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1、高三英语总复习语法系列训练,河北望都中学 郑长年,非谓语动词的用法区别,非谓语动词的用法区别,动词不定式与动名词 动词不定式与分词 动名词与现在分词 现在分词与过去分词 其它情况,一、动词不定式与动名词,从结构上看,两者不同之处有:动名词前可用介词,它还可以被名词所有格(或代词)修饰;不定式前通常不用介词,更不能被名词所有格(或代词)修饰。 在实际应用中,有下列各点值得注意:,1、作主语或表语时,一般说来,在表示比较抽象的一般行为时多用动名词;在表示具体的动作,特别是将来的动作时,多用不定式。,Smoking is not allowed here. (表习惯、爱好、或抽象的动作、经常做的事情

2、。) To smoke so much is not good for you. (表具体的、一次性动作、要做的事情。) Their jog is building houses. (抽象、经常的动作) Their work is to build another bridge across the river. (具体、要做的动作),2、作宾语时,1)动名词可作动词和介词的宾语 2)动词不定式一般作动词的宾语,疑问词to do 可作介词的宾语。,They preferred walking to school to cycling. They preferred to stay at hom

3、e rather than go out in such hot weather. Our English teacher often gives us some advice on how to learn English.,1)作动词宾语时,两种结构在意义上有时差别不大,这样的动词有: like, hate, prefer, begin, start, continue, intend, attempt, propose, deserve, need, cant bear, 等。,Do you like playing (to play) chess? When did you begin

4、 learning (to learn) English? Your suit needs ironing ( to be ironed).,注意,【1】在like ,hate, prefer 等动词之后,如果表示一般倾向,多用动名词作宾语;如指特定的或某次行动,则用不定式更多一些。,I like reading books of this kind, but I dont like to read that book. She prefer walking to cycling. I prefer to stay at home today.,注意,【2】在begin, start, cea

5、se后,如果表示有意识地开始(停止)做某事,多用动名词;如果动作自动或突然开始(停止),则多用不定式。,He began talking about his plan for summer holiday. Suddenly it began to rain. We started working on the program in 2001. The factory has ceased making motorcycles. After that she ceased to worry about her daughter.,2)作动词宾语时,两种结构在意义上有时差别很大,这样的动词有:

6、remember, forget, regret, stop, mean, try, 等。 remember/ forget/ regret +v-ing 表已经发生的动作, remember/ forget/ regret + v-ing 表动作还没有发生。 mean doing 意思是;意味着 mean to do 意欲,打算要做 stop to do 停下来要做 stop doing 停止正在做的动作 try doing 试着做 try to do sth. 试图做,3) 在动词want , require, need, 等后 动词不定式(短语)作宾语时,用人作主语; 动名词作宾语时(=

7、to be done),用物作主语。,Someone needs to see you , sir. The wall needs repairing(= to be repaired). I want to go to the barbers because my hair wants cutting(= to be cut).,4)动名词作定语表示所修饰名词的用途,常常放在所修饰名词之前;而动词不定式作定语表未发生的动作,常常放在所修饰名词之后。,We have various kinds of clothes for you to choose from. His attempt to

8、solve the difficult problem failed again. These passages may be used as listening materials. Mr Wang suffers from insomnia, he has to take a sleeping tablets before going to bed.,二、动词不定式与分词,一般说来,动词不定式表主动、将来; 现在分词 表主动、进行; 过去分词 表被动、完成。,一、动词不定式与分词作宾补的区别,在see, hear, notice等感官动词和have等使役动词之后,既可用分词也可用不定式构成

9、复合宾语。区别是:1)作现在分词时,表示动作正在进行发生,其含义相当于进行时态;2)用不定式表示动作已经发生,动作的过程已经结束;3)用过去分词表示一个被动动作。,I saw him go upstairs. (动作全过程) I saw him going upstairs. (动作正在进行) Dont have me waiting for you outside ? I wont. I just have my hair cut.,三、动名词与现在分词,动名词与现在分词同形(v-ing),但是,两者有各自的语法名称和作用: 1)当v-ing形式在句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语时,被称为动名词

10、。 2)当v-ing形式在句中作状语、宾语补足语、表语、定语时,被称为现在分词。 可见,二者都可以作表语和定语。,(一)作表语时的区别,1、现在分词作表语表示主语的特征或属性; 2、动名词作表语表示主语的内容、功能等。,The news is exciting. (现在分词表特征) Her work is nursing children. (动名词表内容) Her favorite job is teaching English.动名词表内容) The story sounds interesting. (现在分词表特征),(二)作定语时的区别,1、动名词作定语表示所修饰名词的作用、用途等,

11、常常放在所修饰名词之前; 2、现在分词作定语表示它所修饰的名词的动作,被修饰名词与现在分词在逻辑上是主谓关系,说明所修饰的词、所代表的人或物所做的动作或特征;单个分词作定语,位于所修饰的名词之前,分词短语作定语放在所修饰的名词之后。,1.flying fish = fish which can fly 飞鱼 (现在分词) 2.flying suit = suit for flying 飞行衣 (动名词),四、现在分词与过去分词,两者之间的区别主要体现在时态和语态上: (1)在时态上:现在分词表示正在进行,而过去分词表示已经完成。 (2)在语态上:现在分词表示主动;而过去分词表示被动。 总之,现

12、在分词表主动、进行; 过去分词表被动、完成。 在句法功能上它们都可以作定语、表语、状语和宾补,它们的具体区别如下:,1、作定语时,1、现在分词作定语表示正在进行的动作,或表示经常性的动作, 或现在 (或当时) 的状态; 2、过去分词作定语时,过去分词所表示的动作可以在谓语所表示的动作之前发生,也可以是没有一定的时间性。,The meeting held last week is very important. Tell the children playing there not to make so much noise. They lived in a room facing (= tha

13、t faced) the south. I hate to see letters written in pencil.,2、作表语时,现在分词多表示主语所具有的特征或属性;过去分词多表示主语所处的状态。现在分词表示“令人的”,过去分词表示“感到”.常见的分词有:amazed / amazing, excited / exciting, bored / boring, annoyed / annoying, interested / interesting, pleased / pleasing, tired / tiring, surprised / surprising, worried/

14、 worrying , satisfied / satisfying, amused / amusing,The news was exciting. He appeared satisfied with my answer.,3、作宾语补足语时,现在分词与句子的宾语是主动关系,它所表示的动作往往正在进行; 过去分词与句子的宾语是被动关系,它所表示的动作往往已经完成。,I found them painting the windows. (现在分词表主动、进行) I found the windows painted. (过去分词表被动、完成),五、其它区别,现在分词的被动式(being done)强调某一动作正在被进行中; 过去分词表示某一(被动)动作已经(结束)完成,不强调时间概念; 不定式的被动式(to be done)表示一个还没有发生的被动动作。,The building being repaired is our library. Xiao Wang fell asleep with the window opening and the curtain drawn. Hi, Lucy, the boss has another document to be typed.,


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