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1、英 语 高 考 语法 讲 解,(虚拟语气专题),判断是否真虚拟, 基本条件要熟练, 时间变化要灵活, 特殊单词重点记。,2,条件句有真实条件句和非真实条件句两种。 真实条件句所表的假设是可能发生或实现的,是与事实相符的。 非真实条件句所表的假设则是不可能或不大可能发生或实现的, 与事实相反的情况。 If it is fine tomorrow, I will go to visit my grandma. If I were a bird, I would fly to America.,3,非真实条件句,If I had time, I would certainly join you in

2、 the tennis match. (事实是:我没有时间) 我要是有时间肯定和你一起打这场网球比赛。 If I were you, I would put her suggestion into account. (事实是:我并不是你) 我要是你,我会考虑她的建议的。,4,非真实条件句,If I should have a chance to try it, I would do it in another way. (假设的情况不大可能发生) 要是我有机会试一试,我会用另一种方法做的。 Even if they were to fail, they wouldnt lose courage

3、. (说话人不希望假设的情况发生) 即使他们万一失败,他们也不会泄气。,一、非真实条件句中的虚拟语气(if 引导) 二、宾语从句中的虚拟语气 三、主语从句中的虚拟语气 四、表语从句、同位语从句中的虚拟语气 五、状语从句中的虚拟语气 六、几种特殊的虚拟语气,定义:,虚拟语气表示说话人的愿望、假设、猜测或建议,而不表示客观存在的事实。虚拟语气通过谓语动词的特殊形式来表示。,虚拟语气的主要内容:,1. 虚拟语气用于条件状语从句 if 从句 主句 现在 过去式 would (should, could, might)+动原 将来 同上 过去 had done would (should, could,

4、 might)+ have done,过去式,should+动原,were to+动原,7,If I were you, I would give AIDS patient a hug. If I had taken your advice, I wouldnt have made a mistake. If it rained tomorrow, they wouldnt go for an outing.,现在事实相反,与过去事实相反,与将来事实相反,8,I would buy an expensive car. I would buy a villa. I would travel ar

5、ound the world.,If I won the lottery,现在事实相反,9,If I _time last night, I _ to see the film with you .,had had,would have gone,过去事实相反,If he_ more carefully, he _ the car accident yesterday.,had driven,would not have had,10,Mark: 100,I _ a party for you .,should get,If you,_ _ _,got,Were to get,a full m

6、ark next time,将来时相反,would hold,考题点击: I am not free today. If I _free today , I _ and visit some of my friends . A. am will go B. were , would go C. shall be D. be , must go 2. If my lawyer _ here last Saturday, he _ me from going . A. had been , would have prevented B. had been, would prevent C. wer

7、e, would prevent D. were, would have prevented 3.If I were to see Tom, what _ you _ me to tell him? A. are ,going to ask B. do , ask C. would , ask D. did, ask,学习虚拟条件句还要注意以下4点:,(1)省略if 若虚拟条件句中有 were, had, should 时,可省略 if 而将 were, had, should 移到句首。如: (1)If I were to meet him tomorrow, I should ask hi

8、m about it. Were I to meet him tomorrow, (2)_ for the doctors careful treatment, he _till last year. A. If it is not, cant live B. Were it not, couldnt live C. Had it not been, couldnt have lived D. If they were not, couldnt live,(2)错综时间虚拟条件句 虚拟条件句与主句谓语动词发生的时间有时不一致,要注意主从句谓语形式。 考题 It is hard for me t

9、o imagine what I would be doing today if I _ in love, at the age of seven, with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown. A. wouldnt have fallen B. had not fallen C. should fall D. were to fall,1.If you had finished writing the book last month , it would be published next month.,2.You would be much be

10、tter now if you had taken my advice.,错综时间虚拟条件句,3. If you had met him yesterday, you would know what to do now.,如果你上个月写完这本书,下个月它就会出版。 如果你上个月已经写完了这本书,早就出版了。,如果你以前听了我的建议,你现在会好很多 如果你以前听了我的建议,你早就会好很多了,有时假设的情况并不以条件从句表示出来,而是通过一个介词来表示或通过上下文或其他方式表示 如“but for 要不是”,“without ”及“but that ” “ except for和“supposin

11、g假设 ” “otherwise否则”等表示含蓄的虚拟: But for your help, I would have failed.要没有你的帮助,我就失败了。 But for your help, I would have not been successful.要不是你的帮助,我不会取得成功。 Without the money, I would not be alive now.没有这笔钱,我活不到现在 Supposing there were no gravity, objects would not fall to the ground when dropped. 假设没有地球引

