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1、简单句的五种基本类型,简单句(Simple Sentences) 由一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)构成的句子。 并列句 (Compound Sentences) 由并列连词(and, but, or, so等)把两个或两个以上的简单句连在一起而构成的句子。 复合句 Complex Sentences 由一个主句和一个以上的从句构成的句子。 英语中千变万化的句子归根结底都是由简单句的五种基本句型组合、扩展、变化而来的,只要把这些基本句型弄清楚,你就会游刃有余了!-呵呵,就像俺这样:,Practice makes perfect! -熟能生巧,Do not worry!,一个完整的

2、简单句按结构分 由 “主语部分+谓语部分”构成 For example: The man is writing. (主语部分) (谓语部分),哲学上说: 运动是绝对的 静止是相对的,造句的关键就在于动词 一般而言,每个句子都应该有个动词( 除了省略句外 ),动词,连系动词 主要动词 行为动词 助动词 辅助动词 情态动词,be ( is am are was were) / seem / keep 是/好象(似乎)是/保持 look / feel / taste / smell / sound 看/感觉/尝/闻/听起来(上去) become / turn / get / grow 变得,不及物动

3、词 laugh / smile / look / listen 及物动词 see / hear / drink / eat,be (is/ am /are / was / were) do / does / did have / has / had will / shall / be going to/,can / may / must / shall / need could / should / would / might have (has) to / had better,连系动词,be ( is am are was were) / seem / keep /是/好象(似乎)是/保持

4、 look / feel / taste / smell / sound / 看/感觉/尝/闻/听起来(上去) become / turn / get / grow / 变得,表语:表示主语是什么(身份)或者怎么样(处于什么状态)。 由名词、形容词或相当于名词或形容词的词或短语等充当。 和连系动词一起构成谓语,也就是说: 连系动词后面的就是表语!,He is a boy. She is a girl. They are students. They are good. He looks / seems ill. The apple tastes nice. Trees turn green.

5、Your idea sounds good.,主语 连系动词 表语,连系动词,主系表结构(SVP) = 主语+连系动词+表语,Mr. Li is a good teacher.,The movie is interesting/wonderful.,He feels hungry.,The flower looks beautiful.,主语Subject : 表示句子所说的是“什么人”或“什么事物” 。 也就是动作的发出者。 一般由名词、代词或相当于名词、代词的词或短语等充当。,谓语Predicate : 说明主语“做什么”、“是什么”或者“怎么样”。 也就是做了什么行为动作或处于什么状态。

6、 谓语(谓语部分里主要的词)用动词。,宾语Object : 表示动作、行为的对象。 也就是动作的接受者。 一般由名词、代词或相当于名词的词或短语等充当。,狗 咬 人 。 主语The dog 谓语bites 宾语a man,人 跑 。 主语The man 谓语 is running.,及物动词是后面可以直接跟宾语的动词: see / hear / drink / eat / I saw him last week. We heard the bad news yesterday. They eat bread every day. He drank a glass of milk just no

7、w. 不及物动词是后面不可以直接跟宾语的动词: laugh / smile / look / listen / She smiled happily. They laughed loudly. 如果要加宾语,就要靠一个介词来帮助: She look at the blackboard carefully. He listened to his teacher in class. They laughed at us after the match.,什么是及物动词和不及物动词呢?!,The boy is fishing.,The girl dances well.,The duck is sw

8、imming.,The woman walks slowly.,主谓结构(SV) = 主语+谓语动词,不及物动词,He likes basketball game.,He plays computer games every day.,He played soccer yesterday.,He is playing the guitar now.,及物动词,主谓宾结构(SVO) =主语+谓语+宾语,有些词既是及物动词又是不及物动词,那就要看意思上的区别了:,他们在放风筝。 They are flying the kites.,风筝在天上飞。 The kites are flying in t

9、he sky.,He gave me a present.,She teaches us. She teaches English.,She teaches us English.,She told me a story.,及物动词,主谓双宾结构(SVOiOd) =主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语,可以用于这种句式的动词主要有 (A) buy / build / choose / cook / make / draw He bought me a new bike. 也可以改为for sb 的句式 He bought a new bike for me. (B) give / take / se

10、nd / bring / show / write / sell / lend / pass / return / offer / read She lent me a book. 也可以改为 to sb的句式 She lent a book to me. (c) borrow/ get 也可以改为from sb的句式 She borrowed a book from me yesterday.,主谓宾宾补结构(SVOC) =主语+谓语+宾语+宾语的补足语,He told me to clean my room.,I saw her dancing.,Our teacher asks us t

11、o read English every day.,及物动词,可以用于这种句式的动词主要有,let / make sb. do sth.,ask / tell / want / allow / wish / sb. to do sth. expect / encourage / invite / teach,find / see / hear / watch / notice / feel sb. do sth. sb. doing sth.,help sb. (to) do sth.,_句 She is a very good girl . (_语) (_词) (_语) _句: They l

12、aughed. The kites fly in the sky. (_语) (_词) (_语) (_词) _句: I bought a new bike. He plays volleyball. (_语) (_词) (_语) (_语) (_词) (_语) _句: She told me a story. He gave me a good book. (_语) (_词) (_语) (_语) (_语) (_词) (_语) (_语) _句: He asked me to help him. He made me happy. (_语) (_词) (_语) (_语) (_语) (_词) (_语)

13、 (_语),蛮简单的哦! Let me try!,1 主系表: She is a very good girl . (主语) (连系动词) (表语) 2 主谓: They laughed. The kites are flying in the sky. (主语) (谓语动词) (主语) (谓语动词) 3主谓宾: I bought a new bike. He plays volleyball. (主语) (谓语动词) (宾语) (主语) (谓语动词) (宾语) 4主谓宾宾: She told me a story. He gave me a good book. (主语) (谓语动词) (宾

14、语) (宾语) (主语) (谓语动词) (宾语) (宾语) 5主谓宾宾补 He asked me to help him. He made me happy. (主语) (谓语动词) (宾语) (宾语补足语) (主语) (谓语动词) (宾语) (宾语补足语),Keys,The boy is asleep.,The boy is sleeping.,主谓宾,主谓,The boy is playing the guitar.,His music is very beautiful.,It is beautiful music.,主系表,He is playing happily.,判断这些句子的类

15、型并 理解be动词的双重身份 (连系动词助动词),Exercise, Everything goes well. we exercise every day. we are sitting now. you are listening carefully. you are listening to me carefully. we are having an English class. I teach you English. last week I bought a gift for my son. I will write a letter to you. we should keep

16、our classroom clean every day. I know a little girl called Lily. we find it difficult to learn English. we felt very excited today. Trees are green.,Summary, Everything goes well. we exercise every day. we are sitting now. you are listening carefully. _主谓句 you are listening to me carefully. we are h

17、aving an English class. I know a little girl called Lily ._主谓宾句 I teach you English. last week I bought a gift for my son I will write a letter to you. _主谓宾宾句 we should keep our class room clean every day (13)we find it difficult to learn English_主谓宾补句 we felt very excited today. Trees are green. _主系表句,Summary,


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