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1、祝福好友快樂! Blessing friends happy!,好好活 慢慢拖 一生只有三萬多(天) Slowly drag a good living Life of only 30,000 more (days),用Google翻譯英文,不要攀 不要比 不要自己氣自己 Do not climb than not to own their own gas,少吃鹽 多吃醋 少打麻將多散步 Eat less salt and more jealous little more than a walk to play mahjong,按時睡 按時起 跑步跳舞健身體 From time to slee

2、p on time Running dance fitness body,只要能吃飯 錢就不會斷 As long as a meal Money will not be broken,不怕賺錢少 就怕走得早 Less afraid of making money Afraid to go back,官再大錢再多 阎王照樣土裏拖 Officer and then a large amount of money Hades still dragging the earth,一定要善待自己 享受人生 Be sure to treat yourself and enjoy life . .,人生吧:0

3、歲出場 Life bar: 0 year debut,10歲快樂成長 10-year Happy Grow up,20為情徬徨 20 is a loss situation,30基本定向 30 basic orientation,40拼命打闖 40 Chuang hard hit,50回頭望望 50 looked back,60告老還鄉 60 to grow old and return home,70搓搓麻將 70 rubbing Mahjong,80曬曬太暘 80 Yang sun drying too,90躺在床上 90 bed,100掛在牆上 100 hanging on the wa

4、ll ,生的偉大,死得凄凉! Born great, die miserable!,能牽手的時候,請别只是肩併肩 When to hand, please do not just side by side,能擁抱的時候,請别只是手牽手, To embrace the time, do not just hand in hand,能在一起的時候,請别輕易分開! Can be together, please do not easily separate,這周是世界好友周,如果你願意,請把這條信息發給你所有的好朋友,也包括我。 This week is the week the worlds fr

5、iend,If you wish, Please bring this information to all your friends,Including me.,看有多少人會回發給你 To see how many people will send you back,當大部分人都在關注你飛得高不高時, When most people are concerned about when you fly Gaobu Gao,只有少部分人關心你飛得累不累 -這就是友情 Only a handful of people care about you too tired to fly This is

6、the friendship,再忙也要照顧好自己 Have to take care of yourself no matter how busy,朋友雖不常聯繫却一直惦念! Contact has been a friend, though not often miss,好友快樂! Friends Happy,2012新概念 一個中心:,2012 a new concept center,一切以健康為中心,All health-centered,兩個基本点:,Two basic points,遇事瀟灑一點,看事糊塗一點。 Failing to cool a little, Look at t

7、hings a little confused,三個忘記: Three Forget,忘記年齡,忘記過去,忘記恩怨。 Forget age, forget the past, forget the scores,四個擁有: Four have,無論你有多弱或多强, 一定要擁有真正愛你的人, No matter how weak or strong We must have people who really love you,擁有知心朋友 With close friends,擁有向上的事業 Have upward career,擁有温暖的住所 Have a warm home,五個要: Fi

8、ve to :,要唱,要跳,要俏,要笑,要條 To sing, to dance, to be smart, to laugh, to be slim.,六個不能: Six can not :,不能餓了才吃 Not hungry before eating,不能渴了才喝 Not thirsty before drinking,不能困了才睡 Not sleepy and went to bed,不能累了才歇 Not tired before break,不能病了才檢查 Can not only check the sick,不能老了再後悔! Not old and then regret it!

9、,看到了就轉發給每一個你珍惜的人 Forward to seeing each of you to cherish the people,如果2012年火山没噴, If you did not spray the volcano in 2012,地没裂,樓没倒,家没淹,你還在,他還愛 To not crack, no floor down, the home did not flood, you are still, he also loved,請在2013年1月4日慶祝一下吧! In the January 4, 2013 to celebrate it,因為這是千載難逢的 201314 愛

10、你一生一世 Because this is a rare 201314 love you For life 如果你真心Love一個人 If you truly Love a person,請把這條信息轉給17個朋友,也包括我! Please take this piece of information transferred to 17 friends, including me,如果有3個人回, 你的願望將在12.25日白色聖誕節實現! If there are 3 back, you wish to achieve in 12.25 on a white Christmas!,不准不發(不要小氣), Not allowed to send (not stingy),因為我希望朋友們都幸福 I hope you are happy,The End,謝謝觀賞 ! 配樂:世界名曲 二一九年七月八日,


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