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1、Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note(第4课时)I. 单词拼写1. As a punishment, she was not p_ to attend any school activity.2. Lynn gave us a detailed a_ of her plan.3. He was hit by a falling tree and killed on the s_.4. He is not a wealthy person; on the c_, he has been in heavy debt.5. The police will look i

2、nto the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little p_.6. Its u_ that the event repeated itself years later in the same place.7. Its very r_ of her to leave without telling us.8. If you come across _ (毛病) but you still want the bicycle, ask the shop assistant to reduce the price.9. He was found _

3、(闲逛) aimlessly about the house.10. Many young people went to _ (寻找) their fortune abroad.11. I was very glad _(确实) to hear the news.12. His unnatural _(举止) made her feel uncomfortable.13. His fellow workers listened to his _(冒险) story with disbelief.14. The most frightening part of the _(场景) is the

4、one that is shown in the end.15. The _(作者) is going to adapt his play for television.II. 短语互译1. 抚养;培养;教育;提出 _2. 前进;可以;往下说 _3.偶然;无意中;不小心 _4.盯着看;凝视 _5.是的原因;解释 _6.于此相反;正相反 _7.冒险 _8.关于;至于 _9. in rags _10. make a bet _11.be set in _12. take into account _13. show out _14. on the spot _15. find fault with

5、 _III. 用方框中所给单词构成的短语填空Abring, stare, ahead, chance, amount1. Her husband has left her with three children to _.2. I dont think it will work, but Ill _ and try it.3. His eyes _ what is left of the brothers dinner on the table.4. _ money is spent on advertisements every year.5. The building of the new

6、 bridge will _ as planned.Baccount; bet; as; fault; permission6. _ the hotel, it was very uncomfortable.7. He could not _ his foolish mistake.8. What he likes to do best is to _ me.9. I _ that we would win the football match.10. You cant take photographs here _.Cset; accident; contrary; scene; rags1

7、1. The story _ the Second World War.12. The little girl knocked the glass off _.13. Im not ill. _ , Im very healthy.14. Reporters were soon _ after the accident.15. When you see children _ in the street, dont hesitate to give them a hand.IV. 单句写作1. They arrived here and _(发现房子被拆了).2. They were discu

8、ssing the problem _(这时老师进来了).3. The trouble is _(他误解了我).4. _(无论何时我听到这个故事), I cannot help crying.5. _(无论发生什么),you must keep calm.6. _(是因为她妈妈病了) that she didnt go with us.7. _(你介意) my opening the door?8. _(让人吃惊的是) that she should have said nothing about murder.9. He _ (确实来过) but soon went back.10. _(学

9、一门外语) is not easy.V. 语法专练- 宾语从句和表语从句1. His writing is so confusing that it is difficult to make out _ he is trying to express.A that B how C who D what2. In order to encourage the workers to work hard, the manager decides to reward _ produces the most in the factory.A who B whom C whomever D whoever

10、3. The exhibition tells us _ we should do something to stop air pollution.A where B why C what D which4. Our bad living habits will destroy the earth. Only by changing _ we live can we save the earth.A that B what C how D where 5. Im afraid hes more a talker than a doer, which is _ he never finishes

11、 anything.A that B when C where D why6. We never doubt _ our school team will win the football match against No. 3 Middle School.A whether B that C if D what7. The reason why he has always been successful is _ he never gives up.A because B what C that D when8. You should keep these old jam bottles -

12、 you never know _ you might need them.A when B how C what D where9. - Many online games are full of violence, which do harm to the development of the children. - And thats _ my concern lies.A what B which C where D that10. Id like to start my own business - thats _ Id do if I had the money.A why B w

13、hen C which D whatVI. 翻译完成下列句子,注意黑体部分要用到本单元的单词、短语或句型,然后将其合成一篇短文。1. 汤姆在盯着一张照片看。_.2. 这张照片使他回忆起被叔叔养大的日子。_.3. 当时叔叔不允许他在电脑上花很多时间。_.4. 一天,叔叔出去了,他冒险打开叔叔的电脑。_.5. 他无意中在电脑上看到了百万英镑的一幕。_.6. 叔叔回来后,没介意他偷玩电脑;正相反,叔叔跟他一起看起百万英镑来。When his uncle returned, he _, they watched The Million Pound Bank Note together.7. 这就是他喜

14、欢美国文学的原因。_.请将以上句子练成一篇语言流畅、用词准确、逻辑严密的短文。_Period 4I.1.permitted 2.account 3.spot 4.contrary 5.patience 6.unbelievable 7.rude 8.faults 9.wandering 10.seek 11.indeed 12.manner 13.adventure 14.scene 15.authorII.1.bring up 2.go ahead 3.by accident 4.stare at 5.account for 6.on the contrary 7.take a chance

15、 8.as for 9.衣衫褴褛10.打赌11.以为背景12.将.考虑在内13.领出去14.在现场,当场15.挑剔,找毛病III.1.bring up 2.take a chance 3.stare at 4.A large amount of 5.go ahead 6.As for/to 7.account for 8.find fault with 9.made a bet 10.without permission 11.was set in 12.by accident 13.On the contrary 14.on the scene 15.in ragsIV.1.found th

16、e house pulled down 2.when the teacher came in 3.that he misunderstood me 4.Whenever I hear the story 5.Whatever happens 6.It was because her mother was ill 7.Would you mind 8.It is amazing 9.did come 10.Learning a foreign language V.15DDBCD 610BCACDVI.1.Tom is staring at a photo. 2. This photo remi

17、nds him of the days when he was brought up by his uncle. 3. At that time his uncle didnt permit him to spend much time on the computer. 4. One day, his uncle went out and took a chance to turn on the computer. 5. He watched a scene of The Million Pound Bank Note by accident. 6. didnt mind him/his pl

18、aying the computer; on the contrary7. This can account for his love for American literature.合并后的短文Tom is staring at a photo, which reminds him of the days when he was brought up by his uncle, and at that time his uncle didnt permit him to spend much time on the computer. One day, his uncle went out

19、and took a chance to turn on his uncles computer. He watched a scene of The Million Pound Bank Note by accident. When his uncle returned, he didnt mind him playing the computer; on the contrary, they watched The Million Pound Bank Note together. This can account for his love for American literature. 7


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