意的。在你们价格中收点佣金,有助于我的推销,哪怕2%或是3%也行。 Zhang:OK. In order to encourage future business and as a gesture of friendship we are prepared to make this an exception by offering 2% commission. And there is no room for further bargain. 史密斯:好的。但是我

26、要求在6月之前就要收到货。 Zhang: Well, Mr. Smith, that will be difficult. It is April now.,情景 1,. Performing,4.情景口译参考译文,史密斯:那最快什么时候可以发货? Zhang: Would it be possible to deliver your order in separate consignments? We can deliver the first 2,000 sets by the end of May. 史密斯:那剩余1 000台呢? Zhang: I promise you could g

27、et it before the end of June. 史密斯:既然这样,那我只有接受了。 Zhang: Thank you for your consideration, and I hope that we shall do more business in the future.,情景 1,. Performing,4. 情景口译参考译文,史密斯:那我用什么方式付款呢? Zhang: Generally our payment term is T/T. 史密斯:可以用信用证吗? Zhang: Sorry, we only accept T/T at present. 史密斯:为什么不

28、能用信用证呢?信用证对双方都安全、公平。 Zhang: If we open L/C, the bank charge will increase our cost. Since our price is very low, so we use T/T and its faster and costs less. 史密斯:我知道了,那根据电汇我们怎么付呢? Zhang: 20% as deposits by T/T, balance (80%) before delivery. 史密斯:为什么要付押金呢? Zhang: Because some buyers cancel the order

29、before the delivery, 20% deposit just avoids this risk.,情景 2,. Performing,4. 情景口译参考译文,史密斯:噢,那倒也是。那如果我要样本订单的话,需要押金吗? Zhang: Theres no need, just pay 100% payment before delivery. 史密斯:噢,我明白了,那我什么时候才能享受此待遇呢? Zhang: Mr. Smith, I know you are a creditable person, so after you placed three orders, I will

30、apply to our finance department for permission to cancel the deposit payment. 史密斯:我们接受您的建议,谢谢。 Zhang: However, it needs your support for the first three orders. There should not any delay for the deposit and balance payment. Of course, you cant cancel the orders. 史密斯:是的,我知道了。我们会严格遵照形式发票和销售合同来支付押金和余额

31、。 Zhang: Good, thanks for your support.,情景 2,. Performing,Self & Peer assessment on figures interpreting,1. Note down figures correctly 2. Interpret figures correctly 3. Note down the quantifier at the same time 4. Note down the trend of figures correctly 5. Other aspects _ ,1. Faithfulness 2. Smoot

32、hness 3. Timeliness ,Assessments,. Packaging,Self & Peer assessment on interpreting quality,Self & Peer assessment,whole groups performance ,Study and interpret the following words or phrases into Chinese or English respectively.,. Phrase Interpreting,3. More Practice,口译以下词汇短语。,.词汇短语口译,参考译文,Interpre

33、t the following sentences into English or Chinese.,. Sentence Interpreting,3. More Practice,English to Chinese: 1)I am afraid there is not much room for further reduction. Actually, our price is already narrowly calculated and it leaves us only a small profit margin. 2)If your order is large enough,

34、 we are ready to reduce our price by 5%. 3)In order to encourage future business and as a gesture of friendship we are prepared to make this an exception by reducing our price by 5%, will this satisfy you? 4)Lets meet each other halfway so as to conclude the business. 5)We want to get the goods befo

35、re the end of May in order to be in time for the seasonal period.,. 句子口译,参考译文,英译中: 1)我恐怕没有多大的余地进一步降价了。事实上,我们的价格是精确计算过的,赚头很小。 2)若你方订购数量足够大的话,我方愿降价5%。 3)好吧。为了进一步扩大业务往来,也为了表示我们的诚意,我方准备破例降价5%,这样做你满意吗? 4)为了做成这笔生意我们各让一步吧。 5)我们想5月底前拿到货物以赶上销售旺季。,Interpret the following sentences into English or Chinese.,. S

36、entence Interpreting,3. More Practice,中译英: 1)请给我一个有效期为90天的CIF报价,目的港为洛杉矶报价,报价含6%的佣金。 2)请给我们报一个最低价,以及每单最低数量要求。 3)我方的报价是合理、现实的,符合当前市场的行情。 4)我方希望你能重新考虑你方报价,并给予新的报价,这样才有折中的可能。 5)恐怕我将不得不到别处购买而取消这笔生意了。,. 句子口译,参考译文,Chinese to English: 1)Id like to hear your quotation on a CIF Los Angeles basis valid for 90

