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1、by Ou Guoli,English Improving Class,English Writing,(一)写出下列形容词或副词的比较级,1、tall 2、short 3、quiet 4、smart 5、funny 6、thin 7、good 8、calm 9、outgoing,taller,shorter,quieter,smarter,funnier,thinner,better,calmer,more outgoing,(二)人物对比短语,1、与不同,2、与相像的,3、和相同,4、和一样高,be different from,be similar to,the same as,as t

2、all as,(三)人物描述类短语,1、在某方面有天赋,2、擅长于,be talented in,be good at,1、My best friend Larry is quite different from me. quite为副词,可以用来修饰形容词,表示程度,以为“十分”,我十分擅长英语。,I am quite good at English.,(四)句子训练:佳句欣赏与模拟,2、Im shy so its not easy for me to make friends. Its +for sb. +to do sth. 做某事对某人来说怎么样。,取得好成绩对我来说很容易。,Its

3、easy for me to get good grades.,1、在我看来,有相同点事必要的。,In my view, Its to be the same.,(五)表达个人的择友观,necessary,2、我真正的不在乎朋友与我相同还是不同。,I dont really if my friends are the same or different.,care about,1、Lisa 唱得比Sam好。,Lisa sings Sam.,better than,(五)写作微技能:比较级的巧用,2、我比大多数孩子要安静与严肃。,Im and than most kids.,quieter,mo

4、re serious,3、Peter学习不如Tom努力。,Peter doesnt work hard Tom.,as,as,篇章训练。 今天网上讨论的主题是“ My best friend and I”。假如你有一个最好的朋友Lucy,请根据表格所提供的信息进行跟帖,对你和Lucy的相同之处和不同之处做一个简单的描述。字数100词左右。,1.本文为写自己与朋友的相同点与不同点。因此, 时态应 用一般现在时态 2.分析词汇。(长相,爱好,性格及学习品质) 3. 注意句子结构: 介绍发型时,has hair; 介绍爱好时,likes/like ; 其他可用, be + 形容词;V实意动词+副词

5、同等比较,asas,both; 一方不及另一方:not asas;比较级+than 4. 适当运用 and /however及 but,写作指导:,Writing,One possible version: Hello, everyone! I am Mary. My best friend is Lucy. She is 12 years old, and I am one year older than her. Lucy is shorter than me. She is 1.5meters tall and Im 1.55meters tall. In some ways, we a

6、re the same. However, in other ways, we are different. Lucy is quiet and calm. She is smarter than me, but I am more outgoing. I like to play sports and Im good at them. We have something in common, we both enjoy going to parties. We both like reading, so we usually go to the library together on weekends. I am as good at English as her, so we both have good English grades.,Thank you!,


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