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1、Learning Goals,Listening: choosing the right pictures while listening Function: talking about obligation, permission and prohibition Task: Write some rules for travellers arriving in your town,Pre-listening Vocabulary,Professional cuisine cabin compulsory traditional forbid non-smoking require go on

2、 shore take photos of,adj.专业的;职业的,u 烹调(法),c小木屋;(船的)船舱;(飞机的)客舱,adj.强制性的;义务性的,adj.传统的,vt.禁止 forbidden adj.禁止的 doing/sb to do,adj.禁烟的 smoking lounge 吸烟室,vt.要求 be ed to do,上岸,给拍照,They have p_ English-speaking directors who can guide your travel. Spring festival is a t_ Chinese festival. Youre r_ to rece

3、ive nine-year c_ education. Swimming from the boat is _(禁止的) The passengers arent allowed to _(拍照)the dam.,rofessional,raditional,equired,ompulsory,forbidden,take photos of,Good!,Listening,Listen for the first time, and do Activity 1 and 2.,Listen for the second time, part by part. Listen for detail

4、ed information. Fill in the following blanks.,Whats the man/woman doing? Can you guess What will the conversation be about?,Part 1: The boats are big mordern boats with professional English-speaking directors( ) You cant choose your food.( ) Part 2: The captain _ passengers use his cabin for the wel

5、come party. You _ attend the lectures because they are not compulsory.,T,F,lets,dont have to,part 3: You _ do Tai Chi and kite flying, and you can learn English. Swimming from the boat is _. Part4: You are not _ smoke anywhere except in your cabin or the smoking lounge. Part5: The passengers are _ t

6、ake their passports with them. We are _ take photos of the dam.,can,forbidden,allowed to,required to,allowed to,FUCTION,obligation ,permission and prohibition,Speaking-Look at more signs.,You are allowed to cross the street.,You are required to obey the traffic rules.,Cars are not allowed to pass.,C

7、hildren are required to cross the street with their parents.,civilized tourists 文明旅客,Throw litter white plastic bags,cause pollution,climb onto the antiques(文物) destroy,Make noisesdisturb others,Work in groups-Discussion and Write rules for the your travellers arriving in your town .,Environmental p

8、ollution is getting serious here. Some activities are dangerous. In order to keep you safety and protect the environment, please follow the rules below.,Notice to Visitors,1.Passengers cant hurt the animals, birds, useful insects or pick flowers.,2.Travellers mustnt swim from the boat.,3.Foreigners

9、have to take their passports with them.,4.You should keep the water clean.,5.You shouldnt throw away the litter everywhere. You must throw it into trash can.,6.You dont have to go with the guides but its safer. Thank you for your cooperation.,Step 6 Task Writing,抱犊崮景区出台对游人的新规定: 1. 禁止乱扔垃圾,应当扔进垃圾筒。不准随地吐痰。2. 不得攀爬古树,要保护历史文物。3.不得射杀鸟兽动物。4.在规定场所不得大声喧哗。5. 外国友人须带护照和其他证件。,HOMEWORK,1. Review the vocabulary learned in this lesson.,2. Write the rules for travellers in your exercise book. 3.Preview the next part.,Byebye,“Fortune never helps the man whose courage fails.” (运气永远不会帮助没有勇气人。),


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