37、days, with an inclusion of a 6% agents commission in your quotation. 2)Please quote us your best price and let us know the minimum quantity for each other. 3)Our offer is reasonable and realistic. It comes in line with the prevailing market. 4)We wish you will reconsider your price and give a new bi

38、d so that there could be a possibility for us to meet halfway. 5)I am afraid I shall be compelled to purchase elsewhere and may have to countermand our order.,Listen to the recording. Repeat promptly half or one sentence after the voice. Write down the numbers such as “1, 2, 3.” in sequence to do in

39、terference exercise at the same time.,. Shadowing Exercise,3. More Practice,Business is negotiation. You will negotiate to buy, to sell, to conclude contracts with suppliers, to fix the staff salaries and so on. What is more, you have to negotiate with regulators, banks, and insurances. It means tha

40、t the business life is a permanent negotiation with others, people who are defending their own interests. Consider what is valuable to your business, not the costs. You may end up losing something in the negotiation that is more valuable to your business than money. It could be a reliable client or

41、your company reputation.,. 影子跟读,参考译文,做生意就是谈判,靠谈判来买,来卖,和供货商签订合同,制订员工工资标准等。另外,还得和管理者、银行和保险谈判,也就是说,商务生活就是不断的与人谈判,人人都在谈判中维护自身利益。要考虑生意中最宝贵的是什么,不是成本,可能是一个可信赖的客户或公司信誉,因此谈判中不要丢掉比钱更宝贵的东西。,Listen to the recording. Do not take note while listening. And try to retell the passages one by one using the target lan

42、guage.,. Retelling Exercise,3. More Practice,Before you decide to negotiate, it is a good idea to prepare. What is it exactly that you want to negotiate? Set out your objectives (e. g. I want more time to pay off the loan). You have to take into account how it will benefit the other party by offerin

43、g some sort of reward or incentive. What is involved (money, sales, time, conditions, discounts, terms, etc.)? Know your extremes: how much extra can you afford to give to settle an agreement? Although you are not aiming to give out the maximum, it is worth knowing so that you will not go out of you

44、r limits. Know what your opposition is trying to achieve by their negotiation. This is useful information that could be used to your benefit and may well be used to reach a final agreement.,.复述练习,参考译文,谈判前要做好准备,想好你究竟想谈什么?定好目标(如我想延长还贷时间)。你需要考虑准备一点奖励或刺激使另一方受益。 谈判内容包括什么?(钱、销售、时间、条件、折扣,等等),要明确自己的底线:你能承受多

45、少附加条件?尽管你不准备做最大让步,但也得知道你不能越过底线。 要明白你的对手想达到什么目的,这对你有利也有助于达成交易。,Sight interpret the following passage.,. Sight Interpreting,3. More Practice,张:我们今天该签合同了,对吗? Smith: Yes. 张:这是附有产品价格的销售合同草案。请检查。另外关于合同条款您还有什么要补充的吗? Smith: This agreement should be made in both Chinese and English. And both versions should

46、have equal status in law. 张:合同经双方签字后生效。同时我们必须在合同中确认你方可以在合同规定的装运期内完成货物装运。如果不能在规定的三个月内装运的话,合同失效。 Smith: OK. Now I think the agreement has covered everything. 张:既然我们双方均同意所有条款,那我们现在就签合同? Smith: Of course we can.,.视译,参考译文,Zhang: So should we sign the sales contract today? 史密斯:好的。 Zhang: This is the draft

47、 of sales contract with the quotation list. Please check it. Do you have any comments on these clauses? 史密斯:这份协议应该有中英文两个文本,而且中英文两份协议都具有法律效力。 Zhang: The contract will become effective as soon as it is signed by both parties. Then we must make it clear in the contract that you are obliged to complete the delivery of the goods within the contractual time of shipment. If the shipment cannot be made within three month as stipulated, the contract will become invalid. 史密斯:好的。我想这些合同中都提到了。 Zhang: Since both of us are in agreement on all the terms, shall we sign the contract? 史密斯:当然可以。,Thank you!,


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