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1、语法专项训练(十四) 定语从句,考点一 用什么词引导定语从句? 我们要判断到底使用关系代词还是关系副词, 应先把先行词放回定语从句中, 如果先行词在从句中充当主语、宾语或定语, 则用关系代词“that(充当主语、宾语或表语),who(充当主语、宾语或表语), whom(充当宾语), which(充当主语、宾语或表语), as(充当主语、宾语或表语), whose(充当定语)”;如果充当状语, 则用关系副词“where, when, why”等. He is the man _never gives in to difficulty.,我们将先行词“the man”放回定语从句中, 则得出“th

2、e man never gives in to difficulty.”在这一句子中, “the man”在句中充当主语, 因此不可能用关系副词, 排除了填“where, when, why”的可能性;,由于“the man”指代人, 在句中又充当主语, 因此也不可能用“which, whom, whose”;只有当先行词前面有“such, the same”时才能用“as”, 因此, 以上句子只能填“that/who”.,考点二 在什么情况下一般只能用that引导定语从句?,考点三 在什么情况下一般只能用which引导定语从句?,考点四 如何区分the same.as和the same.th

3、at? “the same.as”表示同一类人或物, 如: Miss Brown also bought the same books as I did.“the same.that”指同一个人或物, 例如: He is the same person that you referred to.(同一个人),考点五 在什么情况下一般用who 不用that? 先行词是人称代词时, 一般用who不用that. He, who just heard the news of his fathers death, burst into tears.,考点六 way后面的定语从句 way后面的定语从句的引

4、导词有in which, that或不填. I recognized hes from Australia from the way in which (that/不填)he speaks.,同位语从句和定语从句的区别 同位语从句是对其前面的词所表示的具体内容做进一步的解释或说明, 定语从句则对其前面的词起到限定或修饰的作用;that用来引导同位语从句时不充当句子成分, 用于引导定语从句则充当句子成分;,用when, where, why引导同位语从句时, 其前面的词不是相应的时间、地点、原因, 而定语从句则必须是相应的时间、地点、原因. The suggestion that he come

5、 right now is reasonable.(that引导同位语从句),The suggestion that you put forward is reasonable.(that引导定语从句) The news that you told me is true.(that引导定语从句) The news that our team won the game is true.(that引导同位语从句),限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的区别 限制性定语从句对前面的先行词起到限制的作用, 说话者强调的是定语从句的内容, 如果去掉从句, 原句意思就不完整;非限制性定语从句对前面的先行词只起

6、到补充说明的作用,说话者强调的是主句的内容, 去掉从句不影响说话者原来的意思;非限制性定语从句一般用逗号和主句隔开, 限制性定语从句没有逗号和主句隔 开;限制性定语从句的先行词不能是一个句子, 非限制性定语从句的先行词可以是整个句子;,as引导的非限制性定语从句可放在句首, 也可放在主句之后, which引导的非限制性定语从句只能放在主句之后 (1)He is the only child in the family, who is always active in politics. (2)He is the only child that doesnt lose heart easily.

7、,(3)He will end up in prison, as everybody expects. As everybody expects, he will end up in prison. (4)He always comes late, which makes his teacher angry.,.单句填空 用适当的关系代词或关系副词填空. 1(2011高考江苏卷改编)Between the two parts of the concert is an interval, _ the audience can buy ice-cream.,when,解析: 考查非限制性定语从句.

8、 句意: 在两音乐会之间的休息时间, 观众可以去买冰淇林, 且该句是非限制性定语从句,作时间状语,故用when引导,2( 2011高考上海卷改编)Youll find taxis waiting at the bus station _ you can hire to reach your host family. 解析: 考查定语从句的关系词, 先行词为taxis, 在从句中作hire的宾语, 所以用which或that.,which/that,3(2011高考课标全国卷改编)The prize will go to the writer _ story shows the most ima

9、gination. 解析: the writer 是story的定语, 所以用whose.,whose,4(2011高考湖南卷改编)Julie was good at German, French and Russian, all of _ she spoke fluently. 解析: 句意: Julie擅长德语, 法语和俄语, 这三种语言她都说得很流利. 此处应用which引导的非限制性定语从句, which代替前边三种语言.,which,5(2011高考北京卷改编)Mary was much kinder to Jack than she was to the others, _, of

10、 course, made all the others upset. 解析: 这里是非限制性定语从句, 关系代词指代整个主句. 所以用which引导,which,6(2011高考大纲全国卷改编)Ted came for the weekend wearing only some shorts and a T-shirt, _ is a stupid thing to do in such weather. 解析: 本题考查非限制性定语从句, 从句缺主语, 指物, 因此用which来引导.,which,7(2011高考浙江卷改编)English is a language shared by

11、several diverse cultures, each of _ uses it somewhat differently. 解析: 考查非限制性定语从句, 指代several diverse cultures, 故用which.,which,8(2011高考安徽卷改编)Whatever is left over may be put into the refrigerator, _ it will keep for two or three weeks. 解析: 句意: 不论剩下的食物是什么都放冰箱里面, 在冰箱里食物可以保鲜两到三星期. 故用where引导定语从 句, 相当于in w

12、hich.,where,9(2011高考广东卷改编)Behind him were other people to _ he was trying to talk, but after some minutes he walked away and sat near me, looking annoyed.,whom,解析: 句意: 在他后面是那些他想跟他们谈话的人, 但没几分钟他就走开了, 靠近我坐了下来, 他看起来很气恼. 本句中people是先行词, 在从句中作to的宾语, to又提前了, 所以本空填whom.,10Jane paused in front of a counter _

13、some attractive ties were on display. 解析: 句意: Jane到了一个出售一些吸引人的柜台前停了下来. a counter是先行词, 在从句中作地点状语.,where,11(2010高考广东卷)He filled his leather container so that he could bring some back to an elder _ had been his teacher . 解析: 先行词an elder在从句中作主 语, 指人, 所以用who或that.,who/that,12The head of the village was t

14、ying up his horse to my car to pull it to a small town some 20 kilometers away _ there was a garage. 解析: 句意: 村长正在把我的马绑到他的马上, 用马把车拉到离那里20公里的一个有修车厂的小镇上去. a small town 是先行词, 在从句中作地点状语,where,.语篇填空 Jim, 1._ father is a biologist, is crazy about animals.The only subject 2. _ seems interesting to him is bi

15、ology.He spends every penny 3._ he can save to buy books on biology, 4._ is often laughed at by his classmates.,whose,that,that,which,One day, 5._ he stepped in the bookstore 6._ sells all kinds of books about animals, he was as excited as a child who found something 7._ he had been longing for.He w

16、as lost in the books 8._ a corner of the store and,when,which/that,that,in,forgot about the time and he was locked inside when the store was closed! Whenever this experience was talked about again, he would say that was the very thing 9._ he had hopedhe was glad 10._ (remain) there and read the whole night for free.,that,to have remained,本部分内容讲解结束,按ESC键退出全屏播放,


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