12、力,物体下落时落不到地面上。 She wasnt feeling very well. Otherwise she wouldnt have left the meeting so early.她不舒服,否则不会这么早离开会议 She would leave her husband except for children.如果没有孩子的话,她就会离开她的丈夫的,(3)含蓄虚拟条件句,考题点击: 1.I went by plane; otherwise I _ much longer time. A.could take B.would take C.will have taken D.woul

13、d have taken,D,2.He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he _ a goal. A. had scored B. scored C. would score D. would have scored,D,3. Without liberation we _ a new life. A. would not begin B. would not have been begun C. had not begun D. would not have begun,D,if only,过去完成时,一般过

14、去时,对过去虚拟,对现在虚拟,could + 完成时,(4)if only 从句 if only 若是.那该多好啊; 真希望.; 只要.就好,If only Marx were still by my side to see this with his own eyes. If only she could have lived a little longer. If only she had lived a little longer. 3. If only he had arrived in time.,would /could/might +动词原形,对将来虚拟,比较if only与on

15、ly if only if 表示“只有”; I wake up only if the alarm clock rings. 考题 1. If only grandmother _ this together with us now. A. will see B.could see C.must see D.should see,B,2. If only he _ quietly as the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so much now. A. lies B. lay C. had lain D. should lie (lie 躺,l

16、ay, lain),C,19,as if/as though,过去完成时,一般过去时,Would /could/might +动词原形,对过去虚拟,对现在虚拟,对将来虚拟,They talked as if they had been friends for years. She takes care of the orphan as if he were her own child. It is so cool as if it were autumn. She looks as though he had been ill. It looks as if it might rain.,五、

17、状语从句中的虚拟语气,20,用在lest(惟恐,免得), for fear that(以免,为防止起见)和in case引导的状语从句中,这时谓语动词用should+动词原形或动词原形。,1. She closed the windows lest she catch cold. 2. He took his raincoat with him lest it should rain. 3. She put her coat over the child for fear that he should catch cold. 4. Heres some money in case you sh

18、ould need it.,lest /for fear that/ in case,+ 句子(should +动词原形),21,考题点击: 1. We felt as if we _ each other for years. A.knew B.were knowing C.had known D.have knowing 2. He took away the oxygen tank for fear that it _. A. may explore B. exploded C. explode D. had explode,C,C,二、宾语从句中的虚拟语气,1.wish后面宾语从句中的

19、虚拟语气,表示 与事实相反的愿望。其表达形式一般是将从句的谓 语动词退后一个时态。例如: 1)与现在事实相反 : wish + (that)+did(were) I wish I were as healthy as you. I wish that I had a plane. 2)与过去事实相反 : wish + (that)+had done I wish I had been to the concert last night. I wish you had written to him. 3)与将来事实相反 : wish + would/could/might+do I wish h

20、e would forgive me.,23,I wish I were as tall as you. I wish I became as famous as Yao Ming.,I wish I were a bird. I wish I could fly like a bird. I wish every day were my birthday.,现在时,24,He wish he hadnt eaten so much watermelon. I wish the lunch time would come soon. I wish it would rain tomorrow.

21、,过去时,将来时,2. 在某些动词后的宾语从句中需用should+动词原形的虚拟语气形式。“should”可以省略。 常见的动词有:一个坚持insist; 两个命令order, command ; 三条建议suggest , advise, propose; 六项要求demand, request, require, ask; urge, desire, 注意: suggest表 暗示表明 时 insist表坚持认为时不用虚拟语气,He ordered that the students (should) wash the clothes every week by themselves. T

22、he doctor suggested that she (should) have an operation at once.,三、主语从句中的虚拟语气,基本句型: 1. It be+过去分词+that+(should)+动词原形+,过去分词:suggested, requested, ordered, proposed, demanded, arranged, desired, advised,It is required that nobody (should) smoke here. Its suggested that everybody (should) buy a diction

23、ary.,2. It be+形容词+that+(should)+动词原形+ 形容词:important, necessary, natural, right, wrong, better, proper, funny, strange, surprising,It is necessary that we (should ) have a walk now. Its important that we (should) take good care of the patient. How strange that you should not have heard it! It is quit

24、e natural that she should succeed.,27,考题点击: Is it necessary that he _ the examination? A. takes B. has to take C. must take D. take 2. It is strange that he _ you this. A. would tell B. should tell C. had told D. has told 3.It was ordered that no smoking _ in the library. A. should allow B. be allow

25、ed C. will be allowed D. is allowed 这是使用用虚拟语气的主语从句: 形容词important, impossible, necessary等后的主语从句通常用虚拟语气。 It is impossible that he should go home. 他不可能会回家去。 It is necessary that I should return it right now. 我有必要马上把它还回去。,D,B,B,3. It be+名词( a pity/a shame/ no wonder) that + (should)+动词原形+,It seems such

26、a pity that you should have to spend the day at the hotel. 你得在旅馆里度过一天看来是一件遗憾的事情.,It is a burning shame that little children should have to beg in the street. 小孩们得在街上乞讨,这是一件严重的可耻的事.,It is no wonder that she should not write to you. 她不给你写信一点也不奇怪.,四、表语从句、同位语从句中的虚拟语气,在 suggestion, proposal, idea, plan,

27、order, advice , decision等名词后面的表语从句、同位语从句中 要用虚拟语气,即(should)+动词原形。,My suggestion is that we (should) leave at once.,1)表语从句:,2)同位语从句:,I make a proposal that we (should) hold a meeting next week.,考题点击: His suggestion that you _ once more sounds reasonable. A. try B. tries C. must try D. can try 2.He gav

28、e an advice that they _ each other. A. helped B. must help C.help D.had helped 3.My suggestion is that a few more people _ there to help me. A. be sent B. have sent C. sent D. should sent,A,C,A,几种特殊句式的虚拟语气:,would rather + do something(宁愿做某事),would rather+ 句子(虚拟),过去完成时,一般过去时,一般过去时,对过去虚拟,对现在虚拟,对将来虚拟,I

29、 would rather you posted the letter right away. I would rather you had returned the book yesterday. Dont come tomorrow. Id rather you came next weekend. Id rather she hadnt done that.,It is (high, about,low) time that,一般过去时,should + 动词原形,此处的should一般不省略,注意: 此句型与下面的句型的区别:,It is time for somebody to do

30、 something. It is the first time that从句 现在完成时 It was the first time that从句 过去完成时,It is time for us to have dinner. It is (about/high) time that we had dinner.,It is the first that he have gone there. It was the first time that he had gone there.,Would you mind + if从句中谓语动词一般用一般过去时.,Would you mind if

31、I opened the window? 如果我打开窗户, 你不反对吗? Do you mind if I smoke? 我抽烟你不介意吧?,注意: would you mind doing sth. Would you mind my smoking?,35,虚拟语气练习,共两套(含答案与解析),36,1I would buy that car,if I _ enough money. Ahave Bhad Cwill have Dhad had 2Ford might have come to school in time for Professor Smiths lecture, _ .

32、 Aif he got up earlier Bunless he had got up earlier Cbut he got up rather late Dbut he had got up so late,3 _ their help in the past years, he would be living a hard life and might even have starve to death. AWith BIf it were not for CIf it had not been for DIf not 4If it had not rained yesterday,

33、the ground _ muddy now. Ais not Bwill not be Cwould not be Dwould not have been,答案与解析,(一),37,1选B。根据主从句之间在逻辑上的时间关系,应视为同时发生故选B。但本句在没有语言环境的情况下,也可以看做是一个过去的真实条件句。 2选C虚拟前置 3选C。如用with则全句的逻辑关系不成立,而用D项其语法结构有错。in the past years已经告诉我们应与过去事实相反的条件从句,所以只有C是对的,B项用来表示与现在事实相反,也应排除。B、C这两种用法只能表示虚拟条件,不能表示真实条件,其意思是“如果没有

34、”。 4选C。虚拟条件从句虽是指过去,但从其与主句的逻辑关系上分析,主句只能是现在,故选C,从now 一词也可得出这一结论。,38,5 You _ any difficulty now, if you had made a more careful plan. Awont meet with Bwould not meet with Cwould not have met with Dhave not met with 6He did his best in everything, _ he would not have been what he was. Aand Bbut Cotherwi

35、se Dbut that 7-What would you wish to do if you were to be a college student again? -Thats very hard to say, but I wish I _ biology when I was a college student. Ahad studied Bstudied Cstudy Dhave studied,8-You should have gone to the show with us yesterday. Its very good. -I wished I _ , but I was

36、busy with my report. Ahad Bdid Cwould have Dwere 9Mr Johnson said angrily, “Dont order me about, as if I _ your wife. Im not.” Awere Bam Cwould be Dhad been,答案与解析,39,5选B。分析方法同上。 6选C。otherwise在这是一个虚拟条件从句的替代词,它代替了if he hadnt done his best。 7选A。从wish后的过去时间状语判断,这应该是一个对过去未能实现事情的一种愿望,故应使用过去完成时。 8选A。在确定wis

37、h后从句的时态时,不要受wish本身时态的影响,它同对从句时态的确定毫无关系。问题的关键是要看wish和从句中的动词的时间先后关系,无论wish本身是何种时态,它与这个动词的时间关系是固定不变的,在变成间接引语时,我们会更能体会到这种关系: He said,“I wish I had been there. ” He said that he wished he had been there. wish的时态变了,可它与后面动词的时间关系并没有变。请参阅本章的语法说明。 9选A。根据句意,这是一个与现在事实相反的比喻,准确地说,是一个与主句动词同时发生的一个动作,故用一般过去时的were。,4

38、0,10 _ the thick fence, he would have been more fearful. ABut for BWithout CIf it were not for Dboth A and B 11He talked as if he _ to Beijing, but I knew he hadnt. Awent Bwere Chad been Dwould have been 12-Would you have told him the answer, if possible? -Yes, I would have, but I _ very busy. Ahad

39、been Bwere Cwas Dwould be 13If he _ in England, what language could he probably speak now? Awere born Bhad been born Cwould have been born Dwas born 14If we _ Stevens advice, we would not be lost in the forest. Atook Bhad taken Chave taken Dwould take 15If the government had built more houses for th

40、e homeless people after the earth quake, the housing problems now in some parts of the city _ so serious now. Awouldnt be Bwill not have been Cwouldnt have been Dwould have not been,答案与解析,41,10选D。But for(如果没有)和without都可用于表示条件,并没有时间限制,它们既有If it were not for的意思,也有if it had not been for的意思。但前者只用来表示虚拟条件

41、,而后者用于虚拟和真实均可。C 项表示与现在事实相反,这与主句不能成立。 11选C。as if后时态的确定同wish一样,也不要受主句时态的影响,对它的分析请见上面第8题及其分析。 12选C。but引出的内容是一个事实。 13选B。从句用与过去事实相反的过去完成时才能合句意。 14选B。从句只能指过去。 15选A。主句中的now一词已表明是与现在事实相反。,42,16What a heavy rain it is! If we _ the rain coat, we wouldnt _ in the rain. Ahad put on, be walking Bput on, walk Cpu

42、t on, be walking Dshould put on, walk 17-Why is the window broken? -If I _ care, it _ . Atook, wouldnt happen Bhad taken, wouldnt have happened Ctook, wouldnt have happened Dhad taken, wouldnt happen 18-Do you think the thief entered through the side door? -No, if he had, he _ the living room window

43、. Awould break Bwould have broken Cwouldnt break Dwouldnt have broken 19I _ one of Toms paintings, but if I had, he would have given it to me. Awanted Bwant Cdidnt want Ddont want 20Ive forgotten his telephone number. If I _ it down, I _ you now. Aput, would have told Bput, would tell Chad put, woul

44、d have told Dhad put, would tell,答案与解析,43,16选A。从句应理解为与过去事实相反,故用过去完成时,句首的感叹句告诉我们,这是一个当前的情景,所以wouldnt后用进行时较妥。 17选B。第一句虽用了一个现在时的疑问句,但“打碎”这个动作确是已经发生了。所以主从句都应视为过去事实相反。 18选D。用与过去事实相反的否定句才合逻辑。 19选C。从虚拟条件从句及其主句可判断出这是一个过去发生的否定的事实。 20选D。从句是指过去,而主句是指现在。,44,1It is strange that she _ marry such an ugly man. Awou

45、ld Bshould Cshall Dmust 2Its not right that the meeting _ off till tomorrow. Amust be put Bmust put Cwill be put Dbe put 3It was impossible that he _ the train, for he had started out very early. Acould have missed Bmust have missed Cshould have missed Dshould miss 4Its a pity that he _ such a good

46、chance. Ashould miss Bshould have missed Chas missed Dall the above 5He tried to find some excuse for the debt, but I insisted that he _ it off at once. Amust pay Bought to pay Cpaid Dpay 6Mr. Ford insisted that he _ right, though the others didnt think so. Ashould do Bshould have done Chad done Ddid,答案与解析,(二),45,1选B。分析见本章语法说明。 2选D。本句带有要求之意,故从句谓语用should型虚拟语气。D项中的should被省略。 3选C。本句也带有惊讶之意,故从句须用should型虚拟语气。但由于是过去的事情所产生的惊讶,所以用should+不定式完成式。 4选D。如选A,这表达了说话人对将来的事所发出的感叹,选B则是对已经过去的事情的感叹。选C则是一个直陈语气,即说话人对此并不一定感到十分惋惜,而是对此事的陈述。